The Time Use Of Turkish Academics
Year 2008,
Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 1 - 14, 01.06.2008
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Türker Baş
: In this article how the academics in Turkish Universities use their time explored The context is provided by an examination of individual and institutional demographic factors and time use of academics A modified version of the Diamantopoulos et al ’ 1992 20 item survey instrument is used to define how academics spend their time A questionnaire was conducted in August 2007 via the Internet The sampling frame with 17 756 academics from 54 universities was developed by collecting e mail addresses from the universities’ web pages A total of 6 000 questionnaires were administered to randomly selected respondents Of those 1720 usable questionnaires were returned providing a response rate of 28 6 percent The findings from frequency analyses show that academics work for long hours and deal with a wide range of work related activities occupying a significant portion of their time An analysis of the correlation matrix also suggests that there are trade offs between the time spent on various activities Keywords: Academics university time use time management profile Turkey
- Baker, M.J.; Erdoğan, B.Z. (2000) “Who We Are and What We Do – 2000” Journal of Marketing Management, 16: 679-696.
- Diamantopoulos, A; Schlegelmilch, B.B.; Neate-Stidson, S. (1992) “Who We Are and What We Do: A Profile of Marketing Academics in UK Universities”, Journal of Marketing Management, 8: 5-20.
- Feldman, L.P.; Hornik, J.(1981) “The Use of Time: An Integrated Conceptual Model”, Journal of Consumer Research, 7: 407-412.
- Hetzel, P.L. (2000) “Where Are We Going? Perceptions of French Marketing Academics”, Journal of Marketing Management, 16: 697-716.
- Mankelow, G; Polonsky, J.M. (2000) “Marketing Academics in Australasia: Who We Are, What We Do, and Where Are We Going?”Marketing Education Review, 12 (1): 87-96.
- Polonsky, J.M.; Mankelow, G. (2000) “Where Are We Going? Perceptions of U.S. Marketing Academics”, Journal of Marketing Management, 16: 717-743.
- Sinkovics, R.R.; Schlegelmilch, B.B. (2000) “Marketing Academics in Austria, Germany and Switzerland: Humbold’s Ideals Give Way to Performance Pressure” Journal of Marketing Management, 16: 745-759.
- Stinson, L. L. (1999) “Measuring How People Spend Their Time: A Time Use Survey Design”, Monthly Labor Review, 122 (8), 32-44.
- YÖK (2005) Scientific Studies of Universities’ Academic and Administrative Staff – Research Project Issue.
- YÖK (2006) The Council of Higher Education of Turkish Republic of Turkey October Report, 21-40.
The Time Use Of Turkish Academics
Year 2008,
Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 1 - 14, 01.06.2008
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Türker Baş
: Bu makalede Türk akademisyenlerinin zamanı kullanma alışkanlıkları araştırılmıştır Bunun için Diamantopoulos ve diğ 1992 tarafından geliştirilen 20 maddelik ölçme aracı Türk yüksek öğretimine uyarlanarak kullanılmıştır Anket Ağustos 2007 de internet üzerinden uygulanmıştır Araştırmanın çerçevesi 54 farklı üniversiteden 17 756 akademisyeni içermektedir ve araştırmacı tarafından üniversitelerin web sitelerinden toplanarak oluşturulmuştur Anket rastlantıal olarak belirlenen 6 000 akademisyene gönderilmiş ve 28 6 cevaplanma yüzdesi ile 1 720 kullanılabilir anket formu elde edilmiştir Analiz sonuçları akademisyenlerin uzun saatler boyunca çalıştıklarını ve çok farklı faaliyetlerle ilgilendikleri ortaya koymaktadır Ayrıca korelasyon matrisinden elde edilen veriler her bir faaliyet için harcanan sürenin bir diğer faaliyet için ayrılan süreyi doğrudan etkilediğini göstermektedir Anahtar kelimeler: Akademisyen üniversite zaman kullanımı zaman yönetimi profil Türkiye
- Baker, M.J.; Erdoğan, B.Z. (2000) “Who We Are and What We Do – 2000” Journal of Marketing Management, 16: 679-696.
- Diamantopoulos, A; Schlegelmilch, B.B.; Neate-Stidson, S. (1992) “Who We Are and What We Do: A Profile of Marketing Academics in UK Universities”, Journal of Marketing Management, 8: 5-20.
- Feldman, L.P.; Hornik, J.(1981) “The Use of Time: An Integrated Conceptual Model”, Journal of Consumer Research, 7: 407-412.
- Hetzel, P.L. (2000) “Where Are We Going? Perceptions of French Marketing Academics”, Journal of Marketing Management, 16: 697-716.
- Mankelow, G; Polonsky, J.M. (2000) “Marketing Academics in Australasia: Who We Are, What We Do, and Where Are We Going?”Marketing Education Review, 12 (1): 87-96.
- Polonsky, J.M.; Mankelow, G. (2000) “Where Are We Going? Perceptions of U.S. Marketing Academics”, Journal of Marketing Management, 16: 717-743.
- Sinkovics, R.R.; Schlegelmilch, B.B. (2000) “Marketing Academics in Austria, Germany and Switzerland: Humbold’s Ideals Give Way to Performance Pressure” Journal of Marketing Management, 16: 745-759.
- Stinson, L. L. (1999) “Measuring How People Spend Their Time: A Time Use Survey Design”, Monthly Labor Review, 122 (8), 32-44.
- YÖK (2005) Scientific Studies of Universities’ Academic and Administrative Staff – Research Project Issue.
- YÖK (2006) The Council of Higher Education of Turkish Republic of Turkey October Report, 21-40.