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Örgütlerde Sessizlik: Sessizliğin Teorik Temelleri Ve Dinamikleri

Year 2007, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 145 - 162, 01.06.2007


Although the phenomenon of organizational silence is widely found at organizations there is little research on its dimensions and effects Different literature suggests that employees are unwilling to speak up about organizational issues and concerns This situation shows a contradiction in new management paradigms in which human resource was taken as the core concept In recent years some studies concentrating on the silence issue from the point of organization and employees have been carried out This study will present a framework for the issue for both paying attention and making contrition to further researches in Turkey where there have been little studies on the topic Therefore in the study the concept of organizational silence concepts related to different expression forms theories which silence is based on factors producing and developing the issue have been discussed by investigating a wide and diverse literature Additionally recommendations on the future directions have been offered at the end of the article Key words: Organization silence


  • Araz, A. (2005) Kişilerarası İlişkilerde Benlik Sunumu Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Arrindell, W.A. (2003). “Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviours, institutions, and organizations across nations”, kitap incelemesi, (Geert Hofstede, Sage Publications, Thousands Oaks, California, 2001), Behaviour Research Therapy, 41:861-862
  • Boroff, K.E. ve Lewin, D. (1997).“Loyalty, Voice, and intent to exit a union firm: A conceptual and emprical analysis“, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 51 (1): 50-63.
  • Bowen, F. ve Blackmon, K. (2003). “Spirals of Silence: The Dynamic Effects of Diversity on Organizational Voice”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1393- 1417.
  • Brown, P. ve Levinson, S.C. (1987). Politeness model. comm300/mary/interpersonal/politeness/sld001.htm (1.2.2006)
  • Bryant, M. ve Cox, J.W. (2004). “Conversion stories as shifting narratives of organizational change”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17 (6): 578-592.
  • Culpaper, J. (1996). “Towards an anatomy of impoliteness”, Journal of Pragmatics, 25: 349-367
  • Detert, J.R. ve Edmondson, A.C. (2005). “No Exit, No Voice: The Bind of Risky Voice Opportunities in Organizations”, Academy of Management Proceedings 2005: 1-6.
  • Dutton, J.E., Ashford, S.J., O’Neil, R.M., Hayes, E. ve Wierba, E.E. (1997). “Reading the wind: How middle managers assess the context for selling issues to top managers”, Strategic management journal, 18 (5): 407-425.
  • Dyne, L.V., Ang, S. ve Botero, I.C. (2003).“Conceptualizing Employee Silence and Employee Voice as Multidimensional Constructs“, Journal of Management Studies, 1359-1392.
  • Edmondson, A.C. ve Detert, J.R. (2005). “The Role of Speaking Up in Work- life Balancing”, Work and Life Integration: Organizational, Cultural and Individual Perspectives kitabı içinde, Editor: Ellen Ernst Kossek, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Incorporated, Mahwah, NJ, USA.
  • Güney S. (2004) Açıklamalı Yönetim-Organizasyon ve Örgütsel Davranış Terimler Sözlüğü Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara
  • Greenberg, J. ve Baron, R.A. (2003). Behaviour in Organisations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work, 8.baskı, Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA.
  • Hobbs, N. (2005). “Silence can be golden”, People Management, 11 (5): 48.
  • Hoffmann, E.A. (2006). “Exit and Voice: Organizational Loyalty and Dispute Resolution Strategies”, Social Forces, 84 (4): 2313-2330.
  • Huang, X., Vliert, E.V. ve Veght, G.V. (2003). “Break the Silence: Do Management Openness and Employee Involvement Raise Employee Voice Worldwide?”, Academy of Management Proceedings 2003, IM: K1-K5.
  • Huang, X., Vliert, E.V. ve Veght, G.V. (2005). “Breaking the Silence Culture: Stimulation of Participation and Employee Opinion Withholding Cross-nationally”, Management and Organization Review, 1 (3): 459-482.
  • Keeley, M. ve Graham, J.W. (1991). “Exit, Voice and Ethics”, Journal of Business Ethics, 10 (5): 349-355.
  • Kolarska, L. ve Aldrich, H. (1980). “Exit, Voice, and Silence: Consumers’ and Managers” Responses to Organizational Decline”, Organization Studies, 1 (1): 41-58
  • Luchak, A.A. (2003). “What Kind of Voice do Loyal Employees Use?”, British Journal of Industrial relations, 41 (1): 115-1134.
  • McGregor, D. (1970). Örgütün İnsan İlişkileri Yönü, Çeviren: Doğan Energin, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi İdari İlimler Fakültesi yayını, no: 16, Ankara.
  • Milliken F.J., Morrison Hewlin P.F. (2003). “An Exploratory Study of Employee Silence: Issues that Employees Don’t Communicate Upward and Why”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1453-1476.
  • Milliken, F.J. ve Morrison, E.W. (2003). “Shades of Silence: Emerging Themes and Future Directions for Research on Silence in Organizations”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1564-1568.
  • Moreno-Riano, G. (2002). “Experimental implications for the Spiral of Silence”, The Social Science Journal, 39: 65-81.
  • Mooji, M.D. ve Hofstede, G. (2002). “Convergence and divergence in consumer behaviour: implications for international firms”, Journal of Retailing, 78: 61-69.
  • Moore, K. (2005). “Become a Better Communicator by keeping Your Mouth Shut”, The Journal for Quality & Participation, Summer 2005: 8-10.
  • Mornell, P. (2001). “The sounds of silence”, Managing People, February 2001:117-118.
  • Morrison Milliken F.J. (2000). “Organizational Silence: A Barrier to Change and Development in a Pluralistic World”, The Academy of Management Review, 25 (4): 706-725.
  • Morrison, E.W. ve Milliken, F.J. (2003). “Speaking Up, Remaining Silent: The Dynamics of Voice and Silence in Organizations”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1353-1358.
  • Moy, P., Domke, D. ve Stamm, K. (2001). “The Spiral of Silence and Public Opinion on Affirmative Action”, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 78 (1): 7-25.
  • Nakane, I. (2006). “Silence and politeness in intercultural communication in university seminars”, Journal of Pragmatics, (basılmakta olan makale).
  • Nemeth, C.J. ve Nemeth-Brown, B. (2003). “Better than Individuals? The Potential Benefits of Dissent and Diversity for Group Creativity”, Group Creativity: Innovation through Collaboration kitabı içinde. Editör: Paul Paulus, Oxford University Press, Incorporated, Cry, NC, USA.
  • Noelle-Neumann, E. (1974). “The Spiral of Silence, A Theory of Public Opinion”, Journal of Communication, 24 (2): 43-51.
  • Pederit, S.K. ve Ashford, S.J. (2003). “Breaking silence: Tactical choices women managers make in speaking up about gender-equity issues”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1477-1502.
  • Pinder Harlos K.P. (2001). “Employee Silence: Quiescence and Acquiescence As Responses to Perceived Injustice”, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 20: 331-369.
  • Premeaux, S.F. (2001). Breaking The Silence: Toward an Understanding of Speaking up in the Workplace, Basılmamış doktora tezi, Louisiana State University.
  • Premeaux, S.F. ve Bedeian, A.G. (2003). “Breaking the Silence: The Moderating Effects of Self-Monitoring in Predicting Speaking Up in the Workplace”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1539-1562.
  • Ryan, L. (2005). “When Silence Isn’t Golden”, Business Week Online, 13 Mayıs 2005.
  • Simpson, R. ve Lewis, P. (2005). “An investigation of silence and scrutiny of transparency: Re-examining gender in organization literature through the concepts of voice and visibility”, Human Relations, 58 (10): 1253-1275.
  • Smith, A. (2005). “The Sums of Silence”, Government Executive, 37 (12): 90-91.
  • Vokola, M. ve Bouradas, D. (2005). “Antecedents and consequences of organizational silence: An empirical investigation”, Employee Relations, 27 (5): 441-458.
  • Willnat, L., Lee, W. ve Detenber, B.H. (2002). “Individual-Level Predictors of Public Outspokenness: A Test of the Spiral of Silence Theory in Singapore”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 14 (4): 391-412.

Örgütlerde Sessizlik: Sessizliğin Teorik Temelleri Ve Dinamikleri

Year 2007, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 145 - 162, 01.06.2007


Örgütlerde sessizlik yaygın bir durum olmasına rağmen yapısı bileşenleri etkileri konusunda çok az araştırma vardır Çeşitli kaynaklar iş görenlerin örgüt sorunlarıyla ilgili görüş ve endişelerini dile getirmede isteksiz davrandıklarını göstermektedir Bu durum insan kaynağını merkezine alan yeni yönetim paradigmaları ile çelişkili bulunmaktadır Son yıllarda sessizlik konusunu örgütler ve çalışanlar açısından ele alan araştırmalara rastlanmaktadır Bu çalışmada Türkiye örgüt yazınında henüz yer almayan sessizleşme kavramına dikkat çekmek ve araştırılmasını sağlamak amacıyla bir çerçeve oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır Geniş bir yazın taraması ve incelemesi yapılarak örgütlerde sessizlik kavramı konuşma formlarıyla ilgili kavramlar sessizleşmenin dayandırıldığı teoriler sessizleşmeyi üreten ve geliştiren dinamiklere yer verilmiştir Gelecekteki araştırmaların yönüne ilişkin önerilerle çalışma tamamlanmıştır Anahtar kelimeler: Örgüt sessizlik SILENCE AT ORGANIZATIONS: THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDS OF SILENCE AND ITS DYNAMICS


  • Araz, A. (2005) Kişilerarası İlişkilerde Benlik Sunumu Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul
  • Arrindell, W.A. (2003). “Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviours, institutions, and organizations across nations”, kitap incelemesi, (Geert Hofstede, Sage Publications, Thousands Oaks, California, 2001), Behaviour Research Therapy, 41:861-862
  • Boroff, K.E. ve Lewin, D. (1997).“Loyalty, Voice, and intent to exit a union firm: A conceptual and emprical analysis“, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 51 (1): 50-63.
  • Bowen, F. ve Blackmon, K. (2003). “Spirals of Silence: The Dynamic Effects of Diversity on Organizational Voice”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1393- 1417.
  • Brown, P. ve Levinson, S.C. (1987). Politeness model. comm300/mary/interpersonal/politeness/sld001.htm (1.2.2006)
  • Bryant, M. ve Cox, J.W. (2004). “Conversion stories as shifting narratives of organizational change”, Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17 (6): 578-592.
  • Culpaper, J. (1996). “Towards an anatomy of impoliteness”, Journal of Pragmatics, 25: 349-367
  • Detert, J.R. ve Edmondson, A.C. (2005). “No Exit, No Voice: The Bind of Risky Voice Opportunities in Organizations”, Academy of Management Proceedings 2005: 1-6.
  • Dutton, J.E., Ashford, S.J., O’Neil, R.M., Hayes, E. ve Wierba, E.E. (1997). “Reading the wind: How middle managers assess the context for selling issues to top managers”, Strategic management journal, 18 (5): 407-425.
  • Dyne, L.V., Ang, S. ve Botero, I.C. (2003).“Conceptualizing Employee Silence and Employee Voice as Multidimensional Constructs“, Journal of Management Studies, 1359-1392.
  • Edmondson, A.C. ve Detert, J.R. (2005). “The Role of Speaking Up in Work- life Balancing”, Work and Life Integration: Organizational, Cultural and Individual Perspectives kitabı içinde, Editor: Ellen Ernst Kossek, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Incorporated, Mahwah, NJ, USA.
  • Güney S. (2004) Açıklamalı Yönetim-Organizasyon ve Örgütsel Davranış Terimler Sözlüğü Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara
  • Greenberg, J. ve Baron, R.A. (2003). Behaviour in Organisations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work, 8.baskı, Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA.
  • Hobbs, N. (2005). “Silence can be golden”, People Management, 11 (5): 48.
  • Hoffmann, E.A. (2006). “Exit and Voice: Organizational Loyalty and Dispute Resolution Strategies”, Social Forces, 84 (4): 2313-2330.
  • Huang, X., Vliert, E.V. ve Veght, G.V. (2003). “Break the Silence: Do Management Openness and Employee Involvement Raise Employee Voice Worldwide?”, Academy of Management Proceedings 2003, IM: K1-K5.
  • Huang, X., Vliert, E.V. ve Veght, G.V. (2005). “Breaking the Silence Culture: Stimulation of Participation and Employee Opinion Withholding Cross-nationally”, Management and Organization Review, 1 (3): 459-482.
  • Keeley, M. ve Graham, J.W. (1991). “Exit, Voice and Ethics”, Journal of Business Ethics, 10 (5): 349-355.
  • Kolarska, L. ve Aldrich, H. (1980). “Exit, Voice, and Silence: Consumers’ and Managers” Responses to Organizational Decline”, Organization Studies, 1 (1): 41-58
  • Luchak, A.A. (2003). “What Kind of Voice do Loyal Employees Use?”, British Journal of Industrial relations, 41 (1): 115-1134.
  • McGregor, D. (1970). Örgütün İnsan İlişkileri Yönü, Çeviren: Doğan Energin, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi İdari İlimler Fakültesi yayını, no: 16, Ankara.
  • Milliken F.J., Morrison Hewlin P.F. (2003). “An Exploratory Study of Employee Silence: Issues that Employees Don’t Communicate Upward and Why”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1453-1476.
  • Milliken, F.J. ve Morrison, E.W. (2003). “Shades of Silence: Emerging Themes and Future Directions for Research on Silence in Organizations”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1564-1568.
  • Moreno-Riano, G. (2002). “Experimental implications for the Spiral of Silence”, The Social Science Journal, 39: 65-81.
  • Mooji, M.D. ve Hofstede, G. (2002). “Convergence and divergence in consumer behaviour: implications for international firms”, Journal of Retailing, 78: 61-69.
  • Moore, K. (2005). “Become a Better Communicator by keeping Your Mouth Shut”, The Journal for Quality & Participation, Summer 2005: 8-10.
  • Mornell, P. (2001). “The sounds of silence”, Managing People, February 2001:117-118.
  • Morrison Milliken F.J. (2000). “Organizational Silence: A Barrier to Change and Development in a Pluralistic World”, The Academy of Management Review, 25 (4): 706-725.
  • Morrison, E.W. ve Milliken, F.J. (2003). “Speaking Up, Remaining Silent: The Dynamics of Voice and Silence in Organizations”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1353-1358.
  • Moy, P., Domke, D. ve Stamm, K. (2001). “The Spiral of Silence and Public Opinion on Affirmative Action”, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 78 (1): 7-25.
  • Nakane, I. (2006). “Silence and politeness in intercultural communication in university seminars”, Journal of Pragmatics, (basılmakta olan makale).
  • Nemeth, C.J. ve Nemeth-Brown, B. (2003). “Better than Individuals? The Potential Benefits of Dissent and Diversity for Group Creativity”, Group Creativity: Innovation through Collaboration kitabı içinde. Editör: Paul Paulus, Oxford University Press, Incorporated, Cry, NC, USA.
  • Noelle-Neumann, E. (1974). “The Spiral of Silence, A Theory of Public Opinion”, Journal of Communication, 24 (2): 43-51.
  • Pederit, S.K. ve Ashford, S.J. (2003). “Breaking silence: Tactical choices women managers make in speaking up about gender-equity issues”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1477-1502.
  • Pinder Harlos K.P. (2001). “Employee Silence: Quiescence and Acquiescence As Responses to Perceived Injustice”, Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 20: 331-369.
  • Premeaux, S.F. (2001). Breaking The Silence: Toward an Understanding of Speaking up in the Workplace, Basılmamış doktora tezi, Louisiana State University.
  • Premeaux, S.F. ve Bedeian, A.G. (2003). “Breaking the Silence: The Moderating Effects of Self-Monitoring in Predicting Speaking Up in the Workplace”, Journal of Management Studies, 40 (6): 1539-1562.
  • Ryan, L. (2005). “When Silence Isn’t Golden”, Business Week Online, 13 Mayıs 2005.
  • Simpson, R. ve Lewis, P. (2005). “An investigation of silence and scrutiny of transparency: Re-examining gender in organization literature through the concepts of voice and visibility”, Human Relations, 58 (10): 1253-1275.
  • Smith, A. (2005). “The Sums of Silence”, Government Executive, 37 (12): 90-91.
  • Vokola, M. ve Bouradas, D. (2005). “Antecedents and consequences of organizational silence: An empirical investigation”, Employee Relations, 27 (5): 441-458.
  • Willnat, L., Lee, W. ve Detenber, B.H. (2002). “Individual-Level Predictors of Public Outspokenness: A Test of the Spiral of Silence Theory in Singapore”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 14 (4): 391-412.
There are 42 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yrd.doç.dr.ayşehan Çakıcı This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2007
Submission Date December 29, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Çakıcı, Y. (2007). Örgütlerde Sessizlik: Sessizliğin Teorik Temelleri Ve Dinamikleri. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 16(1), 145-162.