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Year 2023, , 131 - 134, 14.07.2023



  • 1. Pham DL, Xu C, Prince JL. Current methods in medical image seg- mentation. Annu Rev Biomed Eng. 2000; 2:315-37. [Crossref]
  • 2. Vandenberghe B. The digital patient - Imaging science in dentistry. J Dent. 2018; 74 Suppl 1: S21-S26. [Crossref]
  • 3. Spagnuolo G, Sorrentino R. The role of digital devices in dentistry: clinical trends and scientific evidences. J Clin Med. 2020; 9:1692. [Crossref]
  • 4. Chan HL, Misch K, Wang HL. Dental imaging in implant treatment planning. Implant Dent. 2010; 19:288-98.[Crossref]
  • 5. Greenberg AM. Digital technologies for dental implant treatment planning and guided surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2015; 27:319-40. [Crossref]
  • 6. Shah P, Chong BS. 3D imaging, 3D printing and 3D virtual planning in endodontics. Clin Oral Investig. 2018; 22:641-654. [Crossref]
  • 7. BouSerhal C, Jacobs R, Quirynen M, van Steenberghe D. Imaging te- chnique selection for the preoperative planning of oral implants: a review of the literature. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2002; 4:156-72. [Crossref] 8. Xiaojun C, Yanping L, YiqunW, ChangtooW. Computer-aided oral implantology: methods and applications. J Med Eng Technol 2007; 31:459-67. [Crossref]
  • 9. Widmann G, Bale RJ. Accuracy in computer-aided implant surgery--a review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2005; 21:305-13.
  • 10. Spector L. Computer-aided dental implant planning. Dent Clin North Am 2008; 52:761-75. [Crossref]
  • 11. Regish KM, Sharma D, Prithviraj DR. An overview of immediate root analogue zirconia implants. J Oral Implantol. 2013;39: 225-33. [Crossref]
  • 12. Mangano FG, De Franco M, Caprioglio A, Macchi A, Piattelli A, Manga- no C. Immediate, non-submerged, root-analogue direct laser metal sintering (DLMS) implants: a 1-year prospective study on patients. Lasers Med Sci. 2014; 29:1321-28. [Crossref]
  • 13. Kernen F, Kramer J, Wanner L, Wismeijer D, Nelson K, Flügge T. A re- view of virtual planning software for guided implant surgery - data import and visualization, drill guide design and manufacturing. BMC Oral Health. 2020;20:251. [Crossref]
  • 14. Moser N, Santander P, Quast A. From 3D imaging to 3D printing in dentistry - a practical guide. Int J Comput Dent. 2018;21:345-356.
  • 15. Sulaiman TA. Materials in digital dentistry-A review. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2020; 32:171-81. [Crossref]
  • 16. Elnagar MH, Elshourbagy E, Ghobashy S, Khedr M, Evans CA. Den- toalveolar and arch dimension changes in patients treated with miniplate-anchored maxillary protraction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2017; 151:1092-1106. [Crossref]
  • 17. Elnagar MH, Aronovich S, Kusnoto B. Digital workflow for combined orthodontics and orthognathic surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2020; 32:1-14. [Crossref]
  • 18. Adolphs N, Haberl EJ, Liu W, Keeve E, Menneking H, Hoffmeister B. Virtual planning for craniomaxillofacial surgery--7 years of experien- ce. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2014; 42:e289-e295. [Crossref]
  • 19. Li Y, Jiang Y, Ye B, Hu J, Chen Q, Zhu S. Treatment of dentofacial de- formities secondary to osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle using virtual surgical planning and 3-dimensional printed surgical templates. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016; 74:349-68. [Crossref]
  • 20. van der Meer WJ, Vissink A, Ng YL, Gulabivala K. 3D Computer ai- ded treatment planning in endodontics. J Dent. 2016; 45:67-72. [Crossref]
  • 21. Fleming PS, Marinho V, Johal A. Orthodontic measurements on di- gital study models compared with plaster models: a systematic re- view. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2011; 14:1-16. [Crossref]
  • 22. Chin SJ, Wilde F, Neuhaus M, Schramm A, Gellrich NC, Rana M. Accu- racy of virtual surgical planning of orthognathic surgery with aid of CAD/CAM fabricated surgical splint-A novel 3D analyzing algorithm. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2017; 45:1962-70. [Crossref]
  • 23. Aboul-Hosn Centenero S, Hernández-Alfaro F. 3D planning in ort- hognathic surgery: CAD/CAM surgical splints and prediction of the soft and hard tissues results - our experience in 16 cases. J Cranio- maxillofac Surg. 2012; 40:162-68. [Crossref]
  • 24. Görgülü S, Duran GS, Dindaroğlu F. Üç boyutlu stereofotogrametri. In: Özdiler E, editör. Güncel Bilgiler Işığında Ortodonti. 1.Baskı. Anka- ra: Gümüş Kitapevi; 2015. p.367-81.
  • 25. Holoğlu F, Akbulut S, Soylu E, Akbulut N, Bıçakçı AA. Ortognatik cer- rahide üç boyutlu dijital planlama. Türkiye Klinikleri 2016; 2:18-25.
  • 26. Melkos AB. Advances in digital technology and orthodontics: a refe- rence to the Invisalign method. Med Sci Monit. 2005;11:PI39-PI42.
  • 27. Graf S, Vasudavan S, Wilmes B. CAD-CAM design and 3-dimensional printing of mini-implant retained orthodontic appliances. Am J Ort- hod Dentofacial Orthop. 2018; 154:877-82. [Crossref]
  • 28. Anderson J, Wealleans J, Ray J. Endodontic applications of 3D prin- ting. Int Endod J. 2018; 51:1005-18. [Crossref]
  • 29. Büyükbayram IK, Özalp Ş, Aytugar E, Aydemir S. Regenerative endo- dontic treatment of an
  • 30. infected immature dens invaginatus with the aid of cone-beam com- puted tomography. Case Rep Dent. 2014; 2014:403045. [Crossref]
  • 31. Zubizarreta Macho Á, Ferreiroa A, Rico-Romano C, Alonso-Ezpeleta LÓ, Mena-Álvarez J. Diagnosis and endodontic treatment of type II dens invaginatus by using cone-beam computed tomography and splint guides for cavity access: a case report. JADA. 2015; 146:266- 70. [Crossref]
  • 32. Suebnukarn S, Haddawy P, Rhienmora P, Gajananan K. Haptic virtual reality for skill acquisition in Endodontics. J Endod. 2010; 36:53-5. [Crossref]
  • 33. Varga E Jr, Hammer B, Hardy BM, Kamer L. The accuracy of three-di- mensional model generation. What makes it accurate to be used for surgical planning? Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013; 42:1159-66. [Crossref]
  • 34. Hung K, Yeung AWK, Tanaka R, Bornstein MM. Current applications, opportunities, and limitations of AI for 3D Imaging in Dental Research and Practice. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17:4424. [Crossref]
  • 35. Dinçel M, Gümüş HO, Büyük SK, Kılınç HI. 3 boyutlu dijital modeller Üzerinde Yapılan Ölçümlerin Doğruluğunun Değerlendirilmesi. Ata- türk Üniv. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg 2013; 21: 366-70.

Di̇şheki̇mli̇ği̇nde 3-Boyutlu Modelleme ve Sanal Planlama Teknoloji

Year 2023, , 131 - 134, 14.07.2023


Dental görüntüleme, geçtiğimiz yıllar içerisinde hızlı bir teknolojik gelişim yaşamıştır. Üç boyutlu (3B) planlama sonrasında elde edilen 3B çalışma modelleri ve haptik teknoloji ürünü sanal simülasyonlar gibi dijital teknolojik gelişmelerin günümüz diş hekimliği pratiğinde uygulama alanı bulması; birçok dental disiplinde hem tedavi hem de eğitim süreçlerini olumlu yönde etkilemiştir. Farklı dijital görüntü verilerinin kombine edilerek uygulan- ması; klinisyenlerin ekran üzerinde tedaviyi hem planlama hem de simüle etmesine, 3B modellerin kullanımı ise sanal planlamanın yüksek doğrulukla tedavi sürecine hatta hasta takibine transfer edilmesine olanak sağ- lamıştır. Bu derlemenin amacı; 3B modelleme ve sanal planlamanın dental uygulamalarda hem tedavi hem de eğitim açısından potansiyel uygulamalarını irdelemektir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Dijital görüntüleme, 3B modelleme, sanal planlama, dental, konik-ışınlı tomografi
Dental imaging has seen a rapid technological advance over the last several years. Utilizing digital technologic advancements, such as 3D printed objects using three-dimensional (3D) modelling and virtual simulations by haptic technology in dentistry has positively affected both treatment and education processes in many dental disciplines. Using 3D models by combining different digital image data enabled the clinicians both planning and simulating the treatment on screen, transferring the virtual planning to the treatment process and even patient follow-up with high accuracy. This review explores and discusses the potential applications of 3D mod- elling and virtual planning in the teaching and management of dental procedures.
Keywords: Digital imaging, 3D modelling, virtual planning, dental, cone beam computed-tomography


  • 1. Pham DL, Xu C, Prince JL. Current methods in medical image seg- mentation. Annu Rev Biomed Eng. 2000; 2:315-37. [Crossref]
  • 2. Vandenberghe B. The digital patient - Imaging science in dentistry. J Dent. 2018; 74 Suppl 1: S21-S26. [Crossref]
  • 3. Spagnuolo G, Sorrentino R. The role of digital devices in dentistry: clinical trends and scientific evidences. J Clin Med. 2020; 9:1692. [Crossref]
  • 4. Chan HL, Misch K, Wang HL. Dental imaging in implant treatment planning. Implant Dent. 2010; 19:288-98.[Crossref]
  • 5. Greenberg AM. Digital technologies for dental implant treatment planning and guided surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2015; 27:319-40. [Crossref]
  • 6. Shah P, Chong BS. 3D imaging, 3D printing and 3D virtual planning in endodontics. Clin Oral Investig. 2018; 22:641-654. [Crossref]
  • 7. BouSerhal C, Jacobs R, Quirynen M, van Steenberghe D. Imaging te- chnique selection for the preoperative planning of oral implants: a review of the literature. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2002; 4:156-72. [Crossref] 8. Xiaojun C, Yanping L, YiqunW, ChangtooW. Computer-aided oral implantology: methods and applications. J Med Eng Technol 2007; 31:459-67. [Crossref]
  • 9. Widmann G, Bale RJ. Accuracy in computer-aided implant surgery--a review. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2005; 21:305-13.
  • 10. Spector L. Computer-aided dental implant planning. Dent Clin North Am 2008; 52:761-75. [Crossref]
  • 11. Regish KM, Sharma D, Prithviraj DR. An overview of immediate root analogue zirconia implants. J Oral Implantol. 2013;39: 225-33. [Crossref]
  • 12. Mangano FG, De Franco M, Caprioglio A, Macchi A, Piattelli A, Manga- no C. Immediate, non-submerged, root-analogue direct laser metal sintering (DLMS) implants: a 1-year prospective study on patients. Lasers Med Sci. 2014; 29:1321-28. [Crossref]
  • 13. Kernen F, Kramer J, Wanner L, Wismeijer D, Nelson K, Flügge T. A re- view of virtual planning software for guided implant surgery - data import and visualization, drill guide design and manufacturing. BMC Oral Health. 2020;20:251. [Crossref]
  • 14. Moser N, Santander P, Quast A. From 3D imaging to 3D printing in dentistry - a practical guide. Int J Comput Dent. 2018;21:345-356.
  • 15. Sulaiman TA. Materials in digital dentistry-A review. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2020; 32:171-81. [Crossref]
  • 16. Elnagar MH, Elshourbagy E, Ghobashy S, Khedr M, Evans CA. Den- toalveolar and arch dimension changes in patients treated with miniplate-anchored maxillary protraction. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2017; 151:1092-1106. [Crossref]
  • 17. Elnagar MH, Aronovich S, Kusnoto B. Digital workflow for combined orthodontics and orthognathic surgery. Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2020; 32:1-14. [Crossref]
  • 18. Adolphs N, Haberl EJ, Liu W, Keeve E, Menneking H, Hoffmeister B. Virtual planning for craniomaxillofacial surgery--7 years of experien- ce. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2014; 42:e289-e295. [Crossref]
  • 19. Li Y, Jiang Y, Ye B, Hu J, Chen Q, Zhu S. Treatment of dentofacial de- formities secondary to osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle using virtual surgical planning and 3-dimensional printed surgical templates. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016; 74:349-68. [Crossref]
  • 20. van der Meer WJ, Vissink A, Ng YL, Gulabivala K. 3D Computer ai- ded treatment planning in endodontics. J Dent. 2016; 45:67-72. [Crossref]
  • 21. Fleming PS, Marinho V, Johal A. Orthodontic measurements on di- gital study models compared with plaster models: a systematic re- view. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2011; 14:1-16. [Crossref]
  • 22. Chin SJ, Wilde F, Neuhaus M, Schramm A, Gellrich NC, Rana M. Accu- racy of virtual surgical planning of orthognathic surgery with aid of CAD/CAM fabricated surgical splint-A novel 3D analyzing algorithm. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2017; 45:1962-70. [Crossref]
  • 23. Aboul-Hosn Centenero S, Hernández-Alfaro F. 3D planning in ort- hognathic surgery: CAD/CAM surgical splints and prediction of the soft and hard tissues results - our experience in 16 cases. J Cranio- maxillofac Surg. 2012; 40:162-68. [Crossref]
  • 24. Görgülü S, Duran GS, Dindaroğlu F. Üç boyutlu stereofotogrametri. In: Özdiler E, editör. Güncel Bilgiler Işığında Ortodonti. 1.Baskı. Anka- ra: Gümüş Kitapevi; 2015. p.367-81.
  • 25. Holoğlu F, Akbulut S, Soylu E, Akbulut N, Bıçakçı AA. Ortognatik cer- rahide üç boyutlu dijital planlama. Türkiye Klinikleri 2016; 2:18-25.
  • 26. Melkos AB. Advances in digital technology and orthodontics: a refe- rence to the Invisalign method. Med Sci Monit. 2005;11:PI39-PI42.
  • 27. Graf S, Vasudavan S, Wilmes B. CAD-CAM design and 3-dimensional printing of mini-implant retained orthodontic appliances. Am J Ort- hod Dentofacial Orthop. 2018; 154:877-82. [Crossref]
  • 28. Anderson J, Wealleans J, Ray J. Endodontic applications of 3D prin- ting. Int Endod J. 2018; 51:1005-18. [Crossref]
  • 29. Büyükbayram IK, Özalp Ş, Aytugar E, Aydemir S. Regenerative endo- dontic treatment of an
  • 30. infected immature dens invaginatus with the aid of cone-beam com- puted tomography. Case Rep Dent. 2014; 2014:403045. [Crossref]
  • 31. Zubizarreta Macho Á, Ferreiroa A, Rico-Romano C, Alonso-Ezpeleta LÓ, Mena-Álvarez J. Diagnosis and endodontic treatment of type II dens invaginatus by using cone-beam computed tomography and splint guides for cavity access: a case report. JADA. 2015; 146:266- 70. [Crossref]
  • 32. Suebnukarn S, Haddawy P, Rhienmora P, Gajananan K. Haptic virtual reality for skill acquisition in Endodontics. J Endod. 2010; 36:53-5. [Crossref]
  • 33. Varga E Jr, Hammer B, Hardy BM, Kamer L. The accuracy of three-di- mensional model generation. What makes it accurate to be used for surgical planning? Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2013; 42:1159-66. [Crossref]
  • 34. Hung K, Yeung AWK, Tanaka R, Bornstein MM. Current applications, opportunities, and limitations of AI for 3D Imaging in Dental Research and Practice. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020; 17:4424. [Crossref]
  • 35. Dinçel M, Gümüş HO, Büyük SK, Kılınç HI. 3 boyutlu dijital modeller Üzerinde Yapılan Ölçümlerin Doğruluğunun Değerlendirilmesi. Ata- türk Üniv. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg 2013; 21: 366-70.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
Journal Section Reviews

Elif Şener This is me

Güniz Baksı Şen This is me

Publication Date July 14, 2023
Submission Date November 24, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2023


AMA Şener E, Baksı Şen G. Di̇şheki̇mli̇ği̇nde 3-Boyutlu Modelleme ve Sanal Planlama Teknoloji. Curr Res Dent Sci. July 2023;33(2):131-134. doi:10.17567/ataunidfd.899299

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