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Cerebral Palsy in Pakistani Children: A Hospital Based Survey

Year 2014, , 0 - , 22.07.2014


Purpose: The prevalence of cerebral palsy is high in Pakistan, however, it needs to be further explored. This study aimed at assessing clinical presentations and etiological factors among children with cerebral palsy in a Pakistani hospital. Materials and Methods:It was a descriptive case series recruiting 102 children who presented to cerebral palsy rehabilitation clinic of Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Rawalpindi fulfilling the criteria adopted by Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe. Results:Of 102 children, 46 (45.1%) were male and 56 (54.9%) were female with a mean age of 5.6 ± 2.25 years. Spastic cerebral palsy was the commonest presentation (90.2%) mainly presenting as diplegia (33.3%) and quadriplegia (32.4%) followed by atonic, ataxic/mixed and athetoid CP accounting for 3.9%, 3.9%, and 2.0% respectively. Birth asphyxia was the most encountered etiologic factor (32.4%) followed by prematurity (26.5%), kernicterus (12.7%) and meningoencephalitis (10.8%). Spastic quadriplegic and diplegic CP were primarily related to birth asphyxia, hemiplegic, ataxic and mixed CP to prematurity and atonic and athetoid CP to kernicterus. Conclusion:Spastic quadriplegia or spastic diplegia are the commonest presentations in Pakistani children diagnosed with CP. The frequent etiological factors in CP development are birth asphyxia, prematurity, meningoencephalitis and kernicterus.


  • Niemann G, Michaelis R. Cerebral palsy (II)--clinical symptoms and etiopathogenesis. (article in German with an abstract in English) KlinPediatr. 1996;208:280-4.
  • Hagberg B, Hagberg G, Olow I, von Wendt L. The changing panorama of cerebral palsy in Sweden. VII. Prevalence and origin in the birth year period 1987 ActaPaediatr 1996;85:954-60.
  • Platt MJ, Cans C, Johnson A, Surman G, Topp M, Torrioli MG, Krageloh-Mann I. Trends in cerebral palsy among infants of very low birth weight (<1500 g) or born prematurely (<32 weeks) in 16 European centres: a database study. Lancet 2007;369:43-50.
  • Singhi PD, Ray M, Suri G. Clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy in north India--an analysis of 1000 cases. J Trop Pediatr 2002;48:162-6. Tosun A, Gökben S, Serdaroğlu G, Polat M, Tekgül
  • H. Changing views of cerebral palsy over 35 years: the experience of a center. Turk J Pediatr. 2013;55:8
  • Nazir B, Butt MA, Ayesha H, Shamoon M, Sheikh S, Bhatti MT. Relationship of type of cerebral palsy with the etiology. Professional Med J. 2006;13:133-7.
  • Surveillance of cerebral palsy in Europe: a collaboration of cerebral palsy surveys and registers. Surveillance of cerebral palsy in Europe (SCPE). Dev Med Child Neurol. 2000;42:816-24.
  • Carlo WA. Prematurity and intrauterine growth restriction. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme JW, Schor NF, Behrman RE (editors). Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 19th ed. Philadelphia, PA, USA: Saunders; 2011;555-63.
  • Little WJ. On the influence of abnormal parturition, difficult labours, premature birth, and asphyxia neonatorum, on the mental and physical condition of the child, especially in relation to deformities. ClinOrthopRelat Res 1966;46: 7-22.
  • Nafi OA. Clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy in south Jordan; Analysis of 122 cases. J Med J. 2012;46:210-5.
  • Anwar S, Chowdhury J, Khatun M, Mollah AH, Begum HA, Rahman Z, Nahar N. Clinical profile and predisposing factors of cerebral palsy. Mymensingh Med J. 2006;15:142-5.
  • Himmelmann K, Hagberg G, Beckung E, Hagberg B, Uvebrant P. The changing panorama of cerebral palsy in Sweden. IX.Prevalence and origin in the birth-year period 1995-1998. ActaPaediatr. 2005;94:287-94.
  • Wichers MJ, Odding E, Stam HJ, van Nieuwenhuizen O. Clinical presentation, associated disorders and aetiological moments in cerebral palsy: a Dutch population-based study. DisabilRehabil. 2005;27:583-9.
  • Winter S, Autry A, Boyle C, Yeargin-Allsopp M. Trends in the prevalence of cerebral palsy in a population-based study. Pediatrics. 2002;110:1220-5. elRifai MR, Ramia S, Moore V. Cerebral palsy in
  • Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: I. Aetiological factors. Ann Trop Paediatr. 1984;4:7-12.
  • Singhi P, Saini AG. Changes in the clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy over two decades in north India--An Analysis of 1212 Cases. J Trop Pediatr. 2013;59:434 YazışmaAdresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr.Saeed Bin Ayaz Combined Military Hospital Okara, PAKİSTAN E-mail: G eliş tarihi/Received on :08.03.2014 Kabul tarihi/Accepted on: 21.04.2014

Pakistanlı Çocuklarda Serebral Palsi: Hastane Tabanlı İnceleme

Year 2014, , 0 - , 22.07.2014


Amaç: Pakistan"da serebralpalsi frekansı yüksektir ancak bu durumun daha fazla araştırılması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı Pakistan"da hastanede serebralpalsili çocuklar arasında klinik sunumların ve etyolojik faktörlerin değerlendirilmesidir. Materyal ve Metod: Bu çalışmaya dahil edilen 102 çocuk, Avrupa"daki Surveillance of CerebralPalsyde gözetim altında bulunan çocuklarla aynı kriterlere sahiptir ve Rawalpindi"de Silahlı kuvvetler rehabilitasyon merkezi enstitüsünde bulunmaktadır. Bulgular: 102 çocuktan 46"sı (%45.1) erkek, 56"sı (%54.9) kızdır, çocukların ortalama yaşları 5.6 ± 2.25" tir. En sık spastik serebralpalsi (%90.2) görülmektedir, bu da dipleji (%33.3), kuadriplejiyi (%32.4) takip eden 3.9% atonik, % 3.9 ataksik/karışık ve %2 atedoit CP olarak görülmektedir. Doğum asfiksisi en sık karşılaşılan etyolojik faktördür (%32.4) bunu prematürite (%26.5), kernikterus (%12.7) ve meningoensefalit (%10.8) takip etmektedir. Spastik kuadriplejik ve diplejik CP, ana olarak doğum asfiksisi, hemiplejik, ataksik ve karışık CP prematurite, atonik ve atedoit CP ise kernikterus ile ilişkilidir. Sonuç: Spastik kuadripleji veya spastik dipleji ,CP teşhisi konulan Pakistanlı çocuklarda en sık karşılaşılan durumlardır. CP gelişiminde en sık karşılaşılan etyolojik faktörler doğum asfeksisi, prematürite, meningoensefalit ve kernikterustur.


  • Niemann G, Michaelis R. Cerebral palsy (II)--clinical symptoms and etiopathogenesis. (article in German with an abstract in English) KlinPediatr. 1996;208:280-4.
  • Hagberg B, Hagberg G, Olow I, von Wendt L. The changing panorama of cerebral palsy in Sweden. VII. Prevalence and origin in the birth year period 1987 ActaPaediatr 1996;85:954-60.
  • Platt MJ, Cans C, Johnson A, Surman G, Topp M, Torrioli MG, Krageloh-Mann I. Trends in cerebral palsy among infants of very low birth weight (<1500 g) or born prematurely (<32 weeks) in 16 European centres: a database study. Lancet 2007;369:43-50.
  • Singhi PD, Ray M, Suri G. Clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy in north India--an analysis of 1000 cases. J Trop Pediatr 2002;48:162-6. Tosun A, Gökben S, Serdaroğlu G, Polat M, Tekgül
  • H. Changing views of cerebral palsy over 35 years: the experience of a center. Turk J Pediatr. 2013;55:8
  • Nazir B, Butt MA, Ayesha H, Shamoon M, Sheikh S, Bhatti MT. Relationship of type of cerebral palsy with the etiology. Professional Med J. 2006;13:133-7.
  • Surveillance of cerebral palsy in Europe: a collaboration of cerebral palsy surveys and registers. Surveillance of cerebral palsy in Europe (SCPE). Dev Med Child Neurol. 2000;42:816-24.
  • Carlo WA. Prematurity and intrauterine growth restriction. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme JW, Schor NF, Behrman RE (editors). Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 19th ed. Philadelphia, PA, USA: Saunders; 2011;555-63.
  • Little WJ. On the influence of abnormal parturition, difficult labours, premature birth, and asphyxia neonatorum, on the mental and physical condition of the child, especially in relation to deformities. ClinOrthopRelat Res 1966;46: 7-22.
  • Nafi OA. Clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy in south Jordan; Analysis of 122 cases. J Med J. 2012;46:210-5.
  • Anwar S, Chowdhury J, Khatun M, Mollah AH, Begum HA, Rahman Z, Nahar N. Clinical profile and predisposing factors of cerebral palsy. Mymensingh Med J. 2006;15:142-5.
  • Himmelmann K, Hagberg G, Beckung E, Hagberg B, Uvebrant P. The changing panorama of cerebral palsy in Sweden. IX.Prevalence and origin in the birth-year period 1995-1998. ActaPaediatr. 2005;94:287-94.
  • Wichers MJ, Odding E, Stam HJ, van Nieuwenhuizen O. Clinical presentation, associated disorders and aetiological moments in cerebral palsy: a Dutch population-based study. DisabilRehabil. 2005;27:583-9.
  • Winter S, Autry A, Boyle C, Yeargin-Allsopp M. Trends in the prevalence of cerebral palsy in a population-based study. Pediatrics. 2002;110:1220-5. elRifai MR, Ramia S, Moore V. Cerebral palsy in
  • Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: I. Aetiological factors. Ann Trop Paediatr. 1984;4:7-12.
  • Singhi P, Saini AG. Changes in the clinical spectrum of cerebral palsy over two decades in north India--An Analysis of 1212 Cases. J Trop Pediatr. 2013;59:434 YazışmaAdresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr.Saeed Bin Ayaz Combined Military Hospital Okara, PAKİSTAN E-mail: G eliş tarihi/Received on :08.03.2014 Kabul tarihi/Accepted on: 21.04.2014
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Atif Ahmed Khan This is me

Khalil Ahmad This is me

Saeed Bin Ayaz This is me

Aisha Ayyub This is me

Uzma Akhlaq This is me

Publication Date July 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


MLA Khan, Atif Ahmed et al. “Pakistanlı Çocuklarda Serebral Palsi: Hastane Tabanlı İnceleme”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 4, 2014, doi:10.17826/cutf.44056.