Brand equity becomes the most valuable asset of companies in intensive competition environment Brand extension stretegy make it possible to transfer brand equity from parent brand to extended brand Thanks to this strategy companies save time and costs while launcing new products on the market The extension of the brand equity materialize by the transfer of brand awareness brand loyalty brand associations and percieved quality from parent brand to extended brand In this study effets of four dimensions of brand equity on brand extenion have been examined Key Words: Band extension brand equity brand equity perceptions
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BRIDGES, S., K. L. Keller ve S. Sood . (2000).”Communication Strategies For Brand Extensions: Enhancing Percieved Fit By Establishing Explanatory Links”. Journal of Advertising. Vol.29, No. 4, s.1-11.
BRISTOL, Terry. (2002). “Potential Points of Brand Leverage: Consumers’ Emergent Attributes” Journal of Product and Brand Management. Vol.11, No. 4, s. 198-212.
BRONIARCZYK, Susan ve Joseph W. Alba. (1994). “The Importance Of The Brand In Brand Extension”. Journal Of Marketing Research.Vol. 31, No. 4, s.214-228.
BUIL, I., L. Chernatony ve E. Martinez. (2008). “A Cross-National Validation of The Consumer-Based Brand Equity Scale” Journal Of Product And Brand Management, Vol.17, No.6, s.384-392.
CHEN, Kuang-Jung ve Chu-Mei Liu. (2004). “Positive Brand Extension Trial And Choise of Parent Brand”, The Journal Of Product And Brand Management, Vol.13, No.1, s.25-36.
CRAVENS, Karen ve Chris Guilding. (1999), "Strategic Brand Valuation: A CrossFunctional Perspective", Business Horizons, Vol. 42, s. 53-62.
DELVECCHİO, Devon. (2000). “Moving Beyond Fit: The Role Of Brand Portfolio Characteristics In Consumer Evaluations Of Brand Reliability”. Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 9. No. 7, s. 457- 471.
GIL, R.B., F.Andres ve M. Salinas. (2007). “Family As A Source of Consumer-Based Brand Equity” Journal Of Product and Brand Management. 16.3, 188-199.
HAN, Jin.K. (1998). “Brand Extension In Competitive Context”. Academy Of Marketing Science. Vol. 1, s.1-13.
JIANG, W, C.S. Dev Ve V.R. Rao. (2002).”Brand Extension And Customer Loyalty: Evidence From The Lodging Industry”, Cornell Hotel And Restaurant Administration Quartely, Vol. 43, No.4, s. 5-16.
KELLER, Kevin Lane. (1993). “Conceptualising, Measuring and Managing CustomerBased Brand Equity” Journal of Marketing. Vol.57, No.1, s.1-22.
KELLER, Kevin Lane. (1998). Strategic Brand Management Building, Measuring And Managing Brand Equity. Upper Saddle River.New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
KELLER, Kevin Lane ve Sanjay Sood. (2003). “Brand Equity Dilution” . Mit Sloan Management Review. Vol.45, No.1, s. 12-15.
KOTLER, Philip. ve Gary Amstrong. (1996). Principles Of Marketing. Seventh Edition. Usa: Prentice Hall International Inc.
KOTLER, Philip ve Kevin Lane Keller. (2006). Marketing Management. Twelfth Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
MARTINEZ, Eva ve Leslie de Chernatony.(2004). “The Effect Of Brand Extension Strategies Upon Brand Image”. Journal Of Consumer Marketing. Vol.21, No.1. s.39- 50.
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PICKTON, David ve Amanda Broderick. (2001). An Integrated Marketing Communications. London: FT Prentice Hall.
PITTA, Dennis ve Lea Prevel Katsanis. (1995). “Understanding Brand Equity For Successful Brand Extension”. Journal Of Consumer Marketing. Vol.12, No.4, s.51- 64.
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RIOS, E. Rosa ve Hernan E. Riquelme. (2008). “Brand Equity For Online Companies”. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. Vol. 26, No.7, s. 719-742.
SCHOELL, William ve Joseph P. Guiltinan. (1995). Marketing Contemporary Concepts And Practices. Sixth Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
SEKARAN, Uma. (1992). Research Methods for Business - A Skill-Building App - Instructor's Resource Guide with Test Questions & Transparency Masters. John Wiley & Sons, Incorpo.
TAYLOR, S., K.Celuh, ve S.Goodwin. (2004). “The Importance of Brand Equity to Customer Loyalty”. Journal of product and Brand Management. Vol. 13, No.4, s.217-227.
TEK, Ömer Baybars ve Özgül Engin. (2005). Modern Pazarlama İlkeleri. İzmir: Birleşik Matbaacılık.
ZENGİN, Burhanettin. ve Haluk İldeniz. (2005). “Turizm Sektöründe Marka ve İmaj Oluşturmanın Müşteri Talebine Etkileri”. Pazarlama Dünyası Dergisi. Eylül-Ekim, 38.
ZIMMER, Mary. ve Subodh Bhat. (2004). “The Reciprocal Effects Of Extension Quality And Fit On Parent Brand Attitude”. Journal of Product & Brand Management. Vol.13. No. 1, s. 37-46.
Marka Değerinin Marka Genişlemesine Etkisi
Year 2010,
Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 166 - 184, 01.03.2010
Marka değeri yoğun rekabet ortamında şirketlerin sahip olduğu en önemli varlık halini almıştır Marka genişleme stratejisi ile marka değerinin ana markadan yeni ürünlere aktarılması söz konusu olmaktadır Bu strateji sayesinde firmalar yeni marka oluşturmanın getirdiği maliyet ve zamandan tasarruf etmektedirler Marka değerinin yeni ürünlere genişletilmesi; marka bilinirliği marka sadakati marka çağrışımları ve algılanan kalitenin ana markadan yeni ürüne aktarımı ile gerçekleşmektedir Bu araştırmada da marka değerini oluşturan bu dört boyutun marka genişlemesine etkisi incelenmiştir Anahtar Kelimeler: Marka genişleme marka değeri marka değeri algılamaları
AAKER, A. David.(1991). Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing On The Value Of A Brand Name. New York: Maxwell Macmillan International.
AAKER, A. David.(1996). Building Strong Brands. First Edt. New York: The Free Pres A Division of Simon & Schuster Inc.
AAKER, A. David. (1998). Strategic Market Management. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
ALKİBAY, Sanem. (2005). “Profesyonel Spor Klüplerinin Taraftar İlişkileri Yoluyla Marka Değeri Yaratmaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Hacettepe Üniversitesi İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi, Vol.1, s.83-108.
BERKMAN Harold ve Christopher Gilson (1981). Store Loyalty Consumer Behavior Concepts and Strategies. Wadsworth Inc.
BRIDGES, S., K. L. Keller ve S. Sood . (2000).”Communication Strategies For Brand Extensions: Enhancing Percieved Fit By Establishing Explanatory Links”. Journal of Advertising. Vol.29, No. 4, s.1-11.
BRISTOL, Terry. (2002). “Potential Points of Brand Leverage: Consumers’ Emergent Attributes” Journal of Product and Brand Management. Vol.11, No. 4, s. 198-212.
BRONIARCZYK, Susan ve Joseph W. Alba. (1994). “The Importance Of The Brand In Brand Extension”. Journal Of Marketing Research.Vol. 31, No. 4, s.214-228.
BUIL, I., L. Chernatony ve E. Martinez. (2008). “A Cross-National Validation of The Consumer-Based Brand Equity Scale” Journal Of Product And Brand Management, Vol.17, No.6, s.384-392.
CHEN, Kuang-Jung ve Chu-Mei Liu. (2004). “Positive Brand Extension Trial And Choise of Parent Brand”, The Journal Of Product And Brand Management, Vol.13, No.1, s.25-36.
CRAVENS, Karen ve Chris Guilding. (1999), "Strategic Brand Valuation: A CrossFunctional Perspective", Business Horizons, Vol. 42, s. 53-62.
DELVECCHİO, Devon. (2000). “Moving Beyond Fit: The Role Of Brand Portfolio Characteristics In Consumer Evaluations Of Brand Reliability”. Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 9. No. 7, s. 457- 471.
GIL, R.B., F.Andres ve M. Salinas. (2007). “Family As A Source of Consumer-Based Brand Equity” Journal Of Product and Brand Management. 16.3, 188-199.
HAN, Jin.K. (1998). “Brand Extension In Competitive Context”. Academy Of Marketing Science. Vol. 1, s.1-13.
JIANG, W, C.S. Dev Ve V.R. Rao. (2002).”Brand Extension And Customer Loyalty: Evidence From The Lodging Industry”, Cornell Hotel And Restaurant Administration Quartely, Vol. 43, No.4, s. 5-16.
KELLER, Kevin Lane. (1993). “Conceptualising, Measuring and Managing CustomerBased Brand Equity” Journal of Marketing. Vol.57, No.1, s.1-22.
KELLER, Kevin Lane. (1998). Strategic Brand Management Building, Measuring And Managing Brand Equity. Upper Saddle River.New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
KELLER, Kevin Lane ve Sanjay Sood. (2003). “Brand Equity Dilution” . Mit Sloan Management Review. Vol.45, No.1, s. 12-15.
KOTLER, Philip. ve Gary Amstrong. (1996). Principles Of Marketing. Seventh Edition. Usa: Prentice Hall International Inc.
KOTLER, Philip ve Kevin Lane Keller. (2006). Marketing Management. Twelfth Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
MARTINEZ, Eva ve Leslie de Chernatony.(2004). “The Effect Of Brand Extension Strategies Upon Brand Image”. Journal Of Consumer Marketing. Vol.21, No.1. s.39- 50.
PAPPU, R., P.G. Quester, R.W.Cooksey. (2005). ‘Consumer-Based Brand Equity and Country-of –Origin Relationships’ European Journal of Marketing.Vol. 40 No. 5/6, s. 696-717.
PARASURAMAN, A., V. A. Zeithaml ve L. L.Berry. (1988). “Servqual: A MultipleItem Scale for Measuring Customer Perceptions of Service Quality”. Journal of Retailing. Spring, Vol.64, s. 12-40.
PICKTON, David ve Amanda Broderick. (2001). An Integrated Marketing Communications. London: FT Prentice Hall.
PITTA, Dennis ve Lea Prevel Katsanis. (1995). “Understanding Brand Equity For Successful Brand Extension”. Journal Of Consumer Marketing. Vol.12, No.4, s.51- 64.
RAUYRUEN, Papassapa ve Kenneth Miller. (2007), “Relationship Quality As a Predictor of B2B Customer Loyalty”Journal of Business Research. Vol.60, No.1, s.21-31.
RIO, A.B., R. Vazquez ve V. Iglesias. (2001). “The Effects of Brand Associations On Consumer Response”. The Journal of Consumer Marketing. Vol.18. No. 4/5, s.410- 425.
RIOS, E. Rosa ve Hernan E. Riquelme. (2008). “Brand Equity For Online Companies”. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. Vol. 26, No.7, s. 719-742.
SCHOELL, William ve Joseph P. Guiltinan. (1995). Marketing Contemporary Concepts And Practices. Sixth Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
SEKARAN, Uma. (1992). Research Methods for Business - A Skill-Building App - Instructor's Resource Guide with Test Questions & Transparency Masters. John Wiley & Sons, Incorpo.
TAYLOR, S., K.Celuh, ve S.Goodwin. (2004). “The Importance of Brand Equity to Customer Loyalty”. Journal of product and Brand Management. Vol. 13, No.4, s.217-227.
TEK, Ömer Baybars ve Özgül Engin. (2005). Modern Pazarlama İlkeleri. İzmir: Birleşik Matbaacılık.
ZENGİN, Burhanettin. ve Haluk İldeniz. (2005). “Turizm Sektöründe Marka ve İmaj Oluşturmanın Müşteri Talebine Etkileri”. Pazarlama Dünyası Dergisi. Eylül-Ekim, 38.
ZIMMER, Mary. ve Subodh Bhat. (2004). “The Reciprocal Effects Of Extension Quality And Fit On Parent Brand Attitude”. Journal of Product & Brand Management. Vol.13. No. 1, s. 37-46.