Yerel Yönetim iflası Ve Türkiye Değerlendirmesi
Year 2013,
Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 145 - 163, 29.12.2013
Yrd.doç.dr. İsmail Orçun Gündüz
Yrd.doç.dr. Soner Yakar
Although the practice of local government bankruptcy is rare in the World it is being used as a mechanism to resolve the fiscal diffuculties of local governments that cannot meet their fiscal obligations Local government bankruptcy undertakes the functions of fiscal adjustment and debt restructuring which differs from private bankruptcy While the implementation of localgovernment bankruptcy is basically divided into two types there is also a hybrid implementation In this study first of all the factors that lead local governments to bankruptcy is discussed and then the design of local government bankruptcy and selected country implementations are provided Although there is no legal arrangement related to local government bankruptcy in Turkey arrangements that could result in bankruptcy conditions do exist In this sense these arrangments are evaluated in the context of relevant legislastion and judicial decisions Keywords: Local Governments Local Government Bankruptcy Local Government Bankruptcy Types Local Government Bankruptcy in Turkey
- Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR), 1973, City Financial Emergencies: The Intergovernmental Dimension, US Government Printing Office, Washington.
- Bali, B.B., 2006, Mali Desantralizasyon Sürecinde Yerel Yönetimlerin Borçlanması: Bir Teorik Çerçeve Denemesi, Ayşe Güner ve Serdar Yılmaz (Ed.), Mali Yerelleşme, Teori ve Uygulamalar Üzerine Yazılar, Marmara Üniversitesi Yerel Yönetimler Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi ve Güncel Yayıncılık Yayınları, İstanbul, 149-177.
- Bali, B.B., 2007, Macaristan’da Yerel Yönetimler İflas Yasası, Legal Mali Hukuk Dergisi, 3(4), 321-332.
- Canuto, O., Liu, L., 2013, An Overview, Otaviano Canuto ve Lili Liu (Ed.), Until Debt Do Us Part, World Bank, Washington, 1-30.
- Deal, K.H., 2007, An Examination of Municipal Finance Reform Regarding Municipal Bankrupticies in the United States, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Auburn University, August. del Villar, A., Liu, L., Mosqueira, E., Schmid, J.P. ve Webb, S.B., 2013, Colombia: Subnational Insolvency Framework, , Otaviano Canuto ve Lili Liu (Ed.), Until Debt Do Us Part, World Bank, Washignton, 179-219.
- Dollery, B., Keefe, S., Crase, L., 2009, State Oversight Models for Austrilian Local Government, Economic Papers, 28(4), 279-290.
- Edizdoğan N., Çetinkaya Ö., Gümüş E., 2011, Kamu Maliyesi, 3.Bası, Ekin Yayınevi, Bursa.
- Gelpern, A., 2012, Bankruptcy, Backwards: The Problem of Quasi-Sovereign Debt, The Yale Law Journal, 121 (4), 888-942.
- Ghany, K.A., 2009, Measuring Financial Stress On State and Local Governments, CPA Journal, 79(10), 38-40.
- Ghany, K.A., 2010, A Prediction Model for Chapter 9 Bankrupticies, Commercial Lending Review, 25(2), 21-47.
- Gillette, C.P., Fiscal Federalism, 2012, Political Will, and Strategic Use of Municipal Bankruptcy, The University of Chicago Law Review, 79(1), 281-330.
- Jokay, C., Szepesi, G., Szmetana, G., 2004, Municipal Bankruptcy Framework and Debt Management Experineces 1996-2000, Mihaly Kopanyi, Deborah Wetzel, Samir El Daher (Ed.), Intergovernmental Finance in Hungary - A Decade of Experience 1990-2000, World Bank, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative: Budapest, Hungary, 593-616.
- Jokay, C., 2013, Hungary: Subnational Insolvency Framework, Otaviano Canuto ve Lili Liu (Ed.), Until Debt Do Us Part, World Bank, Washignton,261-309.
- Kaplan, D., 2012, It’s High Time to End Bankrupt Policies and Save Bankrupt Localities, Bond Buyer, 379 (33681).
- Kehew, R., Matsukawa, T., Petersen, J., 2005, Local Financing for Sub-Sovereign Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Case Studies of Innovative Domestic Credit Enhancement Entities and Techniques, World Bank Discussion Paper No1, 1-57.
- Knox, J., Levinson, M., 2009, Municipal Bankruptcy: Avoiding and Using Chapter 9 in Times of Fiscal Stress, Orrick, Herrington&Sutcliffe LLP, San Francisco.
- Kossis, L., 2012, Examining the Conflict Between Municipal Receivership and Local Autonomy, Virginia Law Review, 98, 1109-1148.
- Liu, L., Waibel, M., 2008a, Subnational Insolvency: Cross-Country Experiences and Lessons, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 4496, 1-41.
- Liu, L., Waibel, M., 2008b, Subnational Borrowing, Insolvency, and Regulation, Anwar Shah (Ed.), Macro Federalism and Local Finance, World Bank, Washington, 215-2
- Locke, L.G., Locke, V.R., 2011, Who’s Afraid of Municipal Defaults, International Journal of Business, Accounting,&Finance, Vol.5(2), 129-143.
- Mattoon, R., 2011, Local Governments on the Brink, Chicago FED Letter, Essays on Issues, 286a, 1-5.
- Park, K., 2004, To File or Not to File: The Causes of Municipal Bankruptcy in the United States, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting&Financial Management, 16(2), 228-256.
- Petersen, J., Freire, M., 2004, Political, Legal and Financial Framework, Mia Freire vd.(Ed.), Subnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries from Theory to Practice, World Bank ve Oxford University Press, Washington, 9-47.
- Serkin, C., 2011, Public Entrechment Through Private Law: Binding Local Governments, University of Chicago Law Review, 78(879), 879-964.
- Skeel Jr., D.A., 2012, States of Bankruptcy, University of Chicago Law Review, 79 (2), 677-7
- Schragger, R.C., 2012, Democracy and Debt, The Yale Law Journal, 121(4), 860-886. Schwarcz, S.L., 2002, Global Decentralization and the Subnational Debt Problem, Duke Law Journal, 51(4), 1179-1250.
- Ulusoy A., Akdemir T.,2010a, Mahalli idareler, 6.Bası, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Ulusoy A., Akdemir T., 2010b, Yönetimler Arası Transferler; Teori ve Türkiye Uygulaması, Editörler; Nihat Falay vd., Türkiye’de Yerel Yönetimlerin Sorunları ve Geleceği, 2.Baskı,Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara 2010.
- World Bank ve IMF, 2001, Developing Government Bond Markets, World Bank, Washington.
- Zaballa, T.Z., 2004, Latin America and the Caribbean, Colombia, Mia Freire vd. (Ed.), Subnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries from Theory to Practice, World Bank ve Oxford University Press, Washington, 279-298.
- Resmi Gazete 002011, Sayı:27986, Erişim Adresi:, 12.09.2013., 17.09.2013., 02013., 04.10.2013, 05.10.2013, 12.09.2013., 18.09.2013.
Year 2013,
Volume: 22 Issue: 2, 145 - 163, 29.12.2013
Yrd.doç.dr. İsmail Orçun Gündüz
Yrd.doç.dr. Soner Yakar
Dünyada uygulaması sınırlı da olsa iflas, mali yükümlülüklerini yerine getiremeyen
yerel yönetimler için mali zorluklarının çözümünde bir mekanizma olarak
kullanılmaktadır. Yerel yönetim iflası, özel iflastan farklı olarak mali düzenleme ve
borç yapılandırması işlevini üstlenmektedir. Uygulama, temelde yargısal ve idari olmak
üzere ikiye ayrılmaktadır, ancak bu iki yöntemin karma bir uygulaması da vardır. Bu
çalışmada öncelikle yerel yönetim iflasına neden olan faktörler ele alınmış ardından ise
yerel yönetim iflasının düzenlenmesi ile seçilmiş ülke uygulamalarına yer verilmiştir.
Türkiye’de ise yerel yönetimlerin iflasına ilişkin yasal bir düzenleme olmasa da yerel
yönetimlerin iflas etmesi sonucunu doğurabilecek bazı düzenlemeler bulunmaktadır. Bu
bağlamda söz konusu düzenlemeler mevzuat ve yargı kararları çerçevesinde
- Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR), 1973, City Financial Emergencies: The Intergovernmental Dimension, US Government Printing Office, Washington.
- Bali, B.B., 2006, Mali Desantralizasyon Sürecinde Yerel Yönetimlerin Borçlanması: Bir Teorik Çerçeve Denemesi, Ayşe Güner ve Serdar Yılmaz (Ed.), Mali Yerelleşme, Teori ve Uygulamalar Üzerine Yazılar, Marmara Üniversitesi Yerel Yönetimler Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi ve Güncel Yayıncılık Yayınları, İstanbul, 149-177.
- Bali, B.B., 2007, Macaristan’da Yerel Yönetimler İflas Yasası, Legal Mali Hukuk Dergisi, 3(4), 321-332.
- Canuto, O., Liu, L., 2013, An Overview, Otaviano Canuto ve Lili Liu (Ed.), Until Debt Do Us Part, World Bank, Washington, 1-30.
- Deal, K.H., 2007, An Examination of Municipal Finance Reform Regarding Municipal Bankrupticies in the United States, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Auburn University, August. del Villar, A., Liu, L., Mosqueira, E., Schmid, J.P. ve Webb, S.B., 2013, Colombia: Subnational Insolvency Framework, , Otaviano Canuto ve Lili Liu (Ed.), Until Debt Do Us Part, World Bank, Washignton, 179-219.
- Dollery, B., Keefe, S., Crase, L., 2009, State Oversight Models for Austrilian Local Government, Economic Papers, 28(4), 279-290.
- Edizdoğan N., Çetinkaya Ö., Gümüş E., 2011, Kamu Maliyesi, 3.Bası, Ekin Yayınevi, Bursa.
- Gelpern, A., 2012, Bankruptcy, Backwards: The Problem of Quasi-Sovereign Debt, The Yale Law Journal, 121 (4), 888-942.
- Ghany, K.A., 2009, Measuring Financial Stress On State and Local Governments, CPA Journal, 79(10), 38-40.
- Ghany, K.A., 2010, A Prediction Model for Chapter 9 Bankrupticies, Commercial Lending Review, 25(2), 21-47.
- Gillette, C.P., Fiscal Federalism, 2012, Political Will, and Strategic Use of Municipal Bankruptcy, The University of Chicago Law Review, 79(1), 281-330.
- Jokay, C., Szepesi, G., Szmetana, G., 2004, Municipal Bankruptcy Framework and Debt Management Experineces 1996-2000, Mihaly Kopanyi, Deborah Wetzel, Samir El Daher (Ed.), Intergovernmental Finance in Hungary - A Decade of Experience 1990-2000, World Bank, Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative: Budapest, Hungary, 593-616.
- Jokay, C., 2013, Hungary: Subnational Insolvency Framework, Otaviano Canuto ve Lili Liu (Ed.), Until Debt Do Us Part, World Bank, Washignton,261-309.
- Kaplan, D., 2012, It’s High Time to End Bankrupt Policies and Save Bankrupt Localities, Bond Buyer, 379 (33681).
- Kehew, R., Matsukawa, T., Petersen, J., 2005, Local Financing for Sub-Sovereign Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Case Studies of Innovative Domestic Credit Enhancement Entities and Techniques, World Bank Discussion Paper No1, 1-57.
- Knox, J., Levinson, M., 2009, Municipal Bankruptcy: Avoiding and Using Chapter 9 in Times of Fiscal Stress, Orrick, Herrington&Sutcliffe LLP, San Francisco.
- Kossis, L., 2012, Examining the Conflict Between Municipal Receivership and Local Autonomy, Virginia Law Review, 98, 1109-1148.
- Liu, L., Waibel, M., 2008a, Subnational Insolvency: Cross-Country Experiences and Lessons, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 4496, 1-41.
- Liu, L., Waibel, M., 2008b, Subnational Borrowing, Insolvency, and Regulation, Anwar Shah (Ed.), Macro Federalism and Local Finance, World Bank, Washington, 215-2
- Locke, L.G., Locke, V.R., 2011, Who’s Afraid of Municipal Defaults, International Journal of Business, Accounting,&Finance, Vol.5(2), 129-143.
- Mattoon, R., 2011, Local Governments on the Brink, Chicago FED Letter, Essays on Issues, 286a, 1-5.
- Park, K., 2004, To File or Not to File: The Causes of Municipal Bankruptcy in the United States, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting&Financial Management, 16(2), 228-256.
- Petersen, J., Freire, M., 2004, Political, Legal and Financial Framework, Mia Freire vd.(Ed.), Subnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries from Theory to Practice, World Bank ve Oxford University Press, Washington, 9-47.
- Serkin, C., 2011, Public Entrechment Through Private Law: Binding Local Governments, University of Chicago Law Review, 78(879), 879-964.
- Skeel Jr., D.A., 2012, States of Bankruptcy, University of Chicago Law Review, 79 (2), 677-7
- Schragger, R.C., 2012, Democracy and Debt, The Yale Law Journal, 121(4), 860-886. Schwarcz, S.L., 2002, Global Decentralization and the Subnational Debt Problem, Duke Law Journal, 51(4), 1179-1250.
- Ulusoy A., Akdemir T.,2010a, Mahalli idareler, 6.Bası, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
- Ulusoy A., Akdemir T., 2010b, Yönetimler Arası Transferler; Teori ve Türkiye Uygulaması, Editörler; Nihat Falay vd., Türkiye’de Yerel Yönetimlerin Sorunları ve Geleceği, 2.Baskı,Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara 2010.
- World Bank ve IMF, 2001, Developing Government Bond Markets, World Bank, Washington.
- Zaballa, T.Z., 2004, Latin America and the Caribbean, Colombia, Mia Freire vd. (Ed.), Subnational Capital Markets in Developing Countries from Theory to Practice, World Bank ve Oxford University Press, Washington, 279-298.
- Resmi Gazete 002011, Sayı:27986, Erişim Adresi:, 12.09.2013., 17.09.2013., 02013., 04.10.2013, 05.10.2013, 12.09.2013., 18.09.2013.