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Poligamik ve monogamik evliliklerdeki kadınlarda psikolojik semptomlar ve cinsel doyum

Year 2022, Volume: 47 Issue: 1, 283 - 291, 31.03.2022


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı bir Türk Örnekleminde poligamik ve monogamik evliliklere dahil olan kadınların cinsel doyum düzeyleri ile ruh sağlığı ile ilgili belirtileri araştırmaktır. Çalışmaya 72 poligamik, 36 monogamik evlilik yapmış toplam 108 kadın katılmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Katılımcılara değerlendirme için Golombok Rust Cinsel Doyum Ölçeği (GRCDÖ) ve SCL-90-R uygulanmıştır.
Bulgular: GRCDÖ ile yapılan karşılaştırmada iki grup arasında, Toplam Puan, Doyum, Dokunma, Vaginismus ve Anorgazmi alt ölçekleri arasında anlamlı fark bulunmuştur. SCL-90 puanları ANOVA ile karşılaştırıldığında Polgamik evliliklerdeki ilk eşler (Senior Wife) Depresyon alt ölçeğinden anlamlı olarak yüksek puan ortalamasına sahipti. Monogamik evliliklerdeki kadınlar, Poligamik evliliklerdeki kadınlara göre cinsel yaşamlarından daha yüksek doyuma sahip olduğu, daha az psikiyatrik semptoma sahip olduğu saptanmıştır.
Sonuç: Çok eşli aile yapısı hakkında farkındalık yaratmak, cinsel sağlık gibi sıklıkla ihmal edilen konulara dikkat çekmek ve bu gruba verilen sağlık hizmetlerini iyileştirmek önemlidir.


  • Bennion J, Joffe LF. Introduction. In The polygamy question,(Ed Bennion J, Joffe LF): Colorado, Utah University Press.2015;1-22.
  • Al-Krenawi A. Psychosocial Impact of Polygamy in the Middle East. New York, Springer, 2014.
  • Lesthaeghe RJ. Production and reproduction in sub-saharan Africa: an overview of organizing principles. In Reproduction and social organization in sub-saharan Africa. (Ed Lesthaeghe RJ):13-8. Berkeley, University of California Press. 1989.
  • Slonim-Nevo V, Al-Krenawi A, Yuval-Shani B. Polygynous marriage in the Middle East: stories of success and failures. Ethnology. 2008;47:195-208.
  • Abu Rabia R. Redefining polygamy among the Palestinian bedouins in Israel: colonialism, patriarchy, and resistance. Am Univ J Gend SocPolicy Law. 2011;19:459-93.
  • Okten S. Gender and power: the system of gender in southeastern Anatolia. J. Int Soc Res. 2009;2:302-12.
  • Ali Y. The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, Washington DC, Amana Corporation, 1993.
  • Hassouneh-Phillips D. Polygamy and wife abuse: a qualitative study of Muslim women in America. Health Care Women Int. 2001;22:735-48.
  • Kuyaksil A. Women's rights and its development in the Turkish constitutions. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Sciences Institute. 2009;6:328-52.
  • Yalcın I. Restrictions on polygamy in contemporary Islamic legislation. Journal of the Human and Social Sciences Researches. 2017;6:1707-25.
  • Chaleby, K. Women of polygamous marriages in an inpatient psychiatric service in Kuwait. J Nerv Ment Dis. 1985;173:56-8.
  • Al-Krenawi A. Polygamy and mental health: An international perspective. EC Psychol Psychiatr. 2016;1:1-3
  • Madhavan S. Best of friends and worst of enemies: competition and collaboration in polygyny. Ethnology. 2002;41:69-84
  • Yilmaz E, Tamam L, Bal U. Polygamy ve ruh sağlığına etkisi. Psikiyatride Güncel yaklaşımlar. 2015;7:221-8.
  • Abbo C, Ekblad S, Waako P, Okello E, Muhwezi W, Musisi S. Psychological distress and associated factors among the attendees of traditional healing practices in Jinja and Iganga districts, Eastern Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Int J Ment Health Syst. 2008;2:16.
  • Chaleby K. Women of polygamous marriages in outpatient psychiatric services in Kuwait. International Journal of Family Psychiatry. 1987;8:25-34.
  • Al-Krenawi A. Mental health and polygamy: The Syrian case. World J Psychiatry. 2013;3:1-7.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Graham JR, Al Gharaibeh F. A comparison study of psychological, family function marital and life satisfactions of polygamous and monogamous women in Jordan. Community Ment Health J. 2011;47:594-602.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Lightman ES. Learning achievement, social adjustment, and family conflict among Bedouin-Arab children from polygamous and monogamous families. J Soc Psychol. 2000;140:345-55.
  • Cherian VI. Corporal punishment and academic achievement of xhosa children from polygynous and monogamous families. J Soc Psychol. 1994;134:387-90
  • Eapen V, Al-Gazali L, Bin-Othman S, Abou-Saleh M. Mental health problems among school children in the United Arab Emirates: prevalence and risk factors. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1998;37:880-6.
  • Elbedour S, Bart WM, Hektner JM. Scholastic achievement and family marital structure: bedouin Arab adolescents from monogamous and polygamous families in Israel. J Soc Psychol. 2000;140:503-15.
  • Fenske J. African polygamy: past and present. J Dev Econ. 2015;117: 58-73.
  • Bove R, Valeggia C. Polygyny and women’s health in sub-saharan Africa. Soc Sci Med.2008;68:21-9.
  • Ezeh AC. Polygyny and reproductive behavior in sub-saharan Africa: a contextual analysis. Demography. 1997;34:355-68.
  • Garenne M, Van de Walle E. Polygyny and fertility among the sereer of Senegal. Popul Stud. 1989;43:267-83.
  • Mulder MB. Marital status and reproductive performance in kipsigis women. Popul Stud. 1989;43:285-304.
  • Ozer A, Orhan FM, Ekerbiçer HC. Sociodemographic variables and depression in Turkish women from polygamous versus monogamous families. Health Care Women Int. 2013;34:1024-34.
  • Ozkan M, Altindag A, Oto R, Sentunali E. Mental health aspects of Turkish women from polygamous versus monogamous families. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2006;52:214-20.
  • Arslan DA. Sociological analysis of the demographic structure of Adana. Journal of Human Sciences. 2016;13:3768-93.
  • Derogatis LR. SCL-90: Administration, scoring and procedure manual-I for the revised version, Baltimore, John Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Clinical Psychometrics Unit. 1983.
  • Dag I. Reliability and validity of the Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R) for university students. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 1991;2:5-12
  • Rust J, Golombok S. The GRISS: a psychometric instrument for the assessment of sexual dysfunction. Arch Sex Behav. 1986;15:157-65.
  • Tugrul C, Oztan N, Kabakci E. Standardization of golombok-rust sexual satisfaction inventory. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 1993;4:83-8.
  • Al-Krenawi A. A study of psychological symptoms, family function, marital and life satisfactions of polygamous and monogamous women: The Palestinian case. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2010;58:79-86.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Graham JR. A comparison of family functioning, life and marital satisfaction, and mental health of women in polygamous and monogamous marriages. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2006;52: 5-17.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Slonim-Nevo V. The psychosocial profile of bedouin Arab women living in polygamous and monogamous marriages. Fam Soc. 2008;89:139-49.
  • Yılmaz E, Tamam L. The relationship between polygamy and psychiatric disorders in Turkish women. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2018;64:821-7.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Lev-Wiesel R. Wife abuse among polygamous and monogamous Bedouin Arab families. J Divorce Remarriage. 2008;36:151-65.
  • Al-Sherbiny LAM. The case of first wife in polygamy: Description of an Arab culture-specific tradition. Arab Psy Net 2005;8:9-26.
  • Al-Krenawi A. Family therapy with a multiparental/multispousal family. Fam Process. 1998;37:65-82.
  • Hartmann U. Depression and sexual dysfunction. J Mens Health Gen. 2007;4:18-25.
  • Lykins AD, Janssen E, Graham CA. The relationship between negative mood and sexuality in heterosexual college women and men. J Sex Res. 2006;43:136-43.
  • Fabre LF, Clayton AH, Smith LC, Goldstein IM, Derogatis LR. Association of major depression with sexual dysfunction in men. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013;25:308-18.
  • Baldwin DS, Thomas SC, Birtwistle J. Effects of antidepressant drugs on sexual function. Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 1997;1:47-58.
  • Strait JG, Sandberg JG, Larson JH, Harper JM. The relationship between family‐of‐origin experiences and sexual satisfaction in married couples. J Fam Ther. 2015;37:361-85.
  • Fallis EE, Rehman US, Woody EZ, Purdon C. The longitudinal association of relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction in long-term relationships. J Fam Psychol. 2016;30:822-31.
  • Tuncer SK, Aydin E, Kasimoglu N, Aydemir B, Baykan SA. Investigation of the effects of marital adjustment on sexual life quality of married women. Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences. 2018;6:31-44.
  • Ozdemir YO, Simsek F, Incesu C, Koc K. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of subjects referred to a multidisciplinary sexual dysfunction outpatient clinic. European Journal of Sexual Health. 2006;15:14-5.
  • Dogan S. Vaginismus and accompanying sexual dysfunctions in a Turkish clinical sample. J Sex Med. 2009;6:184-92.
  • Yilmaz E, Zeytinci İE, Sari S, Karababa İF, Cilli AS, Kucur R. Investigation of sexual problems in married population living in the center of Konya. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2010;21:126-34.
  • Tugrul C, Kabakci E. Vaginismus and its correlates. Sex Relation Ther. 1997;12:23-34.
  • Dogan S, Saracoglu GV. The assessment of sexual knowledge, marital characteristics, sexual function and satisfaction in women with lifelong vaginismus. Balkan Med J. 2009;26:151-8.
  • Yıldırım EA, Akyuz F, Hacıoglu, M, Essizoglu A, Cakmak AC, Cakmak, E et al. Relationship between presenting complaint and clinical diagnosis in outpatients applying to the sexual dysfunction clinic. Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2011;48:24-30.

Psychological symptoms and sexual satisfaction in polygamic and monogamic wives

Year 2022, Volume: 47 Issue: 1, 283 - 291, 31.03.2022


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the sexual satisfaction and mental health indicators in polygamous and monogamous women in Turkey. The study included 108 female participants: 36 monogamous wives and 72 polygamous wives.
Materials and Methods: The participants were evaluated with the Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R) and Golombok-Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (GRISS).
Results: There were significant differences between the groups regarding the total GRISS score and Dissatisfaction, Sensuality, Vaginismus, and Anorgasmia subscale scores. In comparing the SCL-90 scores with ANOVA, the senior wife group had significantly higher scores in the Depression subscales. Monogamic wives had higher satisfaction from their sexual lives and had less frequent psychiatric symptoms than polygamic wives.
Conclusion: It is important to raise awareness about the polygamic family structure, draw attention to often neglected issues such as sexual health, and improve the health services provided to this group.


  • Bennion J, Joffe LF. Introduction. In The polygamy question,(Ed Bennion J, Joffe LF): Colorado, Utah University Press.2015;1-22.
  • Al-Krenawi A. Psychosocial Impact of Polygamy in the Middle East. New York, Springer, 2014.
  • Lesthaeghe RJ. Production and reproduction in sub-saharan Africa: an overview of organizing principles. In Reproduction and social organization in sub-saharan Africa. (Ed Lesthaeghe RJ):13-8. Berkeley, University of California Press. 1989.
  • Slonim-Nevo V, Al-Krenawi A, Yuval-Shani B. Polygynous marriage in the Middle East: stories of success and failures. Ethnology. 2008;47:195-208.
  • Abu Rabia R. Redefining polygamy among the Palestinian bedouins in Israel: colonialism, patriarchy, and resistance. Am Univ J Gend SocPolicy Law. 2011;19:459-93.
  • Okten S. Gender and power: the system of gender in southeastern Anatolia. J. Int Soc Res. 2009;2:302-12.
  • Ali Y. The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an, Washington DC, Amana Corporation, 1993.
  • Hassouneh-Phillips D. Polygamy and wife abuse: a qualitative study of Muslim women in America. Health Care Women Int. 2001;22:735-48.
  • Kuyaksil A. Women's rights and its development in the Turkish constitutions. Mustafa Kemal University Journal of Sciences Institute. 2009;6:328-52.
  • Yalcın I. Restrictions on polygamy in contemporary Islamic legislation. Journal of the Human and Social Sciences Researches. 2017;6:1707-25.
  • Chaleby, K. Women of polygamous marriages in an inpatient psychiatric service in Kuwait. J Nerv Ment Dis. 1985;173:56-8.
  • Al-Krenawi A. Polygamy and mental health: An international perspective. EC Psychol Psychiatr. 2016;1:1-3
  • Madhavan S. Best of friends and worst of enemies: competition and collaboration in polygyny. Ethnology. 2002;41:69-84
  • Yilmaz E, Tamam L, Bal U. Polygamy ve ruh sağlığına etkisi. Psikiyatride Güncel yaklaşımlar. 2015;7:221-8.
  • Abbo C, Ekblad S, Waako P, Okello E, Muhwezi W, Musisi S. Psychological distress and associated factors among the attendees of traditional healing practices in Jinja and Iganga districts, Eastern Uganda: a cross-sectional study. Int J Ment Health Syst. 2008;2:16.
  • Chaleby K. Women of polygamous marriages in outpatient psychiatric services in Kuwait. International Journal of Family Psychiatry. 1987;8:25-34.
  • Al-Krenawi A. Mental health and polygamy: The Syrian case. World J Psychiatry. 2013;3:1-7.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Graham JR, Al Gharaibeh F. A comparison study of psychological, family function marital and life satisfactions of polygamous and monogamous women in Jordan. Community Ment Health J. 2011;47:594-602.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Lightman ES. Learning achievement, social adjustment, and family conflict among Bedouin-Arab children from polygamous and monogamous families. J Soc Psychol. 2000;140:345-55.
  • Cherian VI. Corporal punishment and academic achievement of xhosa children from polygynous and monogamous families. J Soc Psychol. 1994;134:387-90
  • Eapen V, Al-Gazali L, Bin-Othman S, Abou-Saleh M. Mental health problems among school children in the United Arab Emirates: prevalence and risk factors. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1998;37:880-6.
  • Elbedour S, Bart WM, Hektner JM. Scholastic achievement and family marital structure: bedouin Arab adolescents from monogamous and polygamous families in Israel. J Soc Psychol. 2000;140:503-15.
  • Fenske J. African polygamy: past and present. J Dev Econ. 2015;117: 58-73.
  • Bove R, Valeggia C. Polygyny and women’s health in sub-saharan Africa. Soc Sci Med.2008;68:21-9.
  • Ezeh AC. Polygyny and reproductive behavior in sub-saharan Africa: a contextual analysis. Demography. 1997;34:355-68.
  • Garenne M, Van de Walle E. Polygyny and fertility among the sereer of Senegal. Popul Stud. 1989;43:267-83.
  • Mulder MB. Marital status and reproductive performance in kipsigis women. Popul Stud. 1989;43:285-304.
  • Ozer A, Orhan FM, Ekerbiçer HC. Sociodemographic variables and depression in Turkish women from polygamous versus monogamous families. Health Care Women Int. 2013;34:1024-34.
  • Ozkan M, Altindag A, Oto R, Sentunali E. Mental health aspects of Turkish women from polygamous versus monogamous families. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2006;52:214-20.
  • Arslan DA. Sociological analysis of the demographic structure of Adana. Journal of Human Sciences. 2016;13:3768-93.
  • Derogatis LR. SCL-90: Administration, scoring and procedure manual-I for the revised version, Baltimore, John Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Clinical Psychometrics Unit. 1983.
  • Dag I. Reliability and validity of the Symptom Check List (SCL-90-R) for university students. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 1991;2:5-12
  • Rust J, Golombok S. The GRISS: a psychometric instrument for the assessment of sexual dysfunction. Arch Sex Behav. 1986;15:157-65.
  • Tugrul C, Oztan N, Kabakci E. Standardization of golombok-rust sexual satisfaction inventory. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 1993;4:83-8.
  • Al-Krenawi A. A study of psychological symptoms, family function, marital and life satisfactions of polygamous and monogamous women: The Palestinian case. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2010;58:79-86.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Graham JR. A comparison of family functioning, life and marital satisfaction, and mental health of women in polygamous and monogamous marriages. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2006;52: 5-17.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Slonim-Nevo V. The psychosocial profile of bedouin Arab women living in polygamous and monogamous marriages. Fam Soc. 2008;89:139-49.
  • Yılmaz E, Tamam L. The relationship between polygamy and psychiatric disorders in Turkish women. Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2018;64:821-7.
  • Al-Krenawi A, Lev-Wiesel R. Wife abuse among polygamous and monogamous Bedouin Arab families. J Divorce Remarriage. 2008;36:151-65.
  • Al-Sherbiny LAM. The case of first wife in polygamy: Description of an Arab culture-specific tradition. Arab Psy Net 2005;8:9-26.
  • Al-Krenawi A. Family therapy with a multiparental/multispousal family. Fam Process. 1998;37:65-82.
  • Hartmann U. Depression and sexual dysfunction. J Mens Health Gen. 2007;4:18-25.
  • Lykins AD, Janssen E, Graham CA. The relationship between negative mood and sexuality in heterosexual college women and men. J Sex Res. 2006;43:136-43.
  • Fabre LF, Clayton AH, Smith LC, Goldstein IM, Derogatis LR. Association of major depression with sexual dysfunction in men. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013;25:308-18.
  • Baldwin DS, Thomas SC, Birtwistle J. Effects of antidepressant drugs on sexual function. Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 1997;1:47-58.
  • Strait JG, Sandberg JG, Larson JH, Harper JM. The relationship between family‐of‐origin experiences and sexual satisfaction in married couples. J Fam Ther. 2015;37:361-85.
  • Fallis EE, Rehman US, Woody EZ, Purdon C. The longitudinal association of relationship satisfaction and sexual satisfaction in long-term relationships. J Fam Psychol. 2016;30:822-31.
  • Tuncer SK, Aydin E, Kasimoglu N, Aydemir B, Baykan SA. Investigation of the effects of marital adjustment on sexual life quality of married women. Asian Journal of Pharmacy, Nursing and Medical Sciences. 2018;6:31-44.
  • Ozdemir YO, Simsek F, Incesu C, Koc K. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of subjects referred to a multidisciplinary sexual dysfunction outpatient clinic. European Journal of Sexual Health. 2006;15:14-5.
  • Dogan S. Vaginismus and accompanying sexual dysfunctions in a Turkish clinical sample. J Sex Med. 2009;6:184-92.
  • Yilmaz E, Zeytinci İE, Sari S, Karababa İF, Cilli AS, Kucur R. Investigation of sexual problems in married population living in the center of Konya. Turk Psikiyatri Derg. 2010;21:126-34.
  • Tugrul C, Kabakci E. Vaginismus and its correlates. Sex Relation Ther. 1997;12:23-34.
  • Dogan S, Saracoglu GV. The assessment of sexual knowledge, marital characteristics, sexual function and satisfaction in women with lifelong vaginismus. Balkan Med J. 2009;26:151-8.
  • Yıldırım EA, Akyuz F, Hacıoglu, M, Essizoglu A, Cakmak AC, Cakmak, E et al. Relationship between presenting complaint and clinical diagnosis in outpatients applying to the sexual dysfunction clinic. Noro Psikiyatr Ars. 2011;48:24-30.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research

Ertan Yılmaz 0000-0002-9926-9661

Publication Date March 31, 2022
Acceptance Date February 6, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 47 Issue: 1


MLA Yılmaz, Ertan. “Psychological Symptoms and Sexual Satisfaction in Polygamic and Monogamic Wives”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 47, no. 1, 2022, pp. 283-91, doi:10.17826/cumj.1029011.