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Problematic internet usage and healthy lifestyle behaviors in university students

Year 2019, , 41 - 48, 29.12.2019


Purpose: This study has been done with the purpose of determining the problematic internet usage and healthy lifestyle behaviors in university students.1723 students of Firat University were included in the study. 

Materials and Methods: The students were chosen according to the stratified sampling method in view of their departments, grades and genders. A questionnaire form including socio-demographic features and scales of problematic internet usage and healthy life style behaviors was applied to the students. 

Results: The average age of students is 21.5±2.2. 38.2% of the students are women and 67.3% students are men. 50.9% of the students connect to internet at least 6 days in a week and 21.4% of them connect to the internet around 2 hours in a day. The main purposes of the internet usage are checking his/her email address (87.8%), reading newspapers and journals (63.4%), and playing online games (28.4%). Mostly seen problems connected with the long term internet use are burning in the eyes, pain in the trapezius muscles and sleepness. A significant negative correlation has been found between healthy lifestyle behaviors and problematic internet scale points. 

Conclusion: It has been seen that the problematic internet use in students affect the healthy lifestyle behaviors negatively. Measures that will derease the problematic internet usage and improve the healthy lifestyle behaviors should be taken. 


  • 1- Kamran H, Afreen A, Ahmed Z. Effect of Internet Addıctıon on Dietary Behavior and Lifestyle Characteristics among University Student. Ann King Edward Med Uni. 2018;24:1-9.
  • 2- Shahnaz I, Karim R. The Impact of Internet Addiction on Life Satisfaction and Life Engagement in Young Adults. Universal Journal of Psychology.2014;2(9):273-84.
  • 3- Bozkurt H, Şahin S, Zoroğlu S. İnternet Bağımlılığı: Güncel Bir Gözden Geçirme. J ContempMed 2016;6(3):235-24.
  • 4- Widyanto L, Griffiths M. Internet addiction: A criticalReview. Int J Ment Health Addict 2006;4:31-51.
  • 5- Kandell JJ.. Internet addiction on campus: The vulnerability of college students. Cyberpsychol and Behav 1998;1:11-7.
  • 6- Ceyhan E, Ceyhan A. A, Gürcan A. The Validity and Reliability of the Problematic Internet Usage Scale. Educational Sciences: Theory&Practice 2007;7(1): 411-16.
  • 7- Young, K. Internet Addiction: The Emergence Of A New Clinical Disorder. Cyberpsychol and Behav 1996;1(3):237-244.
  • 8- Morahan-Martin J, Schumacher P. Incidence and correlates of pathological Internet use among college students. Comput Hum Behav 2000;16:13–29.
  • 9- Whang LS, Lee S, ChangG. Internet over-users’psychological profiles: a behavior sampling analysis on internet addiction. Cyberpsychol and Behav 2003;6:143-150.
  • 10- Nalwa K, Anand AP. Internet addiction in students: a cause of concern. Cyberpsychol and Behav 2003;6: 653–56.
  • 11- Güngör İ, Hotun ŞN. Sağlığın geliştirilmesinde kullanılan temel davranış değiştirme kuram ve modelleri. Hemşirelik Forumu Dergisi. 2006;2:6-13.
  • 12- Ko CH, Yen JY, Chen CC, Chen SH, Wu K, Yen CF. Tridimensional personality of adolescents with Internet addiction and substance use experience. Can. J. Psychiatry 2006;51:887-94.
  • 13- Lin SSJ, Tsai CC. Sensation seeking and Internet dependence of Taiwanese high school adolescents. Comput Hum Behav 2002;18: 411-26.
  • 14- Kim J H, Lau CH, Cheuk KK, Kan P, Hui HLC, Griffiths S M.Brief Report: Predictors of Heavy Internet Use and Associations with Health-Promoting and Health Risk Behaviors among Hong Kong University Students. J Adolesc 2010;33:215-20.
  • 15- Demirci A, Doğan R, Matrak YC, Kuruoğlu E, Mevsim V. TheEffect of Problematic Internet Use on the Sleep Quality of Medical Students. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine&Primary Care. 2015;9(4):143-9.
  • 16- Can G, Özdilli K, Erol Ö, Unsar S, Tulek Z, Savaşer, S et al.Comparison of the health-promoting life styles of nursing and non-nursing students in Istanbul, Turkey. Nurs Health Sci 2008; 10:273-80.
  • 17- Esin,N. Endüstriyel Alanda Çalışan İşçilerin Sağlık Davranışlarının Saptanması ve Geliştirilmesi (Uzmanlık Tezi). İstanbul, 1997.
  • 18- Ayhan B, Balcı Ş. Kırgızistan’da Üniversite Gençliği ve İnternet: Bir Kullanımlar ve Doyumlar Araştırması .BİLİG 2009;(48):13-40.
  • 19- Yang SC, Tung CJ. Comparison of internet addicts and non-addicts in Taiwanese high school. Comput Hum Behav 2007;23:79–96.
  • 20- Özmutaf M N, Özgü Z, Gökmen F. Üniversite öğrencilerinin bilgisayar kullanımına birey sağlığı kapsamında genel bakış açıları. Ege Journal of Medicine. 2008;47(2):81–6.
  • 21- Sommerich CM,Ward R, Sikdar K. A Survey of High School Students with Ubiquito us Access to Tablet PCs. Ergonomics. 2007;50(5):706-27.
  • 22- Fatehi F, Monajemi A, Sadeghi A, Mojtahedzadeh R, Mirzazadeh A. Quality of Life in Medical Students With Internet Addiction. Acta Med Iran 2016; 54(10): 662-6.
  • 23- Leung L. Net-generation attributes and seductive properties of the internet as predictors of online activities and internet addiction. Cyberpsychol and Behav 2004;7(3):333-48.
  • 24- Chak K, Leung L. Shyness and locus of control as predictors of internet addictionand internet use. Cyberpsychol and Behav 2004;7(5):559-70.
  • 25- Li SM, Chung TM. Internet functionand Internet addictive behavior. Comput Hum Behav 2006; 22 (6): 1067-71.
  • 26- Arıkan İ, Tekin ÖF. Tıp Öğrencilerinde Riskli İnternet Kullanıcılığı ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Biçimi Davranışlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi.2017;19(3):173-80.
  • 27- Kim JS, Chun BC. Association of Internet addiction with health promotion life style profile and perceived health status in adolescents. J Prev Med Public Health 2005;38(1):53-60.
  • 28- Tsai HF, Cheng SH, Yeh TL, Shih C, Chen KC, Yang YC et all. The Risk Factors of Internet Addiction – a survey of university fresh men. Psychiatry research.2009;167(3):294-9.
  • 29- Yeonsoo K, Jin YP, Sung BK, In-Kyung J, Yun SL, Jung-Hyun K. The effects of Internet addiction on the life style and dietary behavior of Korean Adolescents. Nutr Res Pract 2010;4(1):51-7.
  • 30- Yellowlees PM, Marks S. Problematic internet useor internet addiction. Comput Hum Behav 2007; 23:1447-53.
  • 31- Kraut R, Patterson M, Lundmark V, Kiesler S, Mukhopadhyay T, Scherlis W. (1998). Internet paradox: A social technology tha treduces social involvement and psychological well-being? . American Psychologist. 1998;53(9): 1017–31.
  • 32- Lam LT, Peng ZW, Mai JC, Jing J. Factors associated with Internet addiction among adolescents. Cyberpsychol Behav 2009;12(5):551-5.

Üniversite öğrencilerinde problemli internet kullanımı ve sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları

Year 2019, , 41 - 48, 29.12.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışma, üniversite öğrencilerinde problemli internet kullanımı ve sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarını belirlemek amacı ile yapılmıştır. 

Gereç ve Yöntem: Fırat Üniversitesi’nde okuyan 1723 öğrenci araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Öğrenciler bölüm, sınıf ve cinsiyetlerine göre tabakalı örnekleme yöntemine göre seçilmişlerdir. Öğrencilere sosyo-demografik özellikler ile, problemli internet kullanımı ve sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ölçeğini içeren anket formu uygulanmıştır. 

Bulgular: Öğrencilerin yaş ortalaması 21.5±2.2’dir. %38.2’si kadın, %67.3’ü erkektir. Öğrencilerin %50.9’u haftada en az 6 gün internete bağlanmakta, %21.4’ü günde ortalama 2 saat internet bağlanmaktadır. İnternetin en fazla kullanım amaçları; e-posta adresine bakmak (%87.8), gazete dergi okumak (%63.4), online oyun oynamaktır (%28.4). Uzun süreli internet kullanımına bağlı en fazla görülen problemler ise, gözlerde yanma, boyun kaslarında ağrı ve uykusuzluktur. Sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları ile problemli internet kullanımı ölçeği puanları arasında negatif yönde anlamlı düzeyde korelasyon bulunmuştur. 

Sonuç: Öğrencilerde problemli internet kullanımının, sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarını olumsuz etkilediği görülmüştür. Problemli internet kullanımını azaltacak, sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışlarını geliştirecek tedbirler alınmalıdır. 


  • 1- Kamran H, Afreen A, Ahmed Z. Effect of Internet Addıctıon on Dietary Behavior and Lifestyle Characteristics among University Student. Ann King Edward Med Uni. 2018;24:1-9.
  • 2- Shahnaz I, Karim R. The Impact of Internet Addiction on Life Satisfaction and Life Engagement in Young Adults. Universal Journal of Psychology.2014;2(9):273-84.
  • 3- Bozkurt H, Şahin S, Zoroğlu S. İnternet Bağımlılığı: Güncel Bir Gözden Geçirme. J ContempMed 2016;6(3):235-24.
  • 4- Widyanto L, Griffiths M. Internet addiction: A criticalReview. Int J Ment Health Addict 2006;4:31-51.
  • 5- Kandell JJ.. Internet addiction on campus: The vulnerability of college students. Cyberpsychol and Behav 1998;1:11-7.
  • 6- Ceyhan E, Ceyhan A. A, Gürcan A. The Validity and Reliability of the Problematic Internet Usage Scale. Educational Sciences: Theory&Practice 2007;7(1): 411-16.
  • 7- Young, K. Internet Addiction: The Emergence Of A New Clinical Disorder. Cyberpsychol and Behav 1996;1(3):237-244.
  • 8- Morahan-Martin J, Schumacher P. Incidence and correlates of pathological Internet use among college students. Comput Hum Behav 2000;16:13–29.
  • 9- Whang LS, Lee S, ChangG. Internet over-users’psychological profiles: a behavior sampling analysis on internet addiction. Cyberpsychol and Behav 2003;6:143-150.
  • 10- Nalwa K, Anand AP. Internet addiction in students: a cause of concern. Cyberpsychol and Behav 2003;6: 653–56.
  • 11- Güngör İ, Hotun ŞN. Sağlığın geliştirilmesinde kullanılan temel davranış değiştirme kuram ve modelleri. Hemşirelik Forumu Dergisi. 2006;2:6-13.
  • 12- Ko CH, Yen JY, Chen CC, Chen SH, Wu K, Yen CF. Tridimensional personality of adolescents with Internet addiction and substance use experience. Can. J. Psychiatry 2006;51:887-94.
  • 13- Lin SSJ, Tsai CC. Sensation seeking and Internet dependence of Taiwanese high school adolescents. Comput Hum Behav 2002;18: 411-26.
  • 14- Kim J H, Lau CH, Cheuk KK, Kan P, Hui HLC, Griffiths S M.Brief Report: Predictors of Heavy Internet Use and Associations with Health-Promoting and Health Risk Behaviors among Hong Kong University Students. J Adolesc 2010;33:215-20.
  • 15- Demirci A, Doğan R, Matrak YC, Kuruoğlu E, Mevsim V. TheEffect of Problematic Internet Use on the Sleep Quality of Medical Students. Turkish Journal of Family Medicine&Primary Care. 2015;9(4):143-9.
  • 16- Can G, Özdilli K, Erol Ö, Unsar S, Tulek Z, Savaşer, S et al.Comparison of the health-promoting life styles of nursing and non-nursing students in Istanbul, Turkey. Nurs Health Sci 2008; 10:273-80.
  • 17- Esin,N. Endüstriyel Alanda Çalışan İşçilerin Sağlık Davranışlarının Saptanması ve Geliştirilmesi (Uzmanlık Tezi). İstanbul, 1997.
  • 18- Ayhan B, Balcı Ş. Kırgızistan’da Üniversite Gençliği ve İnternet: Bir Kullanımlar ve Doyumlar Araştırması .BİLİG 2009;(48):13-40.
  • 19- Yang SC, Tung CJ. Comparison of internet addicts and non-addicts in Taiwanese high school. Comput Hum Behav 2007;23:79–96.
  • 20- Özmutaf M N, Özgü Z, Gökmen F. Üniversite öğrencilerinin bilgisayar kullanımına birey sağlığı kapsamında genel bakış açıları. Ege Journal of Medicine. 2008;47(2):81–6.
  • 21- Sommerich CM,Ward R, Sikdar K. A Survey of High School Students with Ubiquito us Access to Tablet PCs. Ergonomics. 2007;50(5):706-27.
  • 22- Fatehi F, Monajemi A, Sadeghi A, Mojtahedzadeh R, Mirzazadeh A. Quality of Life in Medical Students With Internet Addiction. Acta Med Iran 2016; 54(10): 662-6.
  • 23- Leung L. Net-generation attributes and seductive properties of the internet as predictors of online activities and internet addiction. Cyberpsychol and Behav 2004;7(3):333-48.
  • 24- Chak K, Leung L. Shyness and locus of control as predictors of internet addictionand internet use. Cyberpsychol and Behav 2004;7(5):559-70.
  • 25- Li SM, Chung TM. Internet functionand Internet addictive behavior. Comput Hum Behav 2006; 22 (6): 1067-71.
  • 26- Arıkan İ, Tekin ÖF. Tıp Öğrencilerinde Riskli İnternet Kullanıcılığı ve Sağlıklı Yaşam Biçimi Davranışlarının Değerlendirilmesi. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi.2017;19(3):173-80.
  • 27- Kim JS, Chun BC. Association of Internet addiction with health promotion life style profile and perceived health status in adolescents. J Prev Med Public Health 2005;38(1):53-60.
  • 28- Tsai HF, Cheng SH, Yeh TL, Shih C, Chen KC, Yang YC et all. The Risk Factors of Internet Addiction – a survey of university fresh men. Psychiatry research.2009;167(3):294-9.
  • 29- Yeonsoo K, Jin YP, Sung BK, In-Kyung J, Yun SL, Jung-Hyun K. The effects of Internet addiction on the life style and dietary behavior of Korean Adolescents. Nutr Res Pract 2010;4(1):51-7.
  • 30- Yellowlees PM, Marks S. Problematic internet useor internet addiction. Comput Hum Behav 2007; 23:1447-53.
  • 31- Kraut R, Patterson M, Lundmark V, Kiesler S, Mukhopadhyay T, Scherlis W. (1998). Internet paradox: A social technology tha treduces social involvement and psychological well-being? . American Psychologist. 1998;53(9): 1017–31.
  • 32- Lam LT, Peng ZW, Mai JC, Jing J. Factors associated with Internet addiction among adolescents. Cyberpsychol Behav 2009;12(5):551-5.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research

Feyza Nazik 0000-0003-3865-6868

Gülsen Güneş

Publication Date December 29, 2019
Acceptance Date May 27, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


MLA Nazik, Feyza and Gülsen Güneş. “Üniversite öğrencilerinde Problemli Internet kullanımı Ve sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 44, 2019, pp. 41-48, doi:10.17826/cumj.533376.

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