Problem Statement: Management has always existed everywhere and every
time which human relations happen. Historians state that management thought
existed even in pre-historic ages and it developed gradually in the time cycle.
Historian David A. Wren dates the beginning of organisation and management
thought back to 5000 years. But the examination of the development of management
in a separate science branch is the product of the last century. If Ure and
Babbage’s writings in 1830s are usually accepted as the beginning of management,
it is assumed that with the beginning of scientific management movement,
patriarchal management ended at the beginning of the twentieth century
and scientific term in management started (Başaran, 1991; Can, 1999).
Management theories can be examined under seven main titles regarding their
functions as constructive theories, managerial theories, qualitative theories,
behavioral theories, system theories, contingency theory (Başaran, 1991) and
Total Quality Management. We can classify constructive theories, managerial
theories and Qualitative theories under classical theories title.
It is believed that the purpose of management in classical management paradigms
was to supervise, carry out the rules and to constrain. In order to man-
age people and get a favourable result, balance and efficiency were sought in
hierarchical order which work from top to down. It both relied on a path far
away from democracy and on the essence which everyone knows what they
really expect from oneself. The modern management paradigm expects from
present day managers to benefit from their employees’ physical power as well
as it expects the managers to fasten their employees’ hearts and brains to their
work. Modern manager is a democrat as well as he appreciates his employees,
shares his power with them and he also adopts the understanding of governance
(Bridge, 2003, 11-12).
Purpose of the Study: Organisation and management theories were shaped
by the practices and views of the managers and the researches that take place in
the literature. The views and practices which came into existence took the role
on that direct the practices and behaviours of new managers. So the evaluation
of the managerial practices and views of school principals in regard of management
theories is thought to be important. For this reason, the purpose of the
study is to evaluate the managerial practices of school principals regarding the
management theories in the literature.
Method: The data in the study was collected with “semi-structured interview
technique” exists in interview method, which is one of the data collection
methods in qualitative studies and it was analysed with content analysis method.
Some kinds of questions are prepared in order to use in all interviews of
semi-structured interviews. The questions prepared are asked to the participants
within the same order, but this is an interview technique which allows the participants
to state his/her views to a larger extent.
The population of the study is the school principals working in Konya city in
2008-2009 education-instruction years. The sample of the study consists of 14
elementary school principals which were selected by maximum variation sampling
method from the population of the study. The school principals in the sample
group were interviewed by face-to-face interaction in approximately 90 minutes.
It was expressed to the participants that the data collected for the study would
not be used for another purpose out of the research, then the principals were asked
not to mention their names in the research in order to answer the questions
in a full reliability and they were made to mention all their views freely in the
study. The questions were asked in an order to all of the participants and the
answers to the research questions of the participants were not restricted in this
regard. Thus, teachers were made to state all their views and interpretations as
they consider important on school principals’ instructional leadership regarding
the interview subject.
For the purpose of evaluating school principals’ management practices regarding
the management theories, the literature was examined and then the semistructured
interview form was prepared by the researcher. In order to sustain
validity of the research form, three experts from Selcuk University, Ahmet Kelesoglu
Education Faculty, Educational Sciences Department were consulted
for their views on the questions prepared for school principals in this regard.
The reliability of the study was sustained by the researcher himself and two
other experts by creating the themes one by one and then reaching an agreement
determining the subjects. At the end of the comparison of school principals’
views on which theme they must take place, it was reached an agreement with
the first expert by 93% rate and with the second expert by 94% rate.
Findings and Results: At the end of the research, the practices and views of
the school principals were analysed with content analysis method. The managerial
views and practices of the school principals participated in the study were
gathered under 10 themes below and these themes were evaluated in regard of
the organisation and management theories in the literature:
1. Teachers’ dislike of their work and their getting away from responsibility
2. Supervision need of the employees in a greater extent
3. Negative results of work guarantee
4. Importance of materiality
5. Lack of cooperation (team work) at school
6. The competitive atmosphere both existing and supported at school
7. Not benefiting sufficiently from feedback
8. Focusing on the exam success
9. Not applying to discipline punishments
10. Giving verbal warnings
Conclusions and Recommendations: When school principals’ managerial
views and practices are evaluated in light of management theories in the literature,
their managerial views and practices are seen to be paralleled with the
classical management theories. For this reason, it is primarily thought to be beneficial
that school principals should be educated with in-service training programmes
and postgraduate education so that school principals will have chance
to re-evaluate their current views and practices on management with modern
organisation and management theories in the literature.
Alan yazında yer alan örgüt ve yönetim kuramları yöneticilerinin uygulamaları, görüşleri ve araştırmalar tarafından şekillendirilmiş, ortaya çıkan bu görüş ve uygulamalar da yeni yöneticilerin uygulama ve davranışlarında yol gösterici bir rol üstlenmişlerdir. Okul müdürlerinin yönetim uygulama ve görüşlerinin yönetim kuramları bakımından değerlendirilmesinin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu nedenle araştırmanın amacı, okul müdürlerinin yönetim uygulamalarının yönetim kuramları bakımından değerlendirilmesi olarak belirlenmiştir.Bu çalışmada veriler, nitel araştırmada veri toplama yöntemlerinden birisi olan görüşme yöntemi içerisinde yer alan "yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği" ile toplanmış ve içerik analizi yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini, 2008?2009 eğitimöğretim yılında Konya ilinde görev yapan okul müdürleri oluşturmaktadır. Örneklem ise, evrenden çok amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen 14 ilköğretim okulu müdüründen oluşmaktadır.Okul müdürlerinin yönetimle ilgili görüş ve uygulamaları yönetim kuramları bakımından değerlendirildiğinde, müdürlerin yönetimle ilgili görüş ve uygulamalarının daha çok klasik kuramların varsayımları ile paralellik taşıdığı görülmektedir. Bu çerçevede çeşitli değerlendirme ve önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Other ID | JA39AM83GY |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | December 1, 2009 |
Published in Issue | Year 2009 Volume: 7 Issue: 18 |