Research Article
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Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 71 - 260, 31.05.2021


The main objective of this article is to evaluate the effects of the EU - Turkey Statement of 18 March 2016 on the asylum - related rights of the persons who fall within the scope of the Statement. The said evaluation covers the main characteristics of the Statement such as objective, scope, legal nature as well as Its reflections on the practices of Greece and Turkey. This article highlights that the migratory flow in 2015 from Turkey to Greek islands, which paved the way for the Statement, was merely labeled by the EU as an ‘irregular migratory movement’, although the main characteristic of this flow was that the majority of the migrants on the move were likely to be in need of international protection. By focusing on the ‘irregular’ character of the movement, Statement adopted a deterring approach as an extension of the EU’s externalization of migration and asylum policy and assigned two main tasks on Greece and Turkey: remotion by Greece and readmission by Turkey. The article claims that the Statement’s approach on turning the blind eye to the protection - related character of the migratory flows has not diminished the actual problem. Indeed, the effect of the Statement on the asylum - related practice has exacerbated the need for an effective protection and access to durable solutions. The most significant confirmation of this position can be demonstrated in the recent crisis between Turkish and Greek borders when thousands of migrants including the asylum seekers had to face extremely harsh situations when rushed to the Greek borders following Turkey’s declaration that it wouldn’t prevent the exits from its borders. This incident once more showed that the real solution to the ‘problem’ is not shifting but sharing the physical responsibility with Turkey.


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Türkiye’den Yunanistan’a Yönelen Düzensiz Göç Hareketleri: AB-Türkiye Mutabakatına Dayanan Geri Kabul Uygulamalarının Sığınmacıların Hakları Üzerindeki Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 71 - 260, 31.05.2021


Bu makalenin temel amacı, 18 Mart 2016 tarihli AB - Türkiye Mutabakatının, Mutabakat kapsamına giren kişilerin sığınma ile bağlantılı hakları üzerindeki etkilerinin değerlendirilmesidir. Sözü edilen değerlendirme; amaç, kapsam ve hukuki nitelik gibi Mutabakatın temel özelliklerini de kapsamasının yanında, Mutabakatın Yunanistan ve Türkiye uygulamaları üzerindeki yansımalarını da içermektedir. Makalede, 2015 yılında Türkiye’den Yunan adalarına yönelen ve Mutabakatın hazırlanmasına neden teşkil eden göç akının, bu akının kapsamındakilerin çoğunluğunun uluslararası korumaya ihtiyaç duyma olasılığı bulunmasına rağmen, AB tarafından sadece ‘düzensiz göç akını’ olarak nitelendirildiğinin altı çizilmiştir. Göç akınının sadece ‘düzensiz’ niteliğine odaklanmak suretiyle Mutabakat, AB’nin göç ve sığınmanın dışsallaştırılması politikasının da bir uzantısı olarak caydırıcı bir yaklaşım benimseyerek Yunanistan ve Türkiye’ye şu iki görevi yüklemiştir: Yunanistan için uzaklaştırma, Türkiye için geri kabul etme. Bu çerçeve içerisinde makale, Mutabakatın, ilgili göç akınının koruma ile alakalı niteliğini görmezden gelmesinin gerçek problemin varlığını ortadan kaldırmaya yetmediğini iddia etmektedir. Üstelik, Mutabakatın sığınma ile ilgili uygulama üzerindeki etkisi etkin bir koruma ve kalıcı çözümlere erişime duyulan ihtiyacı daha da alevlendirmiştir. Bu durum kendisini en belirgin şekilde, Türkiye ve Yunanistan sınırları arasında, binlerce kişinin, Türkiye’nin sınır kapılarından çıkışları engellemeyeceğini bildirmesi üzerine Yunanistan sınırına akın etmeleri esnasında aşırı derecede sert bir muamele ile karşılaşmaları olayında göstermiştir.


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There are 120 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Space, Maritime and Aviation Law
Journal Section Research Article

Neva Övünç Öztürk 0000-0002-8282-5430

Early Pub Date August 8, 2024
Publication Date May 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 3 Issue: 1


APA Öztürk, N. Ö. (2021). Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law, 3(1), 71-260.
AMA Öztürk NÖ. Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers. DEHUKAMDER. May 2021;3(1):71-260.
Chicago Öztürk, Neva Övünç. “Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers”. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law 3, no. 1 (May 2021): 71-260.
EndNote Öztürk NÖ (May 1, 2021) Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law 3 1 71–260.
IEEE N. Ö. Öztürk, “Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers”, DEHUKAMDER, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 71–260, 2021.
ISNAD Öztürk, Neva Övünç. “Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers”. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law 3/1 (May 2021), 71-260.
JAMA Öztürk NÖ. Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers. DEHUKAMDER. 2021;3:71–260.
MLA Öztürk, Neva Övünç. “Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers”. DEHUKAM Journal of the Sea and Maritime Law, vol. 3, no. 1, 2021, pp. 71-260.
Vancouver Öztürk NÖ. Irregular Migratory Movements from Turkey to Greek Islands: The Effect of the Readmissions Based on the EU - Turkey Statement Over the Rights of the Asylum Seekers. DEHUKAMDER. 2021;3(1):71-260.