Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 184 - 199, 21.10.2017


Sanal birlikler tüketicilerle
ilişki kurmanın en etkili yollarından birisidir. Konaklama işletmeleri
tüketicilere ulaşmak için yeni bir pazarlama kanalı olan sanal birliklerden
yararlanmaktadır. Daha önceki yapılmış olan çalışmalarda üyelerin sanal birlik
etkinliklerine katılımı etkileyen fonksiyonel, sosyal, psikolojik, hedonik ve ekonomik
unsurlar beş katılım faydası olarak tanımlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada, beş katılım
faydasının yanı sıra gönderi özellikleri olarak ifade edilen gönderilerin
kalitesi, gönderilerin popülaritesi ve gönderilerin çekiciliğinin de tüketici
güveni ve sadakati üzerine etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, sanal birliklere
katılım düzeyinin otel işletmelerine yönelik markaya duyulan tüketici güveni ve
sadakati üzerindeki etkisini belirlemeye yönelik kavramsal bir model
geliştirilmiştir. Saha çalışması İstanbul’da otel işletmelerinde konaklamış
olan ve daha önce ilgili otele ilişkin sosyal medya aracılığı ile bilgi ve
diğer tüketici görüşlerini araştırmış olan 407 tüketici üzerinde
gerçekleştirilmiş ve anket tekniği ile toplanan veri sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir.


  • Ahearne, M. Gruen, T.W., ve Jarvis, C.B., (1999). If looks could sell: Moderation and mediation of the attractiveness effect on salesperson performance. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 16(4), 269–284. Armstrong, A. G., ve Hagel, J., (1995). Real profits from virtual communities. McKinsey Quarterly, 3, 128-141. Armstrong, A. G. ve Hagel, J. (1996). The real value of online communities. Harvard Business Review, 74 (3), 134-141. Arsal, I., Backman, S., ve Baldwin, E., (2008). Influence of an online travel community on travel decisions. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2008: Proceedings of the International Conference (pp. 82-93). Innsbruck, Austria. Bhattacherjee, A. ve Sanford, C. (2006). Influence processes for information technology acceptance: An elaboration likelihood model. MIS Quarterly, 30(4), 805–825. Bressler, S. E. ve Grantham, C. E. (2000). Communities of commerce: Building internet business communities to accelerate growth, minimize risk, and increase customer loyalty. New York: McGraw Hill. Casaló, L. Flavian, C. ve Guinaliu, M. (2007). The impact of participation in virtual brandcommunities on consumer trust and loyalty. Online Information Review, 31(6), 775-792. Coulter, K.S. ve Punj, G.N. (2004). The effects of cognitive resource requirements, availability, and argument quality on brand attitudes—A melding of elaboration likelihood and cognitive resource matching theories. Journal of Advertising, 33(4), 53–64. De Vries, L. Gensler, S. ve Leeflang, P.S.H. (2012). Popularity of brand posts on brand fan pages: An investigation of the effects of social media marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26(2), 83–91. Dholakia, U. M. Blazevic, V. Wiertz, C. ve Algsheimer, R. (2009). Communal service delivery: How customers benefit from participation in firm-hosted virtual P3 communities. Journal of Service Research, 12 (2), 208-226. Flavián, C., ve Guinalíu, M., (2006). Consumer trust, perceived security and privacy policy Three basic elements of loyalty to a web site. Industrial Management &DataSystems, 106 (5), 601-620. Gretzel, U., Kang, M., ve Lee, W. J., (2008). Differences in consumer-generated media adoption and use: A cross-national perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, 17 (1-2), 99-120. Gwinner, K. Gremler, D. ve Bitner, M. (1998). Relational benefits in services industries: The customer's perspective. Academy of Marketing Science, 26 (2), 101-114. Hagel, J. ve Armstrong, A. G. (1997). Net gain: Expanding markets through virtualcommunities. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA; McKinsey & Company,Inc. Harris, L., O'Malley, L. ve Patterson, M. (2003). Professional interaction: Exploring the concept of attraction. Professional Interaction, 3 (1), 9-36. He, W., Qiao, Q., & Wei, K. K. (2009). Social relationship and its role in knowledge management systems usage. Information & Management, 46(3), 175-180. Hess, J. ve Story, J. (2005). Trust-based commitment: multidimensional consumer- brand relationships. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22 (6), 313-322. Kang, J. (2011). Social media marketing in the hospitality industry: The role of benefits in increasing brand community participation and the impact of participation on consumer trust and commitment toward hotel and restaurant brands, Iowa State University, Major Hospitality Management, Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Doktora Tezi, Ames- Iowa. Kang, I. Lee, K. Lee, S. ve Choi, J. (2007). Investigation of online community voluntary behavior using cognitive map. Computers in Human Behavior, 23 (1), 111-126. Kasavana, M. L., (2008). The convergence of self-service technology. Hospitality UpgradeMagazine etail.asp?ID=278 (Erişim tarihi: 13.03.2016) Koh, J. ve Kim, Y. G. (2004). Knowledge sharing in virtual communities: an e-business perspective. Expert Systems with Applications, 26 (2), 155-166. Kozinets, R. V. (1999). E-tribalized marketing?: The strategic implications of virtual communities of consumption. European Management Journal, 17 (3), 252- 264. Lee, Y., Ahn, W., ve Kim, K., (2008). A study on the moderating role of alternative attractiveness in the relationship between relational benefits and customer loyalty. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 9 (1), 52-70. Madupu, V. (2006). Online brand community participation: Antecedents and consequences.(Doctoral dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses veritabanı. (UMI No. 3230964). McAlexander, J. H. Schouten, J. W. ve Koenig, H. F. (2002), “Building Brand Community,” Journal of Marketing, 66, 1, 38–54. Morgan, R. M. ve Hunt, S. D. (1994). The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, 58 (3), 20–38. Muñiz Jr., A. M. ve O'Guinn, T.C. (2001), “Brand Community,” Journal of Consumer Research, 27, 4, 412–32. Paris, C. M. Lee, W. ve Seery, P. (2010). The role of social media in promoting special events: acceptance of Facebook Events. Information and communicationTechnologies In Tourism, 14, 531-541. Peterson, R. A. (1995). Relationship marketing and the consumer. Journal of the academy of Marketing Science, 23 (4), 278-281. SAS HBR (2010), “The New Conversation: Taking Social Media from Talk to Action,” Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 1–24. Van Belleghem, S. Eenhuizen M. ve Veris E. (2011), Social Media Around the World. InSites Consulting. Verhagen, T. Feldberg, F. van den Hooff, B. Meents, S. ve Merikivi, J. (2012). Understanding users'motivations to engage in virtual worlds: A multipurpose model and empirical testing. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 484–495. Wang, Y. C. Yu, Q. ve Fesenmaier, D. (2002). Defining the virtual touristcommunity:Implications for tourism marketing. Tourism Management, 23 (4), 407 417. Wang, Y. C. ve Fesenmaier, D. (2004a). Towards understanding members‘ generalparticipation in and active contribution to an online travel community. TourismManagement, 25 (6), 709-722.
Year 2017, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 184 - 199, 21.10.2017



  • Ahearne, M. Gruen, T.W., ve Jarvis, C.B., (1999). If looks could sell: Moderation and mediation of the attractiveness effect on salesperson performance. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 16(4), 269–284. Armstrong, A. G., ve Hagel, J., (1995). Real profits from virtual communities. McKinsey Quarterly, 3, 128-141. Armstrong, A. G. ve Hagel, J. (1996). The real value of online communities. Harvard Business Review, 74 (3), 134-141. Arsal, I., Backman, S., ve Baldwin, E., (2008). Influence of an online travel community on travel decisions. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2008: Proceedings of the International Conference (pp. 82-93). Innsbruck, Austria. Bhattacherjee, A. ve Sanford, C. (2006). Influence processes for information technology acceptance: An elaboration likelihood model. MIS Quarterly, 30(4), 805–825. Bressler, S. E. ve Grantham, C. E. (2000). Communities of commerce: Building internet business communities to accelerate growth, minimize risk, and increase customer loyalty. New York: McGraw Hill. Casaló, L. Flavian, C. ve Guinaliu, M. (2007). The impact of participation in virtual brandcommunities on consumer trust and loyalty. Online Information Review, 31(6), 775-792. Coulter, K.S. ve Punj, G.N. (2004). The effects of cognitive resource requirements, availability, and argument quality on brand attitudes—A melding of elaboration likelihood and cognitive resource matching theories. Journal of Advertising, 33(4), 53–64. De Vries, L. Gensler, S. ve Leeflang, P.S.H. (2012). Popularity of brand posts on brand fan pages: An investigation of the effects of social media marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 26(2), 83–91. Dholakia, U. M. Blazevic, V. Wiertz, C. ve Algsheimer, R. (2009). Communal service delivery: How customers benefit from participation in firm-hosted virtual P3 communities. Journal of Service Research, 12 (2), 208-226. Flavián, C., ve Guinalíu, M., (2006). Consumer trust, perceived security and privacy policy Three basic elements of loyalty to a web site. Industrial Management &DataSystems, 106 (5), 601-620. Gretzel, U., Kang, M., ve Lee, W. J., (2008). Differences in consumer-generated media adoption and use: A cross-national perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing, 17 (1-2), 99-120. Gwinner, K. Gremler, D. ve Bitner, M. (1998). Relational benefits in services industries: The customer's perspective. Academy of Marketing Science, 26 (2), 101-114. Hagel, J. ve Armstrong, A. G. (1997). Net gain: Expanding markets through virtualcommunities. Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA; McKinsey & Company,Inc. Harris, L., O'Malley, L. ve Patterson, M. (2003). Professional interaction: Exploring the concept of attraction. Professional Interaction, 3 (1), 9-36. He, W., Qiao, Q., & Wei, K. K. (2009). Social relationship and its role in knowledge management systems usage. Information & Management, 46(3), 175-180. Hess, J. ve Story, J. (2005). Trust-based commitment: multidimensional consumer- brand relationships. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22 (6), 313-322. Kang, J. (2011). Social media marketing in the hospitality industry: The role of benefits in increasing brand community participation and the impact of participation on consumer trust and commitment toward hotel and restaurant brands, Iowa State University, Major Hospitality Management, Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Doktora Tezi, Ames- Iowa. Kang, I. Lee, K. Lee, S. ve Choi, J. (2007). Investigation of online community voluntary behavior using cognitive map. Computers in Human Behavior, 23 (1), 111-126. Kasavana, M. L., (2008). The convergence of self-service technology. Hospitality UpgradeMagazine etail.asp?ID=278 (Erişim tarihi: 13.03.2016) Koh, J. ve Kim, Y. G. (2004). Knowledge sharing in virtual communities: an e-business perspective. Expert Systems with Applications, 26 (2), 155-166. Kozinets, R. V. (1999). E-tribalized marketing?: The strategic implications of virtual communities of consumption. European Management Journal, 17 (3), 252- 264. Lee, Y., Ahn, W., ve Kim, K., (2008). A study on the moderating role of alternative attractiveness in the relationship between relational benefits and customer loyalty. International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration, 9 (1), 52-70. Madupu, V. (2006). Online brand community participation: Antecedents and consequences.(Doctoral dissertation). ProQuest Dissertations and Theses veritabanı. (UMI No. 3230964). McAlexander, J. H. Schouten, J. W. ve Koenig, H. F. (2002), “Building Brand Community,” Journal of Marketing, 66, 1, 38–54. Morgan, R. M. ve Hunt, S. D. (1994). The commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, 58 (3), 20–38. Muñiz Jr., A. M. ve O'Guinn, T.C. (2001), “Brand Community,” Journal of Consumer Research, 27, 4, 412–32. Paris, C. M. Lee, W. ve Seery, P. (2010). The role of social media in promoting special events: acceptance of Facebook Events. Information and communicationTechnologies In Tourism, 14, 531-541. Peterson, R. A. (1995). Relationship marketing and the consumer. Journal of the academy of Marketing Science, 23 (4), 278-281. SAS HBR (2010), “The New Conversation: Taking Social Media from Talk to Action,” Harvard Business Review Analytic Services, 1–24. Van Belleghem, S. Eenhuizen M. ve Veris E. (2011), Social Media Around the World. InSites Consulting. Verhagen, T. Feldberg, F. van den Hooff, B. Meents, S. ve Merikivi, J. (2012). Understanding users'motivations to engage in virtual worlds: A multipurpose model and empirical testing. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 484–495. Wang, Y. C. Yu, Q. ve Fesenmaier, D. (2002). Defining the virtual touristcommunity:Implications for tourism marketing. Tourism Management, 23 (4), 407 417. Wang, Y. C. ve Fesenmaier, D. (2004a). Towards understanding members‘ generalparticipation in and active contribution to an online travel community. TourismManagement, 25 (6), 709-722.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Makaleler

Serap Çabuk

Hatice Doğan Südaş

Neslihan Kundakçıoğlu This is me

Publication Date October 21, 2017
Submission Date December 7, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 26 Issue: 3


APA Çabuk, S., Doğan Südaş, H., & Kundakçıoğlu, N. (2017). SANAL BİRLİKLERE KATILIM DÜZEYİNİN OTEL İŞLETMELERİNE YÖNELİK MARKAYA DUYULAN TÜKETİCİ GÜVENİ VE SADAKATİ ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(3), 184-199.