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Moğolistan’da Anayasal Düzen ve Devlet Örgütlenmesi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 6, 1 - 32, 01.07.2020


Makalede, büyük bir imparatorluktan ulus devlete evirilen Moğolistan’da devletin önce sosyalist cumhuriyete, 20. yüzyılın sonunda ise liberal cumhuriyete dönüşümü anayasa belgeleri üzerinden incelenmektedir. Türkler ve Moğollar arasındaki tarihsel etkileşimlere, ülkenin 20. yüzyılda geçirdiği büyük dönüşümlere rağmen Moğolistan, Türkiye’de, tarih dışında sosyal bilimler disiplinlerinin ihmal ettiği ülkeler arasındadır. Betimleyici ve bilgilendirici nitelikteki makalenin amacı, sosyalist dönemden günümüze Moğolistan’ın siyasal ve sosyo-ekonomik dönüşümlerini ve devlet yapısındaki değişimleri inceleyerek alandaki bilgi boşluğunu belirli ölçüde gidermektir. İkincil bir amaç da daha ileri çalışmalar için ilgi uyandırmaktır. Dört bölümde yapılandırılan makalede önce Moğolistan’ın bağımsızlık sürecine yer verilmektedir. Ardından, bozkır toplumunda sıkı disiplin sağlayan kurallar bütünü olarak Cengiz Han’ın “yasakları-yasaları” ile ülkenin sosyalist cumhuriyet olarak kuruluşu ve anayasal düzene geçişi üzerinde durulmaktadır. İzleyen bölümlerde, devletin niteliksel ve yapısal değişimi, sosyalist ve liberal dönemler halinde anayasa metinleri üzerinden incelenmektedir.
Moğolistan’ın gerek 20. yüzyılda ulus devlete dönüşümünde, gerekse ulus devlet olarak geçirdiği dönüşümlerde, önemli ölçüde iki sınır komşusu ülke, Rusya ve Çin belirleyici olmuştur. Moğolistan, sosyalist dönemde, resmen bağımsız bir ülke olmakla birlikte yaklaşık 70 yıl Sovyetler Birliği’nin güdümünde kalmıştır. 1990’larda sosyalizmin çözülmesinin ardından Sovyetler Birliği’nden fiilen bağımsızlaşmanın bir yolu olarak hızla kapitalizme yönelmiştir. Bu ani dönüşümün yarattığı sorunları hala aşamamış olan ülkede, liberal demokrasiyi tesis etme çabaları sürmektedir. Fiili bağımsızlık amacıyla kapitalizme yöneliş ise, ülkenin zengin doğal kaynaklarına rağmen sosyalist dönemdeki bağımlılığın yerini bu kez Batı kapitalizmine bağımlılığın almasıyla sonuçlanmış görünmektedir.


  • ALAN, Hayrunnisa (2011), “Altın Orda Hanlığında Hakimiyet Anlayışı ve Karaçi Beylerinin Ortaya Çıkışı”, Tarih Dergisi, 54/2: 1-20.
  • ALİNGE, Curt (1952), “Moğol Kanunları”, (Çev. C. Üçok), AÜ Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 9/3: 235-261., Erişim: 06 Ocak 2017.
  • ALİNGE, Curt (1967), Moğol Kanunları, (Çev. Ç. Üçok), Ankara., Erişim: 11 Kasım 2017. APCM (2016) (Assessment of the Performance of the 1992 Constitution of Mongolia), BCI Printing Company, yy.
  • BAABAR (Bat-Erdene Batbayar) (1999), History of Mongolia: From World Power to Soviet Satellite, (Ed. C. Kaplonski), University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
  • BAATAR, Ts (2016), “External Factors of Mongolian Economy”, Pax Mongolia, 2/4(5): 26-35.
  • BADARCH, Kherlen (2013), Integrating New Values into Mongolian Public Management, Universitätsverlag Potsdam, Postdam.
  • BARKMANN, Udo B. (1997), “The revival of Lamaism in Mongolia”, Central Asian Survey, 16/1: 69-79.
  • BATSAİKHAN, E. Ookhnoi (2013), Mongolia: Becoming a Nation State (1911-1925), Bitpress, Ulaanbaatar.
  • BAWDEN, C. R. (1989), The Modern History of Mongolia, Kegan Paul International, London.
  • BUMOCHİR, Dulam (2018), “Generating capitalism for independence in Mongolia”, Central Asian Survey, 37/3: 357-371.
  • BUTLER, William E. (Ed.) (1982), The Mongolian Legal System: Contemporary Legislation and Documentation, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, Boston, London.
  • BYAMBAJAV, Ariundelger (2012), Karşılaştırmalı Devlet Yapıları: Türkiye ve Moğolistan Cumhuriyetlerinin Yasama, Yürütme ve Yargılama Güçleri, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kamu Yönetimi ABD Doktora Tezi, Antalya.
  • DAMDİNSÜREN, Ts. (1957), About Mongolian Philology, Ulaanbaatar.
  • DAMİRAN, Rsedev ve Pratt, Richard (2013), “Public Administration in Mongolia”, in: Public Administration in Post-Communist Countries, (Ed. S. Liebert vd.), CRC Press, New York: 319-338.
  • DE RACHEWİLTZ, Igor (1993), “Some Reflections on Cinggiz Qhan’s Jasat”, East Asian History, No. 6: 91-104.
  • DİERKES, Julian (2020), “Preserving the political status quo in Mongolia”,, Erişim: 01 Ocak 2020.
  • EDWARDS, Terrence (2017, September 7), “Mongolian parliament ousts prime minister in latest reshuffle”,, Erişim: 26 Eylül 2017.
  • ENDİCOTT, Elizabeth (2012), A History of Land Use in Mongola: The Thirteenth Century to the Present, Palgrave Macmillian, New York.
  • ENDİCOTT-West, Elizabeth (2010), “Imperial Governance in Yüan Times”, in: The History of Mongolia, Vol. II, (Ed. D. Sneath, C. Kaplonski), Global Oriential Ltd., Kent: 478-496.
  • MUNKH-Erdene, L. (2012), “Mongolia’s Post-Socialist Transition: A Great Neoliberal Transformation”, in: Mongolians after Socialism: Politics, Economy, Religion, (Ed. B. M. Knauft et al.), Admon Press, Ulaanbaatar: 61-67.
  • FRİEDRİCH Ebert Stiftung (2020), Draft of Amendments to be Made to the Constitution of Mongolia, (Erişim: 26.04.2020)
  • GİNSBURG, Tom (1995), “Political Reform in Mongolia: Between Russia and China”, Asian Survey, 35/5: 459-471.
  • Gongor, D. (1978), A History of Khalkha, II, Academy of Science, Ulaanbataar.
  • GSCM (Government Service Council of Mongolia) (2008), Mongolian Civil Service Map, Ulaanbaatar.
  • GÖMEÇ, Saadettin (2006), “Bazı Çingiz Yasalarının Tarihi ve Sosyal Dayanakları”, Turkish Studies, 1/2: 1-3.
  • HEATON, William. R. (1991), “Mongolia in 1990: Upheaval, Reform, Not No Revolution Yet”, Asian Survey, 31/1, January: 50-56.
  • IMF (2019), “Greening Growth in Mongolia”,, Erişim: 01 Mayıs 2020.
  • KİM, Daegeon ve Dorjderem, Otgonbold (2012), “Land Conflict and Solution Issues in Mongolia: Based on Institutional Approach”, International Review of Public Administration, 17/3: 21-44.
  • Moğolların Gizli Tarihi I (2016), 5. Baskı (Tıpkıbasım), (Çev. A. Temir), Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara.
  • Mongolia Statistical Yearbook 2017, Erişim: 05 Mayıs 2020.
  • MOROZOVA, Irina Y. (2009), Socialist Revolutions in Asia: The social history of Mongolia in the twentieth century, Routledge, Abingdon-Oxon.
  • MUNKH-Erdene, Lhamsuren (2010), “The Transformation of Mongolia’s Political System: From Semi-parliamentary to Parliamentary?”, Asian Survey, 50/2: 311-334.
  • MURPHY, G. S. (1959), “Planning in the Mongolian People’s Republic”, The Journal of Asian Studies, 18/2: 241-258.
  • NARANGEREL, D. (2003), “Historical Outline of Development of Mongolian Law”, (A speech delivered National Taiwan University in September 2003),, Erişim: 23 Eylül 2017.
  • NSOM (National Statistics Office of Mongolia) (2020), Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Ulaanbaatar, (Erişim: 08.05.2020).
  • NYAMDOLJİN, A. (2016), “Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment and Human Capital Formation on Labor Markets in Mongolia,” Pax Mongolia, 2/4(5): 36-43.
  • ODONKHUU, Munkhsaikhan (2020, January 20), “Mongolia’s Long, Participatory Route to Constitutional Reforms”,, Erişim: 13 Nisan 2020.
  • OKLADNİKOV, A.P. vd., (Eds) (1983), Istoriya MNR (History of the MPR), 3rd edn., Nauka, Moscow.
  • PLUECKHAHNA, Rebekah ve Bumochira, Dulam (2018), “Capitalism in Mongolia - ideology, practice and ambiguity”, Central Asian Survey, 37/3: 341-356. Report in Sovremenniai Mongolia, No. 3, 1940.
  • SAMBUU, Boldsaikhan (2017), “Mongolia just elected a former wrestler as its president, after its most divisive election ever”,, Erişim: 04 Ekim 2017.
  • SANDERS, Alan J. K. (1987), Mongolia: Politics, Economics and Society, Frances Pinter, London.
  • SANDERS, Alan J. K. (1992), “Mongolia’s New Constitution: Blueprint for Democracy”, Asian Survey, 32/6: 506-520.
  • SANDERS, Alan J. K. (2003), Historical Dictionary of Mongolia, Second Edition, Asian/Oceanian Dictionaries, No. 42, The Scarecrow Press. Inc., Lanham, Maryland and Oxford.
  • SANJDORJ, M. (1974), Ardyn Tdriyn Tutih, Ulan Bator: Academy of Sciences, details the sessions of the Ulsyn tur tsagiyn hural (provisional hural).
  • SAUNDERS, J. J. (1971), The History of the Mongol Conquests, Routledge&Kegan Paul, London.
  • SHIRENDEV, B. (Ed.), (1973), History of the Mongolian People's Republic, Nauka, Moscow.
  • SNEATH, David (2010), “Procuder Groups and the Decollectivization of the Mongolian Pastoral Economy”, in: The History of Mongolia, Vol. III, (Ed. D. Sneath, C. Kaplonski), Global Oriential Ltd., Kent 2010: 1067-1088.
  • SPULER, Bertold (2011), İran Moğolları: Siyaset, İdare ve Kültür-İlhanlılar Devri, 1220-1350, (Çev. C. Köprülü), 3. Tıpkı Basım, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara.
  • TEMİZSU, Habibe (2018). Yasak: Cengiz Han Yasası ve Moğol Devletleri Tarihinde Yaşadığı Değişim, Ötüken, İstanbul.
  • The Comintern archive, RGASPI, F. 495. Sch. 154. D. 391. L. 31
  • The Constitutions of Mongolia: 1924, 1940, 1960, 1992 (2009), (Der. J. Amarsanaa, O. Batsaikhan; Ed. B. CHİMİD, Ts Sarantuya), Academy of Science, Ulaanbaatar.
  • TSENDJAV, Enkhbold (2011), “Factors Affecting the Implementation Effectiveness of Civil Service Reform Policy in Mongolia”, PhD Dissertation, School of Public Administration National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok.
  • VLADİMİRSTSOV, Boris Yakovleviç (1995), Moğolların İçtimaî Teşkilâtı: Moğol Göçebe Feodalizmi, 3. Baskı, (Çev. A. İnan), Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara.
  • VOLODYA, Bolormaa (2020), “Mongolia: The Amendment on Constitution of Mongolia”,, Erişim: 13 Nisan 2020.
  • Elektronik Kaynakça, Erişim: 06 Mayıs 2020., Erişim: 01 Kasım2017., Erişim: 30 Ocak 2017., Erişim: 05 Haziran 2017.

Constitutional Order and Organization of The State in Mongolia

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 6, 1 - 32, 01.07.2020


Mongolia is a country, which has been transformed from a huge empire to a nation state. By examining the constitutions of the country, the paper explores the transformation of Mongolia to a socialist republic firstly, and then to a liberal republic at the end of the 20th century. In spite of historical interactions between Turks and Mongols, and the significant transformation of the country during the 20th century, Mongolia is among countries neglected by Turkish social sciences community except historians. Hence, the aim of this descriptive and informative paper is to fulfil knowledge gap to some extent and stimulate further studies on Mongolia. Firstly, the paper, briefly reviews the independency process of Mongolia. Secondly, it highlights the Chingiss Khaan’s yasak-zasag as a code of law enforcing strict discipline in a steppe society. Thereafter, it deals with the foundation of Mongolia as a socialist republic and establishment of a constitutional order in the country. Finally, by examining the country’s constitutional texts, characteristic and structural transformation of Mongolia state during the socialist and the liberal eras is delineated.
Russia and China, two powerful neighbours, have influenced the transformation of Mongolia toward a nation state. Later on the collapse of the Soviet Union gave way to its transition from a socialist to liberal republic. During the socialist epoch, although Mongolia was a de jure independent country, it was under the control of the Soviet Union almost 70 years. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Mongolia embraced capitalism as a way to achieve its de facto independence from the Soviet Union in the 1990s. The country, which tried to establish a liberal democratic order, is still striving with negative outcomes of the rapid transition to capitalism. Furthermore, it seems that transition to capitalism in order to escape from Russia’s influence and to get de facto independence, has generated a new dependency. Hence, one can argue that, despite its enormous natural resources, Mongolia’s dependency on the Soviet Union during the socialist era has been replaced with dependency on Western capitalism.


  • ALAN, Hayrunnisa (2011), “Altın Orda Hanlığında Hakimiyet Anlayışı ve Karaçi Beylerinin Ortaya Çıkışı”, Tarih Dergisi, 54/2: 1-20.
  • ALİNGE, Curt (1952), “Moğol Kanunları”, (Çev. C. Üçok), AÜ Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 9/3: 235-261., Erişim: 06 Ocak 2017.
  • ALİNGE, Curt (1967), Moğol Kanunları, (Çev. Ç. Üçok), Ankara., Erişim: 11 Kasım 2017. APCM (2016) (Assessment of the Performance of the 1992 Constitution of Mongolia), BCI Printing Company, yy.
  • BAABAR (Bat-Erdene Batbayar) (1999), History of Mongolia: From World Power to Soviet Satellite, (Ed. C. Kaplonski), University of Cambridge, Cambridge.
  • BAATAR, Ts (2016), “External Factors of Mongolian Economy”, Pax Mongolia, 2/4(5): 26-35.
  • BADARCH, Kherlen (2013), Integrating New Values into Mongolian Public Management, Universitätsverlag Potsdam, Postdam.
  • BARKMANN, Udo B. (1997), “The revival of Lamaism in Mongolia”, Central Asian Survey, 16/1: 69-79.
  • BATSAİKHAN, E. Ookhnoi (2013), Mongolia: Becoming a Nation State (1911-1925), Bitpress, Ulaanbaatar.
  • BAWDEN, C. R. (1989), The Modern History of Mongolia, Kegan Paul International, London.
  • BUMOCHİR, Dulam (2018), “Generating capitalism for independence in Mongolia”, Central Asian Survey, 37/3: 357-371.
  • BUTLER, William E. (Ed.) (1982), The Mongolian Legal System: Contemporary Legislation and Documentation, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Hague, Boston, London.
  • BYAMBAJAV, Ariundelger (2012), Karşılaştırmalı Devlet Yapıları: Türkiye ve Moğolistan Cumhuriyetlerinin Yasama, Yürütme ve Yargılama Güçleri, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Kamu Yönetimi ABD Doktora Tezi, Antalya.
  • DAMDİNSÜREN, Ts. (1957), About Mongolian Philology, Ulaanbaatar.
  • DAMİRAN, Rsedev ve Pratt, Richard (2013), “Public Administration in Mongolia”, in: Public Administration in Post-Communist Countries, (Ed. S. Liebert vd.), CRC Press, New York: 319-338.
  • DE RACHEWİLTZ, Igor (1993), “Some Reflections on Cinggiz Qhan’s Jasat”, East Asian History, No. 6: 91-104.
  • DİERKES, Julian (2020), “Preserving the political status quo in Mongolia”,, Erişim: 01 Ocak 2020.
  • EDWARDS, Terrence (2017, September 7), “Mongolian parliament ousts prime minister in latest reshuffle”,, Erişim: 26 Eylül 2017.
  • ENDİCOTT, Elizabeth (2012), A History of Land Use in Mongola: The Thirteenth Century to the Present, Palgrave Macmillian, New York.
  • ENDİCOTT-West, Elizabeth (2010), “Imperial Governance in Yüan Times”, in: The History of Mongolia, Vol. II, (Ed. D. Sneath, C. Kaplonski), Global Oriential Ltd., Kent: 478-496.
  • MUNKH-Erdene, L. (2012), “Mongolia’s Post-Socialist Transition: A Great Neoliberal Transformation”, in: Mongolians after Socialism: Politics, Economy, Religion, (Ed. B. M. Knauft et al.), Admon Press, Ulaanbaatar: 61-67.
  • FRİEDRİCH Ebert Stiftung (2020), Draft of Amendments to be Made to the Constitution of Mongolia, (Erişim: 26.04.2020)
  • GİNSBURG, Tom (1995), “Political Reform in Mongolia: Between Russia and China”, Asian Survey, 35/5: 459-471.
  • Gongor, D. (1978), A History of Khalkha, II, Academy of Science, Ulaanbataar.
  • GSCM (Government Service Council of Mongolia) (2008), Mongolian Civil Service Map, Ulaanbaatar.
  • GÖMEÇ, Saadettin (2006), “Bazı Çingiz Yasalarının Tarihi ve Sosyal Dayanakları”, Turkish Studies, 1/2: 1-3.
  • HEATON, William. R. (1991), “Mongolia in 1990: Upheaval, Reform, Not No Revolution Yet”, Asian Survey, 31/1, January: 50-56.
  • IMF (2019), “Greening Growth in Mongolia”,, Erişim: 01 Mayıs 2020.
  • KİM, Daegeon ve Dorjderem, Otgonbold (2012), “Land Conflict and Solution Issues in Mongolia: Based on Institutional Approach”, International Review of Public Administration, 17/3: 21-44.
  • Moğolların Gizli Tarihi I (2016), 5. Baskı (Tıpkıbasım), (Çev. A. Temir), Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara.
  • Mongolia Statistical Yearbook 2017, Erişim: 05 Mayıs 2020.
  • MOROZOVA, Irina Y. (2009), Socialist Revolutions in Asia: The social history of Mongolia in the twentieth century, Routledge, Abingdon-Oxon.
  • MUNKH-Erdene, Lhamsuren (2010), “The Transformation of Mongolia’s Political System: From Semi-parliamentary to Parliamentary?”, Asian Survey, 50/2: 311-334.
  • MURPHY, G. S. (1959), “Planning in the Mongolian People’s Republic”, The Journal of Asian Studies, 18/2: 241-258.
  • NARANGEREL, D. (2003), “Historical Outline of Development of Mongolian Law”, (A speech delivered National Taiwan University in September 2003),, Erişim: 23 Eylül 2017.
  • NSOM (National Statistics Office of Mongolia) (2020), Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, Ulaanbaatar, (Erişim: 08.05.2020).
  • NYAMDOLJİN, A. (2016), “Spillover Effects of Foreign Direct Investment and Human Capital Formation on Labor Markets in Mongolia,” Pax Mongolia, 2/4(5): 36-43.
  • ODONKHUU, Munkhsaikhan (2020, January 20), “Mongolia’s Long, Participatory Route to Constitutional Reforms”,, Erişim: 13 Nisan 2020.
  • OKLADNİKOV, A.P. vd., (Eds) (1983), Istoriya MNR (History of the MPR), 3rd edn., Nauka, Moscow.
  • PLUECKHAHNA, Rebekah ve Bumochira, Dulam (2018), “Capitalism in Mongolia - ideology, practice and ambiguity”, Central Asian Survey, 37/3: 341-356. Report in Sovremenniai Mongolia, No. 3, 1940.
  • SAMBUU, Boldsaikhan (2017), “Mongolia just elected a former wrestler as its president, after its most divisive election ever”,, Erişim: 04 Ekim 2017.
  • SANDERS, Alan J. K. (1987), Mongolia: Politics, Economics and Society, Frances Pinter, London.
  • SANDERS, Alan J. K. (1992), “Mongolia’s New Constitution: Blueprint for Democracy”, Asian Survey, 32/6: 506-520.
  • SANDERS, Alan J. K. (2003), Historical Dictionary of Mongolia, Second Edition, Asian/Oceanian Dictionaries, No. 42, The Scarecrow Press. Inc., Lanham, Maryland and Oxford.
  • SANJDORJ, M. (1974), Ardyn Tdriyn Tutih, Ulan Bator: Academy of Sciences, details the sessions of the Ulsyn tur tsagiyn hural (provisional hural).
  • SAUNDERS, J. J. (1971), The History of the Mongol Conquests, Routledge&Kegan Paul, London.
  • SHIRENDEV, B. (Ed.), (1973), History of the Mongolian People's Republic, Nauka, Moscow.
  • SNEATH, David (2010), “Procuder Groups and the Decollectivization of the Mongolian Pastoral Economy”, in: The History of Mongolia, Vol. III, (Ed. D. Sneath, C. Kaplonski), Global Oriential Ltd., Kent 2010: 1067-1088.
  • SPULER, Bertold (2011), İran Moğolları: Siyaset, İdare ve Kültür-İlhanlılar Devri, 1220-1350, (Çev. C. Köprülü), 3. Tıpkı Basım, Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara.
  • TEMİZSU, Habibe (2018). Yasak: Cengiz Han Yasası ve Moğol Devletleri Tarihinde Yaşadığı Değişim, Ötüken, İstanbul.
  • The Comintern archive, RGASPI, F. 495. Sch. 154. D. 391. L. 31
  • The Constitutions of Mongolia: 1924, 1940, 1960, 1992 (2009), (Der. J. Amarsanaa, O. Batsaikhan; Ed. B. CHİMİD, Ts Sarantuya), Academy of Science, Ulaanbaatar.
  • TSENDJAV, Enkhbold (2011), “Factors Affecting the Implementation Effectiveness of Civil Service Reform Policy in Mongolia”, PhD Dissertation, School of Public Administration National Institute of Development Administration, Bangkok.
  • VLADİMİRSTSOV, Boris Yakovleviç (1995), Moğolların İçtimaî Teşkilâtı: Moğol Göçebe Feodalizmi, 3. Baskı, (Çev. A. İnan), Türk Tarih Kurumu, Ankara.
  • VOLODYA, Bolormaa (2020), “Mongolia: The Amendment on Constitution of Mongolia”,, Erişim: 13 Nisan 2020.
  • Elektronik Kaynakça, Erişim: 06 Mayıs 2020., Erişim: 01 Kasım2017., Erişim: 30 Ocak 2017., Erişim: 05 Haziran 2017.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Seriye Sezen Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Sezen, S. (2020). Moğolistan’da Anayasal Düzen ve Devlet Örgütlenmesi. Doğu Asya Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(6), 1-32.

Doğu Asya Araştırmaları Dergisi (DAAD) I 2021 I I

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