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Levetiracetam and Valproic Acid: Effects on the Liver Functions and Ammonia Level in Children

Year 2014, , 70 - 74, 22.07.2014


Purpose: There is evidence that levetiracetam and valproic acid causes a changes of serum ammonia level and liver function tests. The aim of this study was to evaluate the liver function parameters and ammonia level in children with seizures on treatment with levetiracetam in comparison treated with valproic acid. Materıals and Methods: Between March 2010 and October 2010, we treated 42 patients with epilepsy. We determined the serum concentration of antiepileptic drug, transaminases, g-glutamyl transferase, and ammonia level in 22 children treated with valproic acid, and in 20 children treated with levetiracetam. Results: There were no significant differences in the serum transaminases, g-glutamyl transferase between the patients treated with valproic acid, and the patients treated with levetiracetam. Hyperammonemia was detected in patients treated with valproic acid. Conclusıon: These results suggest that the treatment with levetiracetam does not alter the serum ammonia level, and liver functions.


  • Callenbach PM, Arts WF, ten Houten R, Augustijn P, Gunning WB, Peeters EA, et al. Add-on levetiracetam in children and adolescents with refractory epilepsy: results of an open-label multi-centre study. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2008;12: 321-7.
  • Kimland E, Höjeberg B, von Euler M. Levetiracetaminduced thrombocytopenia. Epilepsia. 2004;45:877-8.
  • Hurwitz KA, Ingulli EG, Krous HF. Levetiracetam induced interstitial nephritis and renal failure. Pediatr Neurol 2009;41:57-8.
  • Tan TC, de Boer BW, Mitchell A, Delriviere L, Adams LA, Jeffrey GP, et al. Levetiracetam as a possible cause of fulminant liver failure. Neurology. 2008;71:685-6.
  • Broli M, Provini F, Naldi I, Bisulli F, Sama C, Baruzzi A, et al. Unexpected gamma glutamyltransferase rise increase during levetiracetam monotherapy. Epileptic Disord 2010;12:81-2.
  • Dreifuss FE. Valproic acid toxicity. In: Levy RH, Mattson RH, editors. Antiepileptic Drugs. 4th ed. New Jersey: Lippinvott-Raven Healthcare. 1996:641-8.
  • Grosso S, Cordelli DM, Franzoni E, Coppola G, Capovilla G, Zamponi N, et al. Efficacy and safety of levetiracetam in infants and young children with refractory epilepsy. Seizure. 2007;16:345-50.
  • Altunbaşak S, Baytok V, Tasouji M, Hergüner O, Burgut R, Kayrin L. Asymptomatic hyperammonemia in children treated with valproic acid. J Child Neurol. 1997;12:461-3.
  • Yilmaz Y, Tasdemir HA, Paksu MS. The influence of valproic acid treatment on hair and serum zinc levels and serum biotinidase activity. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2009;13:439-43.
  • Castro-Gago M, Gómez-Lado C, Eirís-Puñal J, DíazMayo I, Castiñeiras-Ramos DE. Serum biotinidase activity in children treated with valproic acid and carbamazepine. J Child Neurol. 2010;25:32-5.
  • Skopp G, Schmitt HP, Pedal I. Fulminant liver failure in a patient on carbamazepine and levetiracetam treatment associated with status epilepticus. Arch Kriminol. 2006;17:161-75.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Faruk İncecik Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurology 01330 Balcalı-ADANA e-mail: geliş tarihi/received :29.07.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:02.09.2013

Levetirasetam ve Valproik asid: Çocuklarda Karaciğer Fonksiyonları ve Amonyak Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkileri

Year 2014, , 70 - 74, 22.07.2014


Amaç: Levetirasetam ve valproik asidin, serum amonyak düzeyi ve karaciğer fonksiyon testlerinde bir değişikliğe neden olduğuna dair kanıtlar vardır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, valproik asid tedavisi ile karşılaştırıldığında, levetirasetam ile tedavi edilen epilepsili çocuklarda karaciğer fonksiyon parametreleri ve amonyak düzeyinin belirlenmesidir. Materyal ve Metod: Mart 2010 ve Ekim 2010 tarihleri arasında, epilepsili 42 hasta tedavi ettik. Valproik asit ile tedavi edilen 22 çocuk ve levetirasetam ile tedavi edilen 20 çocuk çalışmaya alındı ve serum antiepileptik ilaç düzeyi, transaminazlar, G-glutamil transferaz ve amonyak düzeyleri değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Valproik asit ile tedavi edilen hastalar ile levetirasetam ile tedavi edilen hastalar arasında serum g-glutamil transferaz ve transaminaz düzeyleri arasında herhangi bir farklılık yoktu. Valproik asit ile tedavi edilen hastalarda hiperamonyemi tespit edildi. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar, levetirasetam tedavisinin serum amonyak düzeyi ve karaciğer fonksiyonlarını değiştirmediğini düşündürmektedir.


  • Callenbach PM, Arts WF, ten Houten R, Augustijn P, Gunning WB, Peeters EA, et al. Add-on levetiracetam in children and adolescents with refractory epilepsy: results of an open-label multi-centre study. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2008;12: 321-7.
  • Kimland E, Höjeberg B, von Euler M. Levetiracetaminduced thrombocytopenia. Epilepsia. 2004;45:877-8.
  • Hurwitz KA, Ingulli EG, Krous HF. Levetiracetam induced interstitial nephritis and renal failure. Pediatr Neurol 2009;41:57-8.
  • Tan TC, de Boer BW, Mitchell A, Delriviere L, Adams LA, Jeffrey GP, et al. Levetiracetam as a possible cause of fulminant liver failure. Neurology. 2008;71:685-6.
  • Broli M, Provini F, Naldi I, Bisulli F, Sama C, Baruzzi A, et al. Unexpected gamma glutamyltransferase rise increase during levetiracetam monotherapy. Epileptic Disord 2010;12:81-2.
  • Dreifuss FE. Valproic acid toxicity. In: Levy RH, Mattson RH, editors. Antiepileptic Drugs. 4th ed. New Jersey: Lippinvott-Raven Healthcare. 1996:641-8.
  • Grosso S, Cordelli DM, Franzoni E, Coppola G, Capovilla G, Zamponi N, et al. Efficacy and safety of levetiracetam in infants and young children with refractory epilepsy. Seizure. 2007;16:345-50.
  • Altunbaşak S, Baytok V, Tasouji M, Hergüner O, Burgut R, Kayrin L. Asymptomatic hyperammonemia in children treated with valproic acid. J Child Neurol. 1997;12:461-3.
  • Yilmaz Y, Tasdemir HA, Paksu MS. The influence of valproic acid treatment on hair and serum zinc levels and serum biotinidase activity. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2009;13:439-43.
  • Castro-Gago M, Gómez-Lado C, Eirís-Puñal J, DíazMayo I, Castiñeiras-Ramos DE. Serum biotinidase activity in children treated with valproic acid and carbamazepine. J Child Neurol. 2010;25:32-5.
  • Skopp G, Schmitt HP, Pedal I. Fulminant liver failure in a patient on carbamazepine and levetiracetam treatment associated with status epilepticus. Arch Kriminol. 2006;17:161-75.
  • Yazışma Adresi / Address for Correspondence: Dr. Faruk İncecik Cukurova University Faculty of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric Neurology 01330 Balcalı-ADANA e-mail: geliş tarihi/received :29.07.2013 kabul tarihi/accepted:02.09.2013
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Faruk İncecik This is me

M. Özlem Hergüner This is me

Şakir Altunbaşak This is me

Publication Date July 22, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014


MLA İncecik, Faruk et al. “Levetirasetam Ve Valproik Asid: Çocuklarda Karaciğer Fonksiyonları Ve Amonyak Düzeyleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 39, no. 1, 2014, pp. 70-74, doi:10.17826/cutf.00658.