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A rare case in the terminal ileum: cavernous hemangioma

Year 2014, , 594 - 597, 22.07.2014


The cavernous hemangioma, a vascular lesion of the small intestine, is one of the rare tumors. Presented in this case, the terminal ileum in childhood: report of a hemangioma. Although, it may appear to be Hemanjiomas of intestine neoplasm in childhood, it may actually be a hamartömaroz lesion. This topic is a controversial one in the literature. It has clinical significance as it may cause perforation and/or obstruction and it may be intermingled with other intestinal tumors. With preoperative correct diagnosis, minimally invasive approach to could be possible.


  • Tanaka N, Onda M, Seya T, Diffusecavernous hemangioma of the rectum. Eur J Surg. 1999;165:280.
  • Iwata Y, Shiomi S, Otso R, A case ofcavernous hemangioma of thesmall intestine diagnosed by scintigraphy with Tc-99m-labeled red blood cells. Ann Nucl Med. 2000;14:373-376.
  • Fremond B, Yazbeck S, Dubois J, Intestinal vascular anomalies in children. J Pediatr Surg. 1997;6:873.
  • Maxwell PH, Wiesener MS, Chang GW, The tumor suppressor protein VHL targets hypoxia-inducible factors for oxygen-dependent proteolysis. Nature. 1999;399:271.
  • Madhusudan S, Deplanque G, Braybrooke JP, Antiangiogenic therapy for von Hippel-Lindau disease. JAMA. 2004; 291:943.
  • Lawrence J. Brandt, MD Associate Editor for Focal Points, At the Focal Point, An unusual cause of rectal bleeding in a child, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2010; 72:851–2.
  • Garvin PJ, Herrmann V, Kaminski DL, et al. Benign and malignant tumors of the small intestine. Curr Probl Cancer. 1979;3:1.
  • Gentry R, Dockerty MB, Clagett, OT: Vascular malformations and vascular tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Int Abstr Surg. 1949;88:281.
  • Álvarez C, Andreu M, Castells A, Quintero E, Relationship of colonoscopy-detected serrated polyps with synchronous advanced neoplasia in average-risk individuals, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2009;69:333-41. Magnano A., Privitera A., Calogero G., Solitaryhemangioma of thesmall intestine: an unusual cause of bleeding diagnosed at capsule endoscopy. J Pediatr Surg. 2005;40:25-7.
  • De Mascarenhas-Saraiva M.N., da Silva Araujo Lopes L.M. Small-bowel tumors diagnosed by wireless capsule endoscopy: report of five cases. Endoscopy. 2003;35:865-8
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Cansu Abaylı Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pathology Balca lı-ADANA Email: G eliş tarihi/Received on: 01.11.2013
  • Kabul tarihi/accepted on:16.12.2013

Terminal ileumda çok nadir görülen bir vaka; kavernöz hemanjiom

Year 2014, , 594 - 597, 22.07.2014


İnce barsağın vasküler bir lezyonu olan kavernöz hemanjiom, nadir tümörlerinden biridir. Sunulan bu olgu, çocukluk çağında görülen terminal ileum hemanjioma olgusudur. Çocukluk çağında görülen bu lezyon gerçek bir neoplazi değil hamartamatöz lezyon olabilir. Bu konu literatürde de tartışmalıdır. Perforasyon ve/ veya obstriksiyon yapabilmesi ve diğer barsak tümörleri ile karışması nedeni ile klinik öneme sahiptir. İnce barsak hemanjiomlarına , doğru preoperativ tanı ile minimal invaziv yaklaşım mümkün olabilir.


  • Tanaka N, Onda M, Seya T, Diffusecavernous hemangioma of the rectum. Eur J Surg. 1999;165:280.
  • Iwata Y, Shiomi S, Otso R, A case ofcavernous hemangioma of thesmall intestine diagnosed by scintigraphy with Tc-99m-labeled red blood cells. Ann Nucl Med. 2000;14:373-376.
  • Fremond B, Yazbeck S, Dubois J, Intestinal vascular anomalies in children. J Pediatr Surg. 1997;6:873.
  • Maxwell PH, Wiesener MS, Chang GW, The tumor suppressor protein VHL targets hypoxia-inducible factors for oxygen-dependent proteolysis. Nature. 1999;399:271.
  • Madhusudan S, Deplanque G, Braybrooke JP, Antiangiogenic therapy for von Hippel-Lindau disease. JAMA. 2004; 291:943.
  • Lawrence J. Brandt, MD Associate Editor for Focal Points, At the Focal Point, An unusual cause of rectal bleeding in a child, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2010; 72:851–2.
  • Garvin PJ, Herrmann V, Kaminski DL, et al. Benign and malignant tumors of the small intestine. Curr Probl Cancer. 1979;3:1.
  • Gentry R, Dockerty MB, Clagett, OT: Vascular malformations and vascular tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Int Abstr Surg. 1949;88:281.
  • Álvarez C, Andreu M, Castells A, Quintero E, Relationship of colonoscopy-detected serrated polyps with synchronous advanced neoplasia in average-risk individuals, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. 2009;69:333-41. Magnano A., Privitera A., Calogero G., Solitaryhemangioma of thesmall intestine: an unusual cause of bleeding diagnosed at capsule endoscopy. J Pediatr Surg. 2005;40:25-7.
  • De Mascarenhas-Saraiva M.N., da Silva Araujo Lopes L.M. Small-bowel tumors diagnosed by wireless capsule endoscopy: report of five cases. Endoscopy. 2003;35:865-8
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Cansu Abaylı Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pathology Balca lı-ADANA Email: G eliş tarihi/Received on: 01.11.2013
  • Kabul tarihi/accepted on:16.12.2013
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Cansu Abaylı This is me

Figen Doran This is me

Bahri Abaylı This is me

Serdar İskit This is me

Publication Date July 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


MLA Abaylı, Cansu et al. “Terminal Ileumda çok Nadir görülen Bir Vaka; Kavernöz Hemanjiom”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 3, 2014, pp. 594-7, doi:10.17826/cutf.93553.