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Forensic Profiling of Javanese and Madurese Families in Malang and Madura, East Java Indonesia.

Year 2014, , 26 - 38, 22.07.2014


Purpose: The aims of this study are to identify the heritability of fingerprint patterns among three generations of Javanese and Madurese families and to determine the similarities, genetic variability and allele patterns for paternity testing. Material and Methods: The methods used in this study were the identification of the fingerprint patterns, DNA extraction from blood samples by salting out, PCR amplification use 13 CODIS which consists of TPOX, D3S1358, FGA, D5S818, CSF1PO, D7S820, D8S1179, TH01, VWA, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, and visualized by 8% polyacrylamide gel. The allele of individual band profile was analyzed by using QuantityOne software. Results: The results of fingerprint patterns showed that the families of Javanese ethnic has specific in ulnar patterns on both the middle and little fingers, meanwhile the families of Madurese ethnic has a plain whorl patterns on the right thumb and left index fingers which were inherited from the first generation to the next generation. The similarities of profile DNA forensic in Javanese ethnic generally have the same band patterns were produced by using D7S820 and CSF1PO markers, whereas in Madurese ethnic by using VWA and D18S51 markers. The genetic variability in Javanese ethnic by using D3S1358 and D21S11 markers, meanwhile the Madurese ethnic by using TH01 and D21S11 markers. Conclusion: We can conclude that there are the different characteristic of the fingerprint pattern of Javanese and Madurese families and the similarities and genetic variability in families of Javanese were different with the families of Madurese on the some markers.


  • Prawestiningtyas E and Algozi AM. Identifikasi forensik berdasarkan pemeriksaan primer dan sekunder sebagai penentu identitas korban pada dua kasus B. Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya. 2009;25:87–
  • Muslim. Fingerprint pattern recognition using distance methode algorithm. Proceedings of the 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications. University Sains Malaysia. 2006;13-5.
  • Awasthi V, Awasthi V and Tiwari KK. Fingerprint analysis using termination And bifurcation minutiae.International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. 2012;2:124–
  • Omar MY, Ellsworth,L. Possibility of using fingerprint powders for development of old fingerprints. Sains Malaysiana. 2012;41:499–504.
  • Bhargava N, Bhargava R, Narooka P and Cotia M. Fingerprint recognition using minutia matching. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology. 2012;3:641–3.
  • Frumkin D, Wasserstrom A, Davidson A. and Grafit A. Authentication of forensic dna samples. Forensic Science International. 2009;489:95–103.
  • Yamamoto T, Mizutani M, Uchihi R, Tanaka M, Yoshimoto T, Misawa S, Saitou N, and Katsumata Y. Allele distributions and genetic relationship with 13 CODIS core STR loci in various Asian populations in or near Japan. International Congress Series. 2003;1239:117–20.
  • Steele B and Reynolds M. DNA fingerprinting. An interactive qualifying project report. Degree of Bachelor of Science. 2004:1-83.
  • Chung DT, Drábek J, Opel KL, Butler JM, and McCord BR. A study on the effects of degradation and template concentration on the amplification efficiency of the STR Miniplex primer sets. Journal of forensic sciences. 2004;49:733–40.
  • Butler JM, Shen Y and McCord BR. The development of reduced size STR amplicons as tools for analysis of degraded DNA. Journal of forensic sciences. 2003;48:1054–64.
  • Butler JM. Forensic DNA typing. Biology, technology and genetics of STR markers 2nd edition. USA. 2005:85-121.
  • Butler JM. Short tandem repeat typing technologies used in human identity testing. BioTechniques. 2007:43(4).
  • Untoro E, Atmadja DS, Pu C and Wu, F. Allele frequency of CODIS 13 in Indonesian population. Legal medicine 2009;11:203–5.
  • Fatchiyah, Arumingtyas EA, Widyarti S, Rahayu S. Biologi molekular. Prinsip dasar analisis. Penerbit Erlangga. Jakarta.; 2011:22–57.
  • Gutierez SB, Lucenario JL, and Yebes MJ. Dermatoglyphic studies among the DumagatRemontado tribal population of the Philippines. Journal of Anthropology. 2012:1-6.
  • Cheng X, Li H, Gupta S, Pan S, Hou J, and Jin L. Dermatoglyphic changes during the population admixture between Kam and Han Chinese. Journal of Comparative Human Biology. 2009;60:143–57.
  • Gupta UK and Prakash S. Dermatoglyphics: a study of finger tip patterns in bronchial asthma and its genetic disposition. Kathmandu University Medical Journal. 2003;1:267–71.
  • Meier RJ. The nature of human biological and genetic variability. Phisical (Biological) Anthropology. USA; 2010.
  • Gunasereka RS, Haschake J and Costas JD. The Judical use of DNA evidence and forensic expert testimony in the criminal justice system. Journal of Forensic Research. 2010;1:2-5.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Fatchiyah Fatchiyah Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University Malang, East Java, INDONESIA. e-mail:, and geliş tarihi/received :27.09.2012 kabul tarihi/accepted:23.10.2013

Malang ve Madura, Dogu Java Endonezyasındaki Javalı ve Madurese"li Ailelerde Adli Profilleme

Year 2014, , 26 - 38, 22.07.2014


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amaçları Javalı ve Madureseli ailelerin üç jenerasyonu arasında genetik olarak aktarılabilen parmak izi paternlerini tanımlamak ve benzerlikleri, genetik çeşitliliği ve babalık testi için alel paternlerini saptamaktır. Materyal ve Metod: Bu çalışmada kullanılan yöntemler DNA parmak izi paternelerinin tanımlanması, tuzla çöktürme ile kan örneklerinden DNA ekstraksiyonu, TPOX, D3S1358, FGA, D5S818, CSF1PO, D7S820, D8S1179, TH01, VWA, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11"i içeren 13 CODIS kullanılarak PCR amplifikasyonu ve %8"lik poliakrilamid jel ile görüntüleme. Bireysel bant profilleri QuantityOne software ile analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Parmak izi pattern sonuçları göstermiştir ki Javalı etnik gruptaki aileler hem orta hem de küçük parmaklarındaki ulnar paternler bakımından özgün iken, Madurese etnik grubundaki ailelerin sağ baş parmaklarında ve sol işaret parmaklarında bir jenarasyondan diğerine aktarılan helezonlu (whorl) şekle sahiptir. Javalı etnik gruptaki adli DNA profillenmesindeki benzerlikler, D7S820 ve CSF1PO markerları kullanılarak üretilen paternler genellikle aynı iken, Madureseli etnik gruptakilerde VWA ve D18S51 markerları kullanılarak üretilen paternler aynıdır. Javalı etnik gruptaki genetik çeşitlilik D3S1358 and D21S11 markerları kullanılarak, Madureseli etnik gruptaki ise TH01 ve D21S11 markerları kullanılarak saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Javalı ve Madureseli ailelerde farklı parmak izi özellikleri vardır ve Javalı ailelerdeki benzerlik ve genetik çeşitlilik bazı markerlar bakımından Madureseli ailelerden farklıdır.


  • Prawestiningtyas E and Algozi AM. Identifikasi forensik berdasarkan pemeriksaan primer dan sekunder sebagai penentu identitas korban pada dua kasus B. Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya. 2009;25:87–
  • Muslim. Fingerprint pattern recognition using distance methode algorithm. Proceedings of the 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications. University Sains Malaysia. 2006;13-5.
  • Awasthi V, Awasthi V and Tiwari KK. Fingerprint analysis using termination And bifurcation minutiae.International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. 2012;2:124–
  • Omar MY, Ellsworth,L. Possibility of using fingerprint powders for development of old fingerprints. Sains Malaysiana. 2012;41:499–504.
  • Bhargava N, Bhargava R, Narooka P and Cotia M. Fingerprint recognition using minutia matching. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology. 2012;3:641–3.
  • Frumkin D, Wasserstrom A, Davidson A. and Grafit A. Authentication of forensic dna samples. Forensic Science International. 2009;489:95–103.
  • Yamamoto T, Mizutani M, Uchihi R, Tanaka M, Yoshimoto T, Misawa S, Saitou N, and Katsumata Y. Allele distributions and genetic relationship with 13 CODIS core STR loci in various Asian populations in or near Japan. International Congress Series. 2003;1239:117–20.
  • Steele B and Reynolds M. DNA fingerprinting. An interactive qualifying project report. Degree of Bachelor of Science. 2004:1-83.
  • Chung DT, Drábek J, Opel KL, Butler JM, and McCord BR. A study on the effects of degradation and template concentration on the amplification efficiency of the STR Miniplex primer sets. Journal of forensic sciences. 2004;49:733–40.
  • Butler JM, Shen Y and McCord BR. The development of reduced size STR amplicons as tools for analysis of degraded DNA. Journal of forensic sciences. 2003;48:1054–64.
  • Butler JM. Forensic DNA typing. Biology, technology and genetics of STR markers 2nd edition. USA. 2005:85-121.
  • Butler JM. Short tandem repeat typing technologies used in human identity testing. BioTechniques. 2007:43(4).
  • Untoro E, Atmadja DS, Pu C and Wu, F. Allele frequency of CODIS 13 in Indonesian population. Legal medicine 2009;11:203–5.
  • Fatchiyah, Arumingtyas EA, Widyarti S, Rahayu S. Biologi molekular. Prinsip dasar analisis. Penerbit Erlangga. Jakarta.; 2011:22–57.
  • Gutierez SB, Lucenario JL, and Yebes MJ. Dermatoglyphic studies among the DumagatRemontado tribal population of the Philippines. Journal of Anthropology. 2012:1-6.
  • Cheng X, Li H, Gupta S, Pan S, Hou J, and Jin L. Dermatoglyphic changes during the population admixture between Kam and Han Chinese. Journal of Comparative Human Biology. 2009;60:143–57.
  • Gupta UK and Prakash S. Dermatoglyphics: a study of finger tip patterns in bronchial asthma and its genetic disposition. Kathmandu University Medical Journal. 2003;1:267–71.
  • Meier RJ. The nature of human biological and genetic variability. Phisical (Biological) Anthropology. USA; 2010.
  • Gunasereka RS, Haschake J and Costas JD. The Judical use of DNA evidence and forensic expert testimony in the criminal justice system. Journal of Forensic Research. 2010;1:2-5.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Fatchiyah Fatchiyah Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University Malang, East Java, INDONESIA. e-mail:, and geliş tarihi/received :27.09.2012 kabul tarihi/accepted:23.10.2013
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Nikmatul Iza This is me

Eriko Prawestiningtyas This is me

Fatchiyah Fatchiyah This is me

Publication Date July 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


MLA Iza, Nikmatul et al. “Malang Ve Madura, Dogu Java Endonezyasındaki Javalı Ve Madurese"li Ailelerde Adli Profilleme”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 1, 2014, pp. 26-38, doi:10.17826/cutf.10337.