Case Report
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Multidisipliner tedavi yaklaşımı ile iskeletsel sınıf 3 malokluzyonu olan hastanın implant, ortognatik cerrahi ve protetik tedavi ile rehabilitasyonu: Vaka raporu

Year 2023, , 66 - 72, 31.01.2023


Bu olgu sunumunda iskeletsel Sınıf 3 maloklüzyona sahip kırk yaşında kadın hastaya ortogna- tik cerrahi ve protetik restorasyon uygulanmıştır. Kliniğimize implant üstü restorasyon ihtiyacıyla başvuran kadın hastanın yapılan klinik muayenesinde iskeletsel Sınıf 3 profile sahip olduğu ve üst çenesinde 5 tane implant yapıldığı 16, 26 ve 27 no’lu dişlerinin de ağızda mevcut olduğu görüldü. Alt çenede ise 35, 37 ve 45 no’lu dişler eksikti. Bu şekilde yapılacak restorasyonun hastayı estetik ve fonksiyon olarak memnun edemeyeceğini ortognatik cerrahiden sonra daha ideale yakın bir restorasyon yapılabileceği bilgisi hastaya verildikten sonra cerrahi kliniğinde çift çene ameliyatı uygulanarak mandibula 2 mm geriye maksilla ise 5 mm öne doğru konumlandırıldı. Yaklaşık üç aylık iyileşme periyodundan sonra protezlerin yapılması için hasta kliniğe başvurdu. Gerekli kont- roller yapıldıktan sonra ideal estetik ve fonksiyonun sağlanabileceği şekilde hastanın sağ alt ile sol alt çenedeki eksik dişlere sabit köprü ve implant bölgesine de sabit simante bir köprü restoras- yonu planlanması yapıldı.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Estetik, i̇mplant destekli protetik restorasyon, i̇skeletsel sınıf 3 malokluzyon, ortognatik cerrahi

In this case report, orthognathic surgery and prosthetic restoration applied to a 40-year-old female patient with skeletal class 3 malocclusion was discussed. In the clinical examination of the female patient who applied to our clinic with the need for implant restoration, it was observed that she had a skeletal class 3 profile and tooth number 16, 26, and 27 with 5 implants in the upper jaw were also present in the mouth. After the patient was informed that the restoration to be made in this way could not satisfy the patient in terms of aesthetics and function, a restoration that would be closer to ideal after orthognathic surgery was given to the patient in the surgery clinic, double chin surgery was performed and the mandible was positioned 2 mm backward and the maxilla 5 mm forward. After a recovery period of approximately 3 months, the patient applied to our clinic for prosthesis. After the necessary controls were made, a fixed bridge restoration was made to the missing teeth in the right lower and left lower jaw of the patient and a fixed cemented bridge restoration was planned in the implant area in order to ensure ideal aesthetics and function.
Keywords: Aesthetics, implant-supported prosthetic restoration, orthognatic surgery, skeletal class 3


  • 1. Choquet V, Hermans M, Adriaenssens P, Daelemans P, Tarnow DP, Malevez C. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of the papilla level adjacent to single-tooth dental implants. A retrospective study in the maxillary anterior region. J Periodontol. 2001;72(10):1364-1371. [CrossRef]
  • 2. Kan JY, Rungcharassaeng K. Interimplant papilla preservation in the esthetic zone: A report of six consecutive cases. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2003;23(3):249-259.
  • 3. Belser UC, Schmid B, Higginbottom F, Buser D. Outcome analysis of implant restorations located in the anterior maxilla: A review of the recent literature. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2004;19(Suppl): 30-42.
  • 4. Spear FM, Kokich VG, Mathews DP. Interdisciplinary management of anterior dental esthetics. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006;137(2):160-169. [CrossRef]
  • 5. De Molon RS, Morais-Camilo JAND, Verzola MHA, Faeda RS, Pep- ato MT, Marcantonio Jr E. Impact of diabetes mellitus and metabolic control on bone healing around osseointegrated implants: Removal torque and histomorphometric analysis in rats. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013;24(7):831-837. [CrossRef]
  • 6. de Molon RS, de Avila ED, Cirelli JA, Cardoso Mde A, Capelozza- Filho L, Borelli Barros LA. Optimizing maxillary aesthetics of a severe compromised tooth through orthodontic movement and dental implants. Case Rep Dent. 2014;2014:103808. [CrossRef]
  • 7. De Molon RS, De Avila ED, Cirelli JA. Mollo Jr FdA, De Andrade MF, Filho LABB, Barros LAB. A combined approach for the treatment of resorbed fresh sockets allowing immediate implant restoration: A 2-year follow-up. J Oral Implantol. 2015;41:712-718.
  • 8. De Molon RS, de Avila ED, de Barros-Filho LAB, et al. Reconstruction of the alveolar buccal bone plate in compromised fresh socket after immediate implant placement followed by immediate provisionali- zation. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2015;27(3):122-135. [CrossRef]
  • 9. De Avila ÉD, de Molon RS, de Assis Mollo F, Jr, et al. Multidisciplinary approach for the aesthetic treatment of maxillary lateral incisors agenesis: Thinking about implants? Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012;114(5):e22-e28. [CrossRef]
  • 10. Soydan SS, Veziroğlu F, Ataç MS, Varlik SK, Yücel E. Multidisipliner tedavi yaklaşimi ile alt yüz profiloplastisi: Vaka raporu. Curr Res Dent Sci. 2011;2:119-124.
  • 11. Güngör AY, Turkkahraman H, Baykul T, Aydın A. Iskeletsel sınıf III malokluzyonun ortognatik cerrahi tedavisi: Olgu raporu. Sdü Sağlık Bilimleri Derg. 2012;3:85-88.
  • 12. de Almeida Cardoso M, de Molon RS, de Avila ED, et al. Facial and occlusal esthetic improvements of an adult skeletal Class III maloc- clusion using surgical, orthodontic, and implant treatment. Korean J Orthod. 2016;46(1):42-54. [CrossRef]
  • 13. Delaire J. Maxillary development revisited: Relevance to the ortho- paedic treatment of Class III malocclusions. Eur J Orthod. 1997;19(3): 289-311. [CrossRef] 14. Bergamo AZN, Andrucioli MCD, Romano FL, Ferreira JTL, Matsu- moto MAN. Orthodontic-surgical treatment of Class III malocclusion with mandibular asymmetry. Braz Dent J. 2011;22(2):151-156. [CrossRef]
  • 15. Enacar A, Ankara Üniversitesi A. Ortognatik cerrahi uygulanmış vakalarda profil değişiklikleri. Türk Ortod Derg. 1988;1:80-89.
  • 16. Magalhães IB, Pereira LJ, Marques LS, Gameiro GH. The influence of malocclusion on masticatory performance: A systematic review. Angle Orthod. 2010;80(5):981-987. [CrossRef]
  • 17. Bailey LT, Proffit WR, White Jr RP. Trends in surgical treatment of class III skeletal relationships. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 1995;10(2):108-118.
  • 18. Johnston C, Burden D, Kennedy D, Harradine N, Stevenson M. Class III surgical-orthodontic treatment: A cephalometric study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006;130(3):300-309. [CrossRef]
  • 19. Busby BR, Bailey LJ, Proffit WR, Phillips C, White Jr RP. Long-term stability of surgical class III treatment: A study of 5-year postsurgical results. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 2002;17(3):159-170.
  • 20. Espeland L, Høgevold HE, Stenvik A. A 3-year patient-centred follow- up of 516 consecutively treated orthognathic surgery patients. Eur J Orthod. 2008;30(1):24-30. [CrossRef]
  • 21. Kwon TG, Mori Y, Minami K, Lee SH, Sakuda M. Stability of simultane- ous maxillary and mandibular osteotomy for treatment of class III malocclusion: An analysis of three-dimensional cephalograms. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2000;28(5):272-277. [CrossRef]
  • 22. Bothur S, Blomqvist JE, Isaksson S. Stability of le Fort I osteotomy with advancement: A comparison of single maxillary surgery and a two-jaw procedure. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1998;56(9):1029-33; dis- cussion 1033. [CrossRef]
  • 23. Proffit WR, Turvey TA, Phillips C. The hierarchy of stability and predict- ability in orthognathic surgery with rigid fixation: An update and extension. Head Face Med. 2007;3:21. [CrossRef]
  • 24. Jakobsone G, Stenvik A, Sandvik L, Espeland L. Three-year follow-up of bimaxillary surgery to correct skeletal Class III malocclusion: Sta- bility and risk factors for relapse. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011;139(1):80-89. [CrossRef]
  • 25. Moldez MA, Sugawara J, Umemori M, Mitani H, Kawamura H. Long- term dentofacial stability after bimaxillary surgery in skeletal class III open bite patients. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 2000;15(4):309-319.
  • 26. Costa F, Robiony M, Sembronio S, Polini F, Politi M. Stability of skeletal Class III malocclusion after combined maxillary and mandibular pro- cedures. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 2001;16(3):179-192.
  • 27. Proffit WR, Phillips C, Turvey TA. Stability after surgical-orthodontic corrective of skeletal class III malocclusion. 3. Combined maxillary and mandibular procedures. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 1991;6(4):211-225.
  • 28. Yildirim M, Edelhoff D, Hanisch O, Spiekermann H. Ceramic abutments-a new era in achieving optimal esthetics in implant dentistry. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2000;20(1):81-91.
  • 29. Granat J. Was there implantology 7000 years ago? Inf Dent. 1990;72(22):1959-1961.
  • 30. Misch CE. Dental implant protezler. Ömer K, ed. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd; 2009;3.

Multidisipliner tedavi yaklaşımı ile iskeletsel sınıf 3 malokluzyonu olan hastanın implant, ortognatik cerrahi ve protetik tedavi ile rehabilitasyonu: Vaka raporu

Year 2023, , 66 - 72, 31.01.2023


Bu olgu sunumunda iskeletsel Sınıf 3 maloklüzyona sahip kırk yaşında kadın hastaya ortogna- tik cerrahi ve protetik restorasyon uygulanmıştır. Kliniğimize implant üstü restorasyon ihtiyacıyla başvuran kadın hastanın yapılan klinik muayenesinde iskeletsel Sınıf 3 profile sahip olduğu ve üst çenesinde 5 tane implant yapıldığı 16, 26 ve 27 no’lu dişlerinin de ağızda mevcut olduğu görüldü. Alt çenede ise 35, 37 ve 45 no’lu dişler eksikti. Bu şekilde yapılacak restorasyonun hastayı estetik ve fonksiyon olarak memnun edemeyeceğini ortognatik cerrahiden sonra daha ideale yakın bir restorasyon yapılabileceği bilgisi hastaya verildikten sonra cerrahi kliniğinde çift çene ameliyatı uygulanarak mandibula 2 mm geriye maksilla ise 5 mm öne doğru konumlandırıldı. Yaklaşık üç aylık iyileşme periyodundan sonra protezlerin yapılması için hasta kliniğe başvurdu. Gerekli kont- roller yapıldıktan sonra ideal estetik ve fonksiyonun sağlanabileceği şekilde hastanın sağ alt ile sol alt çenedeki eksik dişlere sabit köprü ve implant bölgesine de sabit simante bir köprü restoras- yonu planlanması yapıldı.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Estetik, i̇mplant destekli protetik restorasyon, i̇skeletsel sınıf 3 malokluzyon, ortognatik cerrahi


  • 1. Choquet V, Hermans M, Adriaenssens P, Daelemans P, Tarnow DP, Malevez C. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of the papilla level adjacent to single-tooth dental implants. A retrospective study in the maxillary anterior region. J Periodontol. 2001;72(10):1364-1371. [CrossRef]
  • 2. Kan JY, Rungcharassaeng K. Interimplant papilla preservation in the esthetic zone: A report of six consecutive cases. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2003;23(3):249-259.
  • 3. Belser UC, Schmid B, Higginbottom F, Buser D. Outcome analysis of implant restorations located in the anterior maxilla: A review of the recent literature. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2004;19(Suppl): 30-42.
  • 4. Spear FM, Kokich VG, Mathews DP. Interdisciplinary management of anterior dental esthetics. J Am Dent Assoc. 2006;137(2):160-169. [CrossRef]
  • 5. De Molon RS, Morais-Camilo JAND, Verzola MHA, Faeda RS, Pep- ato MT, Marcantonio Jr E. Impact of diabetes mellitus and metabolic control on bone healing around osseointegrated implants: Removal torque and histomorphometric analysis in rats. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013;24(7):831-837. [CrossRef]
  • 6. de Molon RS, de Avila ED, Cirelli JA, Cardoso Mde A, Capelozza- Filho L, Borelli Barros LA. Optimizing maxillary aesthetics of a severe compromised tooth through orthodontic movement and dental implants. Case Rep Dent. 2014;2014:103808. [CrossRef]
  • 7. De Molon RS, De Avila ED, Cirelli JA. Mollo Jr FdA, De Andrade MF, Filho LABB, Barros LAB. A combined approach for the treatment of resorbed fresh sockets allowing immediate implant restoration: A 2-year follow-up. J Oral Implantol. 2015;41:712-718.
  • 8. De Molon RS, de Avila ED, de Barros-Filho LAB, et al. Reconstruction of the alveolar buccal bone plate in compromised fresh socket after immediate implant placement followed by immediate provisionali- zation. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2015;27(3):122-135. [CrossRef]
  • 9. De Avila ÉD, de Molon RS, de Assis Mollo F, Jr, et al. Multidisciplinary approach for the aesthetic treatment of maxillary lateral incisors agenesis: Thinking about implants? Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2012;114(5):e22-e28. [CrossRef]
  • 10. Soydan SS, Veziroğlu F, Ataç MS, Varlik SK, Yücel E. Multidisipliner tedavi yaklaşimi ile alt yüz profiloplastisi: Vaka raporu. Curr Res Dent Sci. 2011;2:119-124.
  • 11. Güngör AY, Turkkahraman H, Baykul T, Aydın A. Iskeletsel sınıf III malokluzyonun ortognatik cerrahi tedavisi: Olgu raporu. Sdü Sağlık Bilimleri Derg. 2012;3:85-88.
  • 12. de Almeida Cardoso M, de Molon RS, de Avila ED, et al. Facial and occlusal esthetic improvements of an adult skeletal Class III maloc- clusion using surgical, orthodontic, and implant treatment. Korean J Orthod. 2016;46(1):42-54. [CrossRef]
  • 13. Delaire J. Maxillary development revisited: Relevance to the ortho- paedic treatment of Class III malocclusions. Eur J Orthod. 1997;19(3): 289-311. [CrossRef] 14. Bergamo AZN, Andrucioli MCD, Romano FL, Ferreira JTL, Matsu- moto MAN. Orthodontic-surgical treatment of Class III malocclusion with mandibular asymmetry. Braz Dent J. 2011;22(2):151-156. [CrossRef]
  • 15. Enacar A, Ankara Üniversitesi A. Ortognatik cerrahi uygulanmış vakalarda profil değişiklikleri. Türk Ortod Derg. 1988;1:80-89.
  • 16. Magalhães IB, Pereira LJ, Marques LS, Gameiro GH. The influence of malocclusion on masticatory performance: A systematic review. Angle Orthod. 2010;80(5):981-987. [CrossRef]
  • 17. Bailey LT, Proffit WR, White Jr RP. Trends in surgical treatment of class III skeletal relationships. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 1995;10(2):108-118.
  • 18. Johnston C, Burden D, Kennedy D, Harradine N, Stevenson M. Class III surgical-orthodontic treatment: A cephalometric study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2006;130(3):300-309. [CrossRef]
  • 19. Busby BR, Bailey LJ, Proffit WR, Phillips C, White Jr RP. Long-term stability of surgical class III treatment: A study of 5-year postsurgical results. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 2002;17(3):159-170.
  • 20. Espeland L, Høgevold HE, Stenvik A. A 3-year patient-centred follow- up of 516 consecutively treated orthognathic surgery patients. Eur J Orthod. 2008;30(1):24-30. [CrossRef]
  • 21. Kwon TG, Mori Y, Minami K, Lee SH, Sakuda M. Stability of simultane- ous maxillary and mandibular osteotomy for treatment of class III malocclusion: An analysis of three-dimensional cephalograms. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2000;28(5):272-277. [CrossRef]
  • 22. Bothur S, Blomqvist JE, Isaksson S. Stability of le Fort I osteotomy with advancement: A comparison of single maxillary surgery and a two-jaw procedure. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 1998;56(9):1029-33; dis- cussion 1033. [CrossRef]
  • 23. Proffit WR, Turvey TA, Phillips C. The hierarchy of stability and predict- ability in orthognathic surgery with rigid fixation: An update and extension. Head Face Med. 2007;3:21. [CrossRef]
  • 24. Jakobsone G, Stenvik A, Sandvik L, Espeland L. Three-year follow-up of bimaxillary surgery to correct skeletal Class III malocclusion: Sta- bility and risk factors for relapse. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2011;139(1):80-89. [CrossRef]
  • 25. Moldez MA, Sugawara J, Umemori M, Mitani H, Kawamura H. Long- term dentofacial stability after bimaxillary surgery in skeletal class III open bite patients. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 2000;15(4):309-319.
  • 26. Costa F, Robiony M, Sembronio S, Polini F, Politi M. Stability of skeletal Class III malocclusion after combined maxillary and mandibular pro- cedures. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 2001;16(3):179-192.
  • 27. Proffit WR, Phillips C, Turvey TA. Stability after surgical-orthodontic corrective of skeletal class III malocclusion. 3. Combined maxillary and mandibular procedures. Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg. 1991;6(4):211-225.
  • 28. Yildirim M, Edelhoff D, Hanisch O, Spiekermann H. Ceramic abutments-a new era in achieving optimal esthetics in implant dentistry. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 2000;20(1):81-91.
  • 29. Granat J. Was there implantology 7000 years ago? Inf Dent. 1990;72(22):1959-1961.
  • 30. Misch CE. Dental implant protezler. Ömer K, ed. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevleri Ltd; 2009;3.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Prosthodontics
Journal Section Case Reports

Ümit Ertaş This is me

Özcan Akkal This is me

Yunus Emre Aşçı This is me

Funda Bayındır This is me

Publication Date January 31, 2023
Submission Date January 13, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Ertaş Ü, Akkal Ö, Aşçı YE, Bayındır F. Multidisipliner tedavi yaklaşımı ile iskeletsel sınıf 3 malokluzyonu olan hastanın implant, ortognatik cerrahi ve protetik tedavi ile rehabilitasyonu: Vaka raporu. Curr Res Dent Sci. January 2023;33(1):66-72. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.915314

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