Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


Articles are supposed to contribute to the field and be original.
If the articles are multi-authored, authors’ names must be ordered according to their level of contribution.
Authors are responsible for any kind of plagiarism in their articles.
Articles must not be sent to another journal.
Authors are considered to have accepted the publication and writing rules of this journal in advance.
Authors are responsible for attributions and references.


Reviewers must be objective when determining the scientific level of the articles to be published in the journal.
Reviewers must evaluate the articles relevant to their field of profession, accept the rules for blind review and must not let out any information related to articles.
Reviewers must be objective even if the articles are against their scientific opinions.
Reviewers must not use insulting and derogatory language in their reports.
Reviewers must not use too general and ambiguous expressions in their reports.
Reviewers must follow the rules about timing, otherwise they must contact the editors.


Editors must accept the articles in accordance with the publication policy of the journal and start the reviewing process.
Editors must be objective in the reviewing process.
Editors have the responsibility and authority in the publication of the articles.
Editors must follow the privacy principles in correspondence with both the authors and the reviewers.
Editors are responsible for scanning the articles for plagiarism using a software.
Editors are responsible for starting the necessary procedures for the articles sent to the journal as soon as possible and monitor the process.
In the committees, editors must not include the names of any individuals who do not have any contribution to the publication of the journal.

The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies aims to contribute to the knowledge in the field of social sciences by publishing internationally scientific studies.
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies, is an international peer-reviewed journal published twice a year (June and December).
Articles in the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies can be published in Turkish, English, German, French, Arabic, Russian and contemporary Turkish dialects.
Articles to be published in the journal should primarily be original and academic studies prepared using research methods suitable for their fields. Studies submitted to the journal should not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication.
The ethical, legal and scientific responsibilities of the articles sent to and published in the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies belong to the author (s). This situation does not impose responsibility on the journal management in any way.
The "number and date" of the relevant documents of the articles sent to the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies and requiring ethics committee approval should be indicated in the footnote.
Evaluation of Publications

Articles submitted to be published in the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies are taken into the review process after being checked by the editor. Manuscripts that fail the editorial control are not sent to the reviewer and the process is terminated. The articles are not returned to the author, but the author is informed about the result.
Submitted articles are primarily examined in terms of form. Manuscripts that are found not to comply with the principles of publication and writing are returned to the author for necessary corrections without being subjected to content review.
Unpublished manuscripts are kept in the archives of the journal.
The articles taken into the review process in the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies are sent to two reviewers who are experts in the subject after their preliminary examination, and the articles that receive positive reports from both reviewers are placed in the order of publication. When positive and negative reviewer reports are available for the same article, the article is either rejected by the editor or supported by a reviewer report and accepted or rejected. Review reports are kept for five years.
Since the articles uploaded to the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies through the system are directed to the reviewer without any intervention, there should not be any information that would reveal the identity of the author (s) either in the article or in the file name.
The names of the reviewers are included in the relevant issue of the journal.
Author (s) who send articles to the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies are deemed to have accepted the above-mentioned principles.
Articles published in the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies are not subject to copyright, no payments are made to the authors.
All publication rights of the articles accepted for publication belong to the International Journal of Interdisciplinary Language Studies.
The decision-making authority on matters not mentioned here belongs to the editors.