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Recurrent Primary Spinal Cyst Hydatid

Year 2015, , 84 - 89, 09.10.2015


Primary hydatid disease of spine is rare and spinal hydatitosis constitute only 1% of all hydatitosis. We report a case of recurrent primary intraspinal extradural hydatid cyst of the thoracic region causing progressive paraparesis. The patient was operated 16 years ago for primary spinal hydatid disease involvement and was instrumented dorsally for stabilization. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of thoracic spine showed a cystic lesion at T11-12 level and compressed spinal cord posterolaterally. Intraspinal cyst was excised through T11-12 laminectomy which made formerly. The early postoperative period showed a progressive improvement of his neurological deficit and he was discharged with antihelmintic treatment consisting of albendazole and amoxicillin-sulbactam combination.


  • Jain A, Prasad G, Rustagi T, Bhojraj SY. Hydatid disease of spine: Multiple meticulous surgeries and a long term followup. Indian J Orthop. 2014;48:529-32.
  • Abdelhakim K, Khalil A, Haroune B, Oubaid M, Mondher M. A case of sacral hydatid cyst. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2014;5:434-6.
  • Boulahroud O, Dao I, El Asri CA, Boucetta M. Primary extradural hydatid cyst extended to paraspinal muscles. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2012;3:358-60.
  • Xin L, Wang Z, Fan S. Magnetic resonance imaging and computerised tomography findings in an intraspinal extradural hydatid cyst mimicking tuberculous spondylitis: a case report. Cases J. 2009;25:7109. extradural hydatid cyst associated with acute bleeding. N Am J Med Sci. 2009;1:78-81.
  • Moharamzad Y, Kharazi HH, Shobeiri E, Farzanegan G, Hashemi F, Namavari A. Disseminated intraspinal hydatid disease. J Neurosurg Spine. 2008;8:490-3.
  • Celik C, Sasmaz MF, Ucan H. Spinal hydatid cyst: Review. J Med Sci 2010;30:1073-7.
  • Braithwaite PA, Lees RF. Vertebral hydatid disease: radiological assessment. Radiology. 1981;140:763-6.
  • Hilmani S, El Malki M, Bertal A, Achouri M, Sami A, Ouboukhlik A, El Kamar A, El Azhari A. Lumbar intradural hydatid cyst. Case report. Neurochirurgie. 2004;50:57-60.
  • Tekkok IH, Benli K. Primary spinal extradural hydatid disease: report of a case with magnetic resonance characteristics and pathological correlation. Neurosurgery. 1993;33:320-3.
  • Gopal N, Chauhan S, Yogesh N. Primary spinal extradural hydatid cyst causing spinal cord compression. Indian J Orthop. 2007;41:76-8.
  • Sharma NK, Chitkara N, Bakshi N, Gupta P. Primary spinal extradural hydatid cyst. Neurol India. 2003;51:89-90.
  • Govender TS, Aslam M, Parbhoo A, Corr P. Hydatid disease of the spine. A long-term followup after surgical treatment. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2000;378:143-7.
  • Ozdemir HM, Ogun TC, Tasbas B. A lasting solution is hard to achieve in primary hydatid disease of the spine: long-term results and an overview. Spine. 2004;29:932-7.
  • Sayir F, Cobanoglu U, Sehitogulları A, Bilici S. Our eight-year surgical experience in patients with pulmonary cyst hydatid. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2012;5:64-71.

Rekürren Primer Spinal Kist Hidatik

Year 2015, , 84 - 89, 09.10.2015


Omuriliğin primer hidatik hastalığı nadirdir ve spinal hidatitoz tüm hidatitozların sadece %1’ ini oluşturur. İlerleyen paraparezi ile prezente olan torakal bölgede yerleşmiş rekürren primer intraspinal ekstradural bir hidatik kist olgusu sunuyoruz. Olgu 16 sene önce primer spinal hidatik hastalık nedeniyle opere edilmiş ve stabilizasyon için olguya posterior enstrumantasyon uygulanmış. Hastanın torakal bölge manyetik rezonans görüntülemesinde (MRG) T11-12 seviyesinde spinal kordu posterolateral olarak komprese eden bir kistik lezyon saptandı. İntraspinal kist bir önceki operasyonda uygulanmış T11-12 laminektomi defekti kullanılarak eksize edildi. Erken postoperatif periyotta hastanın nörolojik defisitinde belirgin düzelme görüldü ve hasta albendazol ve amoksisilin-sulbaktam kombinasyonu içeren antihelmintik tedavi ile taburcu edildi.


  • Jain A, Prasad G, Rustagi T, Bhojraj SY. Hydatid disease of spine: Multiple meticulous surgeries and a long term followup. Indian J Orthop. 2014;48:529-32.
  • Abdelhakim K, Khalil A, Haroune B, Oubaid M, Mondher M. A case of sacral hydatid cyst. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2014;5:434-6.
  • Boulahroud O, Dao I, El Asri CA, Boucetta M. Primary extradural hydatid cyst extended to paraspinal muscles. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2012;3:358-60.
  • Xin L, Wang Z, Fan S. Magnetic resonance imaging and computerised tomography findings in an intraspinal extradural hydatid cyst mimicking tuberculous spondylitis: a case report. Cases J. 2009;25:7109. extradural hydatid cyst associated with acute bleeding. N Am J Med Sci. 2009;1:78-81.
  • Moharamzad Y, Kharazi HH, Shobeiri E, Farzanegan G, Hashemi F, Namavari A. Disseminated intraspinal hydatid disease. J Neurosurg Spine. 2008;8:490-3.
  • Celik C, Sasmaz MF, Ucan H. Spinal hydatid cyst: Review. J Med Sci 2010;30:1073-7.
  • Braithwaite PA, Lees RF. Vertebral hydatid disease: radiological assessment. Radiology. 1981;140:763-6.
  • Hilmani S, El Malki M, Bertal A, Achouri M, Sami A, Ouboukhlik A, El Kamar A, El Azhari A. Lumbar intradural hydatid cyst. Case report. Neurochirurgie. 2004;50:57-60.
  • Tekkok IH, Benli K. Primary spinal extradural hydatid disease: report of a case with magnetic resonance characteristics and pathological correlation. Neurosurgery. 1993;33:320-3.
  • Gopal N, Chauhan S, Yogesh N. Primary spinal extradural hydatid cyst causing spinal cord compression. Indian J Orthop. 2007;41:76-8.
  • Sharma NK, Chitkara N, Bakshi N, Gupta P. Primary spinal extradural hydatid cyst. Neurol India. 2003;51:89-90.
  • Govender TS, Aslam M, Parbhoo A, Corr P. Hydatid disease of the spine. A long-term followup after surgical treatment. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2000;378:143-7.
  • Ozdemir HM, Ogun TC, Tasbas B. A lasting solution is hard to achieve in primary hydatid disease of the spine: long-term results and an overview. Spine. 2004;29:932-7.
  • Sayir F, Cobanoglu U, Sehitogulları A, Bilici S. Our eight-year surgical experience in patients with pulmonary cyst hydatid. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2012;5:64-71.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Case Report

Okan Türk This is me

Nuriye Özdemir This is me

İbrahim Atcı This is me

Salim Katar This is me

Hakan Yılmaz

Veysel Antar This is me

Mehmet Yaman This is me

Ersal Karakaş This is me

Publication Date October 9, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


MLA Türk, Okan et al. “Recurrent Primary Spinal Cyst Hydatid”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 40, 2015, pp. 84-89, doi:10.17826/cutf.00860.