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Adana ili’ndeki Özel Sağlık Merkezlerinde Çalışan Personelin iş aile Yaşam Çatışmasının Örgütsel Bağlılık iş Doyumu Ve iş Stresine Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Year 2008, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 241 - 254, 01.06.2008


In this study the effects of work family conflict on private medical center employees’ organizational commitment job satisfaction and job stress levels are investigated The data were obtained from a survey of 104 randomly selected employees who work in different medical centers in Adana Turkey The scales used in this study were designed by various researchers before Netenmeyer Boles and McMurrian 1996; Huselid and Day 1991; Rice Gentile and McFarlin 1991 We adopted those scales into the our study and then collected data from private medical centers which is located in Adana region Turkey Then the results were transferred to Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 13 SPSS and later the Relaibility Pearson Correlation and Regression analyses were mainly used to analyze and interpret the results in the extent of management perspectives Key Words: Work Family Conflict Organizational Commitment Job Satisfaction Job Stress Private Medical Centers Adana


  • Adams, G.A., L.A. King, ve D.W. King (1996), “Relationships of Job and Family Involvement, Family Social Support, and Work-Family Conflict with Job and Life Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 81: 411-420.
  • Bedeian, A.G., B.G. Burke Ve R.G. Moffett (1988), “Outcomes of Work-Family Conflict among Married Male and Female Professionals”, Journal of Management, 14, 475-491.
  • Burke, R.J. (1986), “Occupational and Life Stress and the Family: Conceptual Frameworks and Research Findings”, International Review of Applied Psychology. 35, 347-369.
  • Cohen, A. (1993), “Organizational Commitment and Turnover: A-Meta-Analysis”, Academy of Management Journal, 36(5), 1140–1157
  • Duxbury, L., C. Higgins, Ve D.R. Thomas (1996), “Work and Family Environments and the Adoption of Computer-Supported Supplemental Work-at-Home”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 49(1), 1-23.
  • Efeoğlu, İ.Efe (2006) “İş-Aile Yaşam Çatışmasının İş Stresi, İş Doyumu Ve Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkileri: İlaç Sektöründe Bir Araştırma”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi (Tez Danışmanı: Prof.Dr. Hüseyin ÖZGEN), Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Adana
  • Frone, M. R., J.K. Yardley Ve K.S. Markel (1997), “Developing and Testing an Integrative Model of the Work-Family Interface”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 50, 145-167.
  • Frone, M. R., M. Russell Ve M.L. Cooper (1992), “Prevalence of Work-Family Conflict: Are Work and Family Boundaries Asymmetrically Permeable?”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 723-729.
  • Gilbert, J. ve J.M. Ivancevich (1999), “Organizational Diplomacy: The Bridge for Managing Diversity “, Human Resource Planning, 22(3), 1-29.
  • Greenhaus, J. H. ve Beutell, N. J. (1985), “Sources of Conflict Between Work and Family Roles”, Academy of Management Review, 10, 76-88.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., S. Parasuraman ve K.M. Collins (2001), “Career Involvement and Family Involvement as Moderators of Relationships Between Work-Family Conflict and Withdrawal from a Profession”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6, 91-100.
  • Judge, T.A., J.W. Boudreau Ve R.D. Bretz, Jr. (1994), “Job and Life Attitudes of Male Executives”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 767-782.
  • Kacmar, K.M. (1999), “An Examinations of the Perceptions of Organizational Politics Model: Replication and Extension”, Human Relations, 52(3), 383-417.
  • Karatepe, O.M. Ve L. Baddar (2005), “An Emprical Study of the Selected Consequences of Frontline Employees’ Work-Family Conflict and Family- Work Conflict”, Tourism Management, 27: 1017–1028.
  • Kirchmeyer, C. (1992), “Non-Work Participation And Work Attitudes: A Test of Scarcity vs. Expansion Models of Personal Resouces”, Human Relations, 45(8), 775–795.
  • Kirchmeyer, C. ve A. Cohen, A. (1999), “Different Strategies for Managing the Work/Non-Work Interface: A Test for Unique Pathways to Work Outcomes”, Work & Stress, 13, 59-73.
  • Lazarus, R. S. (1991), “Psychological Stress in the Workplace”, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6. 1-13.
  • Meyer, J.P. Ve N.J. Allen (1997), Commitment in The Workplace: Theory, Research, And Application, Sage Publications, California.
  • Netemeyer, R.G., J.S. Boles Ve R. Mcmurrian (1996), “Development and Validation of Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict Scales”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 80: 400-409.
  • Netenmeyer, R.G., M. Johnston Ve S. Burton (1990), “Analysis of Role Conflict and Role Ambiquity in a Structural Equations Framework”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(2):148–158.
  • Okpara, J.O. (2006), “The Relationship of Personal Characteristics and Job Satisfaction: A Study of Nigerian Managers in the Oil Industry”, Journal of American Academy Of Business, 10(1): 49–58.
  • Özdevecioğlu, M. (2003), “Algılanan Örgütsel Destek ile Örgütsel Bağlılık Arasındaki İlşkilerin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 18(2): 109–126.
  • Parasuraman, S., J.Greenhaus ve C.S. (1992), “Role Stressors, Social Support, And Well-Being among Two-Career Couples”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 339-356.
  • Parasuraman, S., J. Greenhaus, S. Rabinowitz, A.G. Bedeian Ve K.W. Mossholder (1989), “Work and Family Variables as Mediators of the Relationship Between Wives' Employment and Husbands' Well-Being”, Academy of Management Journal. 32:185-201.
  • Pittinsky, T.L. ve M.J. Shih (2004), “Knowledge Nomads: Organizational Commitment and Worker Mobility in Positive Perspective”, the American Behavioral Scientist, 47(6): 791-807.
  • Pleck, J. H. (1977), “The Work-Family Role System”, Social Forces, 24, 417-427.
  • Scandura, T.T., M.J. Lankau (1997), “Relationships of Gender, Family Responsibility And Flexible Work Hours to Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(4): 377–391.
  • Schuler, R.S. (1980), “Definition and Conceptualization of Stress in Organizations”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 25: 184-215.
  • Thomas, L.T., Ve D.C. Ganster (1995),Impact of Family-Supportive Work Variables
  • on Work-Family Conflict And Strain: A Control Perspective”Journal of Applied Psychology,80,6-15.
  • Vinokur, A. D., P.F. Pierce, Ve C.L. Buck (1999), “Work-Family Conflicts of Women in the Air Force: Their Influence on Mental Health and Functioning”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(6): 865-878.
  • Wilensky, H. L. (1960). Work, Careers and Social Integration. International Social Science Journal, 12: 543-560.


Year 2008, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 241 - 254, 01.06.2008


Bu çalışmada Adana İli’ndeki özel sağlık merkezlerinde çalışanların iş-aile yaşam
çatışmasının örgütsel bağlılık, iş doyumu ve iş stresleri üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir.
Bu amaçla Adana ilinde faaliyet gösteren özel sağlık merkezlerinde çalışan 104 kişiye
anket uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada kullanılan ölçekler daha önceki çalışmalardan
(Netenmeyer vd., 1996; Huselid and Day, 1991; Rice vd., 1991) yararlanılarak
oluşturulmuştur. Katılımcılardan elde edilen verilere SPSS 13 paket programı
yardımıyla güvenilirlik, korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri uygulanarak analiz edilmiş
ve bulgular yönetim bakış açısıyla yorumlanmıştır


  • Adams, G.A., L.A. King, ve D.W. King (1996), “Relationships of Job and Family Involvement, Family Social Support, and Work-Family Conflict with Job and Life Satisfaction”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 81: 411-420.
  • Bedeian, A.G., B.G. Burke Ve R.G. Moffett (1988), “Outcomes of Work-Family Conflict among Married Male and Female Professionals”, Journal of Management, 14, 475-491.
  • Burke, R.J. (1986), “Occupational and Life Stress and the Family: Conceptual Frameworks and Research Findings”, International Review of Applied Psychology. 35, 347-369.
  • Cohen, A. (1993), “Organizational Commitment and Turnover: A-Meta-Analysis”, Academy of Management Journal, 36(5), 1140–1157
  • Duxbury, L., C. Higgins, Ve D.R. Thomas (1996), “Work and Family Environments and the Adoption of Computer-Supported Supplemental Work-at-Home”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 49(1), 1-23.
  • Efeoğlu, İ.Efe (2006) “İş-Aile Yaşam Çatışmasının İş Stresi, İş Doyumu Ve Örgütsel Bağlılık Üzerindeki Etkileri: İlaç Sektöründe Bir Araştırma”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi (Tez Danışmanı: Prof.Dr. Hüseyin ÖZGEN), Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Adana
  • Frone, M. R., J.K. Yardley Ve K.S. Markel (1997), “Developing and Testing an Integrative Model of the Work-Family Interface”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 50, 145-167.
  • Frone, M. R., M. Russell Ve M.L. Cooper (1992), “Prevalence of Work-Family Conflict: Are Work and Family Boundaries Asymmetrically Permeable?”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 723-729.
  • Gilbert, J. ve J.M. Ivancevich (1999), “Organizational Diplomacy: The Bridge for Managing Diversity “, Human Resource Planning, 22(3), 1-29.
  • Greenhaus, J. H. ve Beutell, N. J. (1985), “Sources of Conflict Between Work and Family Roles”, Academy of Management Review, 10, 76-88.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., S. Parasuraman ve K.M. Collins (2001), “Career Involvement and Family Involvement as Moderators of Relationships Between Work-Family Conflict and Withdrawal from a Profession”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6, 91-100.
  • Judge, T.A., J.W. Boudreau Ve R.D. Bretz, Jr. (1994), “Job and Life Attitudes of Male Executives”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 767-782.
  • Kacmar, K.M. (1999), “An Examinations of the Perceptions of Organizational Politics Model: Replication and Extension”, Human Relations, 52(3), 383-417.
  • Karatepe, O.M. Ve L. Baddar (2005), “An Emprical Study of the Selected Consequences of Frontline Employees’ Work-Family Conflict and Family- Work Conflict”, Tourism Management, 27: 1017–1028.
  • Kirchmeyer, C. (1992), “Non-Work Participation And Work Attitudes: A Test of Scarcity vs. Expansion Models of Personal Resouces”, Human Relations, 45(8), 775–795.
  • Kirchmeyer, C. ve A. Cohen, A. (1999), “Different Strategies for Managing the Work/Non-Work Interface: A Test for Unique Pathways to Work Outcomes”, Work & Stress, 13, 59-73.
  • Lazarus, R. S. (1991), “Psychological Stress in the Workplace”, Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 6. 1-13.
  • Meyer, J.P. Ve N.J. Allen (1997), Commitment in The Workplace: Theory, Research, And Application, Sage Publications, California.
  • Netemeyer, R.G., J.S. Boles Ve R. Mcmurrian (1996), “Development and Validation of Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict Scales”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 80: 400-409.
  • Netenmeyer, R.G., M. Johnston Ve S. Burton (1990), “Analysis of Role Conflict and Role Ambiquity in a Structural Equations Framework”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 75(2):148–158.
  • Okpara, J.O. (2006), “The Relationship of Personal Characteristics and Job Satisfaction: A Study of Nigerian Managers in the Oil Industry”, Journal of American Academy Of Business, 10(1): 49–58.
  • Özdevecioğlu, M. (2003), “Algılanan Örgütsel Destek ile Örgütsel Bağlılık Arasındaki İlşkilerin Belirlenmesine Yönelik Bir Araştırma”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, 18(2): 109–126.
  • Parasuraman, S., J.Greenhaus ve C.S. (1992), “Role Stressors, Social Support, And Well-Being among Two-Career Couples”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13, 339-356.
  • Parasuraman, S., J. Greenhaus, S. Rabinowitz, A.G. Bedeian Ve K.W. Mossholder (1989), “Work and Family Variables as Mediators of the Relationship Between Wives' Employment and Husbands' Well-Being”, Academy of Management Journal. 32:185-201.
  • Pittinsky, T.L. ve M.J. Shih (2004), “Knowledge Nomads: Organizational Commitment and Worker Mobility in Positive Perspective”, the American Behavioral Scientist, 47(6): 791-807.
  • Pleck, J. H. (1977), “The Work-Family Role System”, Social Forces, 24, 417-427.
  • Scandura, T.T., M.J. Lankau (1997), “Relationships of Gender, Family Responsibility And Flexible Work Hours to Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 18(4): 377–391.
  • Schuler, R.S. (1980), “Definition and Conceptualization of Stress in Organizations”, Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 25: 184-215.
  • Thomas, L.T., Ve D.C. Ganster (1995),Impact of Family-Supportive Work Variables
  • on Work-Family Conflict And Strain: A Control Perspective”Journal of Applied Psychology,80,6-15.
  • Vinokur, A. D., P.F. Pierce, Ve C.L. Buck (1999), “Work-Family Conflicts of Women in the Air Force: Their Influence on Mental Health and Functioning”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20(6): 865-878.
  • Wilensky, H. L. (1960). Work, Careers and Social Integration. International Social Science Journal, 12: 543-560.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Yrd. Doç. Dr. Kemal Can Kılıç This is me

Dr. İ. Efe Efeoğlu This is me

Arş. Gör. Hande Mimaroğlu This is me

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Özgen This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2008
Submission Date December 29, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2008 Volume: 17 Issue: 2
