Avrupa Birliği Ortak Savunma Politikası Ve Yük Paylaşımı
Year 2012,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 299 - 322, 01.03.2012
Doç. Dr. İbrahim Örnek
Öğr.gör. Nalan Işık
European Union Common Defence Policy is a multidimentional intervention that is about completion of military integration after economical and financial integration Common security and defence policy which have been tried to be occured load new cost on Union membres In this study the economical side of common defence of union is investigated in a frame of burden sharing A burden sharing index for cost of each European Union member is occured by the conjecture that is about joining to common defence is a speciality public goods Benefit will be obtained for the member countries after the creation of a military force for a collective protection and security umbrella benefit average mean is calculated and compared to burden sharing index Result revealed that some countries get more benefit than their contributions where some other get less benefit in a possible defence Union Key Words: European Union common defence policy defence spending burden sharing index average benefit share
- Bailes, A. J.K. (2008), “The EU and a beter World What Role for he European Security and Defence Policy?”, International Affaires, 84(1), January, pp:115-130.
- Becher, K. (2004 ), “Has-been, Wannabee or Leader: Europe’s Role in the World after the 2003 European Security Strategy”, European Security,13(4), pp:345-359.
- Bickerton, C.J., B.Irondelle, A.Menon (2011), “Security Co-operation beyond the Nation-State: The EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy”, JCMS, 49(1), pp:1-21.
- Boehmer, C.R. (2010), “Economic Growth and Violent International Conflict:1875- 1999”, Defence and Peace Economics, 21(3)pp:249-268.
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), (2011), http://www.cia.gov/library/publications/
- the-world-factbook/index.html, (20.04.2011)
- Cornish, P. (2004), “NATO: The Practice and Politics of Transformation”, International Affairs, 80(1), pp:63-74.
- Çayhan, E. (2002), “Avrupa Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikası ve Türkiye” Akdeniz
- Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi,3,ss:42-55.
- Dedman, M.J. (2008), The Origins and Development of the European Union 1945, A history of European İntegration, Routledge, Second Edition, New York.
- Dune, J.P, R.P.Simith, D.Willenbockel (2010), “Models of Military Expenditure and Growth: A Critical Review”, Defence and Peace Economics, 16(6), pp:449-461.
- European Comission (EC), (2011), www.consilium.europa.eu, (20.05.2011)
- EFE, H. (2007), “AB' nin Avrupa Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikası Oluşturma Çabaları”, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(2), ss:1-31.
- Eriksson, A. (2006), “The Building of a Military Capability in the European Union, Some Internal and External Implications”, J.Hallenberg and H.Karlsson (Ed.), Changing Transatlantic Security Relations Do the US, the EU and Russia form a new Strategic Triangle?, Routledge, New York, pp: 44-59.
- Freira, M.R. (2008), “The European Security and Defence Policy: History, Structures and Capabilities”, M.Merlingen and R.Ostrauskaite (Ed.), European Security and Defence Policy, Routledge, New York, pp.9-24.
- Giray, F. (2008), “Savunma Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme”, Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), ss:181-192.
- Guyot, M. and R.Vranceanu (1999), “European defence: The cost of partial integration”, Defence and Peace Economics, 12(2), pp:157-174.
- Hartley, K. (2010), “Collaboration and European Defence Industrial Policy”, Defence and Peace Economics, 19(4), pp:303-315.
- Howart, J. (2006), “The Transformation of European Military Cpability, 1989-2005”, C.Gilroy and C.Williams (Ed.), Service to Country, Personel Policy and the Transformation of Western Militaries, MIT Pres, USA, 499p.
- Kollias, C. (2008), “A Preliminary Investigation of the Burden Sharing Aspect of A European Union Common Defence Policy”, Defence and Peace Economics, 19(4), pp:253-253.
- Koutrakos, P. (2001), Trade Policy and Defence in EC Constitutional Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford(England)
- Krause, K. (1998), “Cross-Cultural Dimension of Multilateral Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Dialogues: An Overview”, Contemporary Security Policy, 19(1), pp:1-22.
- Mendoza, A. (2010), “European defence in the long run: can play a leading role in a multipolar world”, European View, 9, pp:233-240.
- NATO, (2001), http://www.nato.int/docu/handbook/2001/hb0403.htm, (18.08.2011)
- Neuman, G.St. (2009), “Power, Influence and Hıerarchy:Defense ındustries in a Unipolar World”,Defence and Peace Economics, 21(1), February, pp:105-134.
- Nikolaidou, E. (2010), “The Demand for Military Expenditure:Evidence from the EU15(1961-2005)”, Defence and Peace Economics, 19(4), pp:273-292.
- Olson M. and R.Zeckhauser (1966), “An economic theory of alliance”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 48(3), pp:266-279.
- Ojanen, H. (2006), “The EU and NATO, Two Competing Models for a Common Defence Policy”, JCMS, 44(1), pp:57-56.
- Sandler, T and J.Forbes (1980), “Burdensharing, Strategy and the design of NATO”, Economic Inquiry, 18(3), pp:425-444.
- Sevidy, J. and M.Zaborowski (2004), “Old Europe, New Europe and Transatlantic Relations”, European Security, 13(3), pp:187-213.
- Smith, M. (2003), “The framing of European foreign and security policy:towards a post modern policy framework?” Journal of European Public Policy, 10(4), pp:556- 575.
- Smith, R. and J.Fontanel (1991), “A European Defence Union?”, Economic Policy, 6(13), pp:393-424.
- SIPRI, (2011), http://www.sipri.org/, (05.04.2011)
- Toje, A. (2008), America, the EU and Strategic Culture, Renegotiating the Transatlantic Bargain, Routledge, USA, 212p.
- Ulriksen, S. (2004), “Requirement of Future European Military Strategies and Force Structures”, International Peackeeping, 11(3), pp:457-473.
- Quille, G. (2004), “The European Security Strategy: A Framework for EU Security Interests?”, International Peacekeeping, 11(3), Autum, pp:422-438.
- UNCTAD, (2011), http://unctadstat.unctad.org/UnctadStatMetadata/Documentation/
- UNCTADstatContent.html, (22.04.2011)
- Wolf, C. ve Jr.B.Zycher (2001), “European Military Prospects, economic constraints
- and the rapid reaction-force”, RAND, USA, 72p.
Year 2012,
Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 299 - 322, 01.03.2012
Doç. Dr. İbrahim Örnek
Öğr.gör. Nalan Işık
Avrupa Birliği ortak savunma politikası, ekonomik ve parasal entegrasyonun ardından
askeri entegrasyonu tamamlamaya yönelik çok boyutlu bir girişimdir. Oluşturulmaya
çalışılan ortak güvenlik ve savunma politikası Birlik üyelerine yeni maliyetler
yüklemiştir. Bu çalışmada Birliğin ortak savunmasının ekonomik yönü yük paylaşımı
çerçevesinde incelenmiştir. Ortak savunmaya katılımın kamu malı özelliğine sahip
olduğu varsayımıyla her bir Avrupa Birliği Üyesine olan maliyeti için bir yük paylaşım
endeksi oluşturulmuştur. Askeri bir gücün oluşturulmasıyla Üye Devletlerin kolektif
koruma ve güvenlik şemsiyesi altında elde edeceği faydalar için ise fayda paylaşım
ortalaması hesaplanarak yük paylaşım endeksi ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Muhtemel bir
Avrupa Savunma Birliği'nde bazı üye devletlerin yaptığı katkıdan daha fazla fayda
sağladığı bazı üye devletlerin yaptığı katkının altında fayda elde ettiği sonucuna
- Bailes, A. J.K. (2008), “The EU and a beter World What Role for he European Security and Defence Policy?”, International Affaires, 84(1), January, pp:115-130.
- Becher, K. (2004 ), “Has-been, Wannabee or Leader: Europe’s Role in the World after the 2003 European Security Strategy”, European Security,13(4), pp:345-359.
- Bickerton, C.J., B.Irondelle, A.Menon (2011), “Security Co-operation beyond the Nation-State: The EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy”, JCMS, 49(1), pp:1-21.
- Boehmer, C.R. (2010), “Economic Growth and Violent International Conflict:1875- 1999”, Defence and Peace Economics, 21(3)pp:249-268.
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), (2011), http://www.cia.gov/library/publications/
- the-world-factbook/index.html, (20.04.2011)
- Cornish, P. (2004), “NATO: The Practice and Politics of Transformation”, International Affairs, 80(1), pp:63-74.
- Çayhan, E. (2002), “Avrupa Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikası ve Türkiye” Akdeniz
- Üniversitesi, İ.İ.B.F. Dergisi,3,ss:42-55.
- Dedman, M.J. (2008), The Origins and Development of the European Union 1945, A history of European İntegration, Routledge, Second Edition, New York.
- Dune, J.P, R.P.Simith, D.Willenbockel (2010), “Models of Military Expenditure and Growth: A Critical Review”, Defence and Peace Economics, 16(6), pp:449-461.
- European Comission (EC), (2011), www.consilium.europa.eu, (20.05.2011)
- EFE, H. (2007), “AB' nin Avrupa Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikası Oluşturma Çabaları”, Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 3(2), ss:1-31.
- Eriksson, A. (2006), “The Building of a Military Capability in the European Union, Some Internal and External Implications”, J.Hallenberg and H.Karlsson (Ed.), Changing Transatlantic Security Relations Do the US, the EU and Russia form a new Strategic Triangle?, Routledge, New York, pp: 44-59.
- Freira, M.R. (2008), “The European Security and Defence Policy: History, Structures and Capabilities”, M.Merlingen and R.Ostrauskaite (Ed.), European Security and Defence Policy, Routledge, New York, pp.9-24.
- Giray, F. (2008), “Savunma Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme”, Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 5(1), ss:181-192.
- Guyot, M. and R.Vranceanu (1999), “European defence: The cost of partial integration”, Defence and Peace Economics, 12(2), pp:157-174.
- Hartley, K. (2010), “Collaboration and European Defence Industrial Policy”, Defence and Peace Economics, 19(4), pp:303-315.
- Howart, J. (2006), “The Transformation of European Military Cpability, 1989-2005”, C.Gilroy and C.Williams (Ed.), Service to Country, Personel Policy and the Transformation of Western Militaries, MIT Pres, USA, 499p.
- Kollias, C. (2008), “A Preliminary Investigation of the Burden Sharing Aspect of A European Union Common Defence Policy”, Defence and Peace Economics, 19(4), pp:253-253.
- Koutrakos, P. (2001), Trade Policy and Defence in EC Constitutional Law, Hart Publishing, Oxford(England)
- Krause, K. (1998), “Cross-Cultural Dimension of Multilateral Non-Proliferation and Arms Control Dialogues: An Overview”, Contemporary Security Policy, 19(1), pp:1-22.
- Mendoza, A. (2010), “European defence in the long run: can play a leading role in a multipolar world”, European View, 9, pp:233-240.
- NATO, (2001), http://www.nato.int/docu/handbook/2001/hb0403.htm, (18.08.2011)
- Neuman, G.St. (2009), “Power, Influence and Hıerarchy:Defense ındustries in a Unipolar World”,Defence and Peace Economics, 21(1), February, pp:105-134.
- Nikolaidou, E. (2010), “The Demand for Military Expenditure:Evidence from the EU15(1961-2005)”, Defence and Peace Economics, 19(4), pp:273-292.
- Olson M. and R.Zeckhauser (1966), “An economic theory of alliance”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 48(3), pp:266-279.
- Ojanen, H. (2006), “The EU and NATO, Two Competing Models for a Common Defence Policy”, JCMS, 44(1), pp:57-56.
- Sandler, T and J.Forbes (1980), “Burdensharing, Strategy and the design of NATO”, Economic Inquiry, 18(3), pp:425-444.
- Sevidy, J. and M.Zaborowski (2004), “Old Europe, New Europe and Transatlantic Relations”, European Security, 13(3), pp:187-213.
- Smith, M. (2003), “The framing of European foreign and security policy:towards a post modern policy framework?” Journal of European Public Policy, 10(4), pp:556- 575.
- Smith, R. and J.Fontanel (1991), “A European Defence Union?”, Economic Policy, 6(13), pp:393-424.
- SIPRI, (2011), http://www.sipri.org/, (05.04.2011)
- Toje, A. (2008), America, the EU and Strategic Culture, Renegotiating the Transatlantic Bargain, Routledge, USA, 212p.
- Ulriksen, S. (2004), “Requirement of Future European Military Strategies and Force Structures”, International Peackeeping, 11(3), pp:457-473.
- Quille, G. (2004), “The European Security Strategy: A Framework for EU Security Interests?”, International Peacekeeping, 11(3), Autum, pp:422-438.
- UNCTAD, (2011), http://unctadstat.unctad.org/UnctadStatMetadata/Documentation/
- UNCTADstatContent.html, (22.04.2011)
- Wolf, C. ve Jr.B.Zycher (2001), “European Military Prospects, economic constraints
- and the rapid reaction-force”, RAND, USA, 72p.