Journal of Dicle Academy is an internationally published ACADEMIC and PEER-REVIEWED journal that started publishing in 2021. The studies sent to our journal were prepared in the basic field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences; It is expected to be based on scientific methods, develop suggestions for problems and contribute to the field. Our journal takes care to publish and disseminate studies that will contribute to scientific developments. In this context, Dicle Academy Journal aims to evaluate the knowledge accumulated in the basic fields of social, human and administrative sciences from past to present, to develop this knowledge and to produce new ideas that contribute to the field.
Scope:In our journal, original research articles are published on all subjects related to the basic field of Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences. Studies in Turkish and English are evaluated, provided that they are directly or indirectly related to the field in question. Studies that are outside the purpose and scope of our journal are not published.
Subject Category
Core Field ●Social, Human and Administrative Sciences
Science Area ●Archaeology ●History ●Linguistics ●Literature ●Law ●Econometrics ●Quantitative Decision Methods ●Educational Sciences ●Philosophy ●Sociology ●Accounting ●Finance ●Theology ●Journalism ●Communication ●Cinema ●Economics ●Business ●Public Administration ●Finance ●Health Management ●Social Service ●Marketing ●Advertising ●Tourism
Target Audience: The target audience of our journal consists of academics, researchers, professionals, students and relevant professional and academic institutions and organizations.
Dicle Academy Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.