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Churg-Strauss Syndrome associated with montelukast: Three Case Reports

Year 2014, , 347 - 352, 22.07.2014


Churg-Strauss syndrome (new name Eosinophilic granulomatosis and polyangiitis); asthma, fever, peripheral blood eosinophilia, eosinophilic tissue infiltration, small and medium sized arteries characterized by necrotizing granulomatous inflammation is a multisystemic disorder. Classified in ANCA associated vasculitis. The drugs such as leukotriene receptor antagonists (montelukast, zafirlukast, pranlukast), inhaled glucocorticoids, omalizumab, cocaine and clarithromycin is thought to be associated with Churg-Strauss Syndrome cases have been reported. Herein we presented a rare three CSS cases associated with montelukast.


  • Churg J, Strauss L. Allergic granulomatosis, allergic angiitis, and periarteritis nodosa. Am J Pathol. 1951; 27:277–301
  • Masi AT, Hunder GG, Lie JT, Michel BA, Bloch DA, Arend WP, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of Churg-Strauss syndrome (allergic granulomatosis and angiitis). Arthritis Rheum. 1990; 33:1094–100.
  • Conron M, Beynon HL. Churg-Strauss syndrome. Thorax. 2000;55:870–7.
  • Zwerina J, Axmann R, Jatzwauk M, Sahinbegovic E, Polzer K, Schett G. Pathogenesis of Churg-Strauss syndrome: recent insights. Autoimmunity. 2009;42:376–9.
  • Tsurikisawa N, Saito H, Tsuburai T, Oshikata C, Ono E, Mitomi H, Akiyama K. Differences in regulatory T cells between Churg-Strauss syndrome and chronic eosinophilic pneumonia with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008;122:610–6.
  • Keogh KA, Specks U. Churg-Strauss syndrome. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2006;27:148–57.
  • Burcu Özlen, Levent Özdemir, Banu Eskitütüncü, Leyla Çevirme, Nazan Kurtar, Mehmet Soy, Osman Nuri Hatipoğlu. Montelukast ile ilişkili Churg-Strauss sendromu. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2008;56: 434–
  • Borke ME, Nwagu MU, Obaseki D, Bazuaye NO. Churg Strauss syndrome: a review. Niger J Med. 2010;19:136-9
  • Mc Dannel DL, Muller BA. The linkage between Churg-Strauss syndrome and leukotriene receptor antagonists: Fact or fiction? Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2005;2:125–40.
  • Katzenstein AL. Diagnostic features and differential diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome in the lung. Am J Clin Pathol. 2000;114: 767–72.
  • Rochester CL. The eosinophilic pneumonias. In: Fishman AP (ed). Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders. M New York: Mc Graw-Hill Company, 1998: 1133–50.
  • Cottin V, Cordier JF. Churg-Strauss syndrome. Allergy 1999; 54: 535 51.
  • Soy M, Ozer H, Canataroglu A, Gumurdulu D, Erken E. Vasculitis induced by zafirlukast therapy. Clin Rheumatol. 2002;21:328–9.
  • Keogh KA, Specks U. Churg-Strauss syndrome: clinical presentation, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, and leukotriene receptor antagonists. Am J Med. 2003;115:284–90.
  • Keogh KA. Leukotriene receptor antagonists and Churg-Strauss syndrome: cause, trigger or merely an association? Drug Saf. 2007;30:837–43. Meral Uyar, Osma n Elbek, Kemal Bakır, Yasemin
  • Kibar, Nazan Bayram, Öner Dikensoy. Churg-Strauss syndrome related to montelukast. Tuberk Toraks. 2012; 60: 56–8
  • Wechsler ME, Garpestad E, Flier SR, Kocher O, Weiland DA, Polito AJ, et al. Pulmonary infiltrates, eosinophilia, and cardiomyopathy following corticosteroid withdrawal in patients with asthma receiving zafirlukast. JAMA. 1998; 279:455-7.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Fatih Yıldız Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı Romatoloji– İmmünoloji Bilim Dalı 01330, Balcalı Hastanesi Sarıçam/Adana Tlf: 0 322 338 6060/3146
  • Email: geliş tarihi/received :22.08.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:16.09.2013

Montelukast ilişkili Churg Strauss Sendromu: Üç Olgu

Year 2014, , 347 - 352, 22.07.2014


Churg-Strauss Sendromu yeni adıyla Eozinofilik Granülomatosis ve Polianjiitis; astım, ateş, periferik kanda eozinofili, eozinofilik doku infiltrasyonu, küçük ve orta çaptaki damarların nekrotizan granülomatöz inflamasyonu ile karakterize multisistemik bir hastalıktır. ANCA ilişkili vaskülitler içinde sınıflandırılmaktadır. Lökotrien reseptör antagonistleri (montelukast, zafirlukast, pranlukast), inhaler glukokortikoidler, omalizumab, kokain ve klaritromisin gibi ilaçlarla ilişkili olduğu düşünülen Churg-Strauss Sendromu vakaları bildirilmiştir. Burada montelukast ile ilişkili nadir görülen 3 CSS olgusu sunulmuştur.


  • Churg J, Strauss L. Allergic granulomatosis, allergic angiitis, and periarteritis nodosa. Am J Pathol. 1951; 27:277–301
  • Masi AT, Hunder GG, Lie JT, Michel BA, Bloch DA, Arend WP, et al. The American College of Rheumatology 1990 criteria for the classification of Churg-Strauss syndrome (allergic granulomatosis and angiitis). Arthritis Rheum. 1990; 33:1094–100.
  • Conron M, Beynon HL. Churg-Strauss syndrome. Thorax. 2000;55:870–7.
  • Zwerina J, Axmann R, Jatzwauk M, Sahinbegovic E, Polzer K, Schett G. Pathogenesis of Churg-Strauss syndrome: recent insights. Autoimmunity. 2009;42:376–9.
  • Tsurikisawa N, Saito H, Tsuburai T, Oshikata C, Ono E, Mitomi H, Akiyama K. Differences in regulatory T cells between Churg-Strauss syndrome and chronic eosinophilic pneumonia with asthma. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2008;122:610–6.
  • Keogh KA, Specks U. Churg-Strauss syndrome. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2006;27:148–57.
  • Burcu Özlen, Levent Özdemir, Banu Eskitütüncü, Leyla Çevirme, Nazan Kurtar, Mehmet Soy, Osman Nuri Hatipoğlu. Montelukast ile ilişkili Churg-Strauss sendromu. Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 2008;56: 434–
  • Borke ME, Nwagu MU, Obaseki D, Bazuaye NO. Churg Strauss syndrome: a review. Niger J Med. 2010;19:136-9
  • Mc Dannel DL, Muller BA. The linkage between Churg-Strauss syndrome and leukotriene receptor antagonists: Fact or fiction? Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2005;2:125–40.
  • Katzenstein AL. Diagnostic features and differential diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome in the lung. Am J Clin Pathol. 2000;114: 767–72.
  • Rochester CL. The eosinophilic pneumonias. In: Fishman AP (ed). Fishman’s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders. M New York: Mc Graw-Hill Company, 1998: 1133–50.
  • Cottin V, Cordier JF. Churg-Strauss syndrome. Allergy 1999; 54: 535 51.
  • Soy M, Ozer H, Canataroglu A, Gumurdulu D, Erken E. Vasculitis induced by zafirlukast therapy. Clin Rheumatol. 2002;21:328–9.
  • Keogh KA, Specks U. Churg-Strauss syndrome: clinical presentation, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, and leukotriene receptor antagonists. Am J Med. 2003;115:284–90.
  • Keogh KA. Leukotriene receptor antagonists and Churg-Strauss syndrome: cause, trigger or merely an association? Drug Saf. 2007;30:837–43. Meral Uyar, Osma n Elbek, Kemal Bakır, Yasemin
  • Kibar, Nazan Bayram, Öner Dikensoy. Churg-Strauss syndrome related to montelukast. Tuberk Toraks. 2012; 60: 56–8
  • Wechsler ME, Garpestad E, Flier SR, Kocher O, Weiland DA, Polito AJ, et al. Pulmonary infiltrates, eosinophilia, and cardiomyopathy following corticosteroid withdrawal in patients with asthma receiving zafirlukast. JAMA. 1998; 279:455-7.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Fatih Yıldız Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı Romatoloji– İmmünoloji Bilim Dalı 01330, Balcalı Hastanesi Sarıçam/Adana Tlf: 0 322 338 6060/3146
  • Email: geliş tarihi/received :22.08.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:16.09.2013
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Fatih Yıldız This is me

Suzan Zorludemir This is me

Eren Erken This is me

Publication Date July 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


MLA Yıldız, Fatih et al. “Montelukast ilişkili Churg Strauss Sendromu: Üç Olgu”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 2, 2014, pp. 347-52, doi:10.17826/cutf.72026.