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Dikkat eksikliği/hiperaktivite bozukluğu olan ergenlerde internet bağımlılığı

Year 2019, , 140 - 147, 29.12.2019


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, ergenler arasında İnternet bağımlılığı (IA) ile dikkat eksikliği/hiperaktivite bozukluğu (DEHB) arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma 12-17 yaş arası ergenler ile yapıldı; DEHB grubu 100 çocuktan, DEHB tanısı almış, çalışmanın kontrol grubu ise herhangi bir psikiyatrik tanı konmamış 95 çocuktan oluşmaktadır. Toplam 195 Ergen Genç İnternet Bağımlılığı Ölçeğini (YIAS) tamamlamış ve DEHB belirtileri için değerlendirilmiştir. İnternet kullanımının özellikleri hakkında bilgi edinmek için Kişisel Bilgi Anketi kullanılmıştır.

Bulgular: DEHB grubunun ortalama YIAS skoru 30.97 ± 17.74 olup kontrol grubundan anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu. DEHB grubunun en çok tercih ettiği internet sitesi bilgisayar oyun siteleridir (% 35). DEHB grubu çoğunlukla macera oyunu oynamayı tercih etmektedir (% 27). Gruplar arasında ebeveynlerin internet kullanımı kontrol oranı, internet kullanımının günlük aktivite üzerindeki etkisinin bozulması, internet kullanımının aile ve arkadaş ilişkileri üzerindeki olumsuz etkisi açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark yoktur. Aynı şekilde internet kullanımının yeme ve uyku alışkanlıkları üzerinde de olumsuz bir etkisi saptanmamıştır.

Sonuç: Daha önceki çalışmalardan da bildiğimiz gibi, IA ile ödül eksikliği arasındaki ilişki de yüksek eşlik eden DEHB sıklığı ile ilişkilidir ancak sonuçlarımız internet bağımlılığı ve aşırı internet kullanımı ile ilgili literatürle uyumlu değildir


  • 1. An J, Sun Y, Wan Y, Chen J, Wang X,Tao F. Associations between problematic Internet use and adolescents’ physical and psychological symptoms. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2014;8(4), 282–287.
  • 2. Xu J, Shen, L, Yan C, Hu H, Yang F, Wang L, Kotha S R, Zhang LN, Liao XP, Zhang J, Ouyang FX, Zhang JS, Shen XM. Personal characteristics related to the risk of adolescent Internet addiction: A survey in Shanghai, China. BMC Public Health. 2012;12(1), 1106. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-1106
  • 3. Shaw M, Black DW. Internet addiction: Definition, assessment, epidemiology and clinical management. CNS Drugs 2008; 22: 353–365.
  • 4. Ge Y, Se J, Zhang J. Research on relationship among internet-addiction, personality traits and mental health of urban left-behind children. Glob J Health Sci. 2014;7:60–9.
  • 5. Bahrainian A, Khazaee A. Internet addiction among students: The relation of self esteem and depression. Bull Environ Pharmacol Life Sci. 2014;3:1–6.
  • 6. Yen JY, Ko C H, Yen CF, Wu HY, Yang MJ. The comorbid psychiatric symptoms of Internet addiction: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, social phobia, and hostility. The Journal of Adolescent Health, 2007;41, 93–98. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2007.02.002
  • 7. Bozkurt H, Coskun M, Ayaydin H, Adak I, & Zoroglu, SS. Prevalence and patterns of psychiatric disorders in referred adolescents with Internet addiction. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2013;67(5), 352–359. doi:10.1111/pcn. 12065
  • 8. Starcevic V. Is Internet addiction a useful concept? Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2013;47:16e9.
  • 9. Crews FT, Boettiger CA. Impulsivity, frontal lobes and risk for addiction. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 2009;93(3), 237–247.
  • 10. Gullo MJ, Loxton NJ, Dawe S. Impulsivity: Four ways five factors are not basic to addiction. Addictive Behaviors, 2014;39(11), 1547–1556.
  • 11. Shirley MC, Sirocco KY. Introduction to special section: ADHD, impulsivity, and alcohol abuse. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2014;22(2), 97–99.
  • 12. Urcelay GP, Dalley JW. Linking ADHD, impulsivity, and drug abuse: A neuropsychological perspective. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 2012;9, 173–197.
  • 13. Blum K, Cull JG, Comings ED. Biogenetics of reward deficiency syndrome. Sci Am 1996; 84: 132-145.
  • 14. Chou WJ, Huang MF, Chang YP, Chen YM, Hu HF, Yen CF. Social skills deficits and their association with Internet addiction and activities in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Behav Addict. 2017 Mar 1;6(1):42-50.
  • 15. Young KS. Psychology of Computer Use: XL. Addictive use of the Internet: A case that breaks the stereotype. Psychol.Rep. 1996; 79: 899–902.
  • 16. Bayraktar F. The role of Internet use in adolescent development (Unpublished master’s thesis). Department of Psychology, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, 2001 (in Turkish)
  • 17. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013
  • 18. Ko CH, Yen JY, Chen CS. Psychiatric comorbidity of Internet addiction in college students: An interview study. CNS Spectr. 2008;13: 147–153.
  • 19. Dalbudak E, Evren, C. The relationship of Internet addiction severity with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in Turkish university students; impact of personality traits, depression and anxiety. Compr. Psychiatry 2014;55, 497-503.
  • 20. Dalbudak E, Evren C, Aldemir S, Taymur I, Evren B, Topcu M, The impact of sensation seeking on the relationship between attention deficit/hyperactivity symptoms and severity of Internet addiction risk. Psychiatry Res. 2015;228, 156-161.
  • 21. Enagandula R, Singh S, Adgaonkar GW, Subramanyam AA, Kamath RM. Study of Internet addiction in children with attention-deficit hyperactivitydisorder and normal control. Ind Psychiatry J. 2018 Jan-Jun;27(1):110-114.
  • 22. Cao F, Su L, Liu T, Gao X. The relationship between impulsivity and internet addiction in a sample of Chinese adolescents. Eur. Psychiat. 2007; 22: 466-71.
  • 23. Sonuga-Barke EJ. Psychological heterogeneity in AD/HD – A dual pathway model of behaviour and cognition. Behav Brain Res. 2002;130:29–36
  • 24. Harstad E, Levy S, & Committee on Substance Abuse. Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance abuse. Pediatrics 2014;134(1), e293-e301.
  • 25. Kahraman Ö, Demirci EÖ. Internet addiction and attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder: Effects of anxiety, depression and self-esteem. Pediatr Int. 2018 Jun;60(6):529-534.
  • 26. Hyun GJ, Han DH, Lee YS, Kang KD, Yoo SK, Chung US, Renshaw PF Risk factors associated with online game addiction: A hierarchical model. Computers in Human Behavior 2015;48,706-713.
  • 27. Vadlin S, Åslund C, Hellström C, Nilsson KW. Associations between problematic gaming and psychiatric symptoms among adolescents in two samples. Addict Behav. 2016 Oct;61:8-15.
  • 28. Yen JY, Liu TL, Wang PW, Chen CS, Yen CF, Ko CH. Association between internet gaming disorder and adult attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and their correlates: Impulsivity and hostility. Addict Behav. 2017 Jan; 64:308-313.
  • 29. Blum, K, Braverman ER, Holder JM., Lubar JF, Monastra VJ, Miller D. Comings DE. Reward Deficiency Syndrome: A Biogenetic Model for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Impulsive, Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2000;32(1), 1-112.
  • 30. Yoo HJ, Cho SC, Ha J, Yune SK, Kim SJ, Hwang J. Attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and internet addiction. Psychiat. Clin. Neuros. 2004; 58: 487-94.
  • 31. Weinstein A, Lejoyeux M. Internet addiction or excessive internet use. Am. J. DrugAlcohol Ab. 2010; 36: 277-83.

Internet addiction among adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Year 2019, , 140 - 147, 29.12.2019


Purpose: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between Internet addiction (IA) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among adolescents. 

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted with adolescents aged 12–17; ADHD group consisted of 100 children were diagnosed with ADHD and the control group of the study consisted of 95 children who did not have any psychiatric diagnosis. A total of 195 adolescents completed the Young Internet Addiction Scale (YIAS) and were assessed for ADHD symptoms. Personal Information Questionnaire was used to obtain information about characteristics of internet usage. 

Results: The average YIAS score of ADHD group is 30.97±17.74 and found to be significantly higher than the control group. The most preferred website by the ADHD group is computer game sites (35%). ADHD group prefer to play adventure games mostly (27%)There is no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of parent’s control rate of internet usage, disrupting effect of internet usage on daily activity, rate of negative effects of internet usage on family relations and friendship relations and effects of internet usage on eating and sleeping habits.

Conclusion: As we know from previous studies, the association between IA and reward deficiency is also related with the high frequency of comorbid ADHD but our results are incompatible with the literature related to internet addiction and excessive use of the internet. It is considered that prospective longitudinal studies with larger groups are needed.


  • 1. An J, Sun Y, Wan Y, Chen J, Wang X,Tao F. Associations between problematic Internet use and adolescents’ physical and psychological symptoms. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2014;8(4), 282–287.
  • 2. Xu J, Shen, L, Yan C, Hu H, Yang F, Wang L, Kotha S R, Zhang LN, Liao XP, Zhang J, Ouyang FX, Zhang JS, Shen XM. Personal characteristics related to the risk of adolescent Internet addiction: A survey in Shanghai, China. BMC Public Health. 2012;12(1), 1106. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-12-1106
  • 3. Shaw M, Black DW. Internet addiction: Definition, assessment, epidemiology and clinical management. CNS Drugs 2008; 22: 353–365.
  • 4. Ge Y, Se J, Zhang J. Research on relationship among internet-addiction, personality traits and mental health of urban left-behind children. Glob J Health Sci. 2014;7:60–9.
  • 5. Bahrainian A, Khazaee A. Internet addiction among students: The relation of self esteem and depression. Bull Environ Pharmacol Life Sci. 2014;3:1–6.
  • 6. Yen JY, Ko C H, Yen CF, Wu HY, Yang MJ. The comorbid psychiatric symptoms of Internet addiction: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, social phobia, and hostility. The Journal of Adolescent Health, 2007;41, 93–98. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2007.02.002
  • 7. Bozkurt H, Coskun M, Ayaydin H, Adak I, & Zoroglu, SS. Prevalence and patterns of psychiatric disorders in referred adolescents with Internet addiction. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2013;67(5), 352–359. doi:10.1111/pcn. 12065
  • 8. Starcevic V. Is Internet addiction a useful concept? Aust N Z J Psychiatry 2013;47:16e9.
  • 9. Crews FT, Boettiger CA. Impulsivity, frontal lobes and risk for addiction. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 2009;93(3), 237–247.
  • 10. Gullo MJ, Loxton NJ, Dawe S. Impulsivity: Four ways five factors are not basic to addiction. Addictive Behaviors, 2014;39(11), 1547–1556.
  • 11. Shirley MC, Sirocco KY. Introduction to special section: ADHD, impulsivity, and alcohol abuse. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2014;22(2), 97–99.
  • 12. Urcelay GP, Dalley JW. Linking ADHD, impulsivity, and drug abuse: A neuropsychological perspective. Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, 2012;9, 173–197.
  • 13. Blum K, Cull JG, Comings ED. Biogenetics of reward deficiency syndrome. Sci Am 1996; 84: 132-145.
  • 14. Chou WJ, Huang MF, Chang YP, Chen YM, Hu HF, Yen CF. Social skills deficits and their association with Internet addiction and activities in adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Behav Addict. 2017 Mar 1;6(1):42-50.
  • 15. Young KS. Psychology of Computer Use: XL. Addictive use of the Internet: A case that breaks the stereotype. Psychol.Rep. 1996; 79: 899–902.
  • 16. Bayraktar F. The role of Internet use in adolescent development (Unpublished master’s thesis). Department of Psychology, Ege University, Izmir, Turkey, 2001 (in Turkish)
  • 17. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013
  • 18. Ko CH, Yen JY, Chen CS. Psychiatric comorbidity of Internet addiction in college students: An interview study. CNS Spectr. 2008;13: 147–153.
  • 19. Dalbudak E, Evren, C. The relationship of Internet addiction severity with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in Turkish university students; impact of personality traits, depression and anxiety. Compr. Psychiatry 2014;55, 497-503.
  • 20. Dalbudak E, Evren C, Aldemir S, Taymur I, Evren B, Topcu M, The impact of sensation seeking on the relationship between attention deficit/hyperactivity symptoms and severity of Internet addiction risk. Psychiatry Res. 2015;228, 156-161.
  • 21. Enagandula R, Singh S, Adgaonkar GW, Subramanyam AA, Kamath RM. Study of Internet addiction in children with attention-deficit hyperactivitydisorder and normal control. Ind Psychiatry J. 2018 Jan-Jun;27(1):110-114.
  • 22. Cao F, Su L, Liu T, Gao X. The relationship between impulsivity and internet addiction in a sample of Chinese adolescents. Eur. Psychiat. 2007; 22: 466-71.
  • 23. Sonuga-Barke EJ. Psychological heterogeneity in AD/HD – A dual pathway model of behaviour and cognition. Behav Brain Res. 2002;130:29–36
  • 24. Harstad E, Levy S, & Committee on Substance Abuse. Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder and substance abuse. Pediatrics 2014;134(1), e293-e301.
  • 25. Kahraman Ö, Demirci EÖ. Internet addiction and attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder: Effects of anxiety, depression and self-esteem. Pediatr Int. 2018 Jun;60(6):529-534.
  • 26. Hyun GJ, Han DH, Lee YS, Kang KD, Yoo SK, Chung US, Renshaw PF Risk factors associated with online game addiction: A hierarchical model. Computers in Human Behavior 2015;48,706-713.
  • 27. Vadlin S, Åslund C, Hellström C, Nilsson KW. Associations between problematic gaming and psychiatric symptoms among adolescents in two samples. Addict Behav. 2016 Oct;61:8-15.
  • 28. Yen JY, Liu TL, Wang PW, Chen CS, Yen CF, Ko CH. Association between internet gaming disorder and adult attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and their correlates: Impulsivity and hostility. Addict Behav. 2017 Jan; 64:308-313.
  • 29. Blum, K, Braverman ER, Holder JM., Lubar JF, Monastra VJ, Miller D. Comings DE. Reward Deficiency Syndrome: A Biogenetic Model for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Impulsive, Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2000;32(1), 1-112.
  • 30. Yoo HJ, Cho SC, Ha J, Yune SK, Kim SJ, Hwang J. Attention deficit hyperactivity symptoms and internet addiction. Psychiat. Clin. Neuros. 2004; 58: 487-94.
  • 31. Weinstein A, Lejoyeux M. Internet addiction or excessive internet use. Am. J. DrugAlcohol Ab. 2010; 36: 277-83.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Psychiatry
Journal Section Research

Melek Luş 0000-0002-0430-9289

Meliha Zengin Eroğlu 0000-0002-0253-8977

Publication Date December 29, 2019
Acceptance Date July 5, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


MLA Luş, Melek and Meliha Zengin Eroğlu. “Internet Addiction Among Adolescents With Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 44, 2019, pp. 140-7, doi:10.17826/cumj.551351.