Writing Rules

-The studies to be sent to the journal must be written using the sample template below, created according to the journal writing rules.
-The Cover Page, Copyright Transfer Form, Conflict and Ethics Declaration and Similarity Report must be uploaded along with the Full Text file.
-Author information should never be included in the Full Text file when the article is first uploaded to the system. Author information will be added after the article processing processes are completed. The Cover Page should contain only the title and author information.
-Articles other than Turkish and English are not accepted in our journal.
-If your article requires an ethics committee certificate, upload the document in question; In cases where an ethics committee document is not required, a Conflict and Ethics Declaration document must be prepared. Situations where an Ethics Committee Certificate is required are explained on the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy page.



-After pasting their work onto the ARTICLE TEMPLATE, authors must upload this file to the system.
-Articles that are not prepared in accordance with our writing rules, sent with incomplete documents, or do not comply with APA 7 referencing are returned to the author at the pre-check stage without being evaluated.

In accordance with the universal rules of scientific text writing, articles must include general elements such as Title, Author Information, Abstract, Keywords, Section Headings, Quotation, Conclusion and References. These are arranged as follows.
Page Structure and Font Format
Articles should be written in Microsoft Office Word, on paper size A4 and in the "Cambria" font style, with "11 point font" and "1.15" line spacing. Margins top, bottom, left edge and right edge should be 2.5 cm.
Article Title
The title should be written at the top of the text, centered, all letters capitalized, 12 point, bolded with Cambria font, first in 6 pt, then in 6 pt, and with single line spacing.
The English title should appear immediately after the Turkish title. It should be written in all capital letters, Cambria font, 10 point, centered, no bold, 6 pt before and after, single line spacing.
Author Information
The name(s) of the author(s), without a title, should be given in bold, right below the English title and centered, and the surname(s) should be given in capital letters, 10 pt.
The professional information of the author(s) should be given in the order of title, institution, e-mail and ORCID number, separated by commas and just below the author's name and surname. It should be 9 point, normal and centered. Numbering should be added as x2, not as a footnote.
The abstract should be written in Turkish, centered below the author information, bold, 9 pt, first 6 pt, then 6 pt, written in capital letters, under the heading (ÖZET), expressing the content in the most appropriate way, consisting of at least 100 and at most 250 words.
English Abstract, below the Turkish Abstract and Key Words, centered, bold, 9 pt, first 6 nk and then 6 pt, written in capital letters (ABSTRACT), expressing the content in the most appropriate way, minimum 100, maximum 250. It must be written in English consisting of words.

Under the ÖZET, to the right of the heading (Anahtar Kelimeler:), written in bold in 9-point font, at least three and at most five Keywords, also written in 9-point font, should be given. There should be a period at the end.
English Keywords should be given at least three and at most five, written in 9-point font, to the right of the (Keywords:) heading, written in 9-point boldface, after the English Abstract.
Main Text
The main text should be written in Cambria font, 11 point, first 6 pt, then 6 nk and 1.15 line spacing. There should not be any spaces before or after any heading. The number of pages of the study should not exceed 25 pages, including bibliography.
The sources used in the article must be arranged in accordance with APA 7 referencing rules, each document mentioned must be included in the references section, and a bibliography must be added at the end of the study in accordance with the reference notation.

Main headings should be numbered as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, … in Cambria font, 11 points; Subheadings should be written as 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., …. Main headings should be written with all letters capitalized and subheadings, the first letters of each word should be capitalized and the other letters should be lowercase. The REFERENCES heading is not numbered.

Tables, Figures and Graphs
Table title; It should be written in 11 point font, above the table, centered. Table numbers will be sequential (Table 1.). There will be no spaces before or after. The expression Table 1. will be written in bold, but the Table title will be written normally. Table content can be written in 11, 10, 9 or 8 point font, depending on the situation. The table should be extended on both sides and centered. Vertical lines should not be used in the table.
The source notation should be located immediately below the table. It should be 9 point and centered. Source: statement should be bold, but the source text should be written normally.
Figure and Graphic title; It will be written in 11 point font, at the top, centered. Figure numbers will be sequentially (Figure 1.) or (Graph 1.). There will be no spaces before or after. Figure 1. or Graph 1. will be written in bold, but the Table title will be written normally. References for tables, figures or graphs should be given at the bottom, centered, in 9-point font.
Pictures, photographs and other visuals are given in color, high resolution or scanned, just below the section or paragraph in the text.
Images, like Tables and Figures, are numbered and titled in the format (Image/Image/Photo 1.). The sources from which the images are taken are also shown below the images, such as tables and figures.

After writing the bibliography, "Conflict and Ethics Statement" should be added to the end of the article. In studies that have received Ethics Committee permission, information about the relevant document should be provided under the METHOD heading.

Conflict of Interest Declaration: There is no conflict of interest between any person, institution or organization that may be a party to this study.
Support and Acknowledgments: No financial support was received from any institution or organization for the study. We would like to thank the Editors of Dicle Academy Journal for their interest and effort and the referees for their contributions.
Ethics Committee Permission: The subject of the study does not require ethics committee permission. The authors declare that ethical rules were followed in all preparation processes of this study. Or. Ethics committee approval for the research was received from the Xxxx University Rectorate Xxxx Ethics Committee with the decision dated 00.00.2024 and numbered 00/11. The authors declare that ethical rules were followed in all preparation processes of this study.
Contribution Rate: The authors contributed equally to the work. Or. The contribution rate of the 1st author is approximately 60%, and the contribution rate of the 2nd author is 40%.

* * * * *
Only extended English abstracts are requested from Turkish articles. Extended abstracts should be at least 500 and at most 1000 words, should include the purpose, method, findings, results and discussions of the article and should be given after the References section. The extended abstract should also be prepared in accordance with the font specifications used in the main text. It should be written in Cambria font, 11 point, first 6 pt, then 6 nk and 1.15 line spacing.


-Articles must be edited taking into account APA 7th edition basic referencing rules.
-The sources used in the article are given under the left-aligned, bold "REFERENCES" heading, like other headings in the text. This title is given on the same page after leaving a space after the end of the text.
-Space between paragraphs/references should be written with Before (0 pt) After (6 pt), 11 pt and single line spacing, justified on both sides.
-In in-text reference, the author's name and date information must be exactly the same as the author's name and date information in the bibliography.
-Numbering or bullet points are not used in the bibliography. In cases where the number of authors is twenty or less, all author names are included in the imprint.
-Before uploading an article to Journal of Dicle Akademy, the studies must be prepared according to APA 7 rules. Studies that are not edited according to the APA 7 system are sent back to the author to correct this problem before being evaluated.
-Detailed information about APA 7 format can be accessed at: https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples.

Note: In APA 7, the spelling "Doi: ..." in Doi writing was removed and the rule was introduced to write all addresses starting with "http". If the article has a Doi number, it should be added. In articles, the article name should be written in lowercase letters in a plain font, and the journal name should be written in italics and in capital letters. Journal volume issue in italics, issue no. must be in parentheses and plain.
-In case more than one author is cited in a parentheses, the studies are “; ” should be separated by (semicolon): (Creswell, 2014; Yıldırım & Şimşek, 2013; Narin et al. 2019)
- You can easily access the DOI numbers of the studies in your bibliography from the link below. (When you copy all the studies in your bibliography and paste them into the field in the relevant link, bibliographies with DOI numbers will be displayed.)


The book name should be given in italics and lowercase letters. There should be a period at the beginning and end of the book name, and then the publishing house should be given with a plain capital letter.
Single Author
Gürbüz, A. (2020). The path to self-knowledge in the light of Zen and Sufism (5th ed.). Human Publications. https://doi.org/10.54821/uiecd.1122493
With Two Authors
Özsoylu, A. F. & Ergen, Z. (2014). Public sector analysis in Turkey. Karahan Publications. https://doi.org/10.54821/uiecd.1122493

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