Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 909 - 937, 30.09.2021


Bu çalışma Dünya Değerler Araştırmaları’ndan (WVS) alınan Türkiye örneğini kullanarak din ve güven arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktadır. Bu konuda çoğunluğu Batı'da yapılmış olan araştırmaların aksine 90 yıldan uzun süredir kurumsal olarak laik ve demokratik olmasına karşın çoğunluğunu Müslümanların oluşturduğu bir ülkeye odaklanmaktadır. Türkiye açısından önemli bir sosyal dönüşüm dönemi olan 2001'den 2012'ye kadar din ve güven arasındaki uzun vadeli ilişkinin araştırıldığı bu makalede, dinin ortak değişkenlerinin güven sonuçları üzerindeki etkilerinin tutarlı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bununla birlikte, her ne kadar bulgular mevcut literatürü desteklemiş olsa da bazı farklılıklar arz etmektedir. Bir başka deyişle, dini bağlılığı ve davranışları içeren değişkenlerin etkileri, güven değişkenlerine bağlı olarak farklılaşmaktadır. Ayrıca güven değişkenleri arasındaki olası korelasyonlar ortaya koyulmuş ve elde edilen bulgular Batı’da yapılmış olan çalışmalardaki teorik ve ampirik izahat ve sonuçları desteklememektedir.


  • Alesina, Alberto - La Ferrara, Eliana. “Who Trusts Others?” Journal of Public Economics 85/2 (01 Ağustos 2002), 207-234.
  • Brehm, John - Rahn, Wendy. “Individual-Level Evidence for the Causes and Consequences of Social Capital”. American Journal of Political Science 41/3 (1997), 999-1023.
  • Daniels, Joseph P. - Ruhr, Marc von der. “Trust in Others: Does Religion Matter?” Review of Social Economy 68/2 (01 Haziran 2010), 163-186.
  • Delhey, Jan - Newton, Kenneth. “Who trusts?: The origins of social trust in seven societies”. European Societies 5/2 (01 Ocak 2003), 93-137.
  • Durkheim, Émile - Swain, Joseph Ward. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1954.
  • Ekmekçi, Faruk. “Marazi bir durum olarak Türkiye’de niyet siyaseti: Türkiye’de toplumsal güven eksikliği ve bunun siyasal sonuçları”. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi 7/2 (2010).
  • Fukuyama, Francis. Trust: The Social Virtues and The Creation of Prosperity. New York, NY: Free Press, First Paperback Edition., 1996.
  • Gellner, Ernest. Trust, Cohesion, and the Social Order, 2000.
  • Hunter, James Davison. To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1st edition., 2010.
  • Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Simon & Schuster, 1998.
  • INGLEHART, RONALD. Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and Political Change in 43 Societies. Princeton University Press, 1997.
  • Inglehart, Ronald. “Trust, well-being and democracy”. Democracy and Trust. ed. Mark E. Warren. 88-120. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • Jamal, Amaney. “When Is Social Trust a Desirable Outcome? Examining Levels of Trust in the Arab World”. Comparative Political Studies 40/11 (11 Ocak 2007), 1328-1349.
  • Khaldun, Ibn. The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History. PRINCETON UNIV PRESS@, 49395th edition., 1994.
  • Köksal, M. Emin. Din ve Siyaset - Siyasal Davranış ve Dindarlık. Ankara: Vadi, 1997.
  • La Porta, Rafael vd. “Trust in Large Organizations”. The American Economic Review 87/2 (1997), 333-338.
  • Leonard, Rosemary - Bellamy, John. “The Relationship between Bonding and Bridging Social Capital among Christian Denominations across Australia”. Nonprofit Management and Leadership 20/4 (2010), 445-460.
  • Li, Tianyuan - Fung, Helene H. “Age Differences in Trust: An Investigation across 38 Countries”. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 68/3 (Mayıs 2013), 347-355.
  • Mencken, F. Carson vd. “In God We Trust: Images of God and Trust in the United States among the Highly Religious”. Sociological Perspectives 52/1 (01 Mart 2009), 23-38.
  • Misztal, Barbara. Trust in Modern Societies: The Search for the Bases of Social Order. Polity, 1 edition., 2013.
  • Proctor, James. “Religion as Trust in Authority: Theocracy and Ecology in the United States”. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96/1 (01 Mart 2006), 188-196. 8306.2006.00508.x
  • Putnam, Robert. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000.
  • Putnam, Robert D. vd. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1st edition., 1994.
  • Putnam, Robert D. “Social Capital and Public Affairs”. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 47/8 (1994), 5-19.
  • Sasaki, Masamichi - Marsh, Robert M. Trust: Comparative Perspectives. BRILL, 2012.
  • Smidt, Corwin. “Religion and Civic Engagement: A Comparative Analysis”. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 565/1 (01 Eylül 1999), 176-192.
  • Sullivan, Adam John. Social Trust and Denominational Concentration: A Cross-National Examination of Religion and Trust. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2013.
  • Tan, Jonathan H. W. - Vogel, Claudia. “Religion and Trust: An Experimental Study”. Journal of Economic Psychology 29/6 (01 Aralık 2008), 832-848.
  • Tecim, Erhan. Sosyal Guven. Konya: Cizgi Kitabevi, 2015.
  • Traunmüller, Richard. “Moral Communities? Religion as a Source of Social Trust in a Multilevel Analysis of 97 German Regions”. European Sociological Review 27/3 (01 Haziran 2011), 346-363.
  • Uslaner, Eric M. “Trust and Social Bonds: Faith in Others and Policy Outcomes Reconsidered”. Political Research Quarterly 57/3 (2004), 501-507.
  • Uslaner, Eric M. - Brown, Mitchell. “Inequality, Trust, and Civic Engagement”. American Politics Research 33/6 (01 Kasım 2005), 868-894.
  • Welch, Michael R. vd. “Trust in God and Trust in Man: The Ambivalent Role of Religion in Shaping Dimensions of Social Trust”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 43/3 (2004), 317-343. 5906.2004.00238.x
  • Yilmaz, Murat. Change and Continuity in Patterns and Levels of Religious Values, Commitment, and Practices in Turkey. United States -- Texas: The University of Texas at San Antonio, M.S., 2013.
  • You, Jong-sung. “Social Trust: Fairness Matters More Than Homogeneity”. Political Psychology 33/5 (01 Ekim 2012), 701-721.
  • Zmerli, Sonja - Hooghe, Marc. Political Trust: Why Context Matters. ECPR Press, 2013.


Year 2021, Volume: 21 Issue: 2, 909 - 937, 30.09.2021


This article investigates the relationship between religion and trust using the Turkish sample from the World Values Surveys (WVS). This study focuses on a majority Muslim nation that has been institutionally secular and democratic for more than 90 years. This study explores the longitudinal relationship between religion and trust from 2001 to 2012, a period of significant social transformation.
Over this period, the effects of religion’s covariates on trust outcomes are consistent. However, the findings explore mix supports to the existing literature. Namely, the effects of religious affiliation and behaviour vary on trust outcomes. This study also investigates possible correlations between trust components, and the results do not support the previous findings.


  • Alesina, Alberto - La Ferrara, Eliana. “Who Trusts Others?” Journal of Public Economics 85/2 (01 Ağustos 2002), 207-234.
  • Brehm, John - Rahn, Wendy. “Individual-Level Evidence for the Causes and Consequences of Social Capital”. American Journal of Political Science 41/3 (1997), 999-1023.
  • Daniels, Joseph P. - Ruhr, Marc von der. “Trust in Others: Does Religion Matter?” Review of Social Economy 68/2 (01 Haziran 2010), 163-186.
  • Delhey, Jan - Newton, Kenneth. “Who trusts?: The origins of social trust in seven societies”. European Societies 5/2 (01 Ocak 2003), 93-137.
  • Durkheim, Émile - Swain, Joseph Ward. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1954.
  • Ekmekçi, Faruk. “Marazi bir durum olarak Türkiye’de niyet siyaseti: Türkiye’de toplumsal güven eksikliği ve bunun siyasal sonuçları”. Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi 7/2 (2010).
  • Fukuyama, Francis. Trust: The Social Virtues and The Creation of Prosperity. New York, NY: Free Press, First Paperback Edition., 1996.
  • Gellner, Ernest. Trust, Cohesion, and the Social Order, 2000.
  • Hunter, James Davison. To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy, and Possibility of Christianity in the Late Modern World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1st edition., 2010.
  • Huntington, Samuel P. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. Simon & Schuster, 1998.
  • INGLEHART, RONALD. Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and Political Change in 43 Societies. Princeton University Press, 1997.
  • Inglehart, Ronald. “Trust, well-being and democracy”. Democracy and Trust. ed. Mark E. Warren. 88-120. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • Jamal, Amaney. “When Is Social Trust a Desirable Outcome? Examining Levels of Trust in the Arab World”. Comparative Political Studies 40/11 (11 Ocak 2007), 1328-1349.
  • Khaldun, Ibn. The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History. PRINCETON UNIV PRESS@, 49395th edition., 1994.
  • Köksal, M. Emin. Din ve Siyaset - Siyasal Davranış ve Dindarlık. Ankara: Vadi, 1997.
  • La Porta, Rafael vd. “Trust in Large Organizations”. The American Economic Review 87/2 (1997), 333-338.
  • Leonard, Rosemary - Bellamy, John. “The Relationship between Bonding and Bridging Social Capital among Christian Denominations across Australia”. Nonprofit Management and Leadership 20/4 (2010), 445-460.
  • Li, Tianyuan - Fung, Helene H. “Age Differences in Trust: An Investigation across 38 Countries”. The Journals of Gerontology. Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 68/3 (Mayıs 2013), 347-355.
  • Mencken, F. Carson vd. “In God We Trust: Images of God and Trust in the United States among the Highly Religious”. Sociological Perspectives 52/1 (01 Mart 2009), 23-38.
  • Misztal, Barbara. Trust in Modern Societies: The Search for the Bases of Social Order. Polity, 1 edition., 2013.
  • Proctor, James. “Religion as Trust in Authority: Theocracy and Ecology in the United States”. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96/1 (01 Mart 2006), 188-196. 8306.2006.00508.x
  • Putnam, Robert. Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000.
  • Putnam, Robert D. vd. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1st edition., 1994.
  • Putnam, Robert D. “Social Capital and Public Affairs”. Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 47/8 (1994), 5-19.
  • Sasaki, Masamichi - Marsh, Robert M. Trust: Comparative Perspectives. BRILL, 2012.
  • Smidt, Corwin. “Religion and Civic Engagement: A Comparative Analysis”. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 565/1 (01 Eylül 1999), 176-192.
  • Sullivan, Adam John. Social Trust and Denominational Concentration: A Cross-National Examination of Religion and Trust. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 2013.
  • Tan, Jonathan H. W. - Vogel, Claudia. “Religion and Trust: An Experimental Study”. Journal of Economic Psychology 29/6 (01 Aralık 2008), 832-848.
  • Tecim, Erhan. Sosyal Guven. Konya: Cizgi Kitabevi, 2015.
  • Traunmüller, Richard. “Moral Communities? Religion as a Source of Social Trust in a Multilevel Analysis of 97 German Regions”. European Sociological Review 27/3 (01 Haziran 2011), 346-363.
  • Uslaner, Eric M. “Trust and Social Bonds: Faith in Others and Policy Outcomes Reconsidered”. Political Research Quarterly 57/3 (2004), 501-507.
  • Uslaner, Eric M. - Brown, Mitchell. “Inequality, Trust, and Civic Engagement”. American Politics Research 33/6 (01 Kasım 2005), 868-894.
  • Welch, Michael R. vd. “Trust in God and Trust in Man: The Ambivalent Role of Religion in Shaping Dimensions of Social Trust”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 43/3 (2004), 317-343. 5906.2004.00238.x
  • Yilmaz, Murat. Change and Continuity in Patterns and Levels of Religious Values, Commitment, and Practices in Turkey. United States -- Texas: The University of Texas at San Antonio, M.S., 2013.
  • You, Jong-sung. “Social Trust: Fairness Matters More Than Homogeneity”. Political Psychology 33/5 (01 Ekim 2012), 701-721.
  • Zmerli, Sonja - Hooghe, Marc. Political Trust: Why Context Matters. ECPR Press, 2013.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Murat Yılmaz 0000-0001-7083-4981

Publication Date September 30, 2021
Acceptance Date September 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 21 Issue: 2


ISNAD Yılmaz, Murat. “ANALYZING RELIGION AND TRUST RELATIONSHIP FROM TURKISH PERSPECTIVE”. Dinbilimleri Akademik Araştırma Dergisi 21/2 (September 2021), 909-937.