Research Article
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Evaluation of postural balance and risk of fall in a healthy adult population

Year 2016, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 236 - 241, 30.06.2016


Purpose: In this retrospective study, it was aimed to evaluate the risk of fall and balance, and to determine whether there is a correlation between the risk of fall and vestibular evoked myogenic potentials, which are the evaluating the vestibular system, in the healthy adults who are working in a factory. 
Material and Methods: The data of 69 male participants have been reached. Bilateral Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials data and Berg Balance Scale of the participants have been recorded along with balance tests and risks of fall by using the Tetrax Interactive Balance System. The correlations between these measurements were measured 
Results: There was no statistically significant correlation between age and the risk of fall. Also, There ere no significant correlation between the values of latency and amplitude of the bilateral Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential waves, Berg Balance Scale, balance tests, and risk of fall. Berg Balance Scale scores showed a considerably good balance while the risk of fall ranged between 0% and 78%. 
Conclusion: Advanced age may be not alone significant factor for the risk of fall. Berg Balance Scale may not exactly show the risk of fall in the young adult population. Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials measurements may not provide a significant contribution to evaluate the risk of fall and balance. Our study underlines that there may be a risk of falling more than expected in the community.


  • Şahin F, Büyükavcı R, Sağ S, Doğu B, Kuran B. Berg Denge Ölçeği’nin Türkçe versiyonunun inmeli hastalarda geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği. Türk Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Derg. 2013;59:170-5.
  • Duman I, Taskaynatan MA, Mohur H, Tan AK. Assessment of the impact of proprioceptive exercises on balance and proprioception in patients with advanced knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatol Int. 2012;32:3793-8.
  • Hassan BS, Mockett S, Doherty M. Static postural sway, proprioception, and maximal voluntary quadriceps contraction in patients with knee osteoarthritis and normal control subjects. Ann Rheum Dis. 2001;60:612-8.
  • Kim HS, Yun DH, Yoo SD, Kim DH, Jeong YS, Yun JS et al. Balance control and knee osteoarthritis severity. Ann Rehabil Med. 2011;35:701-9.
  • Marks R, Quinney HA, Wessel J. Proprioceptive sensibility in women with normal and osteoarthritic knee joints. Clin Rheumatol. 1993;12:170-5.
  • Hunt MA, McManus FJ, Hinman RS, Bennell KL. Predictors of single-leg standing balance in individuals with medial knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res. 2010;62:496-500.
  • Jeter PE, Haaz Moonaz S, Bittner AK, Dagnelie G. Ashtanga-based yoga therapy increases the sensory contribution to postural stability in visually-impaired persons at risk for falls as measured by the wii balance board: a pilot randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0129646.
  • Forbes PA, Siegmund GP, Schouten AC, Blouin JS. Task, muscle and frequency dependent vestibular control of posture. Front Integr Neurosci. 2015;8:94.
  • Adam M, Leblebici B, Erkan AN, Bağış S, Akman MN. Ankylosing spondylitis and postural balance. Turk J Rheumatol. 2008;23:87-90.
  • Lee DK, Kang MH, Lee TS, Oh JS. Relationships among the Y balance test, Berg Balance Scale, and lower limb strength in middle-aged and older females. Braz J Phys Ther. 2015;19:227-34.
  • Şahin F, Yılmaz F, Özmaden A, Kotevoğlu N, Sahin T, Kuran B. Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Berg Balance Scale. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2008;31:32-7.
  • Soyuer F, Şenol V, Elmalı F. Huzurevinde kalan 65 yaş ve üstündeki bireylerin, fiziksel aktivite, denge ve mobilite fonksiyonları. Van Tıp Dergisi. 2012;19:11621.
  • Kaplan Y, Tecellioğlu M, Kamışlı Ö, Kamışlı S, Özcan C. Migrenli hastalarda servikal vestibüler uyarılmış miyojenik potansiyellerin değerlendirilmesi. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi. 2013;19:134-8.
  • Zhou G, Cox LC. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials: History and overview. Am J Audiol. 2004;13:135-43.
  • Rosengren SM, Welgampola MS, Colebatch JG. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials: past, present and future. Clin Neurophysiol. 2010;121:636-51.
  • Derinsu U, Baş Eİ; Akdaş F. Vestibüler Uyarılmış Potansiyellerin standardizasyonu. Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009:22:127-33.
  • Tanaka EH, Santos PF, Reis JG, Rodrigues NC, Moraes R, Abreu DC. Is there a relationship between complaints of impaired balance and postural control disorder in community-dwelling elderly women? A cross-sectional study with the use of posturography. Braz J Phys Ther. 2015;19:186-93.
  • Russo L, D'Eramo U, Padulo J, Foti C, Schiffer R, Scoppa F. Day-time effect on postural stability in young sportsmen. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2015;5:38-42.
  • Ness KK, Gurney JG, Ice GH. Screening, education, and associated behavioral responses to reduce risk for falls among people over age 65years attending a community health fair. Phys Ther. 2003;83:631-7.

Sağlıklı erişkin bir popülasyonda denge ve düşme riskinin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2016, Volume: 41 Issue: 2, 236 - 241, 30.06.2016


Amaç: Bu retrospektif çalışmada bir fabrikada çalışan sağlıklı erişkinlerde düşme riski ve dengenin değerlendirilmesi ve bu riskin vestibüler sistemi değerlendiren vestibüler uyarılmış myojenik potansiyeller ile korele olup olmadığının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Altmiş dokuz erkek katılımcının verilerine ulaşıldı. Katılımcıların bilateral Vestibüler Uyarılmış Myojenik Potansiyeli verileri ve Berg Denge Ölçekleri kaydedildi. Ayrıca, Tetrax İnteraktif Denge Sistemi kullanılarak denge testleri ve düşme riskleri kaydedildi. Bu değerlendirmeler arasındaki korelasyonlar değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Yaş ile düşme riski arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı korelasyon yoktu. Ayrıca, bilateral Vestibüler Uyarılmış Myojenik Potansiyeller dalgalarının latans ve amplitüt değerleri ile Berg Denge Ölçeği, denge testleri ve düşme riskleri arasında korelasyon saptanmadı. Berg Denge Ölçeği skorları oldukça iyi bir dengeyi gösterirken düşme riski %0 ile %78 arasında değişiyordu.
Sonuç: İlerleyen yaş düşme riski için tek başına bir risk faktörü olmayabilir. Berg Denge Ölçeği, genç erişkin popülasyonda düşme riskini tam olarak göstermeyebilir. Vestibüler Uyarılmış Myojenik Potansiyeller ölçümleri düşme riskini ve dengeyi değerlendirmeye belirgin katkı sağlamayabilir. Çalışmamız düşme riskinin toplumda beklenenden fazla olabileceğinin altını çizmektedir.


  • Şahin F, Büyükavcı R, Sağ S, Doğu B, Kuran B. Berg Denge Ölçeği’nin Türkçe versiyonunun inmeli hastalarda geçerlilik ve güvenilirliği. Türk Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Derg. 2013;59:170-5.
  • Duman I, Taskaynatan MA, Mohur H, Tan AK. Assessment of the impact of proprioceptive exercises on balance and proprioception in patients with advanced knee osteoarthritis. Rheumatol Int. 2012;32:3793-8.
  • Hassan BS, Mockett S, Doherty M. Static postural sway, proprioception, and maximal voluntary quadriceps contraction in patients with knee osteoarthritis and normal control subjects. Ann Rheum Dis. 2001;60:612-8.
  • Kim HS, Yun DH, Yoo SD, Kim DH, Jeong YS, Yun JS et al. Balance control and knee osteoarthritis severity. Ann Rehabil Med. 2011;35:701-9.
  • Marks R, Quinney HA, Wessel J. Proprioceptive sensibility in women with normal and osteoarthritic knee joints. Clin Rheumatol. 1993;12:170-5.
  • Hunt MA, McManus FJ, Hinman RS, Bennell KL. Predictors of single-leg standing balance in individuals with medial knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care Res. 2010;62:496-500.
  • Jeter PE, Haaz Moonaz S, Bittner AK, Dagnelie G. Ashtanga-based yoga therapy increases the sensory contribution to postural stability in visually-impaired persons at risk for falls as measured by the wii balance board: a pilot randomized controlled trial. PLoS One. 2015;10:e0129646.
  • Forbes PA, Siegmund GP, Schouten AC, Blouin JS. Task, muscle and frequency dependent vestibular control of posture. Front Integr Neurosci. 2015;8:94.
  • Adam M, Leblebici B, Erkan AN, Bağış S, Akman MN. Ankylosing spondylitis and postural balance. Turk J Rheumatol. 2008;23:87-90.
  • Lee DK, Kang MH, Lee TS, Oh JS. Relationships among the Y balance test, Berg Balance Scale, and lower limb strength in middle-aged and older females. Braz J Phys Ther. 2015;19:227-34.
  • Şahin F, Yılmaz F, Özmaden A, Kotevoğlu N, Sahin T, Kuran B. Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the Berg Balance Scale. J Geriatr Phys Ther. 2008;31:32-7.
  • Soyuer F, Şenol V, Elmalı F. Huzurevinde kalan 65 yaş ve üstündeki bireylerin, fiziksel aktivite, denge ve mobilite fonksiyonları. Van Tıp Dergisi. 2012;19:11621.
  • Kaplan Y, Tecellioğlu M, Kamışlı Ö, Kamışlı S, Özcan C. Migrenli hastalarda servikal vestibüler uyarılmış miyojenik potansiyellerin değerlendirilmesi. Türk Nöroloji Dergisi. 2013;19:134-8.
  • Zhou G, Cox LC. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials: History and overview. Am J Audiol. 2004;13:135-43.
  • Rosengren SM, Welgampola MS, Colebatch JG. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials: past, present and future. Clin Neurophysiol. 2010;121:636-51.
  • Derinsu U, Baş Eİ; Akdaş F. Vestibüler Uyarılmış Potansiyellerin standardizasyonu. Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2009:22:127-33.
  • Tanaka EH, Santos PF, Reis JG, Rodrigues NC, Moraes R, Abreu DC. Is there a relationship between complaints of impaired balance and postural control disorder in community-dwelling elderly women? A cross-sectional study with the use of posturography. Braz J Phys Ther. 2015;19:186-93.
  • Russo L, D'Eramo U, Padulo J, Foti C, Schiffer R, Scoppa F. Day-time effect on postural stability in young sportsmen. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2015;5:38-42.
  • Ness KK, Gurney JG, Ice GH. Screening, education, and associated behavioral responses to reduce risk for falls among people over age 65years attending a community health fair. Phys Ther. 2003;83:631-7.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research

Pınar Analan This is me

Emine Yılmaz This is me

Berrin Leblebici This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 41 Issue: 2


MLA Analan, Pınar et al. “Evaluation of Postural Balance and Risk of Fall in a Healthy Adult Population”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 41, no. 2, 2016, pp. 236-41, doi:10.17826/cutf.05103.