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Din Eğitiminin Bilimler Arasındaki Konumu: James Michael Lee’nin Din Öğretimi Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Bir İnceleme

Year 2021, , 267 - 304, 25.12.2021


İlahiyat bilimleri ve sosyal bilimler olmak üzere iki farklı bilimi ilgilendiren konu alanı ile çok içerikli bir boyuta sahip olan din eğitiminin önemli meselelerinden biri söz konusu bilimlerden hangisine ait bir disiplin olduğuna karar vermektir. Yapılan araştırmalarda konu ile ilgili olarak; sosyal bilim yaklaşımı ve teolojik yaklaşım olmak üzere öne çıkan iki yaklaşım tespit edilmiştir. Literatür taraması ve betimsel analize dayanan bu çalışmanın amacı James Michael Lee’nin sosyal bilim yaklaşımı çerçevesinde din eğitiminin hangi bilimler arasında yer alması gerektiği sorusuna cevap aramaktır. Bu amaçla makalede öncelikle Lee’nin yaklaşımında “din”in ve “öğretim”in mahiyeti, din öğretim süreci ve içeriği incelenmekte daha sonra sosyal bilim yaklaşımının antitezi durumundaki teolojik yaklaşımın mahiyeti, metodolojisi, temel argümanları ve son olarak sosyal bilimsel din öğretiminin teoloji ile ilişkisi ortaya konmaktadır. Araştırma neticesinde, Lee’nin, yaklaşımını teolojik yaklaşım eleştirisi üzerine inşa ettiği, din öğretimini bir öğretme (teaching) biçimi; ampirik bir faaliyet olan öğretmeyi de spekülatif ve bilişsel bir bilim olan teolojinin değil, sosyal bilimin konusu olarak gördüğü tespit edilmiştir. Dolayısıyla öğretme-öğrenme sürecine ilişkin bilimsel verilere dayalı teorik ve pratik deneysel bir çalışma alanı olan ve amacı dinî davranışları kolaylaştırmak olan din eğitimi için en uygun makro teorinin, teoloji değil, sosyal bilim olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Allen, P. L. (2017). Is there verification in theology?. Open Theology, 3(1), 417-433.
  • Aydın, M. Ş. (2017). Din eğitimi bilimi. Kimlik Yayınevi.
  • Baatuma, W. S. (1986). An integrative approach to teaching-learning processes derived from the theories of Randolph Crump Miller and James Michael Lee (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). The Faculty of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
  • Bilgin, B. (2001). Eğitim bilimi ve din eğitimi. Gün Yayıncılık.
  • Burgess, H. W. (1974). James Michael Lee’s social-science approach to religious instruction. Notre Dame Journal of Education, 3, 293-212.
  • Burgess, H. W. (1975). An invitation to religious education. Religious Education Press.
  • Burgess, H. W. (1996). Models of religious education: Theory and practice in historical and contemporary perspective. Victor Books.
  • Brunner, E. (1964). Truth as encounter. Westminster Press.
  • Coe, G. A. (1917). A social theory of religious education. C. Scribner's sons.
  • Coughlin, K. J. (1981). Religious education in everday life (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). The Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union.
  • Cullen, W. (2005). James Michael Lee: A social science approach to religious instruction. Lutheran Educational Journal, 140(3), 160-185.
  • Darcy-Berube, F. (1978). The challenge ahead of us. Padraic O’Hare (Ed.), Foundations of religious education içinde (ss. 111-131). Paulist Press.
  • Glock, C. Y. (1962). On the study of religious commitment. Religious Education, 57(4), 98-110.
  • Goldbrunner, J. (1961). Catechetical method as handmaid of kerygma. Johannes Hofinger (Ed.), Teaching all nations: A symposium on modern catechetics içinde (ss. 108- 121). Herder and Herder.
  • Goldman, R. (1964). Religious thinking from childhood to adolescence. Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Hick, J. (1960). Theology and verification. Theology Today, 17(1), 12-31.
  • Hobson, P. & Louise, W. (2002). Modal shifts and challenges for religious education in catholic schools since Vatican II. CEJ, 6, 55-71.
  • Johannes, H. (1961). The art of teaching Christian doctrine: The good news and its proclamation. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • Jenkins, D. E. (1984). Theology. John M. Sutcliffe (Ed.), A Dictionary of Religious Education içinde (ss. 343). SCM Press.
  • Knox, I. (1976). Above or within? The supernatural in religious education. Religious Education Press.
  • Knudsen, R. D. (1966). Rudolf Bultmann. Philip Edgcumbe Hughes (Ed.), Creative minds in contemporary theology içinde (ss. 131-159). Eerdmans.
  • Küken, G. (1996). Doğu-batı felsefesi etkileşiminde İbn Rüşd ve St. Thomas Aquinas felsefelerinin karşılaştırılması. Alfa Yayınevi.
  • Lee, J. M. (1963). Principles and methods of secondary education. McGraw-Hill.
  • Lee, J. M. & John T. H. (1968). Diocesan religion programs: A national survey. The Catholic Educational Review, 66, 553-565.
  • Lee, J. M. (1969). The third strategy: Social science catechetics. Today’s Catholic Teacher, (November), 21-28.
  • Lee, J. M. (1970a). Behavioral objectives in religious instruction. The Living light, 7(4), 12-19.
  • Lee, J. M. (1970b). The teaching of religion. James Michael Lee & Patrick C. Rooney (Ed.), Toward a future for religious education içinde (ss. 55-92). Pflaum Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1971a). The shape of religious ınstruction: A social science approach. Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1971b). Toward dialogue in religious ınstruction. The Living Light, 8, 109-121.
  • Lee, J. M. (1972a). Religious Education’s Future. National Catholic Reporter, (October), 10.
  • Lee, J. M. (1972b). Prediction in religious ınstruction. The Living Light, 9, (Summer), 43-54.
  • Lee, J. M. (1972c ). Hope in instructional practice. Religious Education. 67(5), 368-374.
  • Lee, J. M. (1973a). The flow of religious instruction: A social science approach. Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1973b). Religious education and the catholic university. Notre Dame Journal of Education, 4(3), 276-283.
  • Lee, J. M. (1976). Roman Catholic religious education. Marvin J. Taylor (Ed.), Foundations for Christian education in an era of change içinde (ss. 242-258). Abingdon.
  • Lee, J. M. (1977). Toward a new era: A blueprint for positive action. James Michael Lee (Ed.), The religious education we need: Toward the renewal of Christian education içinde (ss. 112-155). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1978a). Key issues in the development of a workable foundation for religious instruction. Padraic O'Hare (Ed.), Foundations of religious education içinde (ss. 40-63). Paulist Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1978b). Process content in religious instruction. Iris V Cully, Kendig Brubaker Cully & Randolph Crump Miller (Ed.), Process and relationship: Issues in theology, philosophy, and religious education: A festschrift for Randolph Crump Miller içinde (ss. 22-30). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1980). Christian education and moral development. Brenda Munsey (Ed.), Moral development, moral education, and Kohlberg: Basic issues in philosophy, psychology, religion, and education içinde (ss. 326-355). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1981). Training religious educators II. Modern Ministry. (December), 26-29.
  • Lee, J. M. (1982). The authentic source of religious instruction. Norma H. Thompson (Ed.), Religious education and theology içinde (ss. 100-197). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1983a). To basically change fundamental theory and practice. Marlene Mayr (Ed.), Modern masters of religious education içinde (ss. 254-323). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1983b). Religious education and the Bible: A religious educationist’s view. Joseph S. Marino (Ed.), Biblical themes in religious education içinde (ss. 1-61). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (Ed.). (1985a). Lifework spirituality and the religious educator. The spirituality of the religious educator içinde (ss. 7-42). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1985b). The content of religious ınstruction: A social science approach. Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1987a). Forward to the basics. Catechist, (March), 50-56.
  • Lee, J. M. (1988a). How to teach: foundations, processes, procedures. Donald Ratcliff (Ed.), Handbook of preschool religious education içinde (ss. 152-223). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1988b). The blessing of religious pluralism. N. H. Thompson (Ed.), Religious pluralism and religious education içinde (ss. 57-124). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1988c). Catechesis sometimes, religious education always: Another roman catholic perspective. Marlene Mayr (Ed.), Does the church really want religious education? An ecumenical inquiry içinde (ss. 32-66). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (Ed.). (1990a). Facilitating growth in faith through religious instruction. Handbook of faith içinde (ss. 264-302). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1990b). Social science. Iris V. Cully & Kendig Brubaker Cully (Ed.), Harper's encyclopedia of religious education içinde (ss. 598-600). Harper & Row,
  • Lee, J. M. (1991). Procedures in the religious education of adolescents. Donald Ratcliff & James A. Davies (Ed.), Handbook of youth ministry içinde (ss. 214-256). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1992). General procedures of teaching religion, Donald Ratcliff (Ed.), Handbook of children’s religious education içinde (ss. 164-206). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1993a). Religious education volunteers are very special. Donald Ratcliff & Blake J. Neff (Ed.), The complete guide to religious education volunteers içinde (ss. 30-48). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1993b). Compassion in religious ınstruction. Gary L. Sapp (Ed.), Compassionate ministry içinde (ss. 171-216). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1995). Religious instruction and religious experience. Ralph W. Hood (Ed.), Handbook of religious experience içinde (ss. 535-567). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1996). Religious education and theology. Jeff Astley (Ed.), Theological perspectives on Christian formation: A reader on theology and Christian education içinde (ss. 45-68). W.B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
  • Lee, J. M. (Ed.). (2000). Vision, prophecy, and forging the future. Forging a better religious education in the third millennium içinde (ss. 243-267). Religious Education Press.
  • Little, S. P. (1990). Theology and education. Iris V. Cully & Kendig Brubaker Cully (Ed.), Harper's encyclopedia of religious education içinde (ss. 649-655). Harper & Row.
  • Merry, M. (2000). Social-science theory in religious education according to James Michael Lee. St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 44(1), 83-102.
  • Mcbrien, R. P. (1976). Toward an American catechesis. The Living Light, 13(2), 167-181.
  • Miller, R. C. (1950). The clue to Christian education. Scribner.
  • Miller, R. C. (1980). The theory of Christian education practice; how theology affects Christian education. Religious Education Press.
  • Moran, G. (1966). Catechesis of revelation. Herder and Herder.
  • Newell, E. J. (2004). James Michael Lee’s social science religious instruction, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Teachers College Columbia University.
  • Newell, E. J. (2006). James Michael Lee’s crusade for empiricism. Christian Education Journal, 3(1), 6-26.
  • Ommen, T. B. (1979). Verification in theology: A tension in the revisionist method. The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 43(3), 357-384.
  • Parladır, S. (1996). Din eğitimi bilimine giriş.
  • Pazarlı, O. (1967). Din eğitim ve öğretiminde genel metotlar. İrfan Yayınevi.
  • Peabody, F. G. (1909). The social conscience and the religious life. Religious education, 4(1), 1-6.
  • Poochigian, R. L. (1986). A critical analysis of selected roman catholic religious education theorists from the perspective of adult education research and theory, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). The University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Savage, M. D. J. (1990). Christian doctrine in adult religious education: A critical study (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisanas tezi). Durham University,
  • Seymour, J. L. (2004). The clue to Christian religious education: Uniting theology and education, 1950 to the present. Religious Education, 99(3), 272-286.
  • Tosun, C. (2001). Din eğitimi bilimine giriş. (2. B. ), Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Thompson, N. H. (1978). Current issues in religious education. Religious Education. 73(6), 611-626.
  • Westerhoff III, J. H. (1978). Christian education as a theological discipline. SLJT (St. Luke's Journal of Theology), 21(4), 280-288.
  • Van Ackeren, G. F. (1967). Theology. New Catholic Encyclopedia, 14, 39-49.

The Place of Religious Education Among Sciences: A Study in the Context of James Michael Lee's Approach to Religious Instruction

Year 2021, , 267 - 304, 25.12.2021


One of the important issues regarding religious education, is how to ground the subject since it is multi-dimensional and concerns two different sciences such as theological and social sciences. In this study; two prominent approaches, namely the social science approach and the theological approach, have been identified. The aim of this study based on literature review and descriptive analysis is to seek an answer to the question of where to ground religious instruction using the framework of the social science approach of James Michael Lee. First of all, the nature of "religion" and "instruction", the religious instruction process, and content were analyzed. Then, the methodology and basic arguments for theological approach, which stands as the antithesis of the social science approach is analyzed, and finally the relationship between social scientific religious instruction and theology is revealed. In conclusion, it has been found that Lee regards religious instruction as a form of teaching, which is an empirical activity and considers teaching as subject of social science, rather than theology, which is regraded as speculative and cognitive science. Thus, being grounded in theoretical-practical experimental field of study that is based on scientific data related to teaching-learning process religious education, in term of macro theory is situated mong social sciences.


  • Allen, P. L. (2017). Is there verification in theology?. Open Theology, 3(1), 417-433.
  • Aydın, M. Ş. (2017). Din eğitimi bilimi. Kimlik Yayınevi.
  • Baatuma, W. S. (1986). An integrative approach to teaching-learning processes derived from the theories of Randolph Crump Miller and James Michael Lee (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). The Faculty of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
  • Bilgin, B. (2001). Eğitim bilimi ve din eğitimi. Gün Yayıncılık.
  • Burgess, H. W. (1974). James Michael Lee’s social-science approach to religious instruction. Notre Dame Journal of Education, 3, 293-212.
  • Burgess, H. W. (1975). An invitation to religious education. Religious Education Press.
  • Burgess, H. W. (1996). Models of religious education: Theory and practice in historical and contemporary perspective. Victor Books.
  • Brunner, E. (1964). Truth as encounter. Westminster Press.
  • Coe, G. A. (1917). A social theory of religious education. C. Scribner's sons.
  • Coughlin, K. J. (1981). Religious education in everday life (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). The Faculty of the Graduate Theological Union.
  • Cullen, W. (2005). James Michael Lee: A social science approach to religious instruction. Lutheran Educational Journal, 140(3), 160-185.
  • Darcy-Berube, F. (1978). The challenge ahead of us. Padraic O’Hare (Ed.), Foundations of religious education içinde (ss. 111-131). Paulist Press.
  • Glock, C. Y. (1962). On the study of religious commitment. Religious Education, 57(4), 98-110.
  • Goldbrunner, J. (1961). Catechetical method as handmaid of kerygma. Johannes Hofinger (Ed.), Teaching all nations: A symposium on modern catechetics içinde (ss. 108- 121). Herder and Herder.
  • Goldman, R. (1964). Religious thinking from childhood to adolescence. Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Hick, J. (1960). Theology and verification. Theology Today, 17(1), 12-31.
  • Hobson, P. & Louise, W. (2002). Modal shifts and challenges for religious education in catholic schools since Vatican II. CEJ, 6, 55-71.
  • Johannes, H. (1961). The art of teaching Christian doctrine: The good news and its proclamation. University of Notre Dame Press.
  • Jenkins, D. E. (1984). Theology. John M. Sutcliffe (Ed.), A Dictionary of Religious Education içinde (ss. 343). SCM Press.
  • Knox, I. (1976). Above or within? The supernatural in religious education. Religious Education Press.
  • Knudsen, R. D. (1966). Rudolf Bultmann. Philip Edgcumbe Hughes (Ed.), Creative minds in contemporary theology içinde (ss. 131-159). Eerdmans.
  • Küken, G. (1996). Doğu-batı felsefesi etkileşiminde İbn Rüşd ve St. Thomas Aquinas felsefelerinin karşılaştırılması. Alfa Yayınevi.
  • Lee, J. M. (1963). Principles and methods of secondary education. McGraw-Hill.
  • Lee, J. M. & John T. H. (1968). Diocesan religion programs: A national survey. The Catholic Educational Review, 66, 553-565.
  • Lee, J. M. (1969). The third strategy: Social science catechetics. Today’s Catholic Teacher, (November), 21-28.
  • Lee, J. M. (1970a). Behavioral objectives in religious instruction. The Living light, 7(4), 12-19.
  • Lee, J. M. (1970b). The teaching of religion. James Michael Lee & Patrick C. Rooney (Ed.), Toward a future for religious education içinde (ss. 55-92). Pflaum Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1971a). The shape of religious ınstruction: A social science approach. Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1971b). Toward dialogue in religious ınstruction. The Living Light, 8, 109-121.
  • Lee, J. M. (1972a). Religious Education’s Future. National Catholic Reporter, (October), 10.
  • Lee, J. M. (1972b). Prediction in religious ınstruction. The Living Light, 9, (Summer), 43-54.
  • Lee, J. M. (1972c ). Hope in instructional practice. Religious Education. 67(5), 368-374.
  • Lee, J. M. (1973a). The flow of religious instruction: A social science approach. Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1973b). Religious education and the catholic university. Notre Dame Journal of Education, 4(3), 276-283.
  • Lee, J. M. (1976). Roman Catholic religious education. Marvin J. Taylor (Ed.), Foundations for Christian education in an era of change içinde (ss. 242-258). Abingdon.
  • Lee, J. M. (1977). Toward a new era: A blueprint for positive action. James Michael Lee (Ed.), The religious education we need: Toward the renewal of Christian education içinde (ss. 112-155). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1978a). Key issues in the development of a workable foundation for religious instruction. Padraic O'Hare (Ed.), Foundations of religious education içinde (ss. 40-63). Paulist Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1978b). Process content in religious instruction. Iris V Cully, Kendig Brubaker Cully & Randolph Crump Miller (Ed.), Process and relationship: Issues in theology, philosophy, and religious education: A festschrift for Randolph Crump Miller içinde (ss. 22-30). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1980). Christian education and moral development. Brenda Munsey (Ed.), Moral development, moral education, and Kohlberg: Basic issues in philosophy, psychology, religion, and education içinde (ss. 326-355). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1981). Training religious educators II. Modern Ministry. (December), 26-29.
  • Lee, J. M. (1982). The authentic source of religious instruction. Norma H. Thompson (Ed.), Religious education and theology içinde (ss. 100-197). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1983a). To basically change fundamental theory and practice. Marlene Mayr (Ed.), Modern masters of religious education içinde (ss. 254-323). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1983b). Religious education and the Bible: A religious educationist’s view. Joseph S. Marino (Ed.), Biblical themes in religious education içinde (ss. 1-61). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (Ed.). (1985a). Lifework spirituality and the religious educator. The spirituality of the religious educator içinde (ss. 7-42). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1985b). The content of religious ınstruction: A social science approach. Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1987a). Forward to the basics. Catechist, (March), 50-56.
  • Lee, J. M. (1988a). How to teach: foundations, processes, procedures. Donald Ratcliff (Ed.), Handbook of preschool religious education içinde (ss. 152-223). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1988b). The blessing of religious pluralism. N. H. Thompson (Ed.), Religious pluralism and religious education içinde (ss. 57-124). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1988c). Catechesis sometimes, religious education always: Another roman catholic perspective. Marlene Mayr (Ed.), Does the church really want religious education? An ecumenical inquiry içinde (ss. 32-66). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (Ed.). (1990a). Facilitating growth in faith through religious instruction. Handbook of faith içinde (ss. 264-302). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1990b). Social science. Iris V. Cully & Kendig Brubaker Cully (Ed.), Harper's encyclopedia of religious education içinde (ss. 598-600). Harper & Row,
  • Lee, J. M. (1991). Procedures in the religious education of adolescents. Donald Ratcliff & James A. Davies (Ed.), Handbook of youth ministry içinde (ss. 214-256). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1992). General procedures of teaching religion, Donald Ratcliff (Ed.), Handbook of children’s religious education içinde (ss. 164-206). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1993a). Religious education volunteers are very special. Donald Ratcliff & Blake J. Neff (Ed.), The complete guide to religious education volunteers içinde (ss. 30-48). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1993b). Compassion in religious ınstruction. Gary L. Sapp (Ed.), Compassionate ministry içinde (ss. 171-216). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1995). Religious instruction and religious experience. Ralph W. Hood (Ed.), Handbook of religious experience içinde (ss. 535-567). Religious Education Press.
  • Lee, J. M. (1996). Religious education and theology. Jeff Astley (Ed.), Theological perspectives on Christian formation: A reader on theology and Christian education içinde (ss. 45-68). W.B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
  • Lee, J. M. (Ed.). (2000). Vision, prophecy, and forging the future. Forging a better religious education in the third millennium içinde (ss. 243-267). Religious Education Press.
  • Little, S. P. (1990). Theology and education. Iris V. Cully & Kendig Brubaker Cully (Ed.), Harper's encyclopedia of religious education içinde (ss. 649-655). Harper & Row.
  • Merry, M. (2000). Social-science theory in religious education according to James Michael Lee. St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly, 44(1), 83-102.
  • Mcbrien, R. P. (1976). Toward an American catechesis. The Living Light, 13(2), 167-181.
  • Miller, R. C. (1950). The clue to Christian education. Scribner.
  • Miller, R. C. (1980). The theory of Christian education practice; how theology affects Christian education. Religious Education Press.
  • Moran, G. (1966). Catechesis of revelation. Herder and Herder.
  • Newell, E. J. (2004). James Michael Lee’s social science religious instruction, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Teachers College Columbia University.
  • Newell, E. J. (2006). James Michael Lee’s crusade for empiricism. Christian Education Journal, 3(1), 6-26.
  • Ommen, T. B. (1979). Verification in theology: A tension in the revisionist method. The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 43(3), 357-384.
  • Parladır, S. (1996). Din eğitimi bilimine giriş.
  • Pazarlı, O. (1967). Din eğitim ve öğretiminde genel metotlar. İrfan Yayınevi.
  • Peabody, F. G. (1909). The social conscience and the religious life. Religious education, 4(1), 1-6.
  • Poochigian, R. L. (1986). A critical analysis of selected roman catholic religious education theorists from the perspective of adult education research and theory, (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). The University of Wisconsin-Madison.
  • Savage, M. D. J. (1990). Christian doctrine in adult religious education: A critical study (Yayımlanmamış yüksek lisanas tezi). Durham University,
  • Seymour, J. L. (2004). The clue to Christian religious education: Uniting theology and education, 1950 to the present. Religious Education, 99(3), 272-286.
  • Tosun, C. (2001). Din eğitimi bilimine giriş. (2. B. ), Pegem A Yayıncılık.
  • Thompson, N. H. (1978). Current issues in religious education. Religious Education. 73(6), 611-626.
  • Westerhoff III, J. H. (1978). Christian education as a theological discipline. SLJT (St. Luke's Journal of Theology), 21(4), 280-288.
  • Van Ackeren, G. F. (1967). Theology. New Catholic Encyclopedia, 14, 39-49.
There are 77 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Studies on Education, Religious Studies
Journal Section Articles

Gurbet Kiziltan 0000-0002-5022-2328

Publication Date December 25, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Kiziltan, G. (2021). Din Eğitiminin Bilimler Arasındaki Konumu: James Michael Lee’nin Din Öğretimi Yaklaşımı Bağlamında Bir İnceleme. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 19(42), 267-304.