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Yıl 2014, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 1 - 44, 01.12.2014


The UN Watercourses Convention has finally entered into force on 17 August 2014 after 17 years of its conclusion. However, doubts and shadows over its universality and applicability, as it seems, have remained intact. In this short essay, we will consider its probable legal status after its entry into force. Hence, it is suggested to discuss this matter in four parts, arranged as follows: - Presentation of its articles, - Elaboration of objected articles by states, - Whether or not of its being international custom, - Legal status according to and after its entry into force
Presentation of its articles,
- Elaboration of objected articles by states,
- Whether or not of its being international custom,
- Legal status according to and after its entry into force


  • Aktaş Acabey, M.: Sınıraşan Sular: Hukukî Rejim, Dicle-Fırat ve Türkiye’nin Diğer Sınıraşan Suları, İstanbul, 2006.
  • Arcari, M.: The Codification of the Law of International Watercourses: The Draft Articles Adopted by the International Law Commission, Anuario de derecho internacional, vol. 13/1, 1997, s. 3-32.
  • Beaumont, P.: The 1997 UN Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: Its Strengths and Weaknesses from a Water Management Perspective and the Need for New Workable Guidelines, Water Resources Development, vol. 16/4, 2000, s. 475-495.
  • Berber, F.J.: Rivers in International Law (translated from German by Batstone), London, 1959.
  • Biswas, A.K.: Management of Transboundary Waters: An Overview, in Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes, edited by Varis & Tortajada & Biswas, Heidelberg, 2008, s. 1-20.
  • Boczek, B.A.: The A to Z of International Law, Lanham, 2010.
  • Bourne, C.B.: The Primacy of the Principle of Equitable Utilization in the 1997 Watercourses Convention, Canadian Yearbook of International Law, vol. 35, 1997, s. 215-232.
  • Burleson, E.: Middle Eastern and North African Hydropolitics: From Eddies of Indecision to Emerging International Law, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, vol. 18/2, 2006, s. 385-424.
  • Caflisch, L.C.: Regulation of the Uses of International Watercourses, in International Watercourses: Enhancing Cooperation and Managing Conflict, edited by Salman & Boisson de Chazournes, Washington D.C., 1999, s. 3-16.
  • Caflisch, L.C.: The Law of International Watercourses: Achievements and Challanges, in International Law and Freshwater: Multiple Challenges, edited by Boisson de Chazournes & Leb & Tignino, Cheshire, 2013, s. 24-34.
  • Caponera, D.A.: The Law of International Water Resources, FAO Legislative Study no: 23, Rome, 1980.
  • “Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses”, General Assembly 55th Session, New York, 1997 UN Doc A/51/PV.99 via 51/PV.99 (ziyaret tarihi: 25/08/14).
  • Demir, A.: Türkiye İçsularından Faydalanma, Ankara, 1969.
  • Demir, A.F.: Tarihsel Süreç İçinde Fırat-Dicle Sorunu’nun Siyasi Boyutu, in Coşkun Kırca’ya Armağan, İstanbul, 1995, s. 211-216.
  • Dinar, S.: International Water Treaties: Negotiation and Cooperation along Transboundary Rivers, Oxon, 2008.
  • Eagleton, C.: The Use of the Waters of International Rivers, Canadian Bar Review, vol. 33/9, 1955, s. 1018-1034.
  • Elwan, O.: Nile River, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2013 via (ziyaret tarihi: 28/04/13).
  • Epiney, A.: Lac Lanoux Arbitration, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2008 via (ziyaret tarihi: 04/11/08).
  • Fitzmaurice, M.: Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, Leiden Journal of International Law, vol. 10/3, 1997, s. 501-508105.
  • Garane, A. & Abdul-Kareem, T.: West Africa, in The UN Watercourses Convention in Force: Strengthening International Law for Transboundary Water Management, edited by Loures & Rieu-Clarke, London, 2014, s. 97-111.
  • Gervais, A.: L’affaire de lac Lanoux, Annuaire français de droit international, vol. 3, 1957, s. 178-180.
  • Gervais, A.: L’affaire de lac Lanoux, étude critique de la sentence arbitrale du Tribunal arbitral, Annuaire français de droit international, vol. 6, 1960, s. 372-434.
  • Kibaroğlu, A.: Fırat-Dicle Havzası Sınıraşan Su Politikalarının Evrimi: İşbirliği İçin Fırsatlar ve Tehditler, Ortadoğu Analiz, vol. 4/43, 2012, s. 70-83.
  • Lorenzmeier, S.: Lake Chad, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 04/08/10).
  • MacChesney, B.: Lake Lanoux Case (France-Spain), American Journal of International Law, vol. 53/1, 1959, s. 156-171.
  • Mantı, N.P.: Sınır Aşan Akifer Hukuku Hakkında Tasarı Maddeleri, Milletlerarası Hukuk & Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni, vol. 31/2, 2011, s. 301-311.
  • McCaffrey, S.C.: The Law of International Watercourses: Non-Navigational Uses, North Yorkshire, 2001.
  • McCaffrey, S.C.: The International Law Commission Adopts Draft Articles on Transboundary Aquifers, American Journal of International Law, vol. 103/2, 2009, s. 272-293.
  • McCaffrey, S.C. & Sinjela, M.A.: The 1997 United Nations Convention on International Watercourses, American Journal of International Law, vol. 92/1, 1998, s. 97-107.
  • Mechlem, K.: Moving Ahead in Protecting Freshwater Resources: The International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on Transboundary Aquifers, Leiden Journal of International Law, vol. 22/4, 2009, s. 801- 821.
  • Nollkaemper, A.: The Contribution of the International Law Commission to International Water Law: Does It Reverse the Flight from Substance?, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, vol. 27, 1996, s. 39-73.
  • Özbek Dalyan, D.: Birleşmiş Milletler Uluslararası Su Yollarının Seyrüsefer Dışı Kullanımı Hukukuna İlişkin Sözleşme, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, vol. 55/4, 1997, s. 363-377.
  • Öziş, Ü. & Özdemir, Y.: Fırat-Dicle Havzası ve Türkiye, in TMMOB 2. Su Politikaları Kongresi, Ankara, 2008, s. 433-443106.
  • Öziş, Ü. & Özdemir, Y.: Türkiye’nin Sınıraşan Akarsuları ve Fırat Dicle Havzası, in Sınıraşan Sular ve Türkiye, edited by Karpuzcu & Gürel & Bayar, İstanbul, 2009, s. 23-59107.
  • Rende, E.: Dünyanın Hızla Artan Su İhtiyacına Çözüm Arayışları: Dünya Üçüncü Su Forumu ve Bakanlar Konseyi, (tarih yok) via (ziyaret tarihi: 23/09/14).
  • Salman, S.M.A.: The Helsinki Rules, the UN Watercourses Convention and the Berlin Rules: Perspectives on International Water Law, Water Resources Development, vol. 23/4, 2007, s. 625-640.
  • Salman, S.M.A.: Niger River, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 04/10/10).
  • Salman, S.M.A.: Misconceptions Regarding the Interpretation of the UN Watercourses Convention, in The UN Watercourses Convention in Force: Strengthening International Law for Transboundary Water Management, edited Loures & Rieu-Clarke, London, 2014, s. 28-45. (Salman, 2014 (a))
  • Salman, S.M.A.: Entry into Force of the UN Watercourses Convention: Why Should It Matter?, Water International, 2014 via (ziyaret tarihi: 28/09/14). (Salman, 2014 (b))
  • Sar, C.: Uluslararası Nehirlerden Endüstriyel ve Tarımsal Amaçlarla Faydalanma Hakkı, Ankara, 1970.
  • Sauser-Hall, G.: L’utilisation industrielle des fleuves internationaux, Recueil des cours, vol. 83, 1953-II, 1953, s. 465-586.
  • Schroeder-Wildberg, E.: The 1997 International Watercourses ConventionBackground and Negotiations, Working Paper on Management in Environmental Planning 004/2002, Berlin, 2002 via 2.pdf (son ziyaret tarihi: 20/08/14).
  • Schwabach, A.: The United Nations Convention on the Law of NonNavigational Uses of International Watercourses, Customary International Law and the Interests of Developing Upper Riparians, Texas International Law Journal, vol. 33/2, 1998, s. 257-279.
  • Sergent, M.R.: Comparison of the Helsinki Rules to the 1997 U.N. Draft Articles: Will the Progression of International Watercourse Law Be Damned, Villanova Environmental Law Journal, vol. 8/2, 1997, s. 435- 477.
  • Smith, H.A.: The Economic Uses of International Rivers, London, 1931.
  • Stoa, R.B., The United Nations Watercourses Convention on the Dawn of Entry into Force, FIU Legal Studies Research Paper, no: 14-17, August 2014 via (ziyaret tarihi: 28/08/14)108.
  • Tanzi, A.: The Relationship between the 1992 UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes and the 1997 UN Convention on the Law of Non Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, Genèva, 2000.
  • Thirlway, H.W.A.: International Customary Law and Codification: An Examination of the Continuing Role of Custom in the Present Period of Codification of International Law, Leiden, 1972.
  • Toluner, S.: Milletlerarası Suyollarının Ulaşım-Dışı Kullanımları Hukuku Konusunda Son Gelişmeler, in Milletlerarası Hukuk Açısından Türkiye’nin Bazı Dış Politika Sorunları, genişletilmiş 2. baskı, edited by Toluner, İstanbul, 2004, s. 421-435109.
  • Tomanbay, M.: Turkey’s Approach to Utilization of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 22/2, 2000, s. 79-100.
  • Turton, A., The Southern African Hydropolitical Complex, in Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes, edited by Varis & Tortajada & Biswas, Heidelberg, 2008, s. 21-79.
  • Tütüncü, A.N.: Lanoux Gölü Hakem Mahkemesi Kararı: Hukukun Kodlaştırılmasında Örnek Olay Olarak Etkisi ve Kararın Özeti, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, vol. 56/1&4, 1998, s. 299-316.
  • Upadhye, S.: The International Watercourse: An Exploitable Resource for the Developing Nation under International Law?, Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law, vol. 8/1, 2000, s. 61-101.
  • Vinogradov, S.: Transboundary Water Resources in the Former Soviet Union: Between Conflict and Cooperation, Natural Resources Journal, vol. 36/2, 1996, s. 393-415.
  • Wolf, A.T. & Natharius, J.A. & Danielson, J.J. & Ward, B.S. & Pender, J.K.: International River Basins of the World, International Journal of Water Resources Development, vol. 15/4, 1999, s. 387-427.
  • Wouters, P.: The Legal Response to International Water Conflicts: The UN Watercourses Convention and Beyond, German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 42, 2000, s. 293-336.
  • Yamada, C.: Codification of the Law of Transboundary Aquifers (Groundwaters) by the United Nations, Water International, vol. 36/5, 2011, s. 557-565.

1997 Tarihli “Birleşmiş Milletler Uluslararası Suyollarının Seyrüsefer-Dışı Kullanım Hukukuna İlişkin Sözleşme”nin Yürürlüğe Girişine Dair Kısa Bir Değerlendirme

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2, 1 - 44, 01.12.2014


BM Suyolları Sözleşmesi, nihayet, kabûlünden 17 yıl sonra, 17 Ağustos 2014 tarihinde yürürlüğe girmiştir. Evrenselliğinin şüphesi ve uygulanabilirliği, görüldüğü üzere, sürmektedir. Bu kısa çalışmada, Sözleşmenin yürürlüğe girişinden sonraki muhtemel hukukî statüsü değerlendirilmeye çalışılacaktır. Bu itibarla, konunun incelenmesi şu şekilde düzenlenmiş dört kısımdan oluşmaktadır
Sözleşmenin maddelerinin değerlendirilmesi,
- Sözleşmenin devletler tarafından reddedilen maddelerinin irdelenmesi,
- Sözleşmenin uluslararası örf ve âdet kuralı teşkil edip etmediği,
- Sözleşmenin yürürlüğe girişi bağlamında ve sonrasında hukukî


  • Aktaş Acabey, M.: Sınıraşan Sular: Hukukî Rejim, Dicle-Fırat ve Türkiye’nin Diğer Sınıraşan Suları, İstanbul, 2006.
  • Arcari, M.: The Codification of the Law of International Watercourses: The Draft Articles Adopted by the International Law Commission, Anuario de derecho internacional, vol. 13/1, 1997, s. 3-32.
  • Beaumont, P.: The 1997 UN Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses: Its Strengths and Weaknesses from a Water Management Perspective and the Need for New Workable Guidelines, Water Resources Development, vol. 16/4, 2000, s. 475-495.
  • Berber, F.J.: Rivers in International Law (translated from German by Batstone), London, 1959.
  • Biswas, A.K.: Management of Transboundary Waters: An Overview, in Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes, edited by Varis & Tortajada & Biswas, Heidelberg, 2008, s. 1-20.
  • Boczek, B.A.: The A to Z of International Law, Lanham, 2010.
  • Bourne, C.B.: The Primacy of the Principle of Equitable Utilization in the 1997 Watercourses Convention, Canadian Yearbook of International Law, vol. 35, 1997, s. 215-232.
  • Burleson, E.: Middle Eastern and North African Hydropolitics: From Eddies of Indecision to Emerging International Law, Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, vol. 18/2, 2006, s. 385-424.
  • Caflisch, L.C.: Regulation of the Uses of International Watercourses, in International Watercourses: Enhancing Cooperation and Managing Conflict, edited by Salman & Boisson de Chazournes, Washington D.C., 1999, s. 3-16.
  • Caflisch, L.C.: The Law of International Watercourses: Achievements and Challanges, in International Law and Freshwater: Multiple Challenges, edited by Boisson de Chazournes & Leb & Tignino, Cheshire, 2013, s. 24-34.
  • Caponera, D.A.: The Law of International Water Resources, FAO Legislative Study no: 23, Rome, 1980.
  • “Convention on the Law of Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses”, General Assembly 55th Session, New York, 1997 UN Doc A/51/PV.99 via 51/PV.99 (ziyaret tarihi: 25/08/14).
  • Demir, A.: Türkiye İçsularından Faydalanma, Ankara, 1969.
  • Demir, A.F.: Tarihsel Süreç İçinde Fırat-Dicle Sorunu’nun Siyasi Boyutu, in Coşkun Kırca’ya Armağan, İstanbul, 1995, s. 211-216.
  • Dinar, S.: International Water Treaties: Negotiation and Cooperation along Transboundary Rivers, Oxon, 2008.
  • Eagleton, C.: The Use of the Waters of International Rivers, Canadian Bar Review, vol. 33/9, 1955, s. 1018-1034.
  • Elwan, O.: Nile River, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2013 via (ziyaret tarihi: 28/04/13).
  • Epiney, A.: Lac Lanoux Arbitration, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2008 via (ziyaret tarihi: 04/11/08).
  • Fitzmaurice, M.: Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, Leiden Journal of International Law, vol. 10/3, 1997, s. 501-508105.
  • Garane, A. & Abdul-Kareem, T.: West Africa, in The UN Watercourses Convention in Force: Strengthening International Law for Transboundary Water Management, edited by Loures & Rieu-Clarke, London, 2014, s. 97-111.
  • Gervais, A.: L’affaire de lac Lanoux, Annuaire français de droit international, vol. 3, 1957, s. 178-180.
  • Gervais, A.: L’affaire de lac Lanoux, étude critique de la sentence arbitrale du Tribunal arbitral, Annuaire français de droit international, vol. 6, 1960, s. 372-434.
  • Kibaroğlu, A.: Fırat-Dicle Havzası Sınıraşan Su Politikalarının Evrimi: İşbirliği İçin Fırsatlar ve Tehditler, Ortadoğu Analiz, vol. 4/43, 2012, s. 70-83.
  • Lorenzmeier, S.: Lake Chad, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 04/08/10).
  • MacChesney, B.: Lake Lanoux Case (France-Spain), American Journal of International Law, vol. 53/1, 1959, s. 156-171.
  • Mantı, N.P.: Sınır Aşan Akifer Hukuku Hakkında Tasarı Maddeleri, Milletlerarası Hukuk & Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bülteni, vol. 31/2, 2011, s. 301-311.
  • McCaffrey, S.C.: The Law of International Watercourses: Non-Navigational Uses, North Yorkshire, 2001.
  • McCaffrey, S.C.: The International Law Commission Adopts Draft Articles on Transboundary Aquifers, American Journal of International Law, vol. 103/2, 2009, s. 272-293.
  • McCaffrey, S.C. & Sinjela, M.A.: The 1997 United Nations Convention on International Watercourses, American Journal of International Law, vol. 92/1, 1998, s. 97-107.
  • Mechlem, K.: Moving Ahead in Protecting Freshwater Resources: The International Law Commission’s Draft Articles on Transboundary Aquifers, Leiden Journal of International Law, vol. 22/4, 2009, s. 801- 821.
  • Nollkaemper, A.: The Contribution of the International Law Commission to International Water Law: Does It Reverse the Flight from Substance?, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, vol. 27, 1996, s. 39-73.
  • Özbek Dalyan, D.: Birleşmiş Milletler Uluslararası Su Yollarının Seyrüsefer Dışı Kullanımı Hukukuna İlişkin Sözleşme, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, vol. 55/4, 1997, s. 363-377.
  • Öziş, Ü. & Özdemir, Y.: Fırat-Dicle Havzası ve Türkiye, in TMMOB 2. Su Politikaları Kongresi, Ankara, 2008, s. 433-443106.
  • Öziş, Ü. & Özdemir, Y.: Türkiye’nin Sınıraşan Akarsuları ve Fırat Dicle Havzası, in Sınıraşan Sular ve Türkiye, edited by Karpuzcu & Gürel & Bayar, İstanbul, 2009, s. 23-59107.
  • Rende, E.: Dünyanın Hızla Artan Su İhtiyacına Çözüm Arayışları: Dünya Üçüncü Su Forumu ve Bakanlar Konseyi, (tarih yok) via (ziyaret tarihi: 23/09/14).
  • Salman, S.M.A.: The Helsinki Rules, the UN Watercourses Convention and the Berlin Rules: Perspectives on International Water Law, Water Resources Development, vol. 23/4, 2007, s. 625-640.
  • Salman, S.M.A.: Niger River, Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, on-line edition, edited by Wolfrum, 2010 via (ziyaret tarihi: 04/10/10).
  • Salman, S.M.A.: Misconceptions Regarding the Interpretation of the UN Watercourses Convention, in The UN Watercourses Convention in Force: Strengthening International Law for Transboundary Water Management, edited Loures & Rieu-Clarke, London, 2014, s. 28-45. (Salman, 2014 (a))
  • Salman, S.M.A.: Entry into Force of the UN Watercourses Convention: Why Should It Matter?, Water International, 2014 via (ziyaret tarihi: 28/09/14). (Salman, 2014 (b))
  • Sar, C.: Uluslararası Nehirlerden Endüstriyel ve Tarımsal Amaçlarla Faydalanma Hakkı, Ankara, 1970.
  • Sauser-Hall, G.: L’utilisation industrielle des fleuves internationaux, Recueil des cours, vol. 83, 1953-II, 1953, s. 465-586.
  • Schroeder-Wildberg, E.: The 1997 International Watercourses ConventionBackground and Negotiations, Working Paper on Management in Environmental Planning 004/2002, Berlin, 2002 via 2.pdf (son ziyaret tarihi: 20/08/14).
  • Schwabach, A.: The United Nations Convention on the Law of NonNavigational Uses of International Watercourses, Customary International Law and the Interests of Developing Upper Riparians, Texas International Law Journal, vol. 33/2, 1998, s. 257-279.
  • Sergent, M.R.: Comparison of the Helsinki Rules to the 1997 U.N. Draft Articles: Will the Progression of International Watercourse Law Be Damned, Villanova Environmental Law Journal, vol. 8/2, 1997, s. 435- 477.
  • Smith, H.A.: The Economic Uses of International Rivers, London, 1931.
  • Stoa, R.B., The United Nations Watercourses Convention on the Dawn of Entry into Force, FIU Legal Studies Research Paper, no: 14-17, August 2014 via (ziyaret tarihi: 28/08/14)108.
  • Tanzi, A.: The Relationship between the 1992 UNECE Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes and the 1997 UN Convention on the Law of Non Navigational Uses of International Watercourses, Genèva, 2000.
  • Thirlway, H.W.A.: International Customary Law and Codification: An Examination of the Continuing Role of Custom in the Present Period of Codification of International Law, Leiden, 1972.
  • Toluner, S.: Milletlerarası Suyollarının Ulaşım-Dışı Kullanımları Hukuku Konusunda Son Gelişmeler, in Milletlerarası Hukuk Açısından Türkiye’nin Bazı Dış Politika Sorunları, genişletilmiş 2. baskı, edited by Toluner, İstanbul, 2004, s. 421-435109.
  • Tomanbay, M.: Turkey’s Approach to Utilization of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, Arab Studies Quarterly, vol. 22/2, 2000, s. 79-100.
  • Turton, A., The Southern African Hydropolitical Complex, in Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lakes, edited by Varis & Tortajada & Biswas, Heidelberg, 2008, s. 21-79.
  • Tütüncü, A.N.: Lanoux Gölü Hakem Mahkemesi Kararı: Hukukun Kodlaştırılmasında Örnek Olay Olarak Etkisi ve Kararın Özeti, İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Mecmuası, vol. 56/1&4, 1998, s. 299-316.
  • Upadhye, S.: The International Watercourse: An Exploitable Resource for the Developing Nation under International Law?, Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law, vol. 8/1, 2000, s. 61-101.
  • Vinogradov, S.: Transboundary Water Resources in the Former Soviet Union: Between Conflict and Cooperation, Natural Resources Journal, vol. 36/2, 1996, s. 393-415.
  • Wolf, A.T. & Natharius, J.A. & Danielson, J.J. & Ward, B.S. & Pender, J.K.: International River Basins of the World, International Journal of Water Resources Development, vol. 15/4, 1999, s. 387-427.
  • Wouters, P.: The Legal Response to International Water Conflicts: The UN Watercourses Convention and Beyond, German Yearbook of International Law, vol. 42, 2000, s. 293-336.
  • Yamada, C.: Codification of the Law of Transboundary Aquifers (Groundwaters) by the United Nations, Water International, vol. 36/5, 2011, s. 557-565.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Anıl Çamyamaç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Çamyamaç, Anıl. “1997 Tarihli ‘Birleşmiş Milletler Uluslararası Suyollarının Seyrüsefer-Dışı Kullanım Hukukuna İlişkin Sözleşme’nin Yürürlüğe Girişine Dair Kısa Bir Değerlendirme”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi 16, sy. 2 (Aralık 2014): 1-44. (ziyaret tarihi: 28/09/14).

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