Research Article
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Year 2024, , 160 - 165, 28.07.2024



  • 1. Alex G. Universal adhesives: the next evolution in adhesive dentistry. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2015;36(1):15-26.
  • 2. Sofan E, Sofan A, Palaia G, Tenore G, Romeo U, Migliau G. Classification review of dental adhesive systems: from the IV generation to the universal type. Ann Stomatol (Roma). 2017;8(1):1.
  • 3. Wagner A, Wendler M, Petschelt A, Belli R, Lohbauer U. Bonding performance of universal adhesives in different etching modes. J Dent. 2014;42(7):800-807.
  • 4. Klaisiri A, Krajangta N, Thamrongananskul N. The Durability of Zirconia/Resin Composite Shear Bond Strength using Different Functional Monomers of Universal Adhesives. Eur J Dent. Published online 13.12.2021; doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1736331.
  • 5. Balkaya H, Demirbuga S, Çakir NN, Karadas M, Zorba YO. Micro-shear bond strength of universal adhesives used for amalgam repair with or without Alloy Primer. J Conserv Dent. 2018;21(3):274.
  • 6. Beck F, Lettner S, Graf A, et al. Survival of direct resin restorations in posterior teeth within a 19-year period (1996–2015): A meta-analysis of prospective studies. Dent Mater. 2015;31(8):958-985.
  • 7. Rinastiti M, Özcan M, Siswomihardjo W, Busscher HJ. Immediate repair bond strengths of microhybrid, nanohybrid and nanofilled composites after different surface treatments. J Dent. 2010;38(1):29-38.
  • 8. Hickel R, Peschke A, Tyas M, et al. FDI World Dental Federation: clinical criteria for the evaluation of direct and indirect restorations—update and clinical examples. Clin Oral Investig. 2010;14(4):349-366.
  • 9. Loomans BA, Özcan M. Intraoral repair of direct and indirect restorations: procedures and guidelines. Oper Dent. 2016;41(S7):S68-S78.
  • 10. Fernández E, Martín J, Vildósola P, et al. Can repair increase the longevity of composite resins? Results of a 10-year clinical trial. J Dent. 2015;43(2):279-286.
  • 11. Saikaew P, Chowdhury AA, Fukuyama M, Kakuda S, Carvalho RM, Sano H. The effect of dentine surface preparation and reduced application time of adhesive on bonding strength. J Dent. 2016;47:63-70.
  • 12. Willers AE, Almeida Ayres AP, Hirata R, Giannini M. Effect of universal adhesive application on bond strength of four-year aged composite repair. J Adhes Sci Technol. 2021:1-10.
  • 13. Woronko G, St. Germain H, Meiers J. Effect of dentin primer on the shear bond strength between composite resin and enamel. Oper Dent. 1996;21:116-121.
  • 14. Atalay C, Yazici AR, Ozgunaltay G. Bond strengths of bulk-fill resin composite repairs: effect of different surface treatment protocols in vitro. J Adhes Sci Technol. 2018;32(9):921-930.
  • 15. Ayar MK, Guven ME, Burduroglu HD, Erdemir F. Repair of aged bulk‐fill composite with posterior composite: Effect of different surface treatments. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2019;31(3):246-252.
  • 16. Souza MOd, Leitune VCB, Rodrigues SB, Samuel SMW, Collares FM. One-year aging effects on microtensile bond strengths of composite and repairs with different surface treatments. Braz Oral Res. 2017;31
  • 17. Wendler M, Belli R, Panzer R, Skibbe D, Petschelt A, Lohbauer U. Repair bond strength of aged resin composite after different surface and bonding treatments. Mater. 2016;9(7):547.
  • 18. Tay FR, Pashley DH, Su B, Hiraishi N, Yiu C. Water treeing in simplified dentin adhesives-deja vu? Oper Dent -UW. 2005;30(5):561-579.
  • 19. Hiraishi N, Nishiyama N, Ikemura K, et al. Water concentration in self-etching primers affects their aggressiveness and bonding efficacy to dentin. J Dent Res. 2005;84(7):653-658.
  • 20. Nunes MF, Swift EJ, Perdigao J. Effects of adhesive composition on microtensile bond strength to human dentin. Am J Dent. 2001;14(6):340-343.
  • 21. Van Landuyt K, De Munck J, Snauwaert J, et al. Monomer-solvent phase separation in one-step self-etch adhesives. J Dent Res. 2005;84(2):183-188.
  • 22. Cho B-H, Dickens SH. Effects of the acetone content of single solution dentin bonding agents on the adhesive layer thickness and the microtensile bond strength. Dent Mater. 2004;20(2):107-115.
  • 23. Cadenaro M, Breschi L, Rueggeberg FA, et al. Effects of residual ethanol on the rate and degree of conversion of five experimental resins. Dent Mater. 2009;25(5):621-628.
  • 24. Decker C, Jenkins AD. Kinetic approach of oxygen inhibition in ultraviolet-and laser-induced polymerizations. Macromolecules. 1985;18(6):1241-1244.
  • 25. Miyazaki M, Onose H, Iida N, Kazama H. Determination of residual double bonds in resin–dentin interface by Raman spectroscopy. Dent Mater. 2003;19(3):245-251.
  • 26. Yip Y, McHugh AJ. Modeling and simulation of nonsolvent vapor-induced phase separation. J Membr Sci. 2006;271(1-2):163-176.
  • 27. Zhou X, Zhang S, Huebner W, Ownby P, Gu H. Effect of the solvent on the particle morphology of spray dried PMMA. J Mater Sci. 2001;36(15):3759-3768.
  • 28. Michelotti G, Niedzwiecki M, Bidjan D, et al. Silane effect of universal adhesive on the composite–composite repair bond strength after different surface pretreatments. Polymers. 2020;12(4):950.
  • 29. Sai K, Takamizawa T, Imai A, et al. Influence of application time and etching mode of universal adhesives on enamel adhesion. J Adhes Dent. 2018;20(1):65-77.
  • 30. Karalar B, Nacak S, İlday Nö. Adeziv Uygulama Süresinin Uzatilmasinin Makaslama Bağlanma Dayanimi Üzerine Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;30(2):196-201.
  • 31. Huang X-q, Pucci CR, Luo T, et al. No-waiting dentine self-etch concept—Merit or hype. J Dent. 2017;62:54-63.
  • 32. Sismanoglu S, Yildirim-Bilmez Z, Erten-Taysi A, Ercal P. Influence of different surface treatments and universal adhesives on the repair of CAD-CAM composite resins: An in vitro study. J Prosthet Dent 2020;124(2):238. e1-238. e9.
  • 33. Lima AF, Ferreira SFA, Catelan A, et al. The effect of surface treatment and bonding procedures on the bond strength of silorane composite repairs. Acta Odontol Scand. 2014;72(1):71-75.
  • 34. Joulaei M, Bahari M, Ahmadi A, Oskoee SS. Effect of different surface treatments on repair micro-shear bond strength of silica-and zirconia-filled composite resins. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2012;6(4):131.
  • 35. Imbery TA, Gray T, DeLatour F, Boxx C, Best A, Moon P. Evaluation of flexural, diametral tensile, and shear bond strength of composite repairs. Oper Dent. 2014;39(6):E250-E260.

Effect of the Application Procedure on The Bond Strength of Universal Adhesive in Restoration Repair

Year 2024, , 160 - 165, 28.07.2024


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of reduced application time on the bond strength of a universal adhesive used for the repair of hybrid ceramic and composite resin restorations.
Methods: In the study, a total of 48 rectangular prisms of sizes 7×6×2 mm hybrid ceramic (Vita Enamic, Zahnfabrik, Germany) and composite resin (Solare X, GC, Japan) specimens were prepared. All samples were aged with 5000 thermal cycles. Then, the upper surfaces of the samples were roughened with a diamond fissure bur (10–36µ, 852 FG Meisinger; Hager & Meisinger GmbH, Germany) with 5 strokes under water cooling. The samples were divided into 2 subgroups according to the different application times of the adhesive system (G-Premio Bond, GC, Japan) (n=12). Then, composite resin (Solare X, GC) was placed using plastic cylinder molds with 3 mm inner diameter and height and cured with light for 20 seconds. All samples were thermal aged and then a shear bond strength test was conducted. The data were analyzed with Two-way ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey HSD tests (p˂0,05).
Results: Two-way ANOVA revealed that the repair bond strength of the 10 seconds of waiting was significantly higher than the quick application for both hybrid ceramic and composite resin (p˂0,05). It was determined that there was no significant difference between hybrid ceramic and composite resin in the both quick application group and 10 seconds waiting group (p˃0,05).
Conclusion: Quick application procedure showed lower shear bond strength than 10 seconds waiting group for the repair of both composite resin and hybrid ceramic (p<0,05).
Keywords: Quick application, Application time, Universal adhesive, restoration repair..


  • 1. Alex G. Universal adhesives: the next evolution in adhesive dentistry. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2015;36(1):15-26.
  • 2. Sofan E, Sofan A, Palaia G, Tenore G, Romeo U, Migliau G. Classification review of dental adhesive systems: from the IV generation to the universal type. Ann Stomatol (Roma). 2017;8(1):1.
  • 3. Wagner A, Wendler M, Petschelt A, Belli R, Lohbauer U. Bonding performance of universal adhesives in different etching modes. J Dent. 2014;42(7):800-807.
  • 4. Klaisiri A, Krajangta N, Thamrongananskul N. The Durability of Zirconia/Resin Composite Shear Bond Strength using Different Functional Monomers of Universal Adhesives. Eur J Dent. Published online 13.12.2021; doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1736331.
  • 5. Balkaya H, Demirbuga S, Çakir NN, Karadas M, Zorba YO. Micro-shear bond strength of universal adhesives used for amalgam repair with or without Alloy Primer. J Conserv Dent. 2018;21(3):274.
  • 6. Beck F, Lettner S, Graf A, et al. Survival of direct resin restorations in posterior teeth within a 19-year period (1996–2015): A meta-analysis of prospective studies. Dent Mater. 2015;31(8):958-985.
  • 7. Rinastiti M, Özcan M, Siswomihardjo W, Busscher HJ. Immediate repair bond strengths of microhybrid, nanohybrid and nanofilled composites after different surface treatments. J Dent. 2010;38(1):29-38.
  • 8. Hickel R, Peschke A, Tyas M, et al. FDI World Dental Federation: clinical criteria for the evaluation of direct and indirect restorations—update and clinical examples. Clin Oral Investig. 2010;14(4):349-366.
  • 9. Loomans BA, Özcan M. Intraoral repair of direct and indirect restorations: procedures and guidelines. Oper Dent. 2016;41(S7):S68-S78.
  • 10. Fernández E, Martín J, Vildósola P, et al. Can repair increase the longevity of composite resins? Results of a 10-year clinical trial. J Dent. 2015;43(2):279-286.
  • 11. Saikaew P, Chowdhury AA, Fukuyama M, Kakuda S, Carvalho RM, Sano H. The effect of dentine surface preparation and reduced application time of adhesive on bonding strength. J Dent. 2016;47:63-70.
  • 12. Willers AE, Almeida Ayres AP, Hirata R, Giannini M. Effect of universal adhesive application on bond strength of four-year aged composite repair. J Adhes Sci Technol. 2021:1-10.
  • 13. Woronko G, St. Germain H, Meiers J. Effect of dentin primer on the shear bond strength between composite resin and enamel. Oper Dent. 1996;21:116-121.
  • 14. Atalay C, Yazici AR, Ozgunaltay G. Bond strengths of bulk-fill resin composite repairs: effect of different surface treatment protocols in vitro. J Adhes Sci Technol. 2018;32(9):921-930.
  • 15. Ayar MK, Guven ME, Burduroglu HD, Erdemir F. Repair of aged bulk‐fill composite with posterior composite: Effect of different surface treatments. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2019;31(3):246-252.
  • 16. Souza MOd, Leitune VCB, Rodrigues SB, Samuel SMW, Collares FM. One-year aging effects on microtensile bond strengths of composite and repairs with different surface treatments. Braz Oral Res. 2017;31
  • 17. Wendler M, Belli R, Panzer R, Skibbe D, Petschelt A, Lohbauer U. Repair bond strength of aged resin composite after different surface and bonding treatments. Mater. 2016;9(7):547.
  • 18. Tay FR, Pashley DH, Su B, Hiraishi N, Yiu C. Water treeing in simplified dentin adhesives-deja vu? Oper Dent -UW. 2005;30(5):561-579.
  • 19. Hiraishi N, Nishiyama N, Ikemura K, et al. Water concentration in self-etching primers affects their aggressiveness and bonding efficacy to dentin. J Dent Res. 2005;84(7):653-658.
  • 20. Nunes MF, Swift EJ, Perdigao J. Effects of adhesive composition on microtensile bond strength to human dentin. Am J Dent. 2001;14(6):340-343.
  • 21. Van Landuyt K, De Munck J, Snauwaert J, et al. Monomer-solvent phase separation in one-step self-etch adhesives. J Dent Res. 2005;84(2):183-188.
  • 22. Cho B-H, Dickens SH. Effects of the acetone content of single solution dentin bonding agents on the adhesive layer thickness and the microtensile bond strength. Dent Mater. 2004;20(2):107-115.
  • 23. Cadenaro M, Breschi L, Rueggeberg FA, et al. Effects of residual ethanol on the rate and degree of conversion of five experimental resins. Dent Mater. 2009;25(5):621-628.
  • 24. Decker C, Jenkins AD. Kinetic approach of oxygen inhibition in ultraviolet-and laser-induced polymerizations. Macromolecules. 1985;18(6):1241-1244.
  • 25. Miyazaki M, Onose H, Iida N, Kazama H. Determination of residual double bonds in resin–dentin interface by Raman spectroscopy. Dent Mater. 2003;19(3):245-251.
  • 26. Yip Y, McHugh AJ. Modeling and simulation of nonsolvent vapor-induced phase separation. J Membr Sci. 2006;271(1-2):163-176.
  • 27. Zhou X, Zhang S, Huebner W, Ownby P, Gu H. Effect of the solvent on the particle morphology of spray dried PMMA. J Mater Sci. 2001;36(15):3759-3768.
  • 28. Michelotti G, Niedzwiecki M, Bidjan D, et al. Silane effect of universal adhesive on the composite–composite repair bond strength after different surface pretreatments. Polymers. 2020;12(4):950.
  • 29. Sai K, Takamizawa T, Imai A, et al. Influence of application time and etching mode of universal adhesives on enamel adhesion. J Adhes Dent. 2018;20(1):65-77.
  • 30. Karalar B, Nacak S, İlday Nö. Adeziv Uygulama Süresinin Uzatilmasinin Makaslama Bağlanma Dayanimi Üzerine Etkisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi. 2020;30(2):196-201.
  • 31. Huang X-q, Pucci CR, Luo T, et al. No-waiting dentine self-etch concept—Merit or hype. J Dent. 2017;62:54-63.
  • 32. Sismanoglu S, Yildirim-Bilmez Z, Erten-Taysi A, Ercal P. Influence of different surface treatments and universal adhesives on the repair of CAD-CAM composite resins: An in vitro study. J Prosthet Dent 2020;124(2):238. e1-238. e9.
  • 33. Lima AF, Ferreira SFA, Catelan A, et al. The effect of surface treatment and bonding procedures on the bond strength of silorane composite repairs. Acta Odontol Scand. 2014;72(1):71-75.
  • 34. Joulaei M, Bahari M, Ahmadi A, Oskoee SS. Effect of different surface treatments on repair micro-shear bond strength of silica-and zirconia-filled composite resins. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 2012;6(4):131.
  • 35. Imbery TA, Gray T, DeLatour F, Boxx C, Best A, Moon P. Evaluation of flexural, diametral tensile, and shear bond strength of composite repairs. Oper Dent. 2014;39(6):E250-E260.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Restorative Dentistry
Journal Section Research Articles

Gülşah Tonga This is me

Hüseyin Hatirli This is me

Fatma Keçeci This is me

Beyza Gül This is me

Publication Date July 28, 2024
Submission Date April 12, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2024


AMA Tonga G, Hatirli H, Keçeci F, Gül B. Effect of the Application Procedure on The Bond Strength of Universal Adhesive in Restoration Repair. Curr Res Dent Sci. July 2024;34(3):160-165. doi:10.17567/currresdentsci.1520323

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