Empathy is the capacity to recognize or understand another’s state of mind or emotion It is often characterized as the ability to put oneself into another’s shoes or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself The importance of empathy is more apparent in professions like medicine In this study it is aimed to determine the empathy levels of physicians and to investigate whether these vary by demographic factors As a result it is demonstrated that the empathy level of physicians is determined by two factors named 8220;posit 8221; and 8220;emotional approach 8221; Furthermore it is suggested that the empathy level differs by gender years of practice position age and department variables Keywords: Empathy Physician Empathy Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy
Ançel, G. (2006), “Developing Empathy in Nurses: An Inservice Training Program”, Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Vol. 20, No. 6 (December), pp 249-257.
Barsky, A.J. (1981), “Hidden Reasons Some Patients Visit Doctors”, Annual International Med. Vol.94, pp.492-498.
Beckman, H.B. ve Frankel R.M. (1984), “The Effect of Physician Behaviour on The Collection of Data”, Annual International Med. Vol.101, pp.692-696.
Bolognini, S. (1997), “Empathy and empathism”, International Journal Psychoanal, Vol. 78, pp.279-293. Cevizci, A. (1996), Felsefe Sözlüğü, Birinci Basım, Ekin Yayınları, Ankara.
Cliffordson, C. (2002), “The Hierarchical Structure of Empathy: Dimensional Organization and Relations To Social Functioning”, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Vol.43, pp.49-59.
Davis, M.H. (1983), “Measuring Individual Differences in Empathy: Evidence for a Multidimensional Approach”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.44, pp.113-126.
Diseker, R.A., Michielutte, R. (1981), “An analysis of empathy in medical students before and following clinical experiences”, Jounal of Medical Education, Vol.56, pp.1004-1010.
Falvo, D., Tippy, P. (1988), “Communicating information to patients—patient satisfaction and adherence as associated with resident skill”, Jornal of Family Practice, Vol.26, pp.643-647. Fields, S.K., Hojat, M., Gonnella, J.S., Mangione, S., Kane, G., Magee, M. (2004), “Comparisons of Nurses and Physicians on an Operational Measure of Empathy”, Evaluation and the Health Professions, Vol.27, pp.80-94.
Gülseren, Ş. (2001), “Eşduyum (Empati): Tanımı ve Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Gözden Geçirme”, Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, Vol.12(2), pp.133-145.
Hogan, R. (1969), “Development of an Empathy Scale”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol.33, pp.307-316.
Hojat, M., Mangione, S., Gonnella, J.S., Nasca, T., Veloski, J.J., Kane, G. (2001), “Empathy in Medical Education and Patient Care (Letter)”, Acad Med, Vol.76, pp.669.
Hojat, M., Gonnella, J.S., Mangione, S., Nasca, T.J., Magee, M. (2003), “Physician Empathy in Medical Education and Practice: Experience with The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy”, Seminars in Integrative Medicine, Vol.1(1) (march), pp.25-41.
Hojat, M., Mangione, S., Nasca, T.J., Rattner, S., Erdmann, J.B., Gonnella, J.S., Magee, M. (2004), “An Empirical Study of Decline in Empathy in Medical School”, Medical Education, Vol.38, pp.934-941.
Hojat, M., Zuckerman, M., Magee, M., Mangione, S., Nasca, T., Vergare, V., Gonnella, J.S. (2005), “Empathy in Medical Students As Related To Specialty İnterest, Personality, and Perceptions of Mother and Father”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol.39, pp.1205-1215.
Jolliffe, D., Farrington, D.P. (2006), “Development and Validation of The Basic Empathy Scale”, Journal of Adolescence, Vol. 29, pp.589-611.
Kunyk, D., Olson, J.K. (2001), “Nursing Theory and Concept Development or Analysis, Clarification of Conceptualizations of Empathy”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol.35, pp.317-325.
Levinson, W., Roter, D.L., Mullooly, J.P., Dull, V.T., Frankel, R.M. (1997), “Physician-Patient Communication-The Relationship With Malpractice Claims Among Primary Care Physicians And Surgeons”, JAMA, Vol.277, pp.553-559.
Mehrabian, A., Epstein, N.A. (1972), “A Measure of Emotional Empathy”, Journal of Personality, Vol.40, pp.525-543.
Newton, B.W., Savidge, M.A., Barber, L., Cleveland, E., Clardy, J., Beeman, G., Hart, T. (2000), “Differences in Medical Students’ Empathy”, Academic Medicine, Vol.75, pp.1215
Sherman, J.J., Cramer, A. (2005), “Measurement of Changes in Empathy During Dental School”, Journal of Dental Education, Vol. 69, pp.338-345.
Truax, C.B., Altmann, H., Millis, W.A. (1974), “Therapeutic Relationships Provided By Various Professionals”, Journal of Community Psychology, Vol.2, pp.33-36.
Wiseman, T. (1996), “A Concept Analysis of Empathy”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol.23, pp.1162-1167.
Whitemore, P.B., Burstein, A.G., Loucks, S., Schoenfeld, L.S. (1985), “A Longitudinal Study of Personality Changes in Medical Students”, Journal of Medical Education, Vol.60, pp.404-415.
Hekimlerin Empatik Özelliklerinin Ölçümü Ve Bu Ölçümlerin Demografik Değişkenlere Göre Değişimi
Year 2010,
Volume: 19 Issue: 3, 505 - 516, 01.09.2010
Empati bir kişinin kendini karşısındaki kişinin yerine koyarak olaylara onun bakış açısı ile bakması o kişinin duygu ve düşüncelerini doğru olarak anlaması ve bu durumu iletmesi sürecidir Hekimlik mesleği gibi insanla bire bir ilişkili mesleklerde empatinin önemi daha fazla hissedilmektedir Bu araştırmada hekimlerin empati kurma seviyeleri belirlenmeye çalışılmış ve elde edilen empati kurma özelliği seviyesinin değişik demografik değişkenlere göre farklılık gösterip göstermediği irdelenmiştir Araştırma sonucunda hekimlerin empati kurma düzeyini belirleyen 8220;yerine koyma 8221; ve 8220;duygusal yaklaşım 8221; adlı iki faktörün olduğu tespit edilmiştir Bunun yanı sıra hekimlerin empati kurma düzeyinin cinsiyete çalışma süresine statüye yaşa ve branş değişkenine göre farklılık gösterdiği bulunmuştur Anahtar Kelimeler: Empati Hekim Empatisi Jefferson Hekim Empati Ölçeği
Ançel, G. (2006), “Developing Empathy in Nurses: An Inservice Training Program”, Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, Vol. 20, No. 6 (December), pp 249-257.
Barsky, A.J. (1981), “Hidden Reasons Some Patients Visit Doctors”, Annual International Med. Vol.94, pp.492-498.
Beckman, H.B. ve Frankel R.M. (1984), “The Effect of Physician Behaviour on The Collection of Data”, Annual International Med. Vol.101, pp.692-696.
Bolognini, S. (1997), “Empathy and empathism”, International Journal Psychoanal, Vol. 78, pp.279-293. Cevizci, A. (1996), Felsefe Sözlüğü, Birinci Basım, Ekin Yayınları, Ankara.
Cliffordson, C. (2002), “The Hierarchical Structure of Empathy: Dimensional Organization and Relations To Social Functioning”, Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Vol.43, pp.49-59.
Davis, M.H. (1983), “Measuring Individual Differences in Empathy: Evidence for a Multidimensional Approach”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol.44, pp.113-126.
Diseker, R.A., Michielutte, R. (1981), “An analysis of empathy in medical students before and following clinical experiences”, Jounal of Medical Education, Vol.56, pp.1004-1010.
Falvo, D., Tippy, P. (1988), “Communicating information to patients—patient satisfaction and adherence as associated with resident skill”, Jornal of Family Practice, Vol.26, pp.643-647. Fields, S.K., Hojat, M., Gonnella, J.S., Mangione, S., Kane, G., Magee, M. (2004), “Comparisons of Nurses and Physicians on an Operational Measure of Empathy”, Evaluation and the Health Professions, Vol.27, pp.80-94.
Gülseren, Ş. (2001), “Eşduyum (Empati): Tanımı ve Kullanımı Üzerine Bir Gözden Geçirme”, Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, Vol.12(2), pp.133-145.
Hogan, R. (1969), “Development of an Empathy Scale”, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol.33, pp.307-316.
Hojat, M., Mangione, S., Gonnella, J.S., Nasca, T., Veloski, J.J., Kane, G. (2001), “Empathy in Medical Education and Patient Care (Letter)”, Acad Med, Vol.76, pp.669.
Hojat, M., Gonnella, J.S., Mangione, S., Nasca, T.J., Magee, M. (2003), “Physician Empathy in Medical Education and Practice: Experience with The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy”, Seminars in Integrative Medicine, Vol.1(1) (march), pp.25-41.
Hojat, M., Mangione, S., Nasca, T.J., Rattner, S., Erdmann, J.B., Gonnella, J.S., Magee, M. (2004), “An Empirical Study of Decline in Empathy in Medical School”, Medical Education, Vol.38, pp.934-941.
Hojat, M., Zuckerman, M., Magee, M., Mangione, S., Nasca, T., Vergare, V., Gonnella, J.S. (2005), “Empathy in Medical Students As Related To Specialty İnterest, Personality, and Perceptions of Mother and Father”, Personality and Individual Differences, Vol.39, pp.1205-1215.
Jolliffe, D., Farrington, D.P. (2006), “Development and Validation of The Basic Empathy Scale”, Journal of Adolescence, Vol. 29, pp.589-611.
Kunyk, D., Olson, J.K. (2001), “Nursing Theory and Concept Development or Analysis, Clarification of Conceptualizations of Empathy”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol.35, pp.317-325.
Levinson, W., Roter, D.L., Mullooly, J.P., Dull, V.T., Frankel, R.M. (1997), “Physician-Patient Communication-The Relationship With Malpractice Claims Among Primary Care Physicians And Surgeons”, JAMA, Vol.277, pp.553-559.
Mehrabian, A., Epstein, N.A. (1972), “A Measure of Emotional Empathy”, Journal of Personality, Vol.40, pp.525-543.
Newton, B.W., Savidge, M.A., Barber, L., Cleveland, E., Clardy, J., Beeman, G., Hart, T. (2000), “Differences in Medical Students’ Empathy”, Academic Medicine, Vol.75, pp.1215
Sherman, J.J., Cramer, A. (2005), “Measurement of Changes in Empathy During Dental School”, Journal of Dental Education, Vol. 69, pp.338-345.
Truax, C.B., Altmann, H., Millis, W.A. (1974), “Therapeutic Relationships Provided By Various Professionals”, Journal of Community Psychology, Vol.2, pp.33-36.
Wiseman, T. (1996), “A Concept Analysis of Empathy”, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol.23, pp.1162-1167.
Whitemore, P.B., Burstein, A.G., Loucks, S., Schoenfeld, L.S. (1985), “A Longitudinal Study of Personality Changes in Medical Students”, Journal of Medical Education, Vol.60, pp.404-415.
Teke, A. K., Cengiz, E., & Demir, C. (2010). Hekimlerin Empatik Özelliklerinin Ölçümü Ve Bu Ölçümlerin Demografik Değişkenlere Göre Değişimi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19(3), 505-516.