Case Report
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Year 2022, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 119 - 123, 15.02.2022


Füzyon, komşu iki dişin birleşmesi ile karakterize, estetik ve ortodontik problemlere neden olan gelişimsel bir anomalidir. Etiyolojisi tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Hem daimi hem de süt dişlerinde görülebilmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’ne dişlerinde çapraşıklık şikayetiyle başvuran 13 yaşındaki erkek hastanın üst santral dişi ile supernumerer diş arasında görülen füzyon olgusu, intraoral muayene ve radyolojik değerlendirmede görüldü. Konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi (CBCT) ile füzyonun seviyesi 3 boyutlu olarak belirlendi. Ağız içerisinde herhangi bir patoloji gözlenmedi. Kök kanal tedavisi her iki dişin pulpa boşluğuna da yapıldı. Hasta ortodontik tedavi göreceğinden, kemik kaybı oluşmaması için konservatif olarak füzyonun ayrılması planlandı. Füzyon oluşturan dişlerin birleşim hattı, su soğutması altında alev uçlu elmas frez ile kökün orta üçlü bölgesine kadar ayrıldı. Apikal üçlü kısmındaki birleşim ise, post yuvası hazırlama frezi ile ayrılarak, supernumerer dişin ekstraksiyonu yapıldı. Sonuç olarak bu dişlerin separasyonu sırasında, apikal bölgeye kadar ulaşabilen kesici aletler kullanılması, klinisyene avantaj sağlayacaktır. Bu aletler arasında post yuvası hazırlama frezi, konservatif yaklaşımda başarılı olarak kullanılabilecek uzun frez alternatiflerinden birisidir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Füzyon, supernumerer diş, diş anomalileri, santral diş

Fused teeth that are maxi̇llary central inci̇sor wi̇th supernumerary and its dental treatment
Fusion is a developmental anomaly characterized by the union of two adjacent teeth, causing aesthetic and orthodontic problems. Its etiology is not fully known. It can be seen in both permanent and primary teeth. In this case report, a 13-year-old male patient, who applied to Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University Faculty of Dentistry with complaints of curvature on his teeth, was seen in the intraoral examination and radiological evaluation between the upper central tooth and the supernumerary tooth. The level of fusion was determined in 3 dimensions with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). No pathology was observed in the mouth. Root canal treatment was performed in both pulp cavities. Since the patient will receive orthodontic treatment, it was planned to separate the fusion conservatively to avoid bone loss. The junction line of the fusing teeth was separated into the middle triple area of the root with a flame-tipped diamond bur under water cooling. The joint at the apical triple part was separated by the post space preparation drill and the supernumerary tooth was extracted. As a result, the use of cutting drills, that can reach the apical region during the separation of these teeth, will provide an advantage to the clinician. Among these drills, the post space preparation drill is an alternative drill for the conservative approach.
Keywords: Fusion, supernumerary tooth, dental anomalies, central tooth


  • 1. Pawlaczyk-Kamieńsk, T, Winiarska H, Kulczyk T, Cofta, S. Dental Anomalies in Rare, Genetic Ciliopathic Disorder-A Case Report and Review of Literature. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(12):4337.
  • 2. Bernardi S, Bianchi S, Bernardi G, et al. Clinical management of fusion in primary mandibular incisors: a systematic literature review. Acta Odontol Scand. 2020;78(6):417-424.
  • 3. Lochib S, Indushekar KR, Saraf BG. Occlusal characteristics and prevalence of associated dental anomalies in the primary dentition. J Epidemiol Glob Health. 2015;5(2):151-157.
  • 4. Olivan-Rosas G, Lopez-Jimenez J, Gimenez-Prats MJ, Piqueras-Hernandez M. Considerations and differences in the treatment of a fused tooth. Med Oral. 2004;9(3):224-228.
  • 5. Giffoni TCR, Brandt GZ, Rocha IS, Ramos AL, Provenzano MGA, Fracasso MDL. Relation of dental anomalies with occlusal alterations in the pediatric patients. Pesqui Bras Odontopediatria Clín Integr. 2019;19:e4026–10.
  • 6. Zhu M, Liu C, Ren S, Lin Z, Miao L, Sun W. Fusion of a supernumerary tooth to right mandibular second molar: a case report and literature review. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015;8(8):11890–11895.
  • 7. Kılınç G, Çetin M. Congenital Dental Anomalies in the Primary Dentition. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni. 2020;3(2):247-253.
  • 8. Dummett CO, Thikkurissy S. Anomalies of the Developing Dentition. Casamassimo PS, Fields HW, McTigue DJ, Nowak AJ (Editors), Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy Through Adolescence. 5th ed. Missouri, Elsevier. 2013:54-64.
  • 9. More CB, Tailor MN. Tooth Fusion, a Rare Dental Anomaly: Analysis of Six. Int J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2013:4:50-53.
  • 10. Gadimli C, Sari Z. Interdisciplinary treatment of a fused lower premolar with supernumerary tooth. Eur J Dent. 2011;5(3):349–353.
  • 11. Tuna EB, Yildirim M, Seymen F, Gencay K, Ozgen M. Fused teeth: A review of the treatment options. J Dent Child. 2009;76(2):109–116.
  • 12. White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral radiology: Principles and interpretation. 5th ed.St Louis; Mosby. 2004:330-365.
  • 13. Sivolella S, Bressan E, Mirabal V, Stellini E, Berengo M. Extraoral endodontic treatment, odontotomy and intentional replantation of a double maxillary lateral permanent incisor: case report and 6-year follow-up. Int Endod J. 2008;41(6):538-546.
  • 14. Kim E, Jou YT. A supernumerary tooth fused to the facial surface of a maxillary permanent central incisor: case report. J Endod. 2000;26(1):45-48.
  • 15. Steinbock N, Wigler R, Kaufman AY, Lin S, Abu-El Naaj, I, Aizenbud D. Fusion of central incisors with supernumerary teeth: a 10-year follow-up of multidisciplinary treatment. J Endod. 2014;40(7):1020-1024.
  • 16. Elmas S, Odabaş M. Maksiller Daimi Kesici Dişte İzlenen Çift Diş Oluşumunun Tedavisi: Olgu Raporu. Selçuk Dent J. 2020; 7: 347-353.
  • 17. Blank BS, Ogg RR, Levy AR. A fusion central incisor periodontal considerations in comprehetisive treatment. J Periodontol. 1985; 56(1):21-24.
  • 18. Altun C, Guven G, Basak F, Akbulut E, Altuğ A. Sut dislerinde fuzyon ve geminasyon: Beş olgu nedeniyle. AÜ. Dis Hek Fak Derg. 2005;32:223-227.
  • 19. Kayasu T, Akçay M, Gergin B, Akçam MO. Füzyonlu maksiler lateral dişin multidisipliner tedavisi: Olgu sunumu. AÜ. Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2011;38:83-87.
  • 20. Köse H, Demirtürk H, Özden B, Çelenk P. Daimi Dişlerde Füzyon: İki Olgu Sunumu. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni. 2015;11(Suppl):17-20.
  • 21. Arslanoğlu Z, Tekin MG, Altan A, Adıgüzel M, Damlar İ, Arpağ OF. Maksiller Lateral Diş ile Süpernümerer Diş Füzyonu ve Tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu. MKÜ Tıp Dergisi. 2015;21:38-42.
  • 22. Stillwell Kl, Coke JM. Bilateral Fusion of the Maxillary Central Incisors to Supernumerary Teeth: Report of a Case. J Am Dent Assoc.1986;112(1):62-64.
  • 23. Marachaux SC. The Treatment of Fusion of a Maxillary Central Incisor and a Supernumerary: Report of a Case. ASDC J Dent Child. 1984;51(3):106-199.
  • 24. Ozden B, Gunduz K, Ozer S, Oz, A, Ozden, FO. The multidisciplinary management of a fused maxillary central incisor with a talon cusp. Aust Dent J. 2012;57:98-102.
  • 25. Dumitrescu LA, Inagaki K. Orthodontics and Periodontics In: Etiology and Pathogenesis of Periodontal Disease. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2010:307-318.


Year 2022, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 119 - 123, 15.02.2022


Füzyon, komşu iki dişin birleşmesi ile karakterize, estetik ve ortodontik problemlere neden olan gelişimsel bir anomalidir. Etiyolojisi tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Hem daimi hem de süt dişlerinde görülebilmektedir. Bu olgu sunumunda Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’ne dişlerinde çapraşıklık şikayetiyle başvuran 13 yaşındaki erkek hastanın üst santral dişi ile supernumerer diş arasında görülen füzyon olgusu, intraoral muayene ve radyolojik değerlendirmede görüldü. Konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi (CBCT) ile füzyonun seviyesi 3 boyutlu olarak belirlendi. Ağız içerisinde herhangi bir patoloji gözlenmedi. Kök kanal tedavisi her iki dişin pulpa boşluğuna da yapıldı. Hasta ortodontik tedavi göreceğinden, kemik kaybı oluşmaması için konservatif olarak füzyonun ayrılması planlandı. Füzyon oluşturan dişlerin birleşim hattı, su soğutması altında alev uçlu elmas frez ile kökün orta üçlü bölgesine kadar ayrıldı. Apikal üçlü kısmındaki birleşim ise, post yuvası hazırlama frezi ile ayrılarak, supernumerer dişin ekstraksiyonu yapıldı. Sonuç olarak bu dişlerin separasyonu sırasında, apikal bölgeye kadar ulaşabilen kesici aletler kullanılması, klinisyene avantaj sağlayacaktır. Bu aletler arasında post yuvası hazırlama frezi, konservatif yaklaşımda başarılı olarak kullanılabilecek uzun frez alternatiflerinden birisidir. Anahtar kelimeler: Füzyon, supernumerer diş, diş anomalileri, santral diş
Fused Teeth That Are Maxillary Central Incisor with Supernumerary and Its Dental Treatment: A Case Report
Fusion is a developmental anomaly characterized by the union of two adjacent teeth, causing aesthetic and orthodontic problems. Its etiology is not fully known. It can be seen in both permanent and primary teeth. In this case report, a 13-year-old male patient, who applied to Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University Faculty of Dentistry with complaints of curvature on his teeth, was seen in the intraoral examination and radiological evaluation between the upper central tooth and the supernumerary tooth. The level of fusion was determined in 3 dimensions with cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). No pathology was observed in the mouth. Root canal treatment was performed in both pulp cavities. Since the patient will receive orthodontic treatment, it was planned to separate the fusion conservatively to avoid bone loss. The junction line of the fusing teeth was separated into the middle triple area of the root with a flame-tipped diamond bur under water cooling. The joint at the apical triple part was separated by the post space preparation drill and the supernumerary tooth was extracted. As a result, the use of cutting drills, that can reach the apical region during the separation of these teeth, will provide an advantage to the clinician. Among these drills, the post space preparation drill is an alternative drill for the conservative approach. Keywords: Fusion, supernumerary tooth, dental anomalies, central tooth


  • 1. Pawlaczyk-Kamieńsk, T, Winiarska H, Kulczyk T, Cofta, S. Dental Anomalies in Rare, Genetic Ciliopathic Disorder-A Case Report and Review of Literature. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(12):4337.
  • 2. Bernardi S, Bianchi S, Bernardi G, et al. Clinical management of fusion in primary mandibular incisors: a systematic literature review. Acta Odontol Scand. 2020;78(6):417-424.
  • 3. Lochib S, Indushekar KR, Saraf BG. Occlusal characteristics and prevalence of associated dental anomalies in the primary dentition. J Epidemiol Glob Health. 2015;5(2):151-157.
  • 4. Olivan-Rosas G, Lopez-Jimenez J, Gimenez-Prats MJ, Piqueras-Hernandez M. Considerations and differences in the treatment of a fused tooth. Med Oral. 2004;9(3):224-228.
  • 5. Giffoni TCR, Brandt GZ, Rocha IS, Ramos AL, Provenzano MGA, Fracasso MDL. Relation of dental anomalies with occlusal alterations in the pediatric patients. Pesqui Bras Odontopediatria Clín Integr. 2019;19:e4026–10.
  • 6. Zhu M, Liu C, Ren S, Lin Z, Miao L, Sun W. Fusion of a supernumerary tooth to right mandibular second molar: a case report and literature review. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2015;8(8):11890–11895.
  • 7. Kılınç G, Çetin M. Congenital Dental Anomalies in the Primary Dentition. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni. 2020;3(2):247-253.
  • 8. Dummett CO, Thikkurissy S. Anomalies of the Developing Dentition. Casamassimo PS, Fields HW, McTigue DJ, Nowak AJ (Editors), Pediatric Dentistry: Infancy Through Adolescence. 5th ed. Missouri, Elsevier. 2013:54-64.
  • 9. More CB, Tailor MN. Tooth Fusion, a Rare Dental Anomaly: Analysis of Six. Int J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2013:4:50-53.
  • 10. Gadimli C, Sari Z. Interdisciplinary treatment of a fused lower premolar with supernumerary tooth. Eur J Dent. 2011;5(3):349–353.
  • 11. Tuna EB, Yildirim M, Seymen F, Gencay K, Ozgen M. Fused teeth: A review of the treatment options. J Dent Child. 2009;76(2):109–116.
  • 12. White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral radiology: Principles and interpretation. 5th ed.St Louis; Mosby. 2004:330-365.
  • 13. Sivolella S, Bressan E, Mirabal V, Stellini E, Berengo M. Extraoral endodontic treatment, odontotomy and intentional replantation of a double maxillary lateral permanent incisor: case report and 6-year follow-up. Int Endod J. 2008;41(6):538-546.
  • 14. Kim E, Jou YT. A supernumerary tooth fused to the facial surface of a maxillary permanent central incisor: case report. J Endod. 2000;26(1):45-48.
  • 15. Steinbock N, Wigler R, Kaufman AY, Lin S, Abu-El Naaj, I, Aizenbud D. Fusion of central incisors with supernumerary teeth: a 10-year follow-up of multidisciplinary treatment. J Endod. 2014;40(7):1020-1024.
  • 16. Elmas S, Odabaş M. Maksiller Daimi Kesici Dişte İzlenen Çift Diş Oluşumunun Tedavisi: Olgu Raporu. Selçuk Dent J. 2020; 7: 347-353.
  • 17. Blank BS, Ogg RR, Levy AR. A fusion central incisor periodontal considerations in comprehetisive treatment. J Periodontol. 1985; 56(1):21-24.
  • 18. Altun C, Guven G, Basak F, Akbulut E, Altuğ A. Sut dislerinde fuzyon ve geminasyon: Beş olgu nedeniyle. AÜ. Dis Hek Fak Derg. 2005;32:223-227.
  • 19. Kayasu T, Akçay M, Gergin B, Akçam MO. Füzyonlu maksiler lateral dişin multidisipliner tedavisi: Olgu sunumu. AÜ. Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2011;38:83-87.
  • 20. Köse H, Demirtürk H, Özden B, Çelenk P. Daimi Dişlerde Füzyon: İki Olgu Sunumu. J Dent Fac Atatürk Uni. 2015;11(Suppl):17-20.
  • 21. Arslanoğlu Z, Tekin MG, Altan A, Adıgüzel M, Damlar İ, Arpağ OF. Maksiller Lateral Diş ile Süpernümerer Diş Füzyonu ve Tedavisi: Bir Olgu Sunumu. MKÜ Tıp Dergisi. 2015;21:38-42.
  • 22. Stillwell Kl, Coke JM. Bilateral Fusion of the Maxillary Central Incisors to Supernumerary Teeth: Report of a Case. J Am Dent Assoc.1986;112(1):62-64.
  • 23. Marachaux SC. The Treatment of Fusion of a Maxillary Central Incisor and a Supernumerary: Report of a Case. ASDC J Dent Child. 1984;51(3):106-199.
  • 24. Ozden B, Gunduz K, Ozer S, Oz, A, Ozden, FO. The multidisciplinary management of a fused maxillary central incisor with a talon cusp. Aust Dent J. 2012;57:98-102.
  • 25. Dumitrescu LA, Inagaki K. Orthodontics and Periodontics In: Etiology and Pathogenesis of Periodontal Disease. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2010:307-318.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Case Reports

Sena Kaşıkçı

Emre Bodrumlu This is me 0000-0001-7748-3264

Publication Date February 15, 2022
Submission Date September 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 32 Issue: 1


AMA Kaşıkçı S, Bodrumlu E. MAKSİLLER SANTRAL DİŞ İLE SUPERNUMERER DİŞ FÜZYONU VE TEDAVISI. Curr Res Dent Sci. February 2022;32(1):119-123.

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