Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 34 - 44, 21.10.2017


ve dijital teknolojilerdeki gelişmelerin işletmecilik alanına yansımalarının
başında, fiyatlandırma politika ve uygulamalarına olan katkıları gelmektedir.
İşletmelerin fiyatlandırma uygulamalarına yönelik tüketicilerin
farkındalıklarının yüksek olması, işletmelerin fiyatlandırma kararlarını adil
ve dikkatli bir şekilde vermelerini gerektirmektedir. Aksi durumda,
tüketiciler, işletmeler tarafından kandırıldıklarını düşünerek, işletmelere
karşı çeşitli tepkiler verebileceklerdir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, işletmelerin
fiyat farklılaştırma uygulamaları durumunda tüketici sinizmi, fiyat şeffaflığı,
prosedürel fiyat adaleti, satın alma niyeti ve boykot
yapmaya yönelik tutumları
arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesidir. Araştırmanın
sonuçlarına göre, fiyat şeffaflığı, prosedürel fiyat adaleti ve satın alma
niyeti değişkenleri arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur. Diğer
yandan, tüketici sinizmi ile boykot yapmaya yönelik tutum arasında pozitif
yönlü anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu sonucuna ulaşılırken, hem tüketici sinizmi hem
de boykot yapmaya yönelik tutum ile fiyat şeffaflığı, prosedürel fiyat adaleti
ve satın alma niyeti değişkenleri arasında negatif yönlü ilişkilerin olduğu
ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • Abraham, R. (2000). Organizational cynicism: Bases and consequences. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 126 (3), 269-292. Ahmetoglu, G., Furnham, A., & Fagan, P. (2014). Pricing practices: A critical review of their effects on consumer perceptions and behaviour. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 696-707. Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211. Amezcua, B. & Quintanilla, C. (2016). When eWOM becomes cynical. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40(3), 290-298. Andersson, L. M. (1996). Employee cynicism: An examination using a contract violation framework. Human Relations, 49 (11), 1395-1418. Austin, D. A., & Gravelle, J. G. (2007). Does price transparency improve market efficiency? Implications of empirical evidence in other markets for the health sector. Prepared by Congressional Research Service for Congress. Bolton, L. E., Keh, H. T., & Alba, J. W. (2010). How do price fairness perceptions differ across culture?. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(3), 564-576. Campbell, M. C. (1999). Perceptions of price unfairness: antecedents and consequences. Journal of Marketing Research, 187-199. Chung, J. Y. & Petrick, J. F. (2015). Measuring Price Fairness: Development of a Multidimensional Scale, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(7), 907-922. Chylinski, M. & Chu, A. (2010). Consumer cynicism: antecedents and consequences, European Journal of Marketing, 44(6), 796-837 Costello, A. B., & Osborne, J. W. (2005). Best practices in exploratory factor analysis: Four recommendations for getting the most from your analysis. Practical assessment, research & evaluation, 10(7), 1-9. Creyer, E. H. (1997). The influence of firm behavior on purchase intention: do consumers really care about business ethics?, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 14 (6), 421-432. Davari, A., Iyer, P., & Rokonuzzaman, M. (2016). Identifying the determinants of online retail patronage: A perceived-risk perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 33, 186-193. DeVellis, R. F. (2016). Scale development: Theory and applications (Vol. 26). Sage publications. Dudley, D. R. (1937). A history of cynicism. London: Methuen and Co. Fang, Y. H., Chiu, C. M., & Wang, E. T. (2011). Understanding customers’ satisfaction and repurchase intentions: An integration of IS success model, trust, and justice. Internet Research, 21(4), 479-503. Friedman, M. (1985). Consumer Boycotts in the United States, 1970-1980: Contemporary Events in Historical Perspective, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 19 (1), 96-117. Grewal, D., Hardesty, D. M., & Iyer, G. R. (2004). The effects of buyer identification and purchase timing on consumers’ perceptions of trust, price fairness, and repurchase intentions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(4), 87-100. Heide, M, White, C., Grønhaug, K. & Østrem, T. M. (2008). Pricing Strategies in the Restaurant Industry, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 8 (3), 251-269 Helm, A. E., Moulard, J. G., & Richins, M. (2015). Consumer cynicism: developing a scale to measure underlying attitudes influencing marketplace shaping and withdrawal behaviours. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(5), 515-524. Herrmann, A., Xia, L., Monroe, K. B., & Huber, F. (2007). The influence of price fairness on customer satisfaction: An empirical test in the context of automobile purchases. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 16(1), 49-58. Heyman, J. E., & Mellers, B. A. (2008). Perceptions of fair pricing. Handbook of Consumer Psychology, 683-697. Iyer, G., Grewal, D., & Rothenberger, S. (2017). Impacts of Price Transparency on Consumer Price Fairness Perspections and Behavioral Intentions. In The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World (pp. 496-496). Springer, Cham. Kanter, D. L. & Mirvis, P. H. (1989). The Cynical Americans. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Klein, J. G., Smith, N. C., & John, A. (2004). Why we boycott: Consumer motivations for boycott participation. Journal of Marketing, 68(3), 92-109. Lee, M. S., Motion, J., & Conroy, D. (2009). Anti-consumption and brand avoidance. Journal of Business Research, 62(2), 169-180. Makarem, S. C., & Jae, H. (2016). Consumer boycott behavior: An exploratory analysis of twitter feeds. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 50(1), 193-223. Malhotra, Naresh K. ve Peterson, Mark (2006). Basic Marketing Research: A Decision Making Approach, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. Martin, W. C., Ponder, N., & Lueg, J. E. (2009). Price fairness perceptions and customer loyalty in a retail context. Journal of Business Research, 62(6), 588-593. Matzler, K., Renzl, B., & Faullant, R. (2007). Dimensions of price satisfaction: a replication and extension. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 25(6), 394-405. Matzler, K., Würtele, A., & Renzl, B. (2006). Dimensions of price satisfaction: a study in the retail banking industry. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 24(4), 216-231. Maxwell, S. (2002). Rule-based price fairness and its effect on willingness to purchase. Journal of economic psychology, 23(2), 191-212. Miao, L., & Mattila, A. S. (2007). How and how much to reveal? The effects of price transparency on consumers’ price perceptions. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 31(4), 530-545. Nguyen, B. Ve Klaus, P. P. (2013). Retail fairness: Exploring consumer perceptions of fairness towards retailers’ marketing tactics. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(3), 311-324. Odou, P., & de Pechpeyrou, P. (2011). Consumer cynicism: From resistance to anti-consumption in a disenchanted world?. European Journal of Marketing, 45(11/12), 1799-1808. Poh, L. S., & Mohayidin, M. G. B. (2011). Dimensions of price satisfaction: a study in the low cost airlines industry. In 2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (2nd ICBER 2011) Proceeding. Rosen, S., & Rosenfield, A. M. (1997). Ticket pricing. The Journal of Law and Economics, 40(2), 351-376. Sen, S., Gürhan-Canli, Z., & Morwitz, V. (2001). Withholding consumption: A social dilemma perspective on consumer boycotts. Journal of Consumer research, 28(3), 399-417. Škare, V., & Gospić, D. (2015). Dynamic pricing and customers’ perceptions of price fairness in the airline industry. Turizam: međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis, 63(4), 515-528. Testerman, J. K., Morton, K. R., Loo, L. K., Worthley, J. S., & Lamberton, H. H. (1996). The natural history of cynicism in physicians. Academic Medicine, 71 (10), S43-S45. Yoo, B. & Donthu, N. (2001). Developing a scale to measure the perceived quality of an Internet shopping site (SITEQUAL). Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2(1), 31-45. Zhang, X., & Jiang, B. (2014). Increasing price transparency: Implications of consumer price posting for consumers’ haggling behavior and a seller’s pricing strategies. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(1), 68-85. Zhu, K. (2002). Information Transparency in Electronic Marketplaces: Why Data Transparency May Hinder the Adoption of B2B Exchanges. Electronic Markets, 12(2), 92-99. Zielke, S. (2008). Exploring asymmetric effects in the formation of retail price satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 15(5), 335-347.
Year 2017, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 34 - 44, 21.10.2017



  • Abraham, R. (2000). Organizational cynicism: Bases and consequences. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 126 (3), 269-292. Ahmetoglu, G., Furnham, A., & Fagan, P. (2014). Pricing practices: A critical review of their effects on consumer perceptions and behaviour. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(5), 696-707. Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211. Amezcua, B. & Quintanilla, C. (2016). When eWOM becomes cynical. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 40(3), 290-298. Andersson, L. M. (1996). Employee cynicism: An examination using a contract violation framework. Human Relations, 49 (11), 1395-1418. Austin, D. A., & Gravelle, J. G. (2007). Does price transparency improve market efficiency? Implications of empirical evidence in other markets for the health sector. Prepared by Congressional Research Service for Congress. Bolton, L. E., Keh, H. T., & Alba, J. W. (2010). How do price fairness perceptions differ across culture?. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(3), 564-576. Campbell, M. C. (1999). Perceptions of price unfairness: antecedents and consequences. Journal of Marketing Research, 187-199. Chung, J. Y. & Petrick, J. F. (2015). Measuring Price Fairness: Development of a Multidimensional Scale, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 32(7), 907-922. Chylinski, M. & Chu, A. (2010). Consumer cynicism: antecedents and consequences, European Journal of Marketing, 44(6), 796-837 Costello, A. B., & Osborne, J. W. (2005). Best practices in exploratory factor analysis: Four recommendations for getting the most from your analysis. Practical assessment, research & evaluation, 10(7), 1-9. Creyer, E. H. (1997). The influence of firm behavior on purchase intention: do consumers really care about business ethics?, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 14 (6), 421-432. Davari, A., Iyer, P., & Rokonuzzaman, M. (2016). Identifying the determinants of online retail patronage: A perceived-risk perspective. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 33, 186-193. DeVellis, R. F. (2016). Scale development: Theory and applications (Vol. 26). Sage publications. Dudley, D. R. (1937). A history of cynicism. London: Methuen and Co. Fang, Y. H., Chiu, C. M., & Wang, E. T. (2011). Understanding customers’ satisfaction and repurchase intentions: An integration of IS success model, trust, and justice. Internet Research, 21(4), 479-503. Friedman, M. (1985). Consumer Boycotts in the United States, 1970-1980: Contemporary Events in Historical Perspective, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 19 (1), 96-117. Grewal, D., Hardesty, D. M., & Iyer, G. R. (2004). The effects of buyer identification and purchase timing on consumers’ perceptions of trust, price fairness, and repurchase intentions. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 18(4), 87-100. Heide, M, White, C., Grønhaug, K. & Østrem, T. M. (2008). Pricing Strategies in the Restaurant Industry, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 8 (3), 251-269 Helm, A. E., Moulard, J. G., & Richins, M. (2015). Consumer cynicism: developing a scale to measure underlying attitudes influencing marketplace shaping and withdrawal behaviours. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 39(5), 515-524. Herrmann, A., Xia, L., Monroe, K. B., & Huber, F. (2007). The influence of price fairness on customer satisfaction: An empirical test in the context of automobile purchases. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 16(1), 49-58. Heyman, J. E., & Mellers, B. A. (2008). Perceptions of fair pricing. Handbook of Consumer Psychology, 683-697. Iyer, G., Grewal, D., & Rothenberger, S. (2017). Impacts of Price Transparency on Consumer Price Fairness Perspections and Behavioral Intentions. In The Customer is NOT Always Right? Marketing Orientationsin a Dynamic Business World (pp. 496-496). Springer, Cham. Kanter, D. L. & Mirvis, P. H. (1989). The Cynical Americans. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Klein, J. G., Smith, N. C., & John, A. (2004). Why we boycott: Consumer motivations for boycott participation. Journal of Marketing, 68(3), 92-109. Lee, M. S., Motion, J., & Conroy, D. (2009). Anti-consumption and brand avoidance. Journal of Business Research, 62(2), 169-180. Makarem, S. C., & Jae, H. (2016). Consumer boycott behavior: An exploratory analysis of twitter feeds. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 50(1), 193-223. Malhotra, Naresh K. ve Peterson, Mark (2006). Basic Marketing Research: A Decision Making Approach, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education Inc. Martin, W. C., Ponder, N., & Lueg, J. E. (2009). Price fairness perceptions and customer loyalty in a retail context. Journal of Business Research, 62(6), 588-593. Matzler, K., Renzl, B., & Faullant, R. (2007). Dimensions of price satisfaction: a replication and extension. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 25(6), 394-405. Matzler, K., Würtele, A., & Renzl, B. (2006). Dimensions of price satisfaction: a study in the retail banking industry. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 24(4), 216-231. Maxwell, S. (2002). Rule-based price fairness and its effect on willingness to purchase. Journal of economic psychology, 23(2), 191-212. Miao, L., & Mattila, A. S. (2007). How and how much to reveal? The effects of price transparency on consumers’ price perceptions. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 31(4), 530-545. Nguyen, B. Ve Klaus, P. P. (2013). Retail fairness: Exploring consumer perceptions of fairness towards retailers’ marketing tactics. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20(3), 311-324. Odou, P., & de Pechpeyrou, P. (2011). Consumer cynicism: From resistance to anti-consumption in a disenchanted world?. European Journal of Marketing, 45(11/12), 1799-1808. Poh, L. S., & Mohayidin, M. G. B. (2011). Dimensions of price satisfaction: a study in the low cost airlines industry. In 2nd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (2nd ICBER 2011) Proceeding. Rosen, S., & Rosenfield, A. M. (1997). Ticket pricing. The Journal of Law and Economics, 40(2), 351-376. Sen, S., Gürhan-Canli, Z., & Morwitz, V. (2001). Withholding consumption: A social dilemma perspective on consumer boycotts. Journal of Consumer research, 28(3), 399-417. Škare, V., & Gospić, D. (2015). Dynamic pricing and customers’ perceptions of price fairness in the airline industry. Turizam: međunarodni znanstveno-stručni časopis, 63(4), 515-528. Testerman, J. K., Morton, K. R., Loo, L. K., Worthley, J. S., & Lamberton, H. H. (1996). The natural history of cynicism in physicians. Academic Medicine, 71 (10), S43-S45. Yoo, B. & Donthu, N. (2001). Developing a scale to measure the perceived quality of an Internet shopping site (SITEQUAL). Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2(1), 31-45. Zhang, X., & Jiang, B. (2014). Increasing price transparency: Implications of consumer price posting for consumers’ haggling behavior and a seller’s pricing strategies. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 28(1), 68-85. Zhu, K. (2002). Information Transparency in Electronic Marketplaces: Why Data Transparency May Hinder the Adoption of B2B Exchanges. Electronic Markets, 12(2), 92-99. Zielke, S. (2008). Exploring asymmetric effects in the formation of retail price satisfaction. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 15(5), 335-347.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

Kalender Özcan Atılgan

Talip İnce This is me

Sinan Yılmaz This is me

Publication Date October 21, 2017
Submission Date October 13, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 26 Issue: 3
