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Geleneksel Tam Protezlerden İmplant Üstü Overdenture Protezlere Geçişte Oklüzyon Değişiminin T-scan III Sistemi Kullanılarak Ölçülmesi

Year 2025, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 89 - 93, 20.01.2025



Geleneksel total protez kullanan hastaların mevcut total protezlerinin ağız içinde implantlara bağlanarak implant üstü hareketli proteze geçişte oklüzal kuvvetlerin yer değişiminin kaydedilmesidir. 56 yaşındaki tam dişsiz erkek hasta alt çene ön bölgeye yapılan 3 implantın osseointegrasyonu için gerekli süre geçtikten sonra implant üstü hareketli protezini yaptırmak üzere kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastaya topuz başlı ataşman tutuculu implant üstü hareketli protez yapılması planlandı ve bunun üzerine yeni alt çene total protez hazırlandı. Oklüzal temasları düzenlenen total protez ağız içinde implantlara bağlanmadan önce ve bağlandıktan sonra T-Scan III sistemi kullanılarak oklüzal temasların dağılımı kaydedilmiştir. Bu çalışmada total protezin implantlara bağlamadan önceki ve sonraki oklüzal temaslarının dağılımının birbirine çok yakın değerler verdiği görülmüştür. Bu yüzden oklüzal temaslarının tekrardan düzenlenmesine ihtiyaç duyulmamıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Oklüzyon, Overdenture, T-Scan III


  • 1. Crum RJ, Loiselle RJ. Oral perception and proprioception:a review of the literature and its significance to prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 1972;28(2):215–230.
  • 2. Pfaffmann C. Afferent impulses from the teeth due to pressure and noxious stimulation. J Physiol 1939;97(2):207–219.
  • 3. Kerstein RB. Articulating paper mark misconceptions and computerized occlusal analysis technology. Dent Implantol Update. 2008, 19(6):41–46.
  • 4. Kerstein RB, Handbook of Research on Computerized Occlusal Analysis Technology Applications in Dental Medicine. Hershey: IGI Global; 2015.
  • 5. Baldini A, Nota A, Cozza P: The association between occlusion time and temporomandibular disorders. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2015;25:151-154.
  • 6. Cohen-Lévy J, Cohen N. Computerized occlusal analysis in dentofacial orthopedics: indications and clinical use the T-Scan III system. J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2012;15:203-227.
  • 7. Wismeijer D, van Waas MA, Kalk W. Factors to consider in selecting an occlusal concept for patients with implants in the edentulous mandible. J Prosthet Dent. 1995;74(4):380-384.
  • 8. Farias-Neto A. Carreiro ADFP complete denture occlusion: an evidence-based approach. J Prosthodont. 2013;22:94–97.
  • 9. Kerstein RB, Thumati P, Padmaja S. Force Finishing and Centering to Balance a Removable Complete Denture Prosthesis Using T-Scan III Computerized Occlusal Analysis System. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2013;13:184-188.
  • 10. Olivieri F, Kang KH, Hirayama H, Maness WL. New method for analyzing complete denture occlusion using the center of force concept: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 1998; 80:519-523.
  • 11. Throckmorton GS, Rasmussen J, Caloss R. Calibration of T-Scan sensors for recording bite forces in denture patients. J Oral Rehabil. 2009; 36:636-643.
  • 12. Sierpinska T, Golebiewska M, Kuc J, Lapuc M. The influence of the occlusal vertical dimension on masticatory muscle activities and hyoid bone position in complete denture wearers. Adv Med Sci. 2009; 54:104-108.
  • 13. Heckmann SM, Heussinger S, Linke JJ et al. Improvement and long‐ term stability of neuromuscular adaptation in implant‐supported overdentures. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2009; 20: 1200– 1205.
  • 14. van Kampen FMC, van der Bildt A, Cune MS, Bosman F. The influence of various attachment types in mandibular implant‐ retained overdentures on maximum bite force and EMG. J Dent Res. 2002; 81: 170– 173.
  • 15. van der Bildt A, van Kampen FM, Cune MS. Masticatory function with mandibular implant‐supported overdentures fitted with different attachment types. Eur J Oral Sci. 2006; 114: 191– 196.
  • 16. Kutkut A, Bertoli E, Frazer R, Pinto-Sinai G, Fuentealba Hidalgo R, Studts J. A systematic review of studies comparing conventional complete denture and implant retained overdenture. J Prosthodont Res. 2018;62(1):1-9.
  • 17. Carpentieri JR, Tarnow DP. The two-implant mandibular overdenture as first-choice treatment objective. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2003;15(10):750-752.
  • 18. Visser A, Raghoebar GM, Meijer HJ, Batenburg RH, Vissink A. Mandibular overdentures supported by two or four endosseous implants. A 5-year prospective study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2005;16(1):19-25.
  • 19. Allen PF, Thomason JM, Jepson NJ, Nohl F, Smith DG, Ellis J. A randomized controlled trial of implant-retained mandibular overdentures. J Dent Res. 2006;85(6):547-551.
  • 20. Harris D, Hofer S, O'Boyle CA, et al. A comparison of implant-retained mandibular overdentures and conventional dentures on quality of life in edentulous patients: a randomized, prospective, within-subject controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013;24(1):96-103.
  • 21. Simunovic-Soskic M, Juretic M, Kovac Z, Cerovic R, Uhac I. Implant prosthetic rehabilitation of the patients with mandibular resection following oral malignoma surgery. Coll Antropol. 2012;1:301-305.
  • 22. Baldini A, Berardi A, Nanussi A. Importanza clinica della valutazione computerizzata dell’occlusione. Dental Cadmos. 2009;77:47-59.
  • 23. Saracoglu A, Ozpinar B. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of occlusal indicator sensitivity. J Prosthet Dent. 2002;88(5):522-526.
  • 24. Afrashtehfar KI, Qadeer S. Computerized occlusal analysis as an alternative occlusal indicator. Cranio. 2016;34(1):52-57.
  • 25. Koos B, Godt A, Schille C, Goz G. Precision of an instrumentation-based method of analyzing occlusion and its resulting distribution of forces in the dental arch. J Orofac Orthop. 2010;71(6):403-410.
  • 26. De Souza RF, Ribeiro AB, Della Vecchia MP, et al. Mini vs. standard implants for mandibular overdentures: a randomized trial. J Dent Res. 2015;94(10):1376-1384.
  • 27. Aunmeungtong W, Kumchai T, Strietzel FP, Reichart PA, Khongkhunthian P. Comparative clinical study of conventional dental implants and dental mini-implants for mandibular overdentures: a randomized clinical trial. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2017;19(2):328-340.
  • 28. Millstein P, Maya A. An evaluation of occlusal contact marking indicators. A descriptive quantitative method. J Am Dent Assoc. 2001;132:1280-1286; quiz 1319.
  • 29. Helms RB, Katona TR, Eckert GJ. Do occlusal contact detection products alter the occlusion? J Oral Rehabil. 2012;39:357-363.
  • 30. Okuma K, Hirano S, Hayakawa I. Occlusal pressure pattern analysis of complete dentures for evaluation of occlusal adjustment. J Med Dent Sci. 2004;51:197-203.
  • 31. Goncalves AR, Machado AL, Giampaolo ET, et al. Linear dimensional changes of denture base and hard chair-side reline resins after disinfection. J Appl Polym Sci. 2006;102:1821-1826.
  • 32. Koos B, Godt A, Schille C, et al. Precision of an instrumentation-based method ofanalyzing occlusion and its resulting distribution of forces in the dental arch. J Orofac Orthop. 2010;71:403-410.
  • 33. Qadeer S, Kerstein R, Kim RJ, et al. Relationship between articulation paper mark size and percentage of force measured with computerized occlusal analysis. J Adv Prosthodont. 2012;4(1):7-12.
  • 34. Sidana V, Pasricha N, Makkar M, et al. Computerized Occlusal Analysis. Indian J Dental Sci. 2013;5(2):141-4.
  • 35. Kürklü D, Yanıkoğlu N, Gözler S. Oklüzal Analiz Metodları ve T-Scan, Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2009; 19( 1): 55-60.
Year 2025, Volume: 35 Issue: 1, 89 - 93, 20.01.2025


Amaç: Geleneksel total protez kullanan hastaların mevcut total protezlerinin ağız içinde implantlara bağlanarak implant üstü hareketli proteze geçişte oklüzal kuvvetlerin yer değişiminin kaydedilmesidir.
Olgu: 56 yaşındaki tam dişsiz erkek hasta alt çene ön bölgeye yapılan 3 implantın osseointegrasyonu için gerekli süre geçtikten sonra implant üstü hareketli protezini yaptırmak üzere kliniğimize başvurdu. Hastaya topuz başlı ataşman tutuculu implant üstü hareketli protez yapılması planlandı ve bunun üzerine yeni alt çene total protez hazırlandı. Oklüzal temasları düzenlenen total protez ağız içinde implantlara bağlanmadan önce ve bağlandıktan sonra T-Scan III sistemi kullanılarak oklüzal temasların dağılımı kaydedilmiştir.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmada total protezin implantlara bağlamadan önceki ve sonraki oklüzal temaslarının dağılımının birbirine çok yakın değerler verdiği görülmüştür. Bu yüzden oklüzal temaslarının tekrardan düzenlenmesine ihtiyaç duyulmamıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Oklüzyon, Overdenture, T-Scan III


  • 1. Crum RJ, Loiselle RJ. Oral perception and proprioception:a review of the literature and its significance to prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent 1972;28(2):215–230.
  • 2. Pfaffmann C. Afferent impulses from the teeth due to pressure and noxious stimulation. J Physiol 1939;97(2):207–219.
  • 3. Kerstein RB. Articulating paper mark misconceptions and computerized occlusal analysis technology. Dent Implantol Update. 2008, 19(6):41–46.
  • 4. Kerstein RB, Handbook of Research on Computerized Occlusal Analysis Technology Applications in Dental Medicine. Hershey: IGI Global; 2015.
  • 5. Baldini A, Nota A, Cozza P: The association between occlusion time and temporomandibular disorders. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 2015;25:151-154.
  • 6. Cohen-Lévy J, Cohen N. Computerized occlusal analysis in dentofacial orthopedics: indications and clinical use the T-Scan III system. J Dentofacial Anom Orthod 2012;15:203-227.
  • 7. Wismeijer D, van Waas MA, Kalk W. Factors to consider in selecting an occlusal concept for patients with implants in the edentulous mandible. J Prosthet Dent. 1995;74(4):380-384.
  • 8. Farias-Neto A. Carreiro ADFP complete denture occlusion: an evidence-based approach. J Prosthodont. 2013;22:94–97.
  • 9. Kerstein RB, Thumati P, Padmaja S. Force Finishing and Centering to Balance a Removable Complete Denture Prosthesis Using T-Scan III Computerized Occlusal Analysis System. J Indian Prosthodont Soc. 2013;13:184-188.
  • 10. Olivieri F, Kang KH, Hirayama H, Maness WL. New method for analyzing complete denture occlusion using the center of force concept: a clinical report. J Prosthet Dent. 1998; 80:519-523.
  • 11. Throckmorton GS, Rasmussen J, Caloss R. Calibration of T-Scan sensors for recording bite forces in denture patients. J Oral Rehabil. 2009; 36:636-643.
  • 12. Sierpinska T, Golebiewska M, Kuc J, Lapuc M. The influence of the occlusal vertical dimension on masticatory muscle activities and hyoid bone position in complete denture wearers. Adv Med Sci. 2009; 54:104-108.
  • 13. Heckmann SM, Heussinger S, Linke JJ et al. Improvement and long‐ term stability of neuromuscular adaptation in implant‐supported overdentures. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2009; 20: 1200– 1205.
  • 14. van Kampen FMC, van der Bildt A, Cune MS, Bosman F. The influence of various attachment types in mandibular implant‐ retained overdentures on maximum bite force and EMG. J Dent Res. 2002; 81: 170– 173.
  • 15. van der Bildt A, van Kampen FM, Cune MS. Masticatory function with mandibular implant‐supported overdentures fitted with different attachment types. Eur J Oral Sci. 2006; 114: 191– 196.
  • 16. Kutkut A, Bertoli E, Frazer R, Pinto-Sinai G, Fuentealba Hidalgo R, Studts J. A systematic review of studies comparing conventional complete denture and implant retained overdenture. J Prosthodont Res. 2018;62(1):1-9.
  • 17. Carpentieri JR, Tarnow DP. The two-implant mandibular overdenture as first-choice treatment objective. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2003;15(10):750-752.
  • 18. Visser A, Raghoebar GM, Meijer HJ, Batenburg RH, Vissink A. Mandibular overdentures supported by two or four endosseous implants. A 5-year prospective study. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2005;16(1):19-25.
  • 19. Allen PF, Thomason JM, Jepson NJ, Nohl F, Smith DG, Ellis J. A randomized controlled trial of implant-retained mandibular overdentures. J Dent Res. 2006;85(6):547-551.
  • 20. Harris D, Hofer S, O'Boyle CA, et al. A comparison of implant-retained mandibular overdentures and conventional dentures on quality of life in edentulous patients: a randomized, prospective, within-subject controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2013;24(1):96-103.
  • 21. Simunovic-Soskic M, Juretic M, Kovac Z, Cerovic R, Uhac I. Implant prosthetic rehabilitation of the patients with mandibular resection following oral malignoma surgery. Coll Antropol. 2012;1:301-305.
  • 22. Baldini A, Berardi A, Nanussi A. Importanza clinica della valutazione computerizzata dell’occlusione. Dental Cadmos. 2009;77:47-59.
  • 23. Saracoglu A, Ozpinar B. In vivo and in vitro evaluation of occlusal indicator sensitivity. J Prosthet Dent. 2002;88(5):522-526.
  • 24. Afrashtehfar KI, Qadeer S. Computerized occlusal analysis as an alternative occlusal indicator. Cranio. 2016;34(1):52-57.
  • 25. Koos B, Godt A, Schille C, Goz G. Precision of an instrumentation-based method of analyzing occlusion and its resulting distribution of forces in the dental arch. J Orofac Orthop. 2010;71(6):403-410.
  • 26. De Souza RF, Ribeiro AB, Della Vecchia MP, et al. Mini vs. standard implants for mandibular overdentures: a randomized trial. J Dent Res. 2015;94(10):1376-1384.
  • 27. Aunmeungtong W, Kumchai T, Strietzel FP, Reichart PA, Khongkhunthian P. Comparative clinical study of conventional dental implants and dental mini-implants for mandibular overdentures: a randomized clinical trial. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res. 2017;19(2):328-340.
  • 28. Millstein P, Maya A. An evaluation of occlusal contact marking indicators. A descriptive quantitative method. J Am Dent Assoc. 2001;132:1280-1286; quiz 1319.
  • 29. Helms RB, Katona TR, Eckert GJ. Do occlusal contact detection products alter the occlusion? J Oral Rehabil. 2012;39:357-363.
  • 30. Okuma K, Hirano S, Hayakawa I. Occlusal pressure pattern analysis of complete dentures for evaluation of occlusal adjustment. J Med Dent Sci. 2004;51:197-203.
  • 31. Goncalves AR, Machado AL, Giampaolo ET, et al. Linear dimensional changes of denture base and hard chair-side reline resins after disinfection. J Appl Polym Sci. 2006;102:1821-1826.
  • 32. Koos B, Godt A, Schille C, et al. Precision of an instrumentation-based method ofanalyzing occlusion and its resulting distribution of forces in the dental arch. J Orofac Orthop. 2010;71:403-410.
  • 33. Qadeer S, Kerstein R, Kim RJ, et al. Relationship between articulation paper mark size and percentage of force measured with computerized occlusal analysis. J Adv Prosthodont. 2012;4(1):7-12.
  • 34. Sidana V, Pasricha N, Makkar M, et al. Computerized Occlusal Analysis. Indian J Dental Sci. 2013;5(2):141-4.
  • 35. Kürklü D, Yanıkoğlu N, Gözler S. Oklüzal Analiz Metodları ve T-Scan, Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg. 2009; 19( 1): 55-60.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Prosthodontics
Journal Section Case Reports

Baran Tursun This is me

Nuran Yanikoğlu This is me

Publication Date January 20, 2025
Submission Date December 10, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 35 Issue: 1


AMA Tursun B, Yanikoğlu N. Geleneksel Tam Protezlerden İmplant Üstü Overdenture Protezlere Geçişte Oklüzyon Değişiminin T-scan III Sistemi Kullanılarak Ölçülmesi. Curr Res Dent Sci. January 2025;35(1):89-93. doi:10.17567/currresdentsci.1619031

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