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Year 2012, Issue: 34, 100 - 111, 01.12.2012


Dünyamız giderek insan etkileri yoluyla bozulmakta ve yaşanan ve yaşanacak problemlere çözümler bulacak genç nesillere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Gelecek nesillerin daha sağlıklı ve güvenilir bir ortamda yaşamalarını sağlamak için çevreye duyarlı bireyler yetiştirmek, bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Çevre eğitiminin önemi de buradan kaynaklanmaktadır. Çocuklar bizim geleceğimizdir. Toplum için en büyük görevlerden biri, herkes için sağlıklı, adil ve sürdürülebilir bir gelecek sağlamak için gerekli olan tutum, değer, bilgi ve becerileri çocuklara kazandırmaktır (Davis,1998). Okul öncesi eğitim, çocuklarda çevreyle ilgili tutum ve davranış geliştirmeleri açısından oldukça önemli bir yere sahiptir. Araştırmalar çevre bilgisi ve çevreye yönelik tutumun okul öncesi dönemde şekillenmeye başladığını, okul öncesi dönemde kazandırılan çevre bilincinin ileriki yıllarda da çevreye karşı olumlu tutum geliştirmede önemli yeri olduğunu ifade etmektedir (Smith, 2001). Son yıllarda Türkiye’de okul öncesi dönem çocuklarına yönelik çevre eğitimi çalışmaları artış göstermiştir, ancak bu araştırma alanında hala boşluklar vardır


  • Adkins, C. and Simmons. B. (2003) Outdoor, Experiential, and Environmental Education: Converging or Diverging Approaches?. ED467713. 2/outdoor.html (accessed 16 February 2011).
  • Akçay, İ. (2006) Environmental Education for Preschool and Elementary Students in Different Countries. Master's thesis. Uludağ University, Graduate School of Social Sciences. Bursa.
  • Akyüz,Y. (1979) Eğitimde Çocuk Doğa ve Çevre Korunması İlişkileri. Ankara University, Journal of Faculty Educational Sciences. 12(1),85-96.
  • Altın, B. N., and Oruç. S.(2008) Çocukluk Döneminde Doğa Sporlarının Çevre Eğitiminde Kullanımı. Çukurova University, Journal of Faculty Education,3(35),10-18.
  • Aral, N., Kandır, A. and Yaşar, M. C.(2002) Pre-School Education Programme. Ya-Pa Published, İstanbul.
  • Ayvaz, Z. and et al. (1998) Okul Öncesi Çevre Eğitimi. Çevre Koruma ve Araştırma Vakfı, Çevre Eğitimi Merkezi Yayınları. İzmir.
  • Basile, C. G. (2000) Environmental Education as a Catalyst for Transfer of Learning in Young Children. The Journal of Environmental Education, 32(1), 21–27.
  • Başal, H. A. (2005) Okul Öncesi Eğitiminde Uygulamalı Çevre Eğitimi. Erken Çocuklukta Gelişim ve Eğitimde Yeni Yaklaşımlar 2, Morpa Kültür Yayınları, pp.366-378, İstanbul.
  • Brynjegard, S. (2001) School Gardens: Raising Environmental Awareness in Children. ED452085. 0000b/80/25/70/e9.pdf
  • Davis, J. M. (1998) Young Children, Environmental Education and The Future. In: Graves, Norman (Ed) Education and the Environment. World Education Fellowship, London, pp. 141-154.
  • Doğan, M. (2007) Orta Öğretimde Çevre Eğitimi. Türkiye Çevre Vakfı Çevre Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 18-19 Ekim 2007, Türkiye Çevre Vakfı Yayını No:178:59-68,Ankara.
  • Erten, S. (2002) İlköğretimin 2. Kademesindeki (6.7.8. Sınıflar) Öğrencilerde Çevreye Yararlı Davranışların Araştırılması. V.Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongre Kitabı. Ankara.
  • Gayford, C. (1996) Environmental Education in Schools: An Alternative Framework. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 1(1), 104- 120.
  • Gülay, H., and Ekici, G. (2010) The Analysis of the Ministry of National Education PreSchool Education Programme in the sense of Environmental Education. Turkish Science Education, 7(1), March,74-84.
  • Günindi, Y. (2010) Investigation Of Preschool Teachers’ Behaviors Related To Environmental Awareness. Journal of Turkish Science Research. 3(3),292-297.
  • İleri, R. (1998) Environmental Education and Supplement, Journal of Environment. JuliAugust-September 7(28), 3-9.
  • Kahriman, D., and Karaarslan, G. (2010) The Impact of a Short Term Environmental Activity on Preschool Children’s Recycling Knowledge. ECER. 23-27 August, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Kıldan, O. and Pektaş, M. (2009) Preschool Teachers’ Views Regarding the Teaching of the Subjects Related To Science and Nature during Early Childhood. Ahi Evran University, Journal of Kırşehir Faculty of Education, 10(1),113-127.
  • Kuhlemeier, H., Van den Bergh, H. and Lagerweij, N. (1999) Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior in Dutch Secondary Education. Journal of Environmental Education, 30(2),4-14.
  • Louv, R. (2008). Last child in the woods: Saving our children from nature-deficit disorder. New York: Workman Publishing.
  • Myers, O. E., Saunders, C. D., and Garrett, E. (2004) What do children think animals need? Developmental trends. Environmental Education Research, 10(4),November, 545-562
  • Mooney, C. G. (2000) Theories of Childhood: an Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Redleaf Press, ISBN 188483485X Oluk, S. (2008) Okul Öncesi Dönemde Çevre Eğitimi. Ekoloji Magazin (Ocak-Mart),17.
  • Phenice, L. A. and Griffore, R. J. (2003). Young children and the natural world. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 4(2):167-171.
  • Russo, S. (2001) Promoting attitudes towards environmental education depends on early childhood education. Australian Primary and Junior Science Journal, 17(4):34-36.
  • Schultz, P.W. (2002). Knowledge, information and household recycling: Examining the knowledge-deficit model of behavior change. New Tools for Environmental ProtectionEducation, Information, and Voluntary Measures. (Ed. Thomas Dietz and Paul C. Stern). National Academy Press. Washington. pp 67- 82.
  • Seefeldt, C. (2005). How to work with standards in the early childhood classroom. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Sungurtekin, Ş. (2001) “Uygulamalı Çevre Eğitimi Projesi” Kapsamında Ana ve İlköğretim Okullarında Müzik Yoluyla Çevre Eğitimi. Uludağ University, Journal of Faculty Education, XIV(1):167-178.
  • Smith, A. (2001) Early childhood- A Wonderful Time for Science Learning. Australian Primary & Junior Journal, 17(2):52–55.
  • Şimşekli, Y. (2001) The Evolution of the Activities Done in the Schools Which Have Been Chosen For The Project Of “Applied Environmental Training” in Bursa on the Terms of the Contribution of the School Administrator and the Charged Teachers. Uludağ University, Journal of Faculty of Educational. XIV(1),73-84.
  • Talero, G. (2005) Literature Rewiew Environmental Education and Public Awareness. (accessed 11.01.2011).
  • Tubitak (2006) Vizyon 2023 Panel İçin Notlar. http://Vizyon2023.Tubitak.Gov.Tr/Teknolojiongorusu/Paneller/Cevrevesurdurulebilirka lkinma/Raporlar/Son/EK-16.Pdf (accessed 01.01.2011)
  • White, R. (2006) Young Children's Relationship With Nature: It’s Importance to Children's Development & The Earth's Future. (accessed 05.04.2011)
  • Wilson, R.A. (1993) The Importance of Environmental Education at The Early Childhood Level. International Journal of Environmental Education and Information,12,15-24.
  • Wilson, R. A. (1996) Starting Early: Environmental Education during the Early Childhood Years. Eric Educational Reports. (accessed 22.02.2011)


Year 2012, Issue: 34, 100 - 111, 01.12.2012


Environmental conditions on earth are rapidly deteriorating due to human impact. Young generations need to be educated who will be capable of dealing with the problems of the future. Creating environmental awareness has become a necessity so that people will live in a healthier and safer environment. Environmental education in early years is important since children are our future. Providing children with the attitudes, values, information and skills that are required for the creation of a healthy and sustainable future is among the most important duties of society (Davis, 1998). Preschool education plays a very important role in the development of children’s attitudes and behaviors towards the environment. Studies show that information about and attitudes towards the environment begin to take shape in the preschool period, and that environmental awareness acquired in preschool years is an important determinant of positive attitudes towards the environment in the future (Smith, 2001). Even though studies to provide preschool children with environmental training have shown increased in Turkey, in recent years, but there are still some spaces in this research area.


  • Adkins, C. and Simmons. B. (2003) Outdoor, Experiential, and Environmental Education: Converging or Diverging Approaches?. ED467713. 2/outdoor.html (accessed 16 February 2011).
  • Akçay, İ. (2006) Environmental Education for Preschool and Elementary Students in Different Countries. Master's thesis. Uludağ University, Graduate School of Social Sciences. Bursa.
  • Akyüz,Y. (1979) Eğitimde Çocuk Doğa ve Çevre Korunması İlişkileri. Ankara University, Journal of Faculty Educational Sciences. 12(1),85-96.
  • Altın, B. N., and Oruç. S.(2008) Çocukluk Döneminde Doğa Sporlarının Çevre Eğitiminde Kullanımı. Çukurova University, Journal of Faculty Education,3(35),10-18.
  • Aral, N., Kandır, A. and Yaşar, M. C.(2002) Pre-School Education Programme. Ya-Pa Published, İstanbul.
  • Ayvaz, Z. and et al. (1998) Okul Öncesi Çevre Eğitimi. Çevre Koruma ve Araştırma Vakfı, Çevre Eğitimi Merkezi Yayınları. İzmir.
  • Basile, C. G. (2000) Environmental Education as a Catalyst for Transfer of Learning in Young Children. The Journal of Environmental Education, 32(1), 21–27.
  • Başal, H. A. (2005) Okul Öncesi Eğitiminde Uygulamalı Çevre Eğitimi. Erken Çocuklukta Gelişim ve Eğitimde Yeni Yaklaşımlar 2, Morpa Kültür Yayınları, pp.366-378, İstanbul.
  • Brynjegard, S. (2001) School Gardens: Raising Environmental Awareness in Children. ED452085. 0000b/80/25/70/e9.pdf
  • Davis, J. M. (1998) Young Children, Environmental Education and The Future. In: Graves, Norman (Ed) Education and the Environment. World Education Fellowship, London, pp. 141-154.
  • Doğan, M. (2007) Orta Öğretimde Çevre Eğitimi. Türkiye Çevre Vakfı Çevre Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 18-19 Ekim 2007, Türkiye Çevre Vakfı Yayını No:178:59-68,Ankara.
  • Erten, S. (2002) İlköğretimin 2. Kademesindeki (6.7.8. Sınıflar) Öğrencilerde Çevreye Yararlı Davranışların Araştırılması. V.Ulusal Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik Eğitimi Kongre Kitabı. Ankara.
  • Gayford, C. (1996) Environmental Education in Schools: An Alternative Framework. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 1(1), 104- 120.
  • Gülay, H., and Ekici, G. (2010) The Analysis of the Ministry of National Education PreSchool Education Programme in the sense of Environmental Education. Turkish Science Education, 7(1), March,74-84.
  • Günindi, Y. (2010) Investigation Of Preschool Teachers’ Behaviors Related To Environmental Awareness. Journal of Turkish Science Research. 3(3),292-297.
  • İleri, R. (1998) Environmental Education and Supplement, Journal of Environment. JuliAugust-September 7(28), 3-9.
  • Kahriman, D., and Karaarslan, G. (2010) The Impact of a Short Term Environmental Activity on Preschool Children’s Recycling Knowledge. ECER. 23-27 August, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Kıldan, O. and Pektaş, M. (2009) Preschool Teachers’ Views Regarding the Teaching of the Subjects Related To Science and Nature during Early Childhood. Ahi Evran University, Journal of Kırşehir Faculty of Education, 10(1),113-127.
  • Kuhlemeier, H., Van den Bergh, H. and Lagerweij, N. (1999) Environmental Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior in Dutch Secondary Education. Journal of Environmental Education, 30(2),4-14.
  • Louv, R. (2008). Last child in the woods: Saving our children from nature-deficit disorder. New York: Workman Publishing.
  • Myers, O. E., Saunders, C. D., and Garrett, E. (2004) What do children think animals need? Developmental trends. Environmental Education Research, 10(4),November, 545-562
  • Mooney, C. G. (2000) Theories of Childhood: an Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget, Vygotsky, Redleaf Press, ISBN 188483485X Oluk, S. (2008) Okul Öncesi Dönemde Çevre Eğitimi. Ekoloji Magazin (Ocak-Mart),17.
  • Phenice, L. A. and Griffore, R. J. (2003). Young children and the natural world. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 4(2):167-171.
  • Russo, S. (2001) Promoting attitudes towards environmental education depends on early childhood education. Australian Primary and Junior Science Journal, 17(4):34-36.
  • Schultz, P.W. (2002). Knowledge, information and household recycling: Examining the knowledge-deficit model of behavior change. New Tools for Environmental ProtectionEducation, Information, and Voluntary Measures. (Ed. Thomas Dietz and Paul C. Stern). National Academy Press. Washington. pp 67- 82.
  • Seefeldt, C. (2005). How to work with standards in the early childhood classroom. New York: Teachers College Press.
  • Sungurtekin, Ş. (2001) “Uygulamalı Çevre Eğitimi Projesi” Kapsamında Ana ve İlköğretim Okullarında Müzik Yoluyla Çevre Eğitimi. Uludağ University, Journal of Faculty Education, XIV(1):167-178.
  • Smith, A. (2001) Early childhood- A Wonderful Time for Science Learning. Australian Primary & Junior Journal, 17(2):52–55.
  • Şimşekli, Y. (2001) The Evolution of the Activities Done in the Schools Which Have Been Chosen For The Project Of “Applied Environmental Training” in Bursa on the Terms of the Contribution of the School Administrator and the Charged Teachers. Uludağ University, Journal of Faculty of Educational. XIV(1),73-84.
  • Talero, G. (2005) Literature Rewiew Environmental Education and Public Awareness. (accessed 11.01.2011).
  • Tubitak (2006) Vizyon 2023 Panel İçin Notlar. http://Vizyon2023.Tubitak.Gov.Tr/Teknolojiongorusu/Paneller/Cevrevesurdurulebilirka lkinma/Raporlar/Son/EK-16.Pdf (accessed 01.01.2011)
  • White, R. (2006) Young Children's Relationship With Nature: It’s Importance to Children's Development & The Earth's Future. (accessed 05.04.2011)
  • Wilson, R.A. (1993) The Importance of Environmental Education at The Early Childhood Level. International Journal of Environmental Education and Information,12,15-24.
  • Wilson, R. A. (1996) Starting Early: Environmental Education during the Early Childhood Years. Eric Educational Reports. (accessed 22.02.2011)
There are 34 citations in total.


Other ID JA44VK22ER
Journal Section Articles

Sibel Yoleri This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Issue: 34


APA Yoleri, S. (2012). ÇOCUK VE ÇEVRE: OKUL ÖNCESİ ÇOCUKLAR ARASINDA ÇEVRE BİLİNCİ OLUŞTURMA. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(34), 100-111.