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Premenstrual disforik bozukluk tanılı hastaların kişilik özellikleri, anksiyete duyarlılığı, anksiyete ve depresyon seviyeleri

Year 2021, , 1360 - 1368, 30.12.2021


Amaç: Bu çalışmada Premenstrual disforik bozukluk (PMDB), tanılı hastaların kişilik özelliklerini, anksiyete duyarlılığını, anksiyete ve depresyon düzeylerini değerlendirmeyi amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya, PMDB tanısı olan ve psikiyatrik tedavi öyküsü olmayan 40 hasta ve yine hasta grubuyla benzer sosyodemografik özelliklere sahip sistemik ve psikiyatrik hastalık öyküsü olmayan 40 sağlıklı kadın dahil edildi. Tüm katılımcılara Anksiyete-Duyarlılık-İndeksi-3 (ADİ-3), Beck Anksiyete Ölçeği (BAÖ), Beck Depresyon Ölçeği (BDÖ) ve Gözden Geçirilmiş Eysenck Kişilik Anketi-Kısaltılmış Formu (EKA-GGK) uygulandı.
Bulgular: Hasta grubunun EKA-GGK nörotisizm, psikotizm, yalan alt ölçekleri ve toplam puanı kontrol grubunun puanından yüksek saptandı. Hasta grubunun ADİ-3 fiziksel, bilişsel, sosyal alt boyutları ve toplam puanı kontrol grubunun puanından yüksek olarak saptandı. PMDB tanılı hastaların BDÖ ile BAÖ ölçek puanı kontrol grubunun puanından yüksek bulundu.
Sonuç: Anksiyete duyarlılığı yüksek olan, psikotizm ve nevrotik kişilik özelliklerine sahip kadınlarda bu durum PMDB gelişimini ya da hastalığın seyrini etkileyebilir.

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  • 1.American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition (DSM5), 2013.
  • 2.Hashim MS, Obaideen AA, Jahrami HA, Radwan H, Hamad HJ, Owais AA, et al. Premenstrual syndrome ıs associated with dietary and lifestyle behaviors among university students: a cross-sectional study from Sharjah, UAE. Nutrients. 2019;11:1939.
  • 3.Dennerstein L, Lehert P, Bäckström TC, Heinemann K. The effect of premenstrual symptoms on activities of daily life. Fertil. Steril. 2010;94:1059–64.
  • 4.Pearlsteın T. Treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Therapeutic Challenges. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology 2016;9(4):493-96.
  • 5.Eğicioğlu H, Coşar E, Kundak Z, Pektaş, M, Köken G. Premenstrüel Sendromun Yaşam Kalitesine Olan Etkileri, Sosyodemografik Özelliklerle İlişkili Mi?, Jinekoloji-Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi. 2015;12(1):10-7.
  • 6.Yonkers KA, White K. Premenstrual exacerbation of depression: one process or two? J Clin Psychiatry. 1992;53:286-92.
  • 7.Danacı AE, Taşkın EO, Koltan SO, Uyar Y. Premenstruel disforik bozuklukta semptomatolojinin adet döngüsüyle ilişkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 2001;2:15-20.
  • 8.Cüceloğlu D. İnsan ve Davranışı, 10. Baskı, Remzi Kitapevi: İstanbul, 2002.
  • 9.Eysenck HJ, Eysenck SB. Manual of the Eysenck personality questionnaire (adult and junior). London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1975.
  • 10.Core EM. Birth Order: An Examination Of Its Relationship With The Big Five Personality Theory And Trait Emotional Intelligence. (The Degree of Doctor). University of London, University College London (United Kingdom), Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, England, 2013.
  • 11.Berlin RE, Raju JD, Schmidt PJ, Adams LF, Rubinow DR. Effects of the menstrual cycle on measures of personality in women with premenstrual syndrome: a preliminary study. J Clin Psychiatry. 2001;62(5):337–42.
  • 12.Courtet P, Gottesman II, Jollant F, Gould TD. The neuroscience of suicidal behaviors: what can we expect from endophenotype strategies? Transl Psychiatry. 2011;1:7.
  • 13.Keough ME, Riccardi CJ, Timpano KR, Mitchell MA, Schmidt NB. Anxiety symptomatology: The association with distress tolerance and anxiety sensitivity. Behav Ther. 2010;41:567-574.
  • 14.Otani K, Suzuki A, Matsumoto Y, Shirata T.Interrelations among negative core beliefs, attachment anxiety and low self- directedness, putative central constructs of depression vulner- abilities in cognitive, attachment and psychobiological person- ality theories. Psychiatry Res. 2018;268:34–6.
  • 15. Janke EA, Jones E, Hopkins CM, Ruggieri M, Hruska A. Catastrophizing and anxiety sensitivity mediate the relationship between persistent pain and emotional eating. Appetite. 2016;103:64-71.
  • 16.Mantar A, Yemez B, Alkin T. The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the anxiety sensitivity index-3. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2010;21(3):225–34.
  • 17.Waszczuk MA, Zavos HMS, Antonova E, Haworth CM, Plomin R, Eley TC. A multivariate twin study of trait mindfulness, depressive symptoms, and anxiety sensitivity. Depress Anxiety. 2015;32:254-61.
  • 18.Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, Mock J, Erbaugh J. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1961;4(6): 561–71.
  • 19.Hisli N. Beck Depresyon Envanterinin üniversite öğrencileri için geçerliği, güvenirliği. Psikoloji Dergisi 1989; 7: 3-13.
  • 20.Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1988;56(6):893–7.
  • 21. Ulusoy M, Şahin N, Erkman H. Turkish Version of The Beck Anxiety Inventory: psychometric Properties. J Cognitive Psychotherapy: Int Quaterly, 1998;12:28-35.
  • 22. Taylor S, Zvolensky MJ, Cox BJ, Deacon B, Heimberg RG, Ledley DR, et al. Robust dimensions of anxiety sensitivity: development and initial validation of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3. Psychol Assess. 2007;19(2):176–88.
  • 23.Mantar A. Anksiyete Duyarlılığı İndeksi-3’ün Türkçe formunun geçerlik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Uzmanlık Tezi. 2008.
  • 24.Francis LJ, Brown LB, Philipchalk R. The development of an abbreviated form of the revised Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQR-A): Its use among students in England, Canada, the U.S.A. and Australia. Pers Individ Differ. 1992;13(4):443–9.
  • 25.Karanci AN, Dirik G, Yorulmaz O. Reliability and validity studies of Turkish translation of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2007;18(3):254–61.
  • 26. del Mar Fernández M, Regueira-Méndez C, Takkouche B. Psychological factors and premenstrual syndrome: A Spanish case-control study. PloS one, 2019;14(3):0212557.
  • 27. Taylor RJ, Fordyce ID, Alexander DA. Relationship between personality and premenstrual symptoms: A study in five general practices. Br J Gen Pract. 1991;41(343):55-7.
  • 28. Erenoğlu R, Sözbir ŞY. Are premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea related to the personality structure of women? A descriptive relation‐seeker type study. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 2020;56(4):979-84.
  • 29.Stout AL, Steege JF. Psychological assessment of women seeking treatment for premenstrual syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 1985;29(6):621-9.
  • 30.Huang D, Zhao X, Zhao M. Relationship between premenstrual syndrome and personality traits of female students in a medical college. Chin J Health Psychol. 2018;1:21.
  • 31.Shevlin M, Bailey F, Adamson G. Examining the factor structure and sources of differential functioning of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire RevisedAbbreviated. Personality and Individual Difference. 2002;32:479-87.
  • 32.Nillni YI, Toufexis DJ, Rohan KJ. Anxiety sensitivity, the menstrual cycle, and panic disorder: a putative neuroendocrine and psychological interaction. Clinical psychology review. 2011;31(7):1183-91.
  • 33. Sigmon ST, Schartel JG, Hermann BA, Cassel AG, Thorpe GL. The relationship between premenstrual distress and anxiety sensitivity: The mediating role of rumination. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. 2009;27(3):188-200.
  • 34. Bäckström T, Andréen L, Björn I, Johansson IM, Löfgren M. The role of progesterone and GABA in PMS/PMDD. In The Premenstrual Syndromes 2007;129-132.
  • 35.Lane T, Francis A. Premenstrual Symptomatology, Locus Of Control, Anxiety And Depression Đn Women With Normal Menstrual Cycles, Arch Womens Ment Health. 2003;6:127-38.
  • 36.Ekinci O, EKİNCİ A. Major Duygudurum Bozukluklarında Kişiliğin Üç Boyutlu Değerlendirilmesi ve Klinik Özelliklerle İlişkisi. Archives of Neuropsychiatry/Noropsikiatri Arsivi. 2013;50(1).
  • 37.Hong RY. Neuroticism, anxiety sensitivity thoughts, and anxiety symptomatology: Insights from an experience-sampling approach. Cognitive therapy and research, 2010;34(3): 254-62.
  • 38. Demirkol ME, Tamam L, Cakmak S, Uğur K, Yesiloglu C. The relationship between perceived stress, dissociative experiences, depressive symptoms, and anxiety sensitivity in borderline personality disorder. Dusunen Adam. 2020;33(2):130-8.
  • 39.Mantar A, Yemez B, Alkın T. Anksiyete duyarlılığı ve psikiyatrik bozukluklardaki yeri. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2011;22(3):187-93.
  • 40.Kleinstäuber M, Witthöft M, Hiller W. Cognitive-behavioral and pharmacological interventions for premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a meta-analysis. Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings. 2012;19(3):308-19.
  • 41.Demir B, Algül LY, Güvendağ-Güven ES. Sağlık çalışanlarında premenstrüel sendrom insidansı ve etkileyen faktörlerin araştırılması. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2006;3:262-70.
  • 42.Işgın K, Büyüktuncer Z. Premenstrual sendromda beslenme yaklaşımı, Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi. 2017;74(3):249–60.

Personality characteristics, anxiety sensitivity, anxiety and depression levels of patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder

Year 2021, , 1360 - 1368, 30.12.2021


Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the personality traits, anxiety sensitivity, anxiety and depression levels of patients with Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
Materials and Methods: Forty PMDD patients with no psychiatric treatment history and 40 healthy women with similar sociodemographic characteristics and no history of systemic or psychiatric disease were included in the study. Anxiety-Sensitivity-Index-3 (ASI-3), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Abbreviated (EPQR-S) were administered to all participants.
Results: The patient group's EPQR-S neuroticism, psychoticism, lying subscales and total scores were significantly higher than the control group's scores. The ASI-3 physical, cognitive, social sub-dimensions and total score of the patient group were found to be significantly higher than the control group's score. The BDI and BAI scale scores of the patient group were found to be significantly higher than the scores of the control group.
Conclusion: In women with high anxiety sensitivity, psychotic and neurotic personality traits, this may affect the development of PMDD or the course of the disease.


  • 1.American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition (DSM5), 2013.
  • 2.Hashim MS, Obaideen AA, Jahrami HA, Radwan H, Hamad HJ, Owais AA, et al. Premenstrual syndrome ıs associated with dietary and lifestyle behaviors among university students: a cross-sectional study from Sharjah, UAE. Nutrients. 2019;11:1939.
  • 3.Dennerstein L, Lehert P, Bäckström TC, Heinemann K. The effect of premenstrual symptoms on activities of daily life. Fertil. Steril. 2010;94:1059–64.
  • 4.Pearlsteın T. Treatment of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Therapeutic Challenges. Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology 2016;9(4):493-96.
  • 5.Eğicioğlu H, Coşar E, Kundak Z, Pektaş, M, Köken G. Premenstrüel Sendromun Yaşam Kalitesine Olan Etkileri, Sosyodemografik Özelliklerle İlişkili Mi?, Jinekoloji-Obstetrik ve Neonatoloji Tıp Dergisi. 2015;12(1):10-7.
  • 6.Yonkers KA, White K. Premenstrual exacerbation of depression: one process or two? J Clin Psychiatry. 1992;53:286-92.
  • 7.Danacı AE, Taşkın EO, Koltan SO, Uyar Y. Premenstruel disforik bozuklukta semptomatolojinin adet döngüsüyle ilişkisi. Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg. 2001;2:15-20.
  • 8.Cüceloğlu D. İnsan ve Davranışı, 10. Baskı, Remzi Kitapevi: İstanbul, 2002.
  • 9.Eysenck HJ, Eysenck SB. Manual of the Eysenck personality questionnaire (adult and junior). London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1975.
  • 10.Core EM. Birth Order: An Examination Of Its Relationship With The Big Five Personality Theory And Trait Emotional Intelligence. (The Degree of Doctor). University of London, University College London (United Kingdom), Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, England, 2013.
  • 11.Berlin RE, Raju JD, Schmidt PJ, Adams LF, Rubinow DR. Effects of the menstrual cycle on measures of personality in women with premenstrual syndrome: a preliminary study. J Clin Psychiatry. 2001;62(5):337–42.
  • 12.Courtet P, Gottesman II, Jollant F, Gould TD. The neuroscience of suicidal behaviors: what can we expect from endophenotype strategies? Transl Psychiatry. 2011;1:7.
  • 13.Keough ME, Riccardi CJ, Timpano KR, Mitchell MA, Schmidt NB. Anxiety symptomatology: The association with distress tolerance and anxiety sensitivity. Behav Ther. 2010;41:567-574.
  • 14.Otani K, Suzuki A, Matsumoto Y, Shirata T.Interrelations among negative core beliefs, attachment anxiety and low self- directedness, putative central constructs of depression vulner- abilities in cognitive, attachment and psychobiological person- ality theories. Psychiatry Res. 2018;268:34–6.
  • 15. Janke EA, Jones E, Hopkins CM, Ruggieri M, Hruska A. Catastrophizing and anxiety sensitivity mediate the relationship between persistent pain and emotional eating. Appetite. 2016;103:64-71.
  • 16.Mantar A, Yemez B, Alkin T. The validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the anxiety sensitivity index-3. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2010;21(3):225–34.
  • 17.Waszczuk MA, Zavos HMS, Antonova E, Haworth CM, Plomin R, Eley TC. A multivariate twin study of trait mindfulness, depressive symptoms, and anxiety sensitivity. Depress Anxiety. 2015;32:254-61.
  • 18.Beck AT, Ward CH, Mendelson M, Mock J, Erbaugh J. An inventory for measuring depression. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1961;4(6): 561–71.
  • 19.Hisli N. Beck Depresyon Envanterinin üniversite öğrencileri için geçerliği, güvenirliği. Psikoloji Dergisi 1989; 7: 3-13.
  • 20.Beck AT, Epstein N, Brown G, Steer RA. An inventory for measuring clinical anxiety: psychometric properties. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1988;56(6):893–7.
  • 21. Ulusoy M, Şahin N, Erkman H. Turkish Version of The Beck Anxiety Inventory: psychometric Properties. J Cognitive Psychotherapy: Int Quaterly, 1998;12:28-35.
  • 22. Taylor S, Zvolensky MJ, Cox BJ, Deacon B, Heimberg RG, Ledley DR, et al. Robust dimensions of anxiety sensitivity: development and initial validation of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3. Psychol Assess. 2007;19(2):176–88.
  • 23.Mantar A. Anksiyete Duyarlılığı İndeksi-3’ün Türkçe formunun geçerlik ve güvenilirlik çalışması. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Uzmanlık Tezi. 2008.
  • 24.Francis LJ, Brown LB, Philipchalk R. The development of an abbreviated form of the revised Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQR-A): Its use among students in England, Canada, the U.S.A. and Australia. Pers Individ Differ. 1992;13(4):443–9.
  • 25.Karanci AN, Dirik G, Yorulmaz O. Reliability and validity studies of Turkish translation of Eysenck Personality Questionnaire Revised-Abbreviated. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2007;18(3):254–61.
  • 26. del Mar Fernández M, Regueira-Méndez C, Takkouche B. Psychological factors and premenstrual syndrome: A Spanish case-control study. PloS one, 2019;14(3):0212557.
  • 27. Taylor RJ, Fordyce ID, Alexander DA. Relationship between personality and premenstrual symptoms: A study in five general practices. Br J Gen Pract. 1991;41(343):55-7.
  • 28. Erenoğlu R, Sözbir ŞY. Are premenstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhea related to the personality structure of women? A descriptive relation‐seeker type study. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 2020;56(4):979-84.
  • 29.Stout AL, Steege JF. Psychological assessment of women seeking treatment for premenstrual syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 1985;29(6):621-9.
  • 30.Huang D, Zhao X, Zhao M. Relationship between premenstrual syndrome and personality traits of female students in a medical college. Chin J Health Psychol. 2018;1:21.
  • 31.Shevlin M, Bailey F, Adamson G. Examining the factor structure and sources of differential functioning of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire RevisedAbbreviated. Personality and Individual Difference. 2002;32:479-87.
  • 32.Nillni YI, Toufexis DJ, Rohan KJ. Anxiety sensitivity, the menstrual cycle, and panic disorder: a putative neuroendocrine and psychological interaction. Clinical psychology review. 2011;31(7):1183-91.
  • 33. Sigmon ST, Schartel JG, Hermann BA, Cassel AG, Thorpe GL. The relationship between premenstrual distress and anxiety sensitivity: The mediating role of rumination. Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy. 2009;27(3):188-200.
  • 34. Bäckström T, Andréen L, Björn I, Johansson IM, Löfgren M. The role of progesterone and GABA in PMS/PMDD. In The Premenstrual Syndromes 2007;129-132.
  • 35.Lane T, Francis A. Premenstrual Symptomatology, Locus Of Control, Anxiety And Depression Đn Women With Normal Menstrual Cycles, Arch Womens Ment Health. 2003;6:127-38.
  • 36.Ekinci O, EKİNCİ A. Major Duygudurum Bozukluklarında Kişiliğin Üç Boyutlu Değerlendirilmesi ve Klinik Özelliklerle İlişkisi. Archives of Neuropsychiatry/Noropsikiatri Arsivi. 2013;50(1).
  • 37.Hong RY. Neuroticism, anxiety sensitivity thoughts, and anxiety symptomatology: Insights from an experience-sampling approach. Cognitive therapy and research, 2010;34(3): 254-62.
  • 38. Demirkol ME, Tamam L, Cakmak S, Uğur K, Yesiloglu C. The relationship between perceived stress, dissociative experiences, depressive symptoms, and anxiety sensitivity in borderline personality disorder. Dusunen Adam. 2020;33(2):130-8.
  • 39.Mantar A, Yemez B, Alkın T. Anksiyete duyarlılığı ve psikiyatrik bozukluklardaki yeri. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi. 2011;22(3):187-93.
  • 40.Kleinstäuber M, Witthöft M, Hiller W. Cognitive-behavioral and pharmacological interventions for premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder: a meta-analysis. Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings. 2012;19(3):308-19.
  • 41.Demir B, Algül LY, Güvendağ-Güven ES. Sağlık çalışanlarında premenstrüel sendrom insidansı ve etkileyen faktörlerin araştırılması. Turk J Obstet Gynecol. 2006;3:262-70.
  • 42.Işgın K, Büyüktuncer Z. Premenstrual sendromda beslenme yaklaşımı, Türk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi. 2017;74(3):249–60.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research

Sevler Yıldız 0000-0002-9951-9093

Aslı Kazğan 0000-0002-0312-0476

Osman Kurt 0000-0003-4164-3611

Kerim Uğur 0000-0002-3131-6564

Murad Atmaca 0000-0003-2772-4124

Publication Date December 30, 2021
Acceptance Date August 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


MLA Yıldız, Sevler et al. “Premenstrual Disforik Bozukluk tanılı hastaların kişilik özellikleri, Anksiyete duyarlılığı, Anksiyete Ve Depresyon Seviyeleri”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 46, no. 4, 2021, pp. 1360-8, doi:10.17826/cumj.977141.