Research Article
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Health perceptions of elderly people aged over 65 age

Year 2019, , 77 - 85, 29.12.2019


Purpose: The study was conducted to reveal the health perceptions of the
elderly people aged over 65 living at home according to some of their
demographic qualities.

and Methods:
The study is a cross-sectional one
with a population of 4158 people. 437 elderly people were included in the
sample after calculations. The dependent variables of the research consist of
the questions to measure the health perception and health-seeking behaviour of
the participants while the independent variables consist of the socio-demographic

Results: There was no difference between the general health perception and
the age of the elderly people, the place where they spend most of their lives,
social security status, number of children, hospitalized treatment in any
health institution for the last one year, and any exposure to violence
throughout one's life.

Conclusion: The health perceptions of the elderly people were
found to be negative according to some of their socio-demographical qualities. 


  • 1. Taşkesen G. Aging, old age and elders in rural and urban regions: The case of Denizli province. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 2017;4(1):92-124.
  • 2. Kurt G, Beyaztaş FY, Erkol Z. The problems of aged people and life satisfaction. Forensic Medicine Journal. 2010;24(2):32-39.
  • 3. Öztürk Y. Günay O. Public health general ınformation. In: Baykan Z. Elderly health. Section 9. 2011;769-789.
  • 4. Bölükbaş N, Arslan H. Investigation of the psychosocial aspects of the elderly residents. Thinking Man Journal. 2003;16(4):235-239.
  • 5. Güler Ç, Akın L. Public health general ınformation. In: Bilir N, Paksoy Subaşı N. Elderly problems and control of noncommunicable diseases. Section 19. Hacettepe University Publications. 2006;1020-1043.
  • 6. Aslan D, Ertem M. Elderly health: Problems and solutions. In: Akın A. Gender and age. Public Health Experts Association Publications. 2012;17-24
  • 7. Turkish Statistical Institute. Adresse based population registration system results in Accessed 14.03.2018.
  • 8. Mandıracıoğlu A. Social determinants of elderly health. Ege Medical Journal. 2016;55 (Additional number):6-11
  • 9. Li R-H, Wu Y-Y, Tsang H-Y. Besides depression, a number of physiological diseases is more important than physical function on the mental health of elderly adults in Taiwan. Community Mental health Journal. 2018;54(2):204-210
  • 10. Liu L-F, Tian W-H, Yao H-P. The utilisation of health care services by elderly people with National Health Insurance in Taiwan: The heterogeneous health profile Approach. Health Policy. 2012;108:246-255.
  • 11. Şimşek H, Doğanay S, Budak R, Uçku R. Relationship of socioeconomic status with health behaviours and self-perceived health in the elderly: A community-based study, Turkey. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2014;14(4):960-8.
  • 12. Şimşek H, Meseri R, Şahin S, Uçku R. Prevalence of food insecurity and malnutrition, factors related to malnutrition in the elderly: A community-based, cross-sectional study from Turkey. Eur Geriatr Med. 2013;4(4):226-30.
  • 13. Keskinoğlu P, Yaka E, Uçku R, Yener G, Kurt P. Prevalence and risk factors of dementia among community-dwelling elderly people in İzmir, Turkey. Turkish J Geriatr. 2013;16(2):135-41.
  • 14. Bledowski P, Mossakowsa M, Chudek J, et al. Medical, psychological and socioeconomic aspects of ageing in Poland assumptions and objectives of the PolSenior Project. Experimental Gerontology. 2011;46:1003-1009.
  • 15. Vrdoljak D, Markobic BB, Puljak L, et al. Lifestyle intervention in general practice for physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption and diet in elderly: A randomised controlled trial. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2014;58:160-169.
  • 16. Doğan A, Ceceli E, Okumuş M, et al. Characteristics of geriatric patients referred to physical therapy and rehabilitation outpatient clinics: Multi-center descriptive research. Turkish Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Journal. 2011;57:143-149.
  • 17. Büker N, Altuğ F, Kavlak E, Kitiş A. Examining the effect of the level of morale and depression on the functional status in the elderly living in nursing home and home environment. Older Research Journal. 2010;(1):44.
  • 18. Bilge A, Elbay G, Koru T, Şahin S. Relationship between physical and mental health status and nutritional status of the elderly living ın nursing home. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences. 2017;6(1):40-45.
  • 19. Belvis AG, Abolio M, Spagnolo A, et al. Factors associated with health-related quality of life: The role of social relationships among the elderly ın a ıtalian region. Public Health. 2008;122:784-793.
  • 20. Fernàndez-Olano C, López-Torres Hidalgo JD, Cèrda-Díaz R, et al. Factors associated with health care utilisation by the elderly ın a public health care system. Health Policy. 2006;75:131–139.
  • 21. Westeway MS. The ımpact of chronic diseases on the health and well-being of South Africans in the early and later old age. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2010;50:213-221.
  • 22. Fadıloğlu Ç, Ertem G, Şenuzun-Aykar F. Health in home and care. In: Fadıloğlu Ç. Home care in Old Age. 2013;159-177.
  • 23. Bahar G, Bahar A, Savaş HA. Social services provided for old age and old age. Fırat of Journal Health Services. 2009;4(12):86-98.
  • 24. Tel H, Güler N, Tel H. The survival of the elderly in daily life activities and quality of life. Journal of Nursing Research and Development. 2011;2:59-67.
  • 25. Altay B, Çavuşoğlu F, Çal A. Factors affecting the health perception, quality of life and health-related quality of life of the elderly. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2016;15(3):181-189
  • 26. Eser S, Saatli G, Eser G, Baydur H, Fidaner C. World health organisation quality of life for the elderly WHOQOL-OLD module: Turkey fieldwork Turkish version reliability and validity of results. Turkish Psychiatry Review. 21(1):37-48.
  • 27. Lijuan L, Kun S, Weimin R, Yue W. Living alone, health and preventive care use among the elderly in Shanghai, China. Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA. 2013;28:219-227.
  • 28. Hu Y-N, Hu C-Y, Hsieh S-H, Li C-C. Assessment of individual activities of daily living and its association with self-rated health in elderly people of Taiwan. International Journal of Gerontology. 2012;6:117-121.
  • 29. Palacious-Ceňa D, Hernàndez-Barrera V, Jimĕnezgarcĩa R, et al. Has the prevalence of health care services use increased over the last decade (2001–2009) in elderly people? A Spanish population-based survey. Maturitas. 2013;76:326-333.
  • 30. Josefsson K, Ehyhammar L. Threats and violence in Swedish community elderly care. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2010;50:110-113.

Altmış beş yaş üstü yaşlıların sağlık algıları

Year 2019, , 77 - 85, 29.12.2019


Amaç: Araştırma evde yaşayan 65 yaş üstü yaşlıların bazı sosyo demografik özelliklerine göre sağlık algılarını ortaya çıkarmak amacıyla yürütülmüştür. 

Gereç ve Yöntem: Kesitsel tipte olan araştırmanın evreni 4158 kişidir. Yapılan hesaplamalar sonrası örnekleme 437 kişi dâhil edilmiştir. Araştırmanın bağımlı değişkenleri katılımcıların sağlık algı ile sağlık arama davranışını ölçmeye yönelik olan soruları bağımsız değişkenleri ise, sosyo-demografik özellikleri içermektedir. 

Bulgular: Yaşlıların yaşı, yaşamının uzun süre geçtiği yer, sosyal güvence durumu, çocuk sayısı, son bir yıl içinde herhangi bir sağlık kurumunda yatarak tedavi görme ve hayatı boyunca herhangi bir şiddet görme ile son bir ay içindeki genel sağlık algısı arasında farklılık olmadığı  görülmüştür. 

Sonuç: Yaşlılar sağlıklarını olumlu yönde etkileyecek düzenli sağlık kontrolü, egzersiz, kendi kendine ilaç kullanma, sigara ve alkol gibi olumsuz sağlık davranışları ile düzenli beslenme ve dinlenme gibi konularda bilinçlendirilmelidir


  • 1. Taşkesen G. Aging, old age and elders in rural and urban regions: The case of Denizli province. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 2017;4(1):92-124.
  • 2. Kurt G, Beyaztaş FY, Erkol Z. The problems of aged people and life satisfaction. Forensic Medicine Journal. 2010;24(2):32-39.
  • 3. Öztürk Y. Günay O. Public health general ınformation. In: Baykan Z. Elderly health. Section 9. 2011;769-789.
  • 4. Bölükbaş N, Arslan H. Investigation of the psychosocial aspects of the elderly residents. Thinking Man Journal. 2003;16(4):235-239.
  • 5. Güler Ç, Akın L. Public health general ınformation. In: Bilir N, Paksoy Subaşı N. Elderly problems and control of noncommunicable diseases. Section 19. Hacettepe University Publications. 2006;1020-1043.
  • 6. Aslan D, Ertem M. Elderly health: Problems and solutions. In: Akın A. Gender and age. Public Health Experts Association Publications. 2012;17-24
  • 7. Turkish Statistical Institute. Adresse based population registration system results in Accessed 14.03.2018.
  • 8. Mandıracıoğlu A. Social determinants of elderly health. Ege Medical Journal. 2016;55 (Additional number):6-11
  • 9. Li R-H, Wu Y-Y, Tsang H-Y. Besides depression, a number of physiological diseases is more important than physical function on the mental health of elderly adults in Taiwan. Community Mental health Journal. 2018;54(2):204-210
  • 10. Liu L-F, Tian W-H, Yao H-P. The utilisation of health care services by elderly people with National Health Insurance in Taiwan: The heterogeneous health profile Approach. Health Policy. 2012;108:246-255.
  • 11. Şimşek H, Doğanay S, Budak R, Uçku R. Relationship of socioeconomic status with health behaviours and self-perceived health in the elderly: A community-based study, Turkey. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2014;14(4):960-8.
  • 12. Şimşek H, Meseri R, Şahin S, Uçku R. Prevalence of food insecurity and malnutrition, factors related to malnutrition in the elderly: A community-based, cross-sectional study from Turkey. Eur Geriatr Med. 2013;4(4):226-30.
  • 13. Keskinoğlu P, Yaka E, Uçku R, Yener G, Kurt P. Prevalence and risk factors of dementia among community-dwelling elderly people in İzmir, Turkey. Turkish J Geriatr. 2013;16(2):135-41.
  • 14. Bledowski P, Mossakowsa M, Chudek J, et al. Medical, psychological and socioeconomic aspects of ageing in Poland assumptions and objectives of the PolSenior Project. Experimental Gerontology. 2011;46:1003-1009.
  • 15. Vrdoljak D, Markobic BB, Puljak L, et al. Lifestyle intervention in general practice for physical activity, smoking, alcohol consumption and diet in elderly: A randomised controlled trial. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2014;58:160-169.
  • 16. Doğan A, Ceceli E, Okumuş M, et al. Characteristics of geriatric patients referred to physical therapy and rehabilitation outpatient clinics: Multi-center descriptive research. Turkish Physical Medicine Rehabilitation Journal. 2011;57:143-149.
  • 17. Büker N, Altuğ F, Kavlak E, Kitiş A. Examining the effect of the level of morale and depression on the functional status in the elderly living in nursing home and home environment. Older Research Journal. 2010;(1):44.
  • 18. Bilge A, Elbay G, Koru T, Şahin S. Relationship between physical and mental health status and nutritional status of the elderly living ın nursing home. Gümüşhane University Journal of Health Sciences. 2017;6(1):40-45.
  • 19. Belvis AG, Abolio M, Spagnolo A, et al. Factors associated with health-related quality of life: The role of social relationships among the elderly ın a ıtalian region. Public Health. 2008;122:784-793.
  • 20. Fernàndez-Olano C, López-Torres Hidalgo JD, Cèrda-Díaz R, et al. Factors associated with health care utilisation by the elderly ın a public health care system. Health Policy. 2006;75:131–139.
  • 21. Westeway MS. The ımpact of chronic diseases on the health and well-being of South Africans in the early and later old age. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2010;50:213-221.
  • 22. Fadıloğlu Ç, Ertem G, Şenuzun-Aykar F. Health in home and care. In: Fadıloğlu Ç. Home care in Old Age. 2013;159-177.
  • 23. Bahar G, Bahar A, Savaş HA. Social services provided for old age and old age. Fırat of Journal Health Services. 2009;4(12):86-98.
  • 24. Tel H, Güler N, Tel H. The survival of the elderly in daily life activities and quality of life. Journal of Nursing Research and Development. 2011;2:59-67.
  • 25. Altay B, Çavuşoğlu F, Çal A. Factors affecting the health perception, quality of life and health-related quality of life of the elderly. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2016;15(3):181-189
  • 26. Eser S, Saatli G, Eser G, Baydur H, Fidaner C. World health organisation quality of life for the elderly WHOQOL-OLD module: Turkey fieldwork Turkish version reliability and validity of results. Turkish Psychiatry Review. 21(1):37-48.
  • 27. Lijuan L, Kun S, Weimin R, Yue W. Living alone, health and preventive care use among the elderly in Shanghai, China. Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA. 2013;28:219-227.
  • 28. Hu Y-N, Hu C-Y, Hsieh S-H, Li C-C. Assessment of individual activities of daily living and its association with self-rated health in elderly people of Taiwan. International Journal of Gerontology. 2012;6:117-121.
  • 29. Palacious-Ceňa D, Hernàndez-Barrera V, Jimĕnezgarcĩa R, et al. Has the prevalence of health care services use increased over the last decade (2001–2009) in elderly people? A Spanish population-based survey. Maturitas. 2013;76:326-333.
  • 30. Josefsson K, Ehyhammar L. Threats and violence in Swedish community elderly care. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2010;50:110-113.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Geriatrics and Gerontology
Journal Section Research

Çağla Yiğitbaş 0000-0002-3789-1156

Süleyman Erhan Deveci 0000-0002-3041-2327

Publication Date December 29, 2019
Acceptance Date July 4, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


MLA Yiğitbaş, Çağla and Süleyman Erhan Deveci. “Health Perceptions of Elderly People Aged over 65 Age”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 44, 2019, pp. 77-85, doi:10.17826/cumj.553282.