Jejunal Replacement of Stomach in Two Children with Total Gastric Necrosis
Year 2014,
, 403 - 407, 22.07.2014
Önder Özden
Ender Fakıoğlu
Hilmi Serdar İskit
Hasan Okur
Ünal Zorludemir
Total gastrectomy is an extremely rare procedure in children and experience with its replacement is very limited. We present two patients who had jejunal replacement due to total gastric necrosis. The first patient was a- 2-year-old boy who admitted with a history of caustic ingestion. He was taken operation because of gastric perforation and necrosis. Anastomosis was applied by using jejunal segments. The second patient was an 11-years-old girl who left diaphragmatic hernia and acute gastric volvulus. At laparotomy, Total gastrectomy and Hunt-Lawrence type gastroesophostomy were made. Reconstruction with jejunum is thought as a good option in total gastric necrosis according to our 2 patient experiences.
- Shchepotin IB, Evans SR, Chorny VA, Shabahang M, Buras RR, Nauta RJ. Postoperative complications requiring relaparotomies after 700 gastretomies performed for gastric cancer. Am J Surg. 1996;171: 270Takeshita K, Saito N, Saeki I, Honda T, Tani M, Kando F, et al. Proximal gastrectomy and jejunal pouch interposition for the treatment of early cancer in the upper third of the stomach: surgical techniques and evaluation of postoperative function. Surgery. 1997;121:278-86.
- Shibata C, Ueno T, Kakyou M, Kinouchi M, Sasaki I. Results of reconstruction with jejunal pouch after gastrectomy: correlation with gastrointestinal motor activity. Dig Surg. 2009;26:177-86.
- Ayala JA, Naik-Mathuria B, Olutoye OO. Delayed presentation of congenital diaphragmatic hernia manifesting as combined-type acute gastric volvulus: a case report and review of the literature. J Pediatr Surg. 2008;43:35-9.
- Dicken BJ, Novotny NM, Breckler FD, Yim JP, Rescorla FJ. Use of the Hunt-Lawrence pouch in congenital microgastria--a report of 2 cases. J Pediatr Surg. 2010;45:2238-40.
- Boybeyi O, Karnak I, Tanyel FC, Senocak ME. Management of unusually extensive esophagogastric corrosive injuries: emergency measures and gastric reconstruction. J Pediatr Surg. 2009;44:1022-6. errington JL, Jr. Various types of pouch replacement following total gastrectomy. Historical data and current thoughts regarding total gastrectomy. Am Surg. 1968;34: 879-87.
- Lehnert T, Buhl K. Techniques of reconstruction after total gastrectomy for cancer. Br J Surg. 2004;91:528
- Liedman B, Andersson H, Berglund B, Bosaeus I, Hugosson I, Olbe L, et al. Food intake after gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma: the role of a gastric reservoir. Br J Surg. 1996;83:1138-43.
- Bozzetti F, Bonfanti G, Castellani R, Maffioli L, Rubino A, Diazzi G, et al. Comparing reconstruction with Roux-en-Y to a pouch following total gastrectomy. J Am Coll Surg. 1996;183:243-8.
- Iivonen MK, Koskinen MO, Ikonen TJ, Matikainen MJ. Emptying of the jejunal pouch and Roux-en-Y limb after total gastrectomy--a randomised, prospective study. Eur J Surg. 1999;165:742-7.
- Nakane Y, Okumura S, Akehira K, Okamura S, Boku T, Okusa T, et al. Jejunal pouch reconstruction after total gastrectomy for cancer. A randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg. 1995;222:27-35.
- Liedman B. Symptoms after total gastrectomy on food intake, body composition, bone metabolism, and quality of life in gastric cancer patients--is reconstruction with a reservoir worthwhile? Nutrition. 1999;15:677-82.
- Kono K, Iizuka H, Sekikawa T, Sugai H, Takahashi A, Fujii H, et al. Improved quality of life with jejunal pouch reconstruction after total gastrectomy. Am J Surg. 2003;185:150-4.
- Ciftci AO, Senocak ME, Buyukpamukcu N, Hicsonmez A. Gastric outlet obstruction due to corrosive ingestion: incidence and outcome. Pediatr Surg Int. 1999;15: 88-91.
- Cribbs RK, Gow KW, Wulkan ML. Gastric volvulus in infants and children. Pediatrics. 2008;122:752-62.
- Bochardt M. Zur Pathologie und Therapie des Magen Volvulus. Arch Klin Chir. 1904;74:156-8.
- Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Önder Özen Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı 01330, Balcalı Hastanesi Sarıçam/Adana e mail: geliş tarihi/received :03.01.2014 kabul tarihi/accepted:30.01.2014
Total Gastrik Nekrozlu İki Olguda Jejunal Mide Replasmanı
Year 2014,
, 403 - 407, 22.07.2014
Önder Özden
Ender Fakıoğlu
Hilmi Serdar İskit
Hasan Okur
Ünal Zorludemir
Çocuklarda total gastrektomi çok nadir ihtiyaç duyulan bir cerrahi işlem olduğundan mide replasmanı deneyimi de çok kısıtlıdır1. Bu çalışmada total gastrik nekroz nedeni ile jejunum kullanarak mide replasmanı yaptığımız iki olgu sunulmaktadır. İlk hastamız yakıcı madde içen 2 yaşında mide perforasyonu ve total nekroz nedeni ile acil ameliyata alınmış ve jejunal ansla onarım yapılmış bir erkek çocuktur. İkinci olgumuz ise 11 yaşında sol doğumsal diyafragma hernisine bağlı akut gastrik volvulus nedeni ile total gastrektomi ve Hunt-Lawrence tip ösefagojejunostomi yapılmış bir kız çocuktur. İki olgu ile sınırlı deneyimimiz, çocuklarda midenin tamamının kaybedildiği durumlarda jejunum ile onarımın iyi bir seçenek olduğunu düşündürmektedir
- Shchepotin IB, Evans SR, Chorny VA, Shabahang M, Buras RR, Nauta RJ. Postoperative complications requiring relaparotomies after 700 gastretomies performed for gastric cancer. Am J Surg. 1996;171: 270Takeshita K, Saito N, Saeki I, Honda T, Tani M, Kando F, et al. Proximal gastrectomy and jejunal pouch interposition for the treatment of early cancer in the upper third of the stomach: surgical techniques and evaluation of postoperative function. Surgery. 1997;121:278-86.
- Shibata C, Ueno T, Kakyou M, Kinouchi M, Sasaki I. Results of reconstruction with jejunal pouch after gastrectomy: correlation with gastrointestinal motor activity. Dig Surg. 2009;26:177-86.
- Ayala JA, Naik-Mathuria B, Olutoye OO. Delayed presentation of congenital diaphragmatic hernia manifesting as combined-type acute gastric volvulus: a case report and review of the literature. J Pediatr Surg. 2008;43:35-9.
- Dicken BJ, Novotny NM, Breckler FD, Yim JP, Rescorla FJ. Use of the Hunt-Lawrence pouch in congenital microgastria--a report of 2 cases. J Pediatr Surg. 2010;45:2238-40.
- Boybeyi O, Karnak I, Tanyel FC, Senocak ME. Management of unusually extensive esophagogastric corrosive injuries: emergency measures and gastric reconstruction. J Pediatr Surg. 2009;44:1022-6. errington JL, Jr. Various types of pouch replacement following total gastrectomy. Historical data and current thoughts regarding total gastrectomy. Am Surg. 1968;34: 879-87.
- Lehnert T, Buhl K. Techniques of reconstruction after total gastrectomy for cancer. Br J Surg. 2004;91:528
- Liedman B, Andersson H, Berglund B, Bosaeus I, Hugosson I, Olbe L, et al. Food intake after gastrectomy for gastric carcinoma: the role of a gastric reservoir. Br J Surg. 1996;83:1138-43.
- Bozzetti F, Bonfanti G, Castellani R, Maffioli L, Rubino A, Diazzi G, et al. Comparing reconstruction with Roux-en-Y to a pouch following total gastrectomy. J Am Coll Surg. 1996;183:243-8.
- Iivonen MK, Koskinen MO, Ikonen TJ, Matikainen MJ. Emptying of the jejunal pouch and Roux-en-Y limb after total gastrectomy--a randomised, prospective study. Eur J Surg. 1999;165:742-7.
- Nakane Y, Okumura S, Akehira K, Okamura S, Boku T, Okusa T, et al. Jejunal pouch reconstruction after total gastrectomy for cancer. A randomized controlled trial. Ann Surg. 1995;222:27-35.
- Liedman B. Symptoms after total gastrectomy on food intake, body composition, bone metabolism, and quality of life in gastric cancer patients--is reconstruction with a reservoir worthwhile? Nutrition. 1999;15:677-82.
- Kono K, Iizuka H, Sekikawa T, Sugai H, Takahashi A, Fujii H, et al. Improved quality of life with jejunal pouch reconstruction after total gastrectomy. Am J Surg. 2003;185:150-4.
- Ciftci AO, Senocak ME, Buyukpamukcu N, Hicsonmez A. Gastric outlet obstruction due to corrosive ingestion: incidence and outcome. Pediatr Surg Int. 1999;15: 88-91.
- Cribbs RK, Gow KW, Wulkan ML. Gastric volvulus in infants and children. Pediatrics. 2008;122:752-62.
- Bochardt M. Zur Pathologie und Therapie des Magen Volvulus. Arch Klin Chir. 1904;74:156-8.
- Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Önder Özen Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı 01330, Balcalı Hastanesi Sarıçam/Adana e mail: geliş tarihi/received :03.01.2014 kabul tarihi/accepted:30.01.2014