Research Article
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Preoperative and postoperative urotensin II levels in obese patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

Year 2025, Volume: 50 Issue: 1, 157 - 167, 31.03.2025


Purpose: This study aimed to compare Urotensin II (UII) levels in adipose tissue and serum between individuals with obesity and those with normal weight.
Materials and Methods: Blood samples were collected from individuals with severe obesity prior to laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), and adipose tissue samples were obtained during the procedure. Postoperatively, blood samples were analyzed from individuals whose body mass index (BMI) had normalized after LSG, along with adipose tissue samples from individuals with normal BMI. UII levels and biochemical parameters were measured in both groups.
Results: Six months post-LSG, serum UII levels in 60 obese patients significantly decreased compared to preoperative levels. Adipose tissue UII levels in the severely obese group were significantly higher than in the control group. Additionally, serum UII levels in individuals who achieved normal BMI after LSG were lower than their preoperative levels. ROC curve analysis identified cut-off values for LSG suitability: individuals with serum UII levels below 46.88 and tissue UII levels below 202.87 were deemed less suitable for LSG, while those above these thresholds were considered more suitable.
Conclusion: The observed differences in UII levels between individuals with normal BMI and those with obesity suggest that UII may play a significant role in the pathophysiology of obesity. These findings highlight its potential as a biomarker for assessing surgical suitability and understanding obesity-related mechanisms.


  • Reid TJ, Korner J. Medical and surgical treatment of obesity. Med Clin North Am. 2022;106:837-52.
  • Al-Mohaidly MT, Al-Asmari AK, Khan HA, Alshngeete AS, Khan I, Al-Asmari YA et al. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for obesity treatment in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2023;408;158.
  • Vaudry H, Do Rego JC, Le Mevel JC, Chatenet D, Tostivint H, Fournier A et al. Urotensin II, from fish to human. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2010;1200:53-66.
  • Cetin D, Yayla M, Baykus Y, Deniz R. Plasma urotensin-2 as a marker for menstrual irregularities in women: a clinical study. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2019;46:437–42.
  • Nassour H, Iddir M, Chatenet D. Towards targeting the urotensinergic system: overview and challenges. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2019;40:725-34.
  • Thanassoulis G, Huyhn T, Giaid A. Urotensin II and cardiovascular diseases. Peptides. 2004;25:1789-94.
  • Ong KL, Wong LY, Cheung BM. The role of urotensin II in the metabolic syndrome. Peptides. 2008;29:859-67.
  • Calan M, Arkan T, Kume T, Bayraktar F. The relationship between urotensin II and insulin resistance in women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Hormones (Athens). 2019;18:91-7.
  • Cetin D, Aksu Kilicle P, Findik Guvendi G, Yayla M. Hepatoprotective effect of punica granatum seed oil extract on paracetamol intoxication in rat via inhibory effect of CYP2E1. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;24:725-33.
  • Bozkurt BH, Yayla M, Binnetoglu D, Evren M. The association of passive smoking and serum urotensin-ii levels in children. An Acad Bras Cienc. 2022;94:e20201488.
  • Cantay H, Binnetoglu K, Gul HF, Bingol SA. Investigation of serum and adipose tissue levels of asprosin in patients with severe obesity undergoing sleeve gastrectomy. Obesity. 2022;30:1639-46.
  • Cantay H, Binnetoglu K, Erdogdu UE, Fırat YD, Cayci HM. Comparison of short- and long-term outcomes of bariatric surgery methods: A retrospective study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022;101:e30679.
  • Binnetoğlu K, Yılmaz EC, Yokus B, Midi A. The effect of bacterial cellulose in the prevention of leakage after sleeve gastrectomy-an experimental study. Bariatric Surgical Practice and Patient Care. 2022;17:40-6.
  • Carey DG, Jenkins AB, Campbell LV, freund DJ, Chisholm DJ. Abdominal fat and insulin resistance in normal and overweight women: Direct measurements reveal a strong relationship in subjects at both low and high risk of NIDDM. Diabetes. 1996;45:633-8.
  • Cornier MA, Dabelea D, Hernandez TL, Lindstorn RC, Steing AJ, Stob NR et al. The metabolic syndrome. Endocr Rev. 2008;29:777-822.
  • Stefan N, Kantartzis K, Machann J, Schick F, Thamer C. Rittig K. Identification and characterization of metabolically benign obesity in humans. Arch Intern Med. 2008;168:1609-16.
  • Gregor MF, Hotamisligil GS. Inflammatory mechanisms in obesity. Annu Rev Immunol. 2011;29:415-45.
  • Yudkin JS, Stehouwer CD, Emeis JJ, Coppack SW. C-reactive protein in healthy subjects: associations with obesity, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction: a potential role for cytokines originating from adipose tissue? Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1999;19:972-8.
  • Festa A, D'Agostino R, Tracy RP, Haffner SM. Insulin resistance atherosclerosis study. elevated levels of acute-phase proteins and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 predict the development of type 2 diabetes: the insulin resistance atherosclerosis study. Diabetes. 2002;51:1131-7.
  • Engström G, Hedblad B, Stavenow L, Lind P, Janzon L, Lindgarde F. Inflammation-sensitive plasma proteins are associated with future weight gain. Diabetes. 2003;52:2097-101.
  • Trayhurn P, Wood IS. Adipokines: inflammation and the pleiotropic role of white adipose tissue. Br J Nutr. 2004;92:347-55.
  • Ong KL, Wong LY, Cheung BM. The role of urotensin II in the metabolic syndrome. Peptides. 2008;29:859-67.
  • Simunovic M, Jukic A, Paradzik M, Domic DS, Stanisic L, Degoricija M. The role of urotensin-ii in obesity and metabolic syndrome in pediatric population. Children (Basel). 2022;9:204.
  • You Z, Al Kindi H, Abdul-Karim A, Barette PO, Schwertani. Blocking the urotensin II receptor pathway ameliorates the metabolic syndrome and improves cardiac function in obese mice. FASEB J. 2014;28:1210-20.
  • Jiang Z, Michal JJ, Tobey DJ, Wang Z, Macneil MD, Magnuson NS. Comparative understanding of UTS2 and UTS2R genes for their involvement in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Biol Sci. 2008;4:96-102.
  • Adalı Y, Binnetoğlu K. Evaluation of the response to vitamin B12 supplementation in patients with atrophy in sleeve gastrectomy materials. Cir Cir. 2022;90:17-23.
  • Morais AAC, Faintuch J, Leal AAD, Noe JAB, Bertollo DM, Morais RC et al. Inflammation and biochemical features of bariatric candidates: does gender matter? Obes Surg. 2011;21:71-7.
  • Romero-Talamás H, Daigle CR, Aminian A, Corcelles R, Brethauer SA, Schauer PR. The effect of bariatric surgery on gout: a comparative study. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2014;10:1161-5.
  • Duran İD, Gülçelik NE, Bulut B, Balcı Z, Berker D, Güler S. Differences in calcium metabolism and thyroid physiology after sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Obes Surg. 2019;29:705-12.
  • Park S, Kim YJ, Young Choi C, Cho NJ, Gil HW, Lee EY. Bariatric surgery can reduce albuminuria in patients with severe obesity and normal kidney function by reducing systemic inflammation. Obes Surg. 2018;28:831-37.
  • De Vuono S, Ricci MA, Migliola EN, Monti MC, Morretta E, Boni M. Serum bile acid levels before and after sleeve gastrectomy and their correlation with obesity-related comorbidities. Obes Surg. 2019;29:2517-26.
  • Navaneethan SD, Kelly KR, Sabbagh F, Schauer PR, Kirwan JP, Kashyap SR. Urinary albumin excretion, HMW adiponectin, and insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Obes Surg. 2010;20:308-15.
  • Kheirvari M, Nikroo DN, Jaafarinejad H, Farsimadan M, Eshghjoo S, Hosseinin S et al. The advantages and disadvantages of sleeve gastrectomy; clinical laboratory to bedside review. Heliyon. 2020;6:e03496.
  • Lim M, Honisett S, Sparkes CD, Komesarof P, Kompa A, Krum H. Differential effect of urotensin II on vascular tone in normal subjects and patients with chronic heart failure. Circulation. 2004;109:1212-4.
  • Pan YJ, He L, Zhou SJ, Zhang SJ, Zhang AH, Zhao YY. Expression of urotensin II is associated with placental autophagy in patients with severe preeclampsia. J Hum Hypertens. 2018;32:759-69

Obez hastalarda laparoskopik sleeve gastrektomi öncesi ve sonrası urotensin II düzeyleri

Year 2025, Volume: 50 Issue: 1, 157 - 167, 31.03.2025


Amaç: Bu çalışma, obez bireyler ile normal kilolu bireyler arasında adipoz doku ve serumdaki Urotensin II (UII) düzeylerini karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Laparoskopik sleeve gastrektomi (LSG) öncesinde şiddetli obezitesi olan bireylerden kan örnekleri alındı ve cerrahi sırasında adipoz doku örnekleri toplandı. Ameliyat sonrasında vücut kitle indeksi (VKİ) normal sınırlara düşen bireylerden alınan kan örnekleri ile normal VKİ’ye sahip bireylerden alınan adipoz doku örnekleri analiz edildi. Her iki grupta UII düzeyleri ve biyokimyasal parametreler ölçüldü.
Bulgular: LSG sonrası altıncı ayda, 60 obez hastanın serum UII düzeyleri, ameliyat öncesine kıyasla anlamlı şekilde azaldı. Şiddetli obez grubun adipoz dokudaki UII düzeyleri, kontrol grubuna göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Ayrıca, LSG sonrası normal VKİ’ye ulaşan bireylerin serum UII düzeylerinin ameliyat öncesine göre daha düşük olduğu gözlendi. ROC eğrisi analizi, LSG uygunluğu için eşik değerler belirledi: serum UII düzeyi 46.88’in altında ve doku UII düzeyi 202.87’nin altında olan bireyler LSG için daha az uygun bulunurken, bu eşik değerlerin üzerinde olanlar daha uygun kabul edildi.
Sonuç: Normal VKİ’ye sahip bireyler ile obez bireyler arasında gözlemlenen UII düzeylerindeki farklılıklar, UII’nin obezitenin patofizyolojisinde önemli bir rol oynayabileceğini düşündürmektedir. Bu bulgular, UII’nin cerrahi uygunluğunun değerlendirilmesinde ve obeziteyle ilişkili mekanizmaların anlaşılmasında potansiyel bir biyobelirteç olabileceğini ortaya koymaktadır.


  • Reid TJ, Korner J. Medical and surgical treatment of obesity. Med Clin North Am. 2022;106:837-52.
  • Al-Mohaidly MT, Al-Asmari AK, Khan HA, Alshngeete AS, Khan I, Al-Asmari YA et al. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for obesity treatment in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2023;408;158.
  • Vaudry H, Do Rego JC, Le Mevel JC, Chatenet D, Tostivint H, Fournier A et al. Urotensin II, from fish to human. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2010;1200:53-66.
  • Cetin D, Yayla M, Baykus Y, Deniz R. Plasma urotensin-2 as a marker for menstrual irregularities in women: a clinical study. Clin Exp Obstet Gynecol. 2019;46:437–42.
  • Nassour H, Iddir M, Chatenet D. Towards targeting the urotensinergic system: overview and challenges. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2019;40:725-34.
  • Thanassoulis G, Huyhn T, Giaid A. Urotensin II and cardiovascular diseases. Peptides. 2004;25:1789-94.
  • Ong KL, Wong LY, Cheung BM. The role of urotensin II in the metabolic syndrome. Peptides. 2008;29:859-67.
  • Calan M, Arkan T, Kume T, Bayraktar F. The relationship between urotensin II and insulin resistance in women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Hormones (Athens). 2019;18:91-7.
  • Cetin D, Aksu Kilicle P, Findik Guvendi G, Yayla M. Hepatoprotective effect of punica granatum seed oil extract on paracetamol intoxication in rat via inhibory effect of CYP2E1. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;24:725-33.
  • Bozkurt BH, Yayla M, Binnetoglu D, Evren M. The association of passive smoking and serum urotensin-ii levels in children. An Acad Bras Cienc. 2022;94:e20201488.
  • Cantay H, Binnetoglu K, Gul HF, Bingol SA. Investigation of serum and adipose tissue levels of asprosin in patients with severe obesity undergoing sleeve gastrectomy. Obesity. 2022;30:1639-46.
  • Cantay H, Binnetoglu K, Erdogdu UE, Fırat YD, Cayci HM. Comparison of short- and long-term outcomes of bariatric surgery methods: A retrospective study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2022;101:e30679.
  • Binnetoğlu K, Yılmaz EC, Yokus B, Midi A. The effect of bacterial cellulose in the prevention of leakage after sleeve gastrectomy-an experimental study. Bariatric Surgical Practice and Patient Care. 2022;17:40-6.
  • Carey DG, Jenkins AB, Campbell LV, freund DJ, Chisholm DJ. Abdominal fat and insulin resistance in normal and overweight women: Direct measurements reveal a strong relationship in subjects at both low and high risk of NIDDM. Diabetes. 1996;45:633-8.
  • Cornier MA, Dabelea D, Hernandez TL, Lindstorn RC, Steing AJ, Stob NR et al. The metabolic syndrome. Endocr Rev. 2008;29:777-822.
  • Stefan N, Kantartzis K, Machann J, Schick F, Thamer C. Rittig K. Identification and characterization of metabolically benign obesity in humans. Arch Intern Med. 2008;168:1609-16.
  • Gregor MF, Hotamisligil GS. Inflammatory mechanisms in obesity. Annu Rev Immunol. 2011;29:415-45.
  • Yudkin JS, Stehouwer CD, Emeis JJ, Coppack SW. C-reactive protein in healthy subjects: associations with obesity, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction: a potential role for cytokines originating from adipose tissue? Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1999;19:972-8.
  • Festa A, D'Agostino R, Tracy RP, Haffner SM. Insulin resistance atherosclerosis study. elevated levels of acute-phase proteins and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 predict the development of type 2 diabetes: the insulin resistance atherosclerosis study. Diabetes. 2002;51:1131-7.
  • Engström G, Hedblad B, Stavenow L, Lind P, Janzon L, Lindgarde F. Inflammation-sensitive plasma proteins are associated with future weight gain. Diabetes. 2003;52:2097-101.
  • Trayhurn P, Wood IS. Adipokines: inflammation and the pleiotropic role of white adipose tissue. Br J Nutr. 2004;92:347-55.
  • Ong KL, Wong LY, Cheung BM. The role of urotensin II in the metabolic syndrome. Peptides. 2008;29:859-67.
  • Simunovic M, Jukic A, Paradzik M, Domic DS, Stanisic L, Degoricija M. The role of urotensin-ii in obesity and metabolic syndrome in pediatric population. Children (Basel). 2022;9:204.
  • You Z, Al Kindi H, Abdul-Karim A, Barette PO, Schwertani. Blocking the urotensin II receptor pathway ameliorates the metabolic syndrome and improves cardiac function in obese mice. FASEB J. 2014;28:1210-20.
  • Jiang Z, Michal JJ, Tobey DJ, Wang Z, Macneil MD, Magnuson NS. Comparative understanding of UTS2 and UTS2R genes for their involvement in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Int J Biol Sci. 2008;4:96-102.
  • Adalı Y, Binnetoğlu K. Evaluation of the response to vitamin B12 supplementation in patients with atrophy in sleeve gastrectomy materials. Cir Cir. 2022;90:17-23.
  • Morais AAC, Faintuch J, Leal AAD, Noe JAB, Bertollo DM, Morais RC et al. Inflammation and biochemical features of bariatric candidates: does gender matter? Obes Surg. 2011;21:71-7.
  • Romero-Talamás H, Daigle CR, Aminian A, Corcelles R, Brethauer SA, Schauer PR. The effect of bariatric surgery on gout: a comparative study. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2014;10:1161-5.
  • Duran İD, Gülçelik NE, Bulut B, Balcı Z, Berker D, Güler S. Differences in calcium metabolism and thyroid physiology after sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Obes Surg. 2019;29:705-12.
  • Park S, Kim YJ, Young Choi C, Cho NJ, Gil HW, Lee EY. Bariatric surgery can reduce albuminuria in patients with severe obesity and normal kidney function by reducing systemic inflammation. Obes Surg. 2018;28:831-37.
  • De Vuono S, Ricci MA, Migliola EN, Monti MC, Morretta E, Boni M. Serum bile acid levels before and after sleeve gastrectomy and their correlation with obesity-related comorbidities. Obes Surg. 2019;29:2517-26.
  • Navaneethan SD, Kelly KR, Sabbagh F, Schauer PR, Kirwan JP, Kashyap SR. Urinary albumin excretion, HMW adiponectin, and insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Obes Surg. 2010;20:308-15.
  • Kheirvari M, Nikroo DN, Jaafarinejad H, Farsimadan M, Eshghjoo S, Hosseinin S et al. The advantages and disadvantages of sleeve gastrectomy; clinical laboratory to bedside review. Heliyon. 2020;6:e03496.
  • Lim M, Honisett S, Sparkes CD, Komesarof P, Kompa A, Krum H. Differential effect of urotensin II on vascular tone in normal subjects and patients with chronic heart failure. Circulation. 2004;109:1212-4.
  • Pan YJ, He L, Zhou SJ, Zhang SJ, Zhang AH, Zhao YY. Expression of urotensin II is associated with placental autophagy in patients with severe preeclampsia. J Hum Hypertens. 2018;32:759-69
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects General Surgery
Journal Section Research

Damla Binnetoğlu 0000-0002-7041-7253

Kenan Binnetoğlu 0000-0001-7517-5970

Muhammed Yayla 0000-0002-0659-3084

Publication Date March 31, 2025
Submission Date November 21, 2024
Acceptance Date March 11, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 50 Issue: 1


MLA Binnetoğlu, Damla et al. “Preoperative and Postoperative Urotensin II Levels in Obese Patients Undergoing Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy”. Cukurova Medical Journal, vol. 50, no. 1, 2025, pp. 157-6, doi:10.17826/cumj.1589090.