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An Efficient Method of Extracting PCR Amplifiable DNA from Human Skeletal Fragments and Teeth Specimens.

Year 2014, , 0 - , 22.07.2014


Purpose:Extraction and successful PCR amplification of DNA from humanremains in historical and forensic cases have great importance. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the efficiency of a method of DNA extraction and PCR amplification of embalmed dried human cadaveric skeletal fragments and teeth specimens from Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria. Materials and Methods: The efficiency of a method of DNA extraction and PCR amplification was tested on thirteen (13) embalmed dried human cadaveric skeletal fragments and nine (9) teeth specimens from Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria were used in the study. Results: Of the 13 embalmed dried human cadaveric skeletal fragments, 12 (92.3%) samples amplified with apparent bands. For the 9 embalmed dried human teeth specimens, 7 (78%) samples amplified with apparent bands. Conclusion: The study has shown that our method of DNA extraction and PCR amplification was efficient on embalmed dried human cadaveric skeletal fragments and teeth specimens, from Sokoto, Northwestern Nigeria.


  • Hagelberg E, Sykes B Hedges R. Ancient Bone DNA Amplified. Nature.1989;342:485.
  • Tuross N. The Biochemistry of Ancient DNA in Bone. Experientia.1994;50:530–5.
  • Pääbo S. PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications.Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA, 19 Scholz M, Giddings I, Pusch CM. A polymerase Chain Reaction Inhibitor of Ancient Hard and Soft Tissue DNA Extracts is Determined as Human Collagen Type I. Anal. Biochem.1998;259:283–6.
  • Hänni C, Brousseau T, Laudet V, Stehelin,D. Isopropanol precipitate Removes PCR Inhibitors from Ancient Bone Extracts. Nucleic Acids Res. 1995;23:881–2.
  • Meijer H, Perizonius WK, Geraedts JPM. Recovery and identification of DNA sequences harboured in preserved ancient human bone. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1993;183:367-74.
  • Hänni C, Begue A, Laudet V, Stehelin D. Molecular Typing of Neolithic Human Bones. J. Archaeological Sci. 1995;22:649–58.
  • Cattaneo C, Smillie DM, Gelsthorpe K, Piccinene A, Gelsthorpe AR, Sokol RJ. A simple method for extracting DNA from old skeletal material. Forensic Sci Int. 1995;74:167-74.
  • Blake E, Mihalovich J, Higuchi R, Walsh PS, Erlich H. J.Forensic Sci. 1992;37:700–26.
  • Kurosaki K, Matsushita T, Ueda S. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 1993;53:638–43.
  • Faerman M, Filon D, Kahila G, Greenblatt CL, Smith P, Oppenheim A. Sex identification of archaeological human remains based on amplification of the X and Y amelogenin alleles. Gene. 1995;167:327-32.
  • Schnech-Griese J, Linder S. DNA-extraction for PCR: phenol/chloroform vs. chelex – a comparative study. In Bär W, Fiori A and Rossi U, (eds), Advances in Forensic Haemogenetic: 16715,Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1991.
  • Cattaneo C, Craig OE, James NT, Sokol RJ. Comparison of three DNA extraction methods on bone and blood stains up to 43 years old and amplification of three different gene sequences. J Forensic Sci. 1997;42:1126-35.
  • Cooper A, Poinar HN. Ancient DNA: Do it right or not at all. Science. 2000;289:1139.
  • Department of Medical Molecular Genetics, Division of Human Genetics and Genome Research, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt, 2010.
  • Witt M, Erickson RP. A rapid method for detection of Y-chromosomal DNA from dried blood specimens by the polymerase chain reaction. Hum Genet. 1989;82:271-4.
  • ShahrulHisham ZA, Sahidan S, Rohaya MAW, SitiAteefah MY, IntanZarina ZA. Nor Hidayah J et al. Molecular gender determination of ancient human from Malay Peninsular. Am J. of Applied Sciences.2009;6:1770-5.
  • Iwamura ESM, Soares-Vieira JA, Munoz DR. Human identification and analysis of DNA in bones. Rev HospClinFac Med Sao Paulo.2004;59:383-8.
  • Ruitberg CM, Reeder DJ, Betler JM. STR Base: a short tandem repeat DNA database for the human identity testing community. Nucl Ac Res. 2000;29:320-2.
  • Puchtler H, Meloan SN. On the chemistry of formaldehyde fixation and its effects in immunohistochemical reactions.Histochemistry. 1985;82:201-4.
  • Pearse AGE. Histochemistry: Theoritical and Applied, Vol. 1. 4 th edn, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1980.
  • Teo IA, Shaunak S. Polymerase chain reaction in situ: an appraisal of an emerging technique. Histochemical J.1995;27:647-59.
  • Jackson V. Deposition of newly synthesized histones hybrid nucleosomes are not tandem ly arranged on daughter strands. Biochem. 1988;27:2109-20.
  • Grafstrom RC, Fornace AJR, Harris CC. Repair of DNA damage caused by formaldehyde in human cells. Cancer Res. 1984;44:4323-7.
  • Moerkerk PT, Kesselas HJ, Ten-Kate J, De-Goeij AFPM, Bosman FT. Southern and dot blot analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples from colonic carcinomas. Virchous Arch. B CellPathol.1990;58:351-5.
  • YazışmaAdresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Abdullahi Daudu. Zagga, Department of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, P. M. B. 2346, Sokoto, Sokoto State, Nigeria.
  • E-mail: G eliş tarihi/Received on :06.01.2014
  • Kabul tarihi/Accepted on: 14.02.2014

Diş Örneklerinden ve İnsan İskelet Parçalarından DNA"nın PCR ile Çoğaltılmasında Etkili Bir Yöntem

Year 2014, , 0 - , 22.07.2014


Amaç:Tarihsel ve adl ivakalard ainsandan DNA"nın izolasyonu ve başarılı PCR amplifikasyonu büyük öneme sahiptir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; Kuzeybatı Nijerya, Sokoto"dan diş örnekleri ve mumyalanmış kurutulmuş insane kadavra iskelet parçalarının DNA ayıklanması ve PCR amplifikasyonu için etkili bir yöntemi göstermektir. Materyal ve Metod: Çalışmaya dahil edilen Kuzeybatı Nijerya, Sokoto"dan 9 diş örneğinin ve 13 mumyalanmış kurutulmuş insane kadavra iskelet parçalarının DNA izolasyonu ve PCR amplifikasyonu için etkil ibir metot ile test edildi. Bulgular: 13 mumyalanmış kurutulmuş insane kadavra iskelet parçalarının olduğu örneklerin 12"sinde bantlar çok iyi gözlendi. 9 diş örneğin 7"sinde ise yine bantlar barizdi. Sonuç: Bu çalışma, Kuzeybatı Nijerya,Sokoto"dan mumyalanmış kurutulmuş insane kadavra iskelet parçalarının ve diş örneklerinin DNA izolasyonuve PCR amplifikasyonu için kullandığımız yöntemin verimli olduğunu gösterdi.


  • Hagelberg E, Sykes B Hedges R. Ancient Bone DNA Amplified. Nature.1989;342:485.
  • Tuross N. The Biochemistry of Ancient DNA in Bone. Experientia.1994;50:530–5.
  • Pääbo S. PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications.Academic Press, Inc., San Diego, CA, 19 Scholz M, Giddings I, Pusch CM. A polymerase Chain Reaction Inhibitor of Ancient Hard and Soft Tissue DNA Extracts is Determined as Human Collagen Type I. Anal. Biochem.1998;259:283–6.
  • Hänni C, Brousseau T, Laudet V, Stehelin,D. Isopropanol precipitate Removes PCR Inhibitors from Ancient Bone Extracts. Nucleic Acids Res. 1995;23:881–2.
  • Meijer H, Perizonius WK, Geraedts JPM. Recovery and identification of DNA sequences harboured in preserved ancient human bone. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 1993;183:367-74.
  • Hänni C, Begue A, Laudet V, Stehelin D. Molecular Typing of Neolithic Human Bones. J. Archaeological Sci. 1995;22:649–58.
  • Cattaneo C, Smillie DM, Gelsthorpe K, Piccinene A, Gelsthorpe AR, Sokol RJ. A simple method for extracting DNA from old skeletal material. Forensic Sci Int. 1995;74:167-74.
  • Blake E, Mihalovich J, Higuchi R, Walsh PS, Erlich H. J.Forensic Sci. 1992;37:700–26.
  • Kurosaki K, Matsushita T, Ueda S. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 1993;53:638–43.
  • Faerman M, Filon D, Kahila G, Greenblatt CL, Smith P, Oppenheim A. Sex identification of archaeological human remains based on amplification of the X and Y amelogenin alleles. Gene. 1995;167:327-32.
  • Schnech-Griese J, Linder S. DNA-extraction for PCR: phenol/chloroform vs. chelex – a comparative study. In Bär W, Fiori A and Rossi U, (eds), Advances in Forensic Haemogenetic: 16715,Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1991.
  • Cattaneo C, Craig OE, James NT, Sokol RJ. Comparison of three DNA extraction methods on bone and blood stains up to 43 years old and amplification of three different gene sequences. J Forensic Sci. 1997;42:1126-35.
  • Cooper A, Poinar HN. Ancient DNA: Do it right or not at all. Science. 2000;289:1139.
  • Department of Medical Molecular Genetics, Division of Human Genetics and Genome Research, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt, 2010.
  • Witt M, Erickson RP. A rapid method for detection of Y-chromosomal DNA from dried blood specimens by the polymerase chain reaction. Hum Genet. 1989;82:271-4.
  • ShahrulHisham ZA, Sahidan S, Rohaya MAW, SitiAteefah MY, IntanZarina ZA. Nor Hidayah J et al. Molecular gender determination of ancient human from Malay Peninsular. Am J. of Applied Sciences.2009;6:1770-5.
  • Iwamura ESM, Soares-Vieira JA, Munoz DR. Human identification and analysis of DNA in bones. Rev HospClinFac Med Sao Paulo.2004;59:383-8.
  • Ruitberg CM, Reeder DJ, Betler JM. STR Base: a short tandem repeat DNA database for the human identity testing community. Nucl Ac Res. 2000;29:320-2.
  • Puchtler H, Meloan SN. On the chemistry of formaldehyde fixation and its effects in immunohistochemical reactions.Histochemistry. 1985;82:201-4.
  • Pearse AGE. Histochemistry: Theoritical and Applied, Vol. 1. 4 th edn, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1980.
  • Teo IA, Shaunak S. Polymerase chain reaction in situ: an appraisal of an emerging technique. Histochemical J.1995;27:647-59.
  • Jackson V. Deposition of newly synthesized histones hybrid nucleosomes are not tandem ly arranged on daughter strands. Biochem. 1988;27:2109-20.
  • Grafstrom RC, Fornace AJR, Harris CC. Repair of DNA damage caused by formaldehyde in human cells. Cancer Res. 1984;44:4323-7.
  • Moerkerk PT, Kesselas HJ, Ten-Kate J, De-Goeij AFPM, Bosman FT. Southern and dot blot analysis of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples from colonic carcinomas. Virchous Arch. B CellPathol.1990;58:351-5.
  • YazışmaAdresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Abdullahi Daudu. Zagga, Department of Anatomy, College of Health Sciences, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, P. M. B. 2346, Sokoto, Sokoto State, Nigeria.
  • E-mail: G eliş tarihi/Received on :06.01.2014
  • Kabul tarihi/Accepted on: 14.02.2014
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Abdullahi Daudu Zagga This is me

Somaia Muhammad Ismail This is me

Aziz Abdo Tadros This is me

Hamidu Ahmed This is me

Publication Date July 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


MLA Zagga, Abdullahi Daudu et al. “Diş Örneklerinden Ve İnsan İskelet Parçalarından DNA"nın PCR Ile Çoğaltılmasında Etkili Bir Yöntem”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 4, 2014, doi:10.17826/cutf.81784.