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Çevreci Açıdan Girişim; Eko-Girişimcilik

Year 2014, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 103 - 118, 12.10.2014


Son yıllarda girişimcilik ve çevreci işletme kavramlarına artan bir ilgi görülmektedir. Yirminci yüzyılın başlarında ortaya çıkan sanayileşme sürecinde iş faaliyetlerinde meydana gelen radikal değişimler ve artan tüketim, işletmelerin çevreci faaliyetlere yönelmesine yol açmıştır. Buna paralel olarak sürdürülebilir kalkınma ve sanayinin çevreci bir hal alması temelinde işletmelerin durumuyla ilgili birçok farklı parametre, özellikle bir alan olarak girişimci bakış açısı göz ardı edilmiştir (Schaper,2010,11). Bu çevresel sorunlara girişimci bir perspektiften bakan yeni bakış açısı eko-girişimcilik olarak adlandırılan yeni bir kavramın ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye bağlamında görece akademik araştırma ve çalışma alanı olarak yeni bir alan olan eko-girişimcilik literatürüne katkıda bulunmaktır.


  • Abell, D.F. (1980). Defining the Business: The Starting Point of Strategic Planning, Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Allen, J.C.,Malin,S. (2008). "Green Entrepreneurship: A Method for Managing Natural Resources?" Society & Natural Resources 21, no. 9: 828-844. Anderson, T.L., Leal, D.R. (1997). Enviro-Capitalists: Doing Good While Doing Well, Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,Lanham, MD. Anderson A.R. (1998). Cultivating the Garden of Eden: environmental entrepreneuring. J Org Change Manag 11(2):135–144 Audretsch, D., Max B., Keilbach, C., Lehmann,E. . Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.pp 88 Aytaç,Ö. (2006). Girişimcilik: Sosyo-Kültürel Bir Perspektif”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,Sayı 15:139-160. Balcı,F.G. (2011).Girişimciliğe Ekolojik Bir Yaklaşım; Eko-girişimcilik Teorik Çerçeve,NEÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 1:187-206 Bennet, S. (1991). Ecopreneuring: the Complete Guide to Small Business Opportunities From the Environmental Revolution,Wiley: New York Binks, M.,Vale, P. 1990. Entrepreneurship and Economic Change, McGraw- Hill Book Company. Bull,I.,Willard,G.E. (1993). Towards a Theory of Entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 8:183-195. Cato, M.S., Arthur, L., Keenoy, T. ve Smith, R. (2008). Entrepreneurial energy: associative entrepreneurship in the renewable energy sector in Wales, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Vol. 14 No. 5:313-29. Cohen, B., Winn, M.J. (2007). Market Imperfections, Oppurtunity and Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol:22, No. 1:29-49 Çakar, U., Alavuklar, O. N. (2011). Ecopreneurship as an ethical challenge. International Entrepreneurship Congress 2011 Conference Proceedings Ġzmir: Ġzmir University of Economics. p. 81-86 de Bruin A., Lewis, K. (2010). Little Acorns in Action: Green Entrepreneurship and New Zeland Micro Enterprises. Making Ecopreneurs;Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Schaper, M. (ed.) Surrey, Gower Publisihng Ltd., 2010 pp. 95-108 Dickson B, Watkins D, Foxall J. (2007).The Working Partnership: SMEs and Biodiversity. Fauna and Flora International: Cambridge, UK. Dixon, S.E.A., Clifford, A. (2007). Ecopreneurship- a new approach to managing the triple bottom line. Journal of Organizational Management. 20 (3):326-345. Douglas, M.,Hill, B. (2001). Environment Industry Cluster Development:The South Australian Experience, Department of Industry Science and Resources, Canberra Freimann, J., Marxen S., Schick H.. (2005). Sustainability in the Start-up Process. In Making Ecopreneurs: Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Schaper M (ed). Ashgate: Burlington, VT; 72–88. Genoff, R., de Leeuw, L. (2000). Background Discussion Paper to Environment Industry Cluster Development Report, Emerging Industries Occasional Papers, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Canberra. Gerlach, A. (2002). Sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation. Centre for Sustainable Management (CSM), University of Luneburg, Luneburg, Germany. Unpublished manuscript erişim tarihi 1 Eylül 2013 Gibb, A.A. (1996).Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management: Can We Afford to Neglect Them in the Twenty-First Century Business School?, British Journal of Management, Vol. 7, No.4:309-322 Harvey, M., Kiessling, T., Moeller, M. (2010). A View of Entrepreneurship and Innovation From the Economist ―For All Seasons‖ Joseph S. Schumpeter, Journal of Management History, 16 (4):527-531. Hendrickson L.U., Tuttle D.B. (1997). Dynamic management of the environmental enterprise: a qualitative analysis. Journal of Organisational Change Management 10(4): 363–382. Holt, D. (2011). Where Are They Now? Tracking the Longitudinal Evolution of Environmental Businesses From the 1990s, Business Strategy and the Environment Business Strategy, Env. (20):238–250 Isaak, R. (1997).Globalisation and green entrepreneurship, Greener Management International, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, p. 80. Isaak, R. (1999).Green Logic; Ecopreneurship, Theory and Ethics, Kumarian Press, Inc.,Connecticut;USA Isaak, R. (2010).The Making of Ecopreneur. Making Ecopreneurs;Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, . 2nd. edt. Schaper, M (ed.) Surrey, Gower Publisihng Ltd., pp. 43-58 Ivanko J.D. (2008). ECOpreneuring Putting Purpose and the Planet Before Profi ts. New Society Publishers: Gabriola Island, BC. Keogh P. D. (1998). Polonsky M. J. Environmental Commitment: a basis for environmental entrepreneurship?, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol.11 No.1:38-49 Kirkwood, J., Walton, S. (2010). International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Vol. 16 No. 3:204-228 Kyrö, P. (2001).To Grow or not to Grow? Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, Vol. 8, No. 1:15-28 Larson A.L. (2000). Sustainable Innovation through an Entrepreneurship Lens, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 9:304-317 Linnanen, L. (2002). An Insider’s Experiences with Environmental Entrepreneurship, The Journal of Corporate Environmental Strategy and Practice, Vol. Summer, Issue 38:71-82 Lober D.J. (1998). Pollution prevention as corporate entrepreneurship. Journal of Organisational Change Management 11(1): 26–37. Niguyen H., Boberg, K. (2010). The Role of Ecopreneurship in the Evolution of Environmental Management, World Conference on Entrepreneurship(ICSB), Cincinnati,OH. Oscanoa, M.,(2010). Is clean green? A qualitative study of cleantech entrepreneurs' motives and goals. Master Thesis. O’Rourke A.R., (2010). How Venture Capital Can Help Build Ecopreneurship. Making Ecopreneurs; Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Schaper, M. (ed.) Surrey, Gower Publisihng Ltd., pp 165-184 Pastakia A. (1998). Grassroots ecopreneurs: change agents for a sustainable society. Journal of Organizational Change anad Management 11(2):157–173 Pastakia A. (2002). Assessing Ecopreneurship in the Context of a Developing Country The case of India, Greener Management International, 38:93- 108. Pinchot, G. (1985). Intrapreneuring, Harper&Row, New York pp 56 Post, J.,Altman, B. (1994). Managing the environmental change process: barriers and opportunities, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 7 No. 4:64-81. Schaper, M. (2002).The Essence of Ecopreneurship, Greener Management International, Vol. 38:59-70 Schaper, M. (2005). Making Ecopreneurs: developing sustainable entrepreneurship. Ashgate Publishing, Limited, Hampshire Schaper, M. (2010). Making Ecopreneurs: developing sustainable entrepreneurship. 2nd. ed. MPG Books Group,UK pp 10 Schaltegger,S.(2002). A Framework for Ecopreneurship; Leeding Bioneers and Environmental Managers to Ecopreneurship, Greener Management International, No.38: 45-48 Schaltegger,S. (2005).Research and Markets: Making Ecopreneurs: Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Dublin; M2 Communications Ltd Schuyler, G. (1998) “Merging Economic and Environmental Concerns through Ecopreneurship”, (erişim tarihi Temmuz 2013) Tagar, E., Cocklin, C. (2010). Offsetting the disadvantages of smallness: Promoting green entrepreneurs through industry Clusters. Making Ecopreneurs; Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Schaper,M. Surrey,Gower Publisihng Ltd.. 188-190 Taylor, D. W., Walley E. E.. (2004). The green entrepreneur: Opportunist, maverick, or visionary?, International J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business 1(1–2):56–97. Tilley, F., Parrish, B.D. (2006). Sustainability Entrepreneurship;Charting a Field in Emergence. Greener Management International (55):5 erişim tarihi 10.08.2013 Walley EE, Taylor DW. (2002). Opportunists, champions, mavericks?, Greener Management International ( 38): 31–43. Walley L., Taylor, D. ve Greig, K. (2010). Beyond the Visonary Championship: Testing a Typology of Green Entrepreneurs. Making ecopreneurs: Developing sustainable entrepreneurship. Editor Schaper, M., Burlington, VT: Gower/Ashgate Pub. pp 60-73 Wiklund, J. (1999) The Sustainability of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Performance Relationship, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 37-48 Türkiye Girişimcilik Stratejisi ve Eylem Taslak Planı 2014-2016.. 23 Nisan 2013 erişim tarihi 10.08.2013. erişim tarihi 10.08.2013.
Year 2014, Volume: 23 Issue: 1, 103 - 118, 12.10.2014



  • Abell, D.F. (1980). Defining the Business: The Starting Point of Strategic Planning, Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Allen, J.C.,Malin,S. (2008). "Green Entrepreneurship: A Method for Managing Natural Resources?" Society & Natural Resources 21, no. 9: 828-844. Anderson, T.L., Leal, D.R. (1997). Enviro-Capitalists: Doing Good While Doing Well, Rowman&Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,Lanham, MD. Anderson A.R. (1998). Cultivating the Garden of Eden: environmental entrepreneuring. J Org Change Manag 11(2):135–144 Audretsch, D., Max B., Keilbach, C., Lehmann,E. . Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.pp 88 Aytaç,Ö. (2006). Girişimcilik: Sosyo-Kültürel Bir Perspektif”, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi,Sayı 15:139-160. Balcı,F.G. (2011).Girişimciliğe Ekolojik Bir Yaklaşım; Eko-girişimcilik Teorik Çerçeve,NEÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 1:187-206 Bennet, S. (1991). Ecopreneuring: the Complete Guide to Small Business Opportunities From the Environmental Revolution,Wiley: New York Binks, M.,Vale, P. 1990. Entrepreneurship and Economic Change, McGraw- Hill Book Company. Bull,I.,Willard,G.E. (1993). Towards a Theory of Entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 8:183-195. Cato, M.S., Arthur, L., Keenoy, T. ve Smith, R. (2008). Entrepreneurial energy: associative entrepreneurship in the renewable energy sector in Wales, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Vol. 14 No. 5:313-29. Cohen, B., Winn, M.J. (2007). Market Imperfections, Oppurtunity and Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol:22, No. 1:29-49 Çakar, U., Alavuklar, O. N. (2011). Ecopreneurship as an ethical challenge. International Entrepreneurship Congress 2011 Conference Proceedings Ġzmir: Ġzmir University of Economics. p. 81-86 de Bruin A., Lewis, K. (2010). Little Acorns in Action: Green Entrepreneurship and New Zeland Micro Enterprises. Making Ecopreneurs;Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Schaper, M. (ed.) Surrey, Gower Publisihng Ltd., 2010 pp. 95-108 Dickson B, Watkins D, Foxall J. (2007).The Working Partnership: SMEs and Biodiversity. Fauna and Flora International: Cambridge, UK. Dixon, S.E.A., Clifford, A. (2007). Ecopreneurship- a new approach to managing the triple bottom line. Journal of Organizational Management. 20 (3):326-345. Douglas, M.,Hill, B. (2001). Environment Industry Cluster Development:The South Australian Experience, Department of Industry Science and Resources, Canberra Freimann, J., Marxen S., Schick H.. (2005). Sustainability in the Start-up Process. In Making Ecopreneurs: Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Schaper M (ed). Ashgate: Burlington, VT; 72–88. Genoff, R., de Leeuw, L. (2000). Background Discussion Paper to Environment Industry Cluster Development Report, Emerging Industries Occasional Papers, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Canberra. Gerlach, A. (2002). Sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation. Centre for Sustainable Management (CSM), University of Luneburg, Luneburg, Germany. Unpublished manuscript erişim tarihi 1 Eylül 2013 Gibb, A.A. (1996).Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management: Can We Afford to Neglect Them in the Twenty-First Century Business School?, British Journal of Management, Vol. 7, No.4:309-322 Harvey, M., Kiessling, T., Moeller, M. (2010). A View of Entrepreneurship and Innovation From the Economist ―For All Seasons‖ Joseph S. Schumpeter, Journal of Management History, 16 (4):527-531. Hendrickson L.U., Tuttle D.B. (1997). Dynamic management of the environmental enterprise: a qualitative analysis. Journal of Organisational Change Management 10(4): 363–382. Holt, D. (2011). Where Are They Now? Tracking the Longitudinal Evolution of Environmental Businesses From the 1990s, Business Strategy and the Environment Business Strategy, Env. (20):238–250 Isaak, R. (1997).Globalisation and green entrepreneurship, Greener Management International, Greenleaf Publishing, Sheffield, p. 80. Isaak, R. (1999).Green Logic; Ecopreneurship, Theory and Ethics, Kumarian Press, Inc.,Connecticut;USA Isaak, R. (2010).The Making of Ecopreneur. Making Ecopreneurs;Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, . 2nd. edt. Schaper, M (ed.) Surrey, Gower Publisihng Ltd., pp. 43-58 Ivanko J.D. (2008). ECOpreneuring Putting Purpose and the Planet Before Profi ts. New Society Publishers: Gabriola Island, BC. Keogh P. D. (1998). Polonsky M. J. Environmental Commitment: a basis for environmental entrepreneurship?, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol.11 No.1:38-49 Kirkwood, J., Walton, S. (2010). International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, Vol. 16 No. 3:204-228 Kyrö, P. (2001).To Grow or not to Grow? Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development, International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, Vol. 8, No. 1:15-28 Larson A.L. (2000). Sustainable Innovation through an Entrepreneurship Lens, Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 9:304-317 Linnanen, L. (2002). An Insider’s Experiences with Environmental Entrepreneurship, The Journal of Corporate Environmental Strategy and Practice, Vol. Summer, Issue 38:71-82 Lober D.J. (1998). Pollution prevention as corporate entrepreneurship. Journal of Organisational Change Management 11(1): 26–37. Niguyen H., Boberg, K. (2010). The Role of Ecopreneurship in the Evolution of Environmental Management, World Conference on Entrepreneurship(ICSB), Cincinnati,OH. Oscanoa, M.,(2010). Is clean green? A qualitative study of cleantech entrepreneurs' motives and goals. Master Thesis. O’Rourke A.R., (2010). How Venture Capital Can Help Build Ecopreneurship. Making Ecopreneurs; Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Schaper, M. (ed.) Surrey, Gower Publisihng Ltd., pp 165-184 Pastakia A. (1998). Grassroots ecopreneurs: change agents for a sustainable society. Journal of Organizational Change anad Management 11(2):157–173 Pastakia A. (2002). Assessing Ecopreneurship in the Context of a Developing Country The case of India, Greener Management International, 38:93- 108. Pinchot, G. (1985). Intrapreneuring, Harper&Row, New York pp 56 Post, J.,Altman, B. (1994). Managing the environmental change process: barriers and opportunities, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 7 No. 4:64-81. Schaper, M. (2002).The Essence of Ecopreneurship, Greener Management International, Vol. 38:59-70 Schaper, M. (2005). Making Ecopreneurs: developing sustainable entrepreneurship. Ashgate Publishing, Limited, Hampshire Schaper, M. (2010). Making Ecopreneurs: developing sustainable entrepreneurship. 2nd. ed. MPG Books Group,UK pp 10 Schaltegger,S.(2002). A Framework for Ecopreneurship; Leeding Bioneers and Environmental Managers to Ecopreneurship, Greener Management International, No.38: 45-48 Schaltegger,S. (2005).Research and Markets: Making Ecopreneurs: Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Dublin; M2 Communications Ltd Schuyler, G. (1998) “Merging Economic and Environmental Concerns through Ecopreneurship”, (erişim tarihi Temmuz 2013) Tagar, E., Cocklin, C. (2010). Offsetting the disadvantages of smallness: Promoting green entrepreneurs through industry Clusters. Making Ecopreneurs; Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Schaper,M. Surrey,Gower Publisihng Ltd.. 188-190 Taylor, D. W., Walley E. E.. (2004). The green entrepreneur: Opportunist, maverick, or visionary?, International J. Entrepreneurship and Small Business 1(1–2):56–97. Tilley, F., Parrish, B.D. (2006). Sustainability Entrepreneurship;Charting a Field in Emergence. Greener Management International (55):5 erişim tarihi 10.08.2013 Walley EE, Taylor DW. (2002). Opportunists, champions, mavericks?, Greener Management International ( 38): 31–43. Walley L., Taylor, D. ve Greig, K. (2010). Beyond the Visonary Championship: Testing a Typology of Green Entrepreneurs. Making ecopreneurs: Developing sustainable entrepreneurship. Editor Schaper, M., Burlington, VT: Gower/Ashgate Pub. pp 60-73 Wiklund, J. (1999) The Sustainability of the Entrepreneurial Orientation Performance Relationship, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 37-48 Türkiye Girişimcilik Stratejisi ve Eylem Taslak Planı 2014-2016.. 23 Nisan 2013 erişim tarihi 10.08.2013. erişim tarihi 10.08.2013.
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Journal Section Makaleler

Efe Efeoğlu This is me

Publication Date October 12, 2014
Submission Date November 15, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 23 Issue: 1


APA Efeoğlu, E. (2014). Çevreci Açıdan Girişim; Eko-Girişimcilik. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 23(1), 103-118.