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Hemşirelerin Periferal İntravenöz Kateter Girişimlerine İlişkin Bilgi Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 290 - 299, 01.11.2018


Giriş: Literatürde hemşirelerin periferal intravenöz kateter uygulama bilgi ve becerilerinin kateterizasyon işlem başarısına ve katetere bağlı komplikasyonların önlenmesine etki eden faktörlerden biri olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Amaç: Bu çalışma, hemşirelerin periferal intravenöz kateter girişimlerine ilişkin bilgi düzeylerinin incelenmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır. Yöntem: Bu çalışma kesitsel-tanımlayıcı bir çalışma olup, örneklemini 19 Haziran 2017-31 Ekim 2017 tarihleri arasında, iki üniversite hastanesi ve bir devlet hastanesinin tüm dâhili ve cerrahi birimlerinde çalışan ve araştırmaya katılmaya gönüllü olan 438 hemşire oluşturmuştur. Veriler “Tanıtıcı Özellikler Veri Formu” ve “Periferal İntravenöz Kataterizasyon Bilgi Formu” ile toplanmıştır. Veriler yüzdelik ve ki kare testleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Araştırmaya katılan hemşirelerin yaş ortalaması 33.77±7.29 ve %96.1’i kadındır. Eğitim durumları incelendiğinde %72.8’i lisans mezunu olup, ortalama hizmet süresi 11.59±7.86’dır. Hemşirelerin %41.6’sı periferal intravenöz girişime ilişkin eğitim aldığını ifade etmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda yaş, çalışılan klinik, kurumdaki pozisyon, sıklıkla çalışılan vardiya, toplam çalışma saati, çalışma koşullarını iyi olarak değerlendirme, meslekten memnuniyet düzeyi değişkenlerinin periferal intravenöz kateterizasyon uygulaması bilgi düzeyini etkilediği saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Araştırma sonucunda hemşirelerin periferal intravenöz kateterizasyon uygulaması bilgi düzeyi orta düzeydedir. Hemşirelerin bireysel ve kurumsal özellikleri dikkate alınarak eğitimlerin planlanması önerilmektedir.


  • Abadi, P., Etemadi, S.U., Abed Saeedi, Z.H. (2013).Investigating role of mechanical and chemical factors in the creation of peripheral vein in flammarion in hospitalization patients in hospital in Zahedan, Iran. Life Science Journal, 10 (1s): 379-383.
  • Aksoy, N., Polat, C. (2013). Akdeniz bölgesindeki bir ilde üç farklı hastanenin cerrahi birimlerinde çalışan hemşirelerin iş doyumu ve etkileyen faktörler. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 10(2): 45-53.
  • Atabek Aşti T, Karadağ A. (2014) Hemşirelik esasları, hemşirelik bilim ve sanatı. (ss. 817-851). İstanbul, Akademi Basın ve Yayıncılık.
  • Aygün, M., Erten, H. (2011). Hemşirelik uygulamalarında yeni bir yaklaşım: ultrasonografi eşliğinde periferal intravenöz kateter uygulaması. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 1:61-70.
  • Carr, P.J., Rippey, J.C., Budgeon, C.A., Cooke, M.L., Higgins. N., Rickard, C.M. (2016). İnsertion of peripheral ıntravenous cannulae in the emergency department: factors associated with first-time ınsertion success. Journal of Vascular Access, 17:182–90.
  • Carr PJ,Higgins NS, Cooke ML, Rippey J, Rickard CM, Tools,linical prediction rules, and algorithms for the ınsertion of peripheral ıntravenous catheters in adult hospitalized patients: a systematic scoping review of literature. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2017; 12(10):1-8.
  • Carroll, H., Bennett, S., Guideline: Peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC). Queensland Government2015;(Erişimtarihi:15Haziran2016).Erişimadresi:
  • Craven, F.R., Hirnle, J.C, Jensen, S.(Editörler). (2013) Fundamentals of nursing: human health and function. (7nd Ed., pp. 468-533). China: Wolters Kluwer Healty/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Cicolini, G., Bonghi, A.P., Di Labio, L., Di Mascio, R. (2009). Position of peripheral venous cannule and the incidence of thrombophlebitis: an observational study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65:1268-1273.
  • Dychter, S.S., Gold, D.A., Carson, D., Haller, M.(2012) Intravenous therapy: a review of complications and economic considerations of peripheral access. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 35(2): 84–91.
  • Erdoğan, C.B., Denat, Y. (2016). Periferik intravenöz kateter komlikasyonlarından flebit ve hemşirelik bakımı. Journal of Human Rhythm, 2(1):6-12.
  • Fields, J.M., Piela, N.E., Au, A.K., Ku, B.S. (2014) Risk factors associated with difficult venous access in adult ED patients. Journal of Emergency Medicine,32:1179–82.
  • Hadaway, L. (2012). Needlestick injuries, short peripheral catheters, and health care worker risks. Journal of Infusion Nursing 35(3): 164-78.
  • Helm, R., Klausner, J., Klemperer, J., Flint, L., Huang, E. (2015). Accepted but unacceptable: peripheral IV catheter failure. Infusion Nurses Society, 38(3): 189–203.
  • Higginson, R., Parry, A. (2011). Phlebitis: treatment, care and prevention. Nursing Times, 107(36): 18–21.
  • Ho, S.E., Liew, L.S., Tang, W.M. (2016). Nurses’ knowledge and practice in relation to peripheral intravenous catheter care. Med & Health, 11(2): 181-188.
  • Infusion Nurses Society (INS) IV Safety Practice Survey: data results on file . Norwood, MA:Infusion Nurses Society2013;Mayıs/Haziran.
  • Jacobson, A.F., Winslow, E.H. (2005). Variables influencing intravenous catheter insertion difficulty and failure: an analysis of 339 intravenous catheter insertions. Heart & Lung,34(5):345-359.
  • Kaçan, Y.C., Örsal, Ö., Köşgeroğlu, N. (2016). Hemşirelerde iş doyumu düzeyinin incelenmesi. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 18(2-3): 1-12.
  • Kalisch, B.J., Tschannen, D., Lee, H., Friese, C.R. (2012). Hospital variation in missed nursing care. American Journal Medical Quality, 26(4): 291–299.
  • Keleekai, N., Schuster, C., Murray, C., King, M., Stahl, B., Labrozzi, L. ve ark. (2016). İmproving nurses' peripheral ıntravenous catheter ınsertion knowledge, confidence, and skills using a simulation-based blended learning program. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 11(6):376-384.
  • Larsen, P., Eldridge, D., Brinkley, J., Newton, D., Goff, D., Hartzog, T. ve ark. (2010) Pediatric peripheral intravenous access: does nursing experience and competence really make a difference? Journal of Infusion Nursing, 33(4):226-235.
  • Lee, W.L., Chen, H.L., Tsai, T.Y., Lai, I.C., Chang, W.C. Huang, C.H. ve ark. (2009). Risk factors for peripheral intravenous catheter infection in hospitalized patients: a prospective study of 3165 patients. American Journal Infection Control, 37(8): 683-6.
  • Liu, Y., Aungsuroch, Y., Yunibhand, J. (2016). Job satisfaction in nursing: a concept analysis study. International Nursing Review, (63):84–91.
  • Lopez, V., Molassiotis, A., Chan, W., Ng, F. (2004). Wong E. An Intervention study to evaluate nursing management of peripheral intravascular devices. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 27(5):322-331.
  • Lorber, M., Savič, S.B. (2012). Job satisfaction of nurses and identifying factors of job satisfaction in Slovenian Hospitals. Croation Medical Journal, 53(3): 263–270.
  • Lyons, M.G., Kasker, J. (2012). Outcomes of a continuing education course on ıntravenous catheter ınsertion for experienced registered nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,43(4)177-181.
  • Milutinović, D., Simin, D., Zec, D. (2015). Risk factor for phlebitis: a questionnaire study of nurses’ perception. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 23(4): 677-84.
  • O’Connell, A., Lockwood, C., Thomas, P. (2008). Management of peripheral intravascular devices. The Joanna Briggs Institute Technical Report, 4(5):51-64b.
  • O’Connell, A., Lockwood, C., Thomas, P. (2008). Management of peripheral intravascular devices. The Joanna Briggs Institute Technical Report, 12(5): 1-4a.
  • O’Grady, N.P., Alexander, M., Burns, L.A., Dellinger, P., Garland, J., Heard, S.O. ve ark. (2017). Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections. American Journal Infection Control, (Erişimtarihi:21Ocak2018).Erişimadresi: Öztürk, H., Kasım, S., Kavgacı, A., Kaptan, D., İnce, G. (2015)Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin iş doyum düzeyleri. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi,18:1.
  • Rodriguez-Calero, M.A., Fernandez-Fernandez, I., Molero-Ballester, L.J., Matamalas-Massanet, C.,Moreno-Mejias, L.,Pedro-Gomez, J.E. ve ark. (2018). Risk factors for difficult peripheral venous cannulation in hospitalised patients. Protocol for a multicentre case–control study in 48 units of eight public hospitals in Spain. British Medical Journal Open, 8:1-6.
  • Sabri, A., Szalas, J., Holmes, K., Labib, L.,Mussivand, T. (2013). Failed attempts and improvement strategies in peripheral intravenous catheterization. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 23: 93–108.
  • Sarı, D., Eşer, İ., Akbıyık, A.. (2016). Periferik intravenöz kateterle ilişkili flebit ve hemşirelik bakımı. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(2): 2905-2920.
  • Saini, R., Agnihotri, M., Gupta, A.,Walia, I. (2011). Epidemiology of infiltration and phlebitis. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, 7(1):22-33.
  • Salgueiro Oliveira A, Parreira P, Veiga P. (2012). Incidence of phlebitis in patients with peripheral intravenous catheters: the influence of some risk factors. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(2): 32–39.
  • Sebbane, M., Claret, P.G., Lefebvre, S., Mercier, G., Rubenovitch, J., Jreige, R. ve ark. (2013) Predicting peripheral venous access difficulty in the emergency department using body mass index and a clinical evaluation of venous accessibility. Journal of Emergency Medicine,44:299–305.
  • Sharghi, R.A., Alami, A., Khosravan, S., Mansoorian, R.M., Ekrami A. (2015). Academic training and clinical placement problems to achieve nursing competency. Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism, 3(1): 15–20.
  • Tüfekci, G.F., Kurudirek, F., Baran, G. (2015) Çocuk hemşirelerinin iş tanımlama ve doyum düzeyleri. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi,4(1):70-83.
  • Uzun, Ö. (2010). Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin iş doyum düzeyleri ve iş doyumları ile ilgili bazı değişkenlerin incelenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Florance Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi, 18(1):1-9.
  • Vezzani A, Manca T, Vercelli A, Braghieri A, Magnacavallo A. (2013). Ultrasonography as a guide during vascular access procedures and in the diagnosis of complications. Journal of Ultrasound, 16:161–170.
  • Vizcarra, C., Cassutt, C., Corbitt, N., Richardson, D., Runde, D., Stafford, K., (2014). Recommendations for improving safety practices with short peripheral catheters. Journal of Infusion Nursing,37(2):121-124.
  • Wallis, M., McGrail, M., Webster, J., Marsh, N., Gowardman, J., Playford, G. ve ark. (2014) Risk factors for peripheral ıntravenous catheter failure: a multivariate analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial. İnfection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 35(1); 63-67.
  • Woody, G.,Davis, B. (2013). Increasing nurse competence in peripheral intravenous therapy. Infusion Nurses Society 6:413-419.

Evaluation of Nurses' Knowledge Levels About Peripheral Intravenous Catheter Initiatives

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 290 - 299, 01.11.2018


Background: In literature, peripheral intravenous catheter application knowledge and skills of nurses are defined as one of the factors affecting the success of catheterization procedure and prevention of catheter related complications. Objectives: This study was planned to examine the knowledge levels of nurses about peripheral intravenous catheterization. Methods: The sample of this descriptive cross-sectional study consisted of 438 nurses who were working in the internal units and surgical units of two university hospitals and a state hospital between July-October, 2017 and who volunteered to participate in the study. The data were collected using the Introductory Information Form and the Peripheral Intravenous Catheterization Information Form. Data analysis was performed using percentages and chi-square tests. Results: The participants’ average age was 33.77±7.29, 96.1% were female, and 72.8% had a bachelor’s degree. Their mean work period was 11.59±7.86 years, and 41.6% had received education on peripheral intravenous interventions. The results from this study showed that the nurses’ knowledge on peripheral intravenous catheterization was affected by their age, the clinic where they work, the shift they regularly worked, total working hours, their positive evaluations on the working conditions, and their level of satisfaction with the profession. Conclusion: As a result of the research, the knowledge level of nurses about application of peripheral intravenous catheterization is moderate. It is suggested to plan the trainings considering the individual and institutional characteristics of the nurses.


  • Abadi, P., Etemadi, S.U., Abed Saeedi, Z.H. (2013).Investigating role of mechanical and chemical factors in the creation of peripheral vein in flammarion in hospitalization patients in hospital in Zahedan, Iran. Life Science Journal, 10 (1s): 379-383.
  • Aksoy, N., Polat, C. (2013). Akdeniz bölgesindeki bir ilde üç farklı hastanenin cerrahi birimlerinde çalışan hemşirelerin iş doyumu ve etkileyen faktörler. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi, 10(2): 45-53.
  • Atabek Aşti T, Karadağ A. (2014) Hemşirelik esasları, hemşirelik bilim ve sanatı. (ss. 817-851). İstanbul, Akademi Basın ve Yayıncılık.
  • Aygün, M., Erten, H. (2011). Hemşirelik uygulamalarında yeni bir yaklaşım: ultrasonografi eşliğinde periferal intravenöz kateter uygulaması. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 1:61-70.
  • Carr, P.J., Rippey, J.C., Budgeon, C.A., Cooke, M.L., Higgins. N., Rickard, C.M. (2016). İnsertion of peripheral ıntravenous cannulae in the emergency department: factors associated with first-time ınsertion success. Journal of Vascular Access, 17:182–90.
  • Carr PJ,Higgins NS, Cooke ML, Rippey J, Rickard CM, Tools,linical prediction rules, and algorithms for the ınsertion of peripheral ıntravenous catheters in adult hospitalized patients: a systematic scoping review of literature. Journal of Hospital Medicine 2017; 12(10):1-8.
  • Carroll, H., Bennett, S., Guideline: Peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC). Queensland Government2015;(Erişimtarihi:15Haziran2016).Erişimadresi:
  • Craven, F.R., Hirnle, J.C, Jensen, S.(Editörler). (2013) Fundamentals of nursing: human health and function. (7nd Ed., pp. 468-533). China: Wolters Kluwer Healty/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  • Cicolini, G., Bonghi, A.P., Di Labio, L., Di Mascio, R. (2009). Position of peripheral venous cannule and the incidence of thrombophlebitis: an observational study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65:1268-1273.
  • Dychter, S.S., Gold, D.A., Carson, D., Haller, M.(2012) Intravenous therapy: a review of complications and economic considerations of peripheral access. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 35(2): 84–91.
  • Erdoğan, C.B., Denat, Y. (2016). Periferik intravenöz kateter komlikasyonlarından flebit ve hemşirelik bakımı. Journal of Human Rhythm, 2(1):6-12.
  • Fields, J.M., Piela, N.E., Au, A.K., Ku, B.S. (2014) Risk factors associated with difficult venous access in adult ED patients. Journal of Emergency Medicine,32:1179–82.
  • Hadaway, L. (2012). Needlestick injuries, short peripheral catheters, and health care worker risks. Journal of Infusion Nursing 35(3): 164-78.
  • Helm, R., Klausner, J., Klemperer, J., Flint, L., Huang, E. (2015). Accepted but unacceptable: peripheral IV catheter failure. Infusion Nurses Society, 38(3): 189–203.
  • Higginson, R., Parry, A. (2011). Phlebitis: treatment, care and prevention. Nursing Times, 107(36): 18–21.
  • Ho, S.E., Liew, L.S., Tang, W.M. (2016). Nurses’ knowledge and practice in relation to peripheral intravenous catheter care. Med & Health, 11(2): 181-188.
  • Infusion Nurses Society (INS) IV Safety Practice Survey: data results on file . Norwood, MA:Infusion Nurses Society2013;Mayıs/Haziran.
  • Jacobson, A.F., Winslow, E.H. (2005). Variables influencing intravenous catheter insertion difficulty and failure: an analysis of 339 intravenous catheter insertions. Heart & Lung,34(5):345-359.
  • Kaçan, Y.C., Örsal, Ö., Köşgeroğlu, N. (2016). Hemşirelerde iş doyumu düzeyinin incelenmesi. Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi, 18(2-3): 1-12.
  • Kalisch, B.J., Tschannen, D., Lee, H., Friese, C.R. (2012). Hospital variation in missed nursing care. American Journal Medical Quality, 26(4): 291–299.
  • Keleekai, N., Schuster, C., Murray, C., King, M., Stahl, B., Labrozzi, L. ve ark. (2016). İmproving nurses' peripheral ıntravenous catheter ınsertion knowledge, confidence, and skills using a simulation-based blended learning program. Society for Simulation in Healthcare, 11(6):376-384.
  • Larsen, P., Eldridge, D., Brinkley, J., Newton, D., Goff, D., Hartzog, T. ve ark. (2010) Pediatric peripheral intravenous access: does nursing experience and competence really make a difference? Journal of Infusion Nursing, 33(4):226-235.
  • Lee, W.L., Chen, H.L., Tsai, T.Y., Lai, I.C., Chang, W.C. Huang, C.H. ve ark. (2009). Risk factors for peripheral intravenous catheter infection in hospitalized patients: a prospective study of 3165 patients. American Journal Infection Control, 37(8): 683-6.
  • Liu, Y., Aungsuroch, Y., Yunibhand, J. (2016). Job satisfaction in nursing: a concept analysis study. International Nursing Review, (63):84–91.
  • Lopez, V., Molassiotis, A., Chan, W., Ng, F. (2004). Wong E. An Intervention study to evaluate nursing management of peripheral intravascular devices. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 27(5):322-331.
  • Lorber, M., Savič, S.B. (2012). Job satisfaction of nurses and identifying factors of job satisfaction in Slovenian Hospitals. Croation Medical Journal, 53(3): 263–270.
  • Lyons, M.G., Kasker, J. (2012). Outcomes of a continuing education course on ıntravenous catheter ınsertion for experienced registered nurses. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,43(4)177-181.
  • Milutinović, D., Simin, D., Zec, D. (2015). Risk factor for phlebitis: a questionnaire study of nurses’ perception. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 23(4): 677-84.
  • O’Connell, A., Lockwood, C., Thomas, P. (2008). Management of peripheral intravascular devices. The Joanna Briggs Institute Technical Report, 4(5):51-64b.
  • O’Connell, A., Lockwood, C., Thomas, P. (2008). Management of peripheral intravascular devices. The Joanna Briggs Institute Technical Report, 12(5): 1-4a.
  • O’Grady, N.P., Alexander, M., Burns, L.A., Dellinger, P., Garland, J., Heard, S.O. ve ark. (2017). Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections. American Journal Infection Control, (Erişimtarihi:21Ocak2018).Erişimadresi: Öztürk, H., Kasım, S., Kavgacı, A., Kaptan, D., İnce, G. (2015)Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin iş doyum düzeyleri. Anadolu Hemşirelik ve Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi,18:1.
  • Rodriguez-Calero, M.A., Fernandez-Fernandez, I., Molero-Ballester, L.J., Matamalas-Massanet, C.,Moreno-Mejias, L.,Pedro-Gomez, J.E. ve ark. (2018). Risk factors for difficult peripheral venous cannulation in hospitalised patients. Protocol for a multicentre case–control study in 48 units of eight public hospitals in Spain. British Medical Journal Open, 8:1-6.
  • Sabri, A., Szalas, J., Holmes, K., Labib, L.,Mussivand, T. (2013). Failed attempts and improvement strategies in peripheral intravenous catheterization. Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 23: 93–108.
  • Sarı, D., Eşer, İ., Akbıyık, A.. (2016). Periferik intravenöz kateterle ilişkili flebit ve hemşirelik bakımı. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(2): 2905-2920.
  • Saini, R., Agnihotri, M., Gupta, A.,Walia, I. (2011). Epidemiology of infiltration and phlebitis. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, 7(1):22-33.
  • Salgueiro Oliveira A, Parreira P, Veiga P. (2012). Incidence of phlebitis in patients with peripheral intravenous catheters: the influence of some risk factors. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(2): 32–39.
  • Sebbane, M., Claret, P.G., Lefebvre, S., Mercier, G., Rubenovitch, J., Jreige, R. ve ark. (2013) Predicting peripheral venous access difficulty in the emergency department using body mass index and a clinical evaluation of venous accessibility. Journal of Emergency Medicine,44:299–305.
  • Sharghi, R.A., Alami, A., Khosravan, S., Mansoorian, R.M., Ekrami A. (2015). Academic training and clinical placement problems to achieve nursing competency. Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism, 3(1): 15–20.
  • Tüfekci, G.F., Kurudirek, F., Baran, G. (2015) Çocuk hemşirelerinin iş tanımlama ve doyum düzeyleri. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi,4(1):70-83.
  • Uzun, Ö. (2010). Bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan hemşirelerin iş doyum düzeyleri ve iş doyumları ile ilgili bazı değişkenlerin incelenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Florance Nightingale Hemşirelik Dergisi, 18(1):1-9.
  • Vezzani A, Manca T, Vercelli A, Braghieri A, Magnacavallo A. (2013). Ultrasonography as a guide during vascular access procedures and in the diagnosis of complications. Journal of Ultrasound, 16:161–170.
  • Vizcarra, C., Cassutt, C., Corbitt, N., Richardson, D., Runde, D., Stafford, K., (2014). Recommendations for improving safety practices with short peripheral catheters. Journal of Infusion Nursing,37(2):121-124.
  • Wallis, M., McGrail, M., Webster, J., Marsh, N., Gowardman, J., Playford, G. ve ark. (2014) Risk factors for peripheral ıntravenous catheter failure: a multivariate analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial. İnfection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 35(1); 63-67.
  • Woody, G.,Davis, B. (2013). Increasing nurse competence in peripheral intravenous therapy. Infusion Nurses Society 6:413-419.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Nursing
Journal Section Research Article

Sevgi Aydın This is me 0000-0001-5145-0747

Gülşah Gürol Arslan This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 11 Issue: 4


APA Aydın, S., & Gürol Arslan, G. (2018). Hemşirelerin Periferal İntravenöz Kateter Girişimlerine İlişkin Bilgi Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 11(4), 290-299.

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