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İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü ve Uluslararası Af Örgütü Perspektifinden Xı Jınpıng Döneminde Çin’de İnsan Hakları

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 66 - 96, 22.01.2019


Yükselen bir küresel güç olarak Çin, son 40 yılda hızlı bir modernleşme ve önemli ekonomik, sosyal ve kültürel değişimlere sahne olmuştur. Öte yandan, Çin, insan hakları alanında, eşit oranda bir gelişme gösterememiştir. Her ne kadar temel insan hakları ilkeleri, Anayasa’da açıkça tanımlanmış olsa da Çin Hükümeti bu ilkeleri uygulamada başarısız olmuştur. Bu makalede, Xi liderliğindeki Çin’in insan hakları sicili, İnsan Hakları İzleme Örgütü (HRW) ve Uluslararası Af Örgütü (AI)’nün rapor ve haberleri incelenerek, adı geçen örgütlerin bakış açısından ele alınmıştır. Bu bağlamda, makalede, Xi JinPing'in bazı reformlar gerçekleştirmiş olmasına rağmen, kişi özgürlüğü ve güvenliği hakkı, ifade özgürlüğü, düşünce, din ve vicdan özgürlüğü üzerindeki baskıcı politikaları ve Tibet ve Sincan’daki insan hakları ihlalleri nedeniyle, insan hakları örgütleri tarafından ağır bir şekilde eleştirildiğini ortaya konmaktadır. İnsan hakları örgütleri tarafından, ayrıca, Çin Hükümeti’nin güvenlik ve istikrar sağlamak amacıyla, ülkedeki etnik azınlıklara yönelik olarak ayrımcı ve baskıcı politikalar izlediği savunulmakta, böylelikle Çin’deki insan hakları durumunun ne Çin Anayasası ile ne de Çin'in taraf olduğu uluslararası sözleşmelerle bağdaşmadığı ileri sürülmektedir.  


  • AKTAS, İbrahim (2015). “Uighur Separatism and Human Rights: A Contextual Analysis”, in M. K.-K. (ed.), Democracy and Human Rights in East Asia and Beyond- Critical Essays. Collegium Civitas Press, Warsaw, (pp. 135-149).
  • JUNRU, Li (2017). “The Cause of Human Rights in China Has Entered a New Era”, The Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 16, No. 6.
  • PIGNUOLO, Adriana (2015). “The Use of Torture in China, Singapore and Indonesia: A Comparative Perspective”, in M. K.-K. (ed.), Democracy and Human Rights in East Asia and Beyond- Critical Essays, Collegium Civitas Press, Warsaw, (pp. 149-175).
  • SCEATS, Sonya & SHAUN, Breslin (2012). China and the International Human Rights System. Chatham House, London.
  • TENG, Hsiu-lun (2009), Human Rights in China. Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, Denver.
  • 2018 World Press Freedom Index. (2018), available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2015). Report 2014/15: The State of the World's Human Rights. London: Amnesty International, available at: NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2016). Report 2015/16: The State of the World's Human Rights. London: Amnesty International, available at: NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 29.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2017). Report 2016/17: The State of the World's Human Rights. London: Amnesty International, available at: NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/1). Report 2017/18: The State of the World's Human Rights. London: Amnesty International, available at: NGLISH.PDF (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/2, July 10). China: Liu Xia free and on her way to Germany, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/3 , August 1). Google: Dark day for internet freedom if tech giant accepts China’s extreme censorship, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/4, March 20). China: New Supervision Law a systemic threat to human rights, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/5). China: “Where Are They?” Time for Answers about Mass Detentions in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, available at:
  • NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • China Daily. (2017, June 10). Xi: Security key to development, available at, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • China: Open Letter to Google on Reported Plans to Launch a Censored Search Engine in China. (2018, August 28), available at: NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Forbes. (2018). Profile: Xi Jinping, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2013/1). "They Say We Should Be Grateful" Mass Rehousing and Relocation Programs in Tibetan Areas of China. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: ver_0.pdf, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2013/2). World Report 2013: The Events of 2012. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2014). World Report 2014: The Events of 2013. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: df, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2015). World Report 2015: The Events of 2014. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2016/1). “Special Measures” Detention and Torture in the Chinese Communist Party’s Shuanggui System . New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: b.pdf, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2016/2). Relentless Detention and Prosecution of Tibetans under China’s “Stability Maintenance Campaign. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: 0.pdf (Accessed: 02.12.2018). Human Rights Watch. (2016/3). World Report 2016: Events of 2015. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: wr2016_web.pdf, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/1, October 16). China’s Party Congress Ramps Up Controls, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/2). World Report 2018: Events of 2017. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: 201801world_report_web.pdf (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/3). World Report 2017: Events of 2016. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: wr2017-web.pdf, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/4, December 13). China: Minority Region Collects DNA from Millions, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/5). World Report: 2017, New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: wr2017-web.pdf, (Accessed: 29.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/1, January 18). China: Rights Crackdown Goes Global, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/2, March 06). Xi Won't Go, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/3, March 29). Submission Universal Periodic Review of China. available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/4, April 11). UN Chief Puts China's Leaders over Its People, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/5, March 05). China's Win-Win Resolution, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/6, June 14). China: At Summit, EU Should ‘Throw Full Weight Behind’ Human Rights, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018) Human Rights Watch. (2018/7, February 15).
  • China Release Human Rights Lawyers, available at:, (Accessed: 29.11.2018). Human Rights Watch. (2018/8, July 10).
  • China: Nobel Laureate’s Widow Released, available at:, (Accessed: 29.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/9, May 31). China Answer Tiananmen Massacre Calls Justice, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/10, April 02). China Free Anti-Censorship Activist, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/11, August 7). China: US Tech Firms Risk Complicity in Abuses, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018) Human Rights Watch. (2018/12, April 18).
  • Cambridge Analytica Big Data and China, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018) Human Rights Watch. (2018/13, November 21).
  • China’s Social Media Crackdown Targets Twitter, available at: (Accessed: 30.11.2018)
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/14, October 9). China Disappeared Interpol’s Chief. The World Can’t Pretend It’s Business as Usual, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/15, February 13). The Problem with China’s Latest Anti-Mafia Crackdown, available at:, (Accessed:29.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/16, May 13). China: Visiting Officials Occupy Homes in Muslim Region, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/17). “Eradicating Ideological Viruses” China’s Campaign of Repression Against Xinjiang’s Muslims, available at: b.pdf, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/18, May 22). China: Activist Convicted for Promoting Tibetan Language, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/19, March 08). China: Allow UN Rights Experts into Tibet, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/20, July). “Illegal Organizations” China’s Crackdown on Tibetan Social Groups, available at: .pdf, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/21, January 24). China: New Controls on Tibetan Monastery, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/22, October 30). China: New Political Requirements for Tibetan Monastics- Authorities ‘Sinicizing’ Religion, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018). Letter to Mr. Pichai - Censorship in China. (2018, August 3), available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • National Congress of the Communist Party of China. (2017). Resolution of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the Report of the 18th Central Committee. available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, (2012), National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2012-2015) available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018)
  • Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. (2016), National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020), available at: m, (Accessed: 28.11.2018)
  • OHCHR. (2018, February 21). China: UN experts denounce the criminalization of linguistic and cultural rights advocacy, available at: NewsID=22683&LangID=E, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Radio Free Asia (RFA). (2014, January 09). China Steps Up 'Strike Hard' Campaign in Xinjiang. available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • The Guardian. (2017, January 3). A Human rights activist, a secret prison and a tale from Xi Jinping's new China, available at:, (Accessed: 29.11.2018). The Intercept. (2018 , August 1).
  • Google Plans to Launch Censored Search Engine in China, Leaked Documents Reveal, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • The Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the UN. (2018, December 13). China Congratulatory Message from President Xi Jinping to the "South-South Human Rights Forum, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). (2018). Concluding observations on the combined fourteenth to seventeenth periodic reports of China (including Hong Kong, China and Macao, China), available at: /CHN/CERD_C_CHN_CO_14-17_32237_E.pdf, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • The UN Human Rights Council. (2017). Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights on his mission to China, available at: enElement, (Accessed: 02.12.2018). The United Nations Committee Against Torture. (2016). Concluding observations on the fifth periodic report of China.
  • The United Nations Committee Against Torture, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • UNGA- Human Rights Council. (2018/1). China's National Report submitted in accordance with paragraph 5 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 16/21. Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review. Geneva, available at: enElement, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • UNGA- Human Rights Council. (2018/2). Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Available at: enElement, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR). (2018). Ratification Status for China, available at: px?CountryID=36&Lang=EN, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Xinhuanet. (2015/1, May 20). PLA Daily warns of Internet's revolutionary potential, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Xinhuanet. (2015/2, April 15). Xinhua Insight: China issues white paper on Tibet, denouncing Dalai Lama's "middle way", available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Xinhuanet. (2016/1, December 09). Xinhua Insight: Four years on, Xi's war on corruption is more than hunting tigers, flies (1), available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Xinhuanet. (2018, October 10). Senior public security official under investigation, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • YUNLONG, Li (2014, November 26). The Development Path for Human Rights with Chinese Characteristics, available at: html, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).

Human Rights in China In The Xi Jinping Era: From The Perspective of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International

Year 2019, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 66 - 96, 22.01.2019


China as a rising global power has realized a rapid modernization and significant economic, social and political changes in the last four decades. However, its development in the field of human rights has not been at an equal rate. While fundamental human rights principles have been explicitly identified in the Constitution, the Chinese government has failed to implement those principles. In this article, China’s human rights record during the leadership of Xi has been examined from the perspective of international human rights organisations, namely Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International (AI) by addressing their reports and news. In this context, the article reveals that although Xi JinPing has made some reforms, he has been seriously criticised by human rights organisations regarding his suppressing policies on right to liberty and security, freedom of expression, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and human rights violations in Tibet and Xinjiang. It has been also argued that he has adopted discriminative and repressive policies regarding the ethnic minorities in the country to assure stability and security. Therefore, the human rights situation in China is incompatible with both the Constitution and international conventions which China is party to.


  • AKTAS, İbrahim (2015). “Uighur Separatism and Human Rights: A Contextual Analysis”, in M. K.-K. (ed.), Democracy and Human Rights in East Asia and Beyond- Critical Essays. Collegium Civitas Press, Warsaw, (pp. 135-149).
  • JUNRU, Li (2017). “The Cause of Human Rights in China Has Entered a New Era”, The Journal of Human Rights, Vol. 16, No. 6.
  • PIGNUOLO, Adriana (2015). “The Use of Torture in China, Singapore and Indonesia: A Comparative Perspective”, in M. K.-K. (ed.), Democracy and Human Rights in East Asia and Beyond- Critical Essays, Collegium Civitas Press, Warsaw, (pp. 149-175).
  • SCEATS, Sonya & SHAUN, Breslin (2012). China and the International Human Rights System. Chatham House, London.
  • TENG, Hsiu-lun (2009), Human Rights in China. Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, Denver.
  • 2018 World Press Freedom Index. (2018), available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2015). Report 2014/15: The State of the World's Human Rights. London: Amnesty International, available at: NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2016). Report 2015/16: The State of the World's Human Rights. London: Amnesty International, available at: NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 29.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2017). Report 2016/17: The State of the World's Human Rights. London: Amnesty International, available at: NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/1). Report 2017/18: The State of the World's Human Rights. London: Amnesty International, available at: NGLISH.PDF (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/2, July 10). China: Liu Xia free and on her way to Germany, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/3 , August 1). Google: Dark day for internet freedom if tech giant accepts China’s extreme censorship, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/4, March 20). China: New Supervision Law a systemic threat to human rights, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Amnesty International. (2018/5). China: “Where Are They?” Time for Answers about Mass Detentions in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, available at:
  • NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • China Daily. (2017, June 10). Xi: Security key to development, available at, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • China: Open Letter to Google on Reported Plans to Launch a Censored Search Engine in China. (2018, August 28), available at: NGLISH.PDF, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Forbes. (2018). Profile: Xi Jinping, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2013/1). "They Say We Should Be Grateful" Mass Rehousing and Relocation Programs in Tibetan Areas of China. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: ver_0.pdf, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2013/2). World Report 2013: The Events of 2012. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2014). World Report 2014: The Events of 2013. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: df, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2015). World Report 2015: The Events of 2014. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2016/1). “Special Measures” Detention and Torture in the Chinese Communist Party’s Shuanggui System . New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: b.pdf, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2016/2). Relentless Detention and Prosecution of Tibetans under China’s “Stability Maintenance Campaign. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: 0.pdf (Accessed: 02.12.2018). Human Rights Watch. (2016/3). World Report 2016: Events of 2015. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: wr2016_web.pdf, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/1, October 16). China’s Party Congress Ramps Up Controls, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/2). World Report 2018: Events of 2017. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: 201801world_report_web.pdf (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/3). World Report 2017: Events of 2016. New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: wr2017-web.pdf, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/4, December 13). China: Minority Region Collects DNA from Millions, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2017/5). World Report: 2017, New York: Human Rights Watch, available at: wr2017-web.pdf, (Accessed: 29.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/1, January 18). China: Rights Crackdown Goes Global, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/2, March 06). Xi Won't Go, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/3, March 29). Submission Universal Periodic Review of China. available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/4, April 11). UN Chief Puts China's Leaders over Its People, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/5, March 05). China's Win-Win Resolution, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/6, June 14). China: At Summit, EU Should ‘Throw Full Weight Behind’ Human Rights, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018) Human Rights Watch. (2018/7, February 15).
  • China Release Human Rights Lawyers, available at:, (Accessed: 29.11.2018). Human Rights Watch. (2018/8, July 10).
  • China: Nobel Laureate’s Widow Released, available at:, (Accessed: 29.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/9, May 31). China Answer Tiananmen Massacre Calls Justice, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/10, April 02). China Free Anti-Censorship Activist, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/11, August 7). China: US Tech Firms Risk Complicity in Abuses, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018) Human Rights Watch. (2018/12, April 18).
  • Cambridge Analytica Big Data and China, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018) Human Rights Watch. (2018/13, November 21).
  • China’s Social Media Crackdown Targets Twitter, available at: (Accessed: 30.11.2018)
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/14, October 9). China Disappeared Interpol’s Chief. The World Can’t Pretend It’s Business as Usual, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/15, February 13). The Problem with China’s Latest Anti-Mafia Crackdown, available at:, (Accessed:29.11.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/16, May 13). China: Visiting Officials Occupy Homes in Muslim Region, available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/17). “Eradicating Ideological Viruses” China’s Campaign of Repression Against Xinjiang’s Muslims, available at: b.pdf, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/18, May 22). China: Activist Convicted for Promoting Tibetan Language, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/19, March 08). China: Allow UN Rights Experts into Tibet, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/20, July). “Illegal Organizations” China’s Crackdown on Tibetan Social Groups, available at: .pdf, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/21, January 24). China: New Controls on Tibetan Monastery, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • Human Rights Watch. (2018/22, October 30). China: New Political Requirements for Tibetan Monastics- Authorities ‘Sinicizing’ Religion, available at:, (Accessed: 02.12.2018). Letter to Mr. Pichai - Censorship in China. (2018, August 3), available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • National Congress of the Communist Party of China. (2017). Resolution of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the Report of the 18th Central Committee. available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, (2012), National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2012-2015) available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018)
  • Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China. (2016), National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020), available at: m, (Accessed: 28.11.2018)
  • OHCHR. (2018, February 21). China: UN experts denounce the criminalization of linguistic and cultural rights advocacy, available at: NewsID=22683&LangID=E, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • Radio Free Asia (RFA). (2014, January 09). China Steps Up 'Strike Hard' Campaign in Xinjiang. available at:, (Accessed: 01.12.2018).
  • The Guardian. (2017, January 3). A Human rights activist, a secret prison and a tale from Xi Jinping's new China, available at:, (Accessed: 29.11.2018). The Intercept. (2018 , August 1).
  • Google Plans to Launch Censored Search Engine in China, Leaked Documents Reveal, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • The Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the UN. (2018, December 13). China Congratulatory Message from President Xi Jinping to the "South-South Human Rights Forum, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD). (2018). Concluding observations on the combined fourteenth to seventeenth periodic reports of China (including Hong Kong, China and Macao, China), available at: /CHN/CERD_C_CHN_CO_14-17_32237_E.pdf, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • The UN Human Rights Council. (2017). Report of the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights on his mission to China, available at: enElement, (Accessed: 02.12.2018). The United Nations Committee Against Torture. (2016). Concluding observations on the fifth periodic report of China.
  • The United Nations Committee Against Torture, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • UNGA- Human Rights Council. (2018/1). China's National Report submitted in accordance with paragraph 5 of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 16/21. Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review. Geneva, available at: enElement, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • UNGA- Human Rights Council. (2018/2). Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Available at: enElement, (Accessed: 02.12.2018).
  • United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner (OHCHR). (2018). Ratification Status for China, available at: px?CountryID=36&Lang=EN, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Xinhuanet. (2015/1, May 20). PLA Daily warns of Internet's revolutionary potential, available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Xinhuanet. (2015/2, April 15). Xinhua Insight: China issues white paper on Tibet, denouncing Dalai Lama's "middle way", available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Xinhuanet. (2016/1, December 09). Xinhua Insight: Four years on, Xi's war on corruption is more than hunting tigers, flies (1), available at:, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
  • Xinhuanet. (2018, October 10). Senior public security official under investigation, available at:, (Accessed: 30.11.2018).
  • YUNLONG, Li (2014, November 26). The Development Path for Human Rights with Chinese Characteristics, available at: html, (Accessed: 28.11.2018).
There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Sociology
Journal Section Research Article

Habibe Kara

Publication Date January 22, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Kara, H. (2019). Human Rights in China In The Xi Jinping Era: From The Perspective of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. Doğu Asya Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(1), 66-96.

Journal of East Asia Studies in Türkiye (JEAST)