Writing Rules


: Turkish, English, Arabic, German, Russian, and Turkish Dialects
Types of Publication: Research, Review, Translation, Book Critique, Technical Note.
Article Format: MS Word Template
Image Format: JPEG: minimum of 300 dpi
Citation Style: ISNAD

* Articles should be prepared according to the ISNAD Citation System. Depending on the field of science, either The ISNAD Citation Style In-Text Format or The ISNAD Citation Style Footnote Format can be preferred.
** Multi-Authored Manuscripts: Authors are required to carefully review the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and to provide the definitive list of authors at the time of original submission.

The submitted manuscripts should be arranged in the following order of presentation:
1. Title: The title should be chosen from words and terms that best describe the content. The title, which is bold and capitalized, should not exceed twelve (12) words.
2. Author name(s) and address(es): Each author's name and surname should be written in bold, while their addresses should be in italic characters. The institution, email, and ORCID number of each author should be provided.
3. Abstract: At the beginning of the article, there must be an abstract in Turkish. The abstract should clearly and concisely elucidate the topic within a range of 75 to 150 words. It should not contain bibliographies, figures, or notes. Between the abstract and keywords, one empty line must be left. The keywords should consist of at least 5 and at most 8 words. Following the keywords, the abstract and keywords must be translated into English.
4. Main Body of the Text: Articles should be composed using the MS Word program, with Gentium Plus font type. The text should be formatted in 12-point size with 1.5 line spacing on A4 paper (29.7x21 cm). There should be a 2.5 cm margin on all sides of the page, and pages should be numbered. The article should not exceed 9000 words, while book reviews should be limited to 1000 words. Text passages requiring emphasis should be italicized rather than bolded.
5. Section Titles: The manuscript should be organized with main titles and sub-titles to provide systematic information. If necessary, all headings can be numbered. The main titles (main sections, references, and appendices) should be fully capitalized, while the sub-titles should capitalize only the first letter and be written in bold. Sub-titles should be followed by a colon, and the text should continue on the same line after the colon. The titles should adhere to the ISNAD citation style.
6. Tables and Figures: Tables should be numbered and accompanied by captions. Vertical lines should not be used in the tables, while horizontal lines should be used solely to separate the sub-titles within the table. The table number should be written at the top, fully aligned to the left. Captions should be written in italics, with the first letter of each word capitalized. Tables should be placed where they are most appropriate in the text. Figures should be prepared to be compatible with black-and-white printing. Figure numbers and captions should be centered directly below the figures. The numbers of figures should be written in italics and followed by a full stop, while the figure titles should be presented vertically with only the first letter capitalized.
7. Pictures: Pictures should be included in articles at high-resolution print quality. The same principles applied to naming figures and tables should be followed for pictures. The combined total of pages containing figures, tables, and pictures should not exceed 10 pages (no more than one-third of the article's length).

The following checklist is beneficial for the final review of the prepared article before submission to the journal system. Please ensure that the following items are provided before submission:
a) Author information has been provided (including English versions).
• Email address
• Complete mailing address
• Phone number
b) All necessary files have been uploaded.
• Article text
• Copyright Notice Text
c) The article has been "spelling checked" and "grammar checked."
d) All references cited in the bibliography are cited in the text and vice versa.

In applications, the account of the study's corresponding author should be used. All correspondence regarding the application is forwarded to the corresponding author via e-mail sent through the journal system, DERGIPARK. When uploading the article file, make sure that this file does not contain any elements that would reveal the author's identity due to the double-blind peer review process.
During submission, the following commitment is electronically obtained from the author:
1. I am authorized (or authorized by the co-authors) to submit this work to your journal.
2. The manuscript is original, has not been formally published in another peer-reviewed journal, is not under review by another journal, and does not violate any existing copyright or other third-party rights.
3. I/We agree that if the article is accepted for editorial publication, it will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license.
4. The copyright and intellectual property rights of the author(s), or if applicable, the author(s)' employer, are reserved. The authors undertake that the publisher is not responsible for any claims or lawsuits filed by third parties due to copyright infringement and that all responsibility belongs to them.
5. The authors undertake that there are no criminal elements or illegal expressions in the article and that no illegal materials or methods were used during the research.

Scientific research requiring Ethics Committee approval must be conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and ARRIVE guidelines. For studies on humans and animals, the approval of the relevant ethics committee must be clearly stated in the text of the article. Studies without ethics committee approval are not evaluated in our journal.

Last Update Time: 12/11/24, 10:00:39 PM