Background: Nurses who do not perceive enough organizational support may bear negative emotions against their administrators and institutions. Job performance and the quality of patient care can be affected substantially by nurses who have negative emotions and are not being supported. Objectives: This descriptive and correlational research was carried out to determine the effect of nurses' perceptions of organizational support on organizational cynicism. Methods: The study data were collected between January and March 2014 from 220 nurses who work at a university hospital. The data were collected using the Demographic Form, the Perceived Organizational Support Scale and the Organizational Cynicism Scale. Permissions from the owners of the scales, ethical board approval and permission from the institution were obtained before collecting data. The data were analyzed with a computer using frequency and percentage distributions, descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation analysis and simple linear regression analysis. Results: The organizational support perceptions of the nurses (Mean = 76.10 ± 15.94) and organizational cynicism levels (Mean=38.14 ± 9.26) were moderate. According to the simple linear regression, there is a negative, medium level and meaningful relation between perceived organizational support and organizational cynicism (R=.418, R2 = .175, p < 0.05). Perceived organizational support explains 18% of organizational cynicism. Conclusion: This study found that perceived organizational support reduced organizational cynicism and that organizational support negatively affect organizational cynicism.
1. Köse S, Gönüllüoğlu S. A research aimed at determining the effect of organizational support on organizational commitment. Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences. 2010; 27:85–94.
2. Taştan S, İşçi E, Arslan B. The examination of the effects of perceived organizational support on job alienation and organizational commitment: a study on private hospitals in Istanbul. The Journal of Social Sciences Institute of Pamukkale University. 2014; 19:121–138.
3. Çobanoğlu F, Derinbay D. The perceived organizational support level of primary school teachers. Pamukkale University Journal of Education.2016;40:176-190.
4. İplik E, İplik FN, Efeoğlu İE. The role of organizational identification on the influence of employers’ perceptions of organizational support upon the organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies. 2014;6(12):109–122.
5. Akkoç İ, Çalışkan A, Turunç Ö. The effect of development culture and perceived organizational support to the job satisfaction and job performance: the mediating role of trust. Celal Bayar University The Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Journal of Management and Economics. 2012;19(1):105–135.
6. Kasalak G, Aksu MB. The relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational cynicism of research assistants. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice. 2014;14(1):125-133.
7. Karacaoğlu K, Arslan F. The effect of workers’ perceived organizational support on their burnout: an application on manufacturing industry in Kayseri. Dokuz Eylul University The Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences. 2013;15(3):457–476.
8. Akın M. The effects of organizational support, social support and work/family conflicts on life satisfaction. Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences. 2008;25(2):141–170.
9. Eğriboyun D. The relation between organizational trust and organizational support perceptions of the administrators and teachers who are charged in secondary education schools. Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences. 2013;12: 17–43.
10. Polat S, Aktop E. Effects of teachers’ emotional intelligence and organizational support perceptions on entrepreneurship behaviours. Academic Sight. 2010; 22:1–20.
11. Turgut H. The mediating role of internal entrepreneurship in the effect of perceived organizational support to the business performance. Journal of Business Research. 2014;6(3):29–62.
12. Aly NAEM, Ghanem M, El-Shanawany S. Organizational cynicism and its consequences on nurses and quality of care in critical care and toxicology units. Journal of Education and Practice. 2016;7(8):85-96.
13. Demir M. The relationship among organizational support, organizational commitment and turnover intention: a research in ground handling business. “İş, Güç” The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources. 2012;14(1):47–64.
14. Nartgün ŞS, Kalay M. Teachers’ opinions about their levels of organizational support and organizational identification with organizational cynicism. International Periodical for The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic. 2014;9(2):1361–1376.
15. İçerli L, Yıldırım MH. The relationship between organization organizational cynicism and organizational citizenship behavior: a research in health sector. Journal of Organization and Management Studies. 2012;4(1):167–176.
16. Özler DE, Atalay CG, Şahin MD. Does the cynicism contaminate in organizations with distrustfulness? Journal of Organization and Management Studies. 2010;2 (2):47–57.
17. Üçok D, Torun A. The effects of negative attitudes and expectations on burnout: a study on cynical attitudes and perceived psychological contract breach. Atatürk University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 2014;28(1): 231–250.
18. Yıldız K, Akgün N, Yıldız S. The relationship between work alienation and organizational cynicism. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies. 2013;6(6):1253–1284.
19. Rehan M, Iqbal MZ, Fatima A, Nawab S. Organizational cynicism and its relationship with employee’s performance in teaching hospitals of Pakistan. International Journal of Economics & Management Science. 2017;6(3): 413.
20. Volpe RL, Mohammed S, Hopkins M, Shapiro D, Dellasega C. The negative impact of organizational cynicism on physicians and nurses. Health Care Manager. 2014;33(4):276–288.
21. Brandes P, Dharwadkar R, Dean JW. Does organizational cynicism matter? employee and supervisor perspectives on work outcomes. Eastern Academy of Management Electronic Proceedings; 1999 [online]. URL: 09 Nisan 2018.
22. Durmuş V, Şahin B. A study about the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational learning in hospitals. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2015;14(6):438-447.
23. Erdoğan P, Bedük A. Evaluation of cynicism in terms of organizational citizenship behavior in terms: a study in health sector. Selcuk University The Journal of Social and Technical Researches. 2013;3(6):17–36.
24. Topçu İ, Ünaldı N, Bacaksız FE, Şen HT, Karadal A, Yıldırım A. The relationships between general and organizational cynicism: a study among healthcare professionals. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2017;10(1):216-224.
25. Öztürk Z, Kahraman N. A study of organizational cynicism level for the measurement of health workers. Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges. 2015; 14:339–358.
26. Tayfun A, Çatır O. Organizational cynicism levels of the nurses. Journal of Business Research. 2014;6(1):347–365.
27. Taslak S, Dalgın T. The effects of attribution levels on organizational cynicism: study on health care workers. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Researches. 2015; 34:139–158.
28. Tokgöz N. The relationship among organizational cynicism, organizational support and organizational justice: a case of electricity distribution company employees. Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences.2011;6(2):363–387.
Hemşirelerin Örgütsel Destek Algısının Örgütsel Sinizm Üzerine Etkisi
Giriş: Yeterince örgütsel destek görmeyen hemşireler, yöneticilerine ve kurumlarına karşı olumsuz duygular taşıyabilir. İş performansı ve hasta bakımının kalitesi, olumsuz duyguları olan ve desteklenmeyen hemşireler tarafından önemli ölçüde etkilenebilir. Amaç: Bu tanımlayıcı ve korelasyonel araştırma, hemşirelerin örgütsel destek algılarının örgütsel sinizm üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırma verileri Ocak ve Mart 2014 tarihleri arasında bir üniversite hastanesinde çalışan 220 hemşireden toplanmıştır. Veriler, Tanıtıcı Özellikler Formu, Algılanan Örgütsel Destek Ölçeği ve Örgütsel Sinizm Ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasından önce, ölçek sahiplerinden izinler, etik kurul onayı ve kurum izni alındı. Veriler, frekans ve yüzde dağılımları, tanımlayıcı istatistikler, Pearson korelasyon analizi ve basit doğrusal regresyon analizi kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Araştırma verilerinin değerlendirilmesi sonucunda hemşirelerin örgütsel destek algıları (X̄ = 76.10 ± 15.94) ve örgütsel sinizm düzeyleri (X̄ = 38.14 ± 9.26) orta düzeyde saptanmıştır. Basit doğrusal regresyon analizi sonucuna göre, algılanan örgütsel destek ile örgütsel sinizm arasında negatif, orta düzeyde ve anlamlı bir ilişki (R = .418, R2 = .175, p <0.05) olduğu ve algılanan örgütsel desteğin örgütsel sinizmin %18'ini açıkladığı belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada algılanan örgütsel desteğin örgütsel sinizmi olumsuz etkilediği ve algılanan örgütsel desteğin örgütsel sinizmi azalttığı ortaya çıkmıştır.
1. Köse S, Gönüllüoğlu S. A research aimed at determining the effect of organizational support on organizational commitment. Dumlupınar University Journal of Social Sciences. 2010; 27:85–94.
2. Taştan S, İşçi E, Arslan B. The examination of the effects of perceived organizational support on job alienation and organizational commitment: a study on private hospitals in Istanbul. The Journal of Social Sciences Institute of Pamukkale University. 2014; 19:121–138.
3. Çobanoğlu F, Derinbay D. The perceived organizational support level of primary school teachers. Pamukkale University Journal of Education.2016;40:176-190.
4. İplik E, İplik FN, Efeoğlu İE. The role of organizational identification on the influence of employers’ perceptions of organizational support upon the organizational citizenship behavior. International Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies. 2014;6(12):109–122.
5. Akkoç İ, Çalışkan A, Turunç Ö. The effect of development culture and perceived organizational support to the job satisfaction and job performance: the mediating role of trust. Celal Bayar University The Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Journal of Management and Economics. 2012;19(1):105–135.
6. Kasalak G, Aksu MB. The relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational cynicism of research assistants. Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice. 2014;14(1):125-133.
7. Karacaoğlu K, Arslan F. The effect of workers’ perceived organizational support on their burnout: an application on manufacturing industry in Kayseri. Dokuz Eylul University The Journal of Graduate School of Social Sciences. 2013;15(3):457–476.
8. Akın M. The effects of organizational support, social support and work/family conflicts on life satisfaction. Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences. 2008;25(2):141–170.
9. Eğriboyun D. The relation between organizational trust and organizational support perceptions of the administrators and teachers who are charged in secondary education schools. Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences. 2013;12: 17–43.
10. Polat S, Aktop E. Effects of teachers’ emotional intelligence and organizational support perceptions on entrepreneurship behaviours. Academic Sight. 2010; 22:1–20.
11. Turgut H. The mediating role of internal entrepreneurship in the effect of perceived organizational support to the business performance. Journal of Business Research. 2014;6(3):29–62.
12. Aly NAEM, Ghanem M, El-Shanawany S. Organizational cynicism and its consequences on nurses and quality of care in critical care and toxicology units. Journal of Education and Practice. 2016;7(8):85-96.
13. Demir M. The relationship among organizational support, organizational commitment and turnover intention: a research in ground handling business. “İş, Güç” The Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources. 2012;14(1):47–64.
14. Nartgün ŞS, Kalay M. Teachers’ opinions about their levels of organizational support and organizational identification with organizational cynicism. International Periodical for The Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic. 2014;9(2):1361–1376.
15. İçerli L, Yıldırım MH. The relationship between organization organizational cynicism and organizational citizenship behavior: a research in health sector. Journal of Organization and Management Studies. 2012;4(1):167–176.
16. Özler DE, Atalay CG, Şahin MD. Does the cynicism contaminate in organizations with distrustfulness? Journal of Organization and Management Studies. 2010;2 (2):47–57.
17. Üçok D, Torun A. The effects of negative attitudes and expectations on burnout: a study on cynical attitudes and perceived psychological contract breach. Atatürk University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. 2014;28(1): 231–250.
18. Yıldız K, Akgün N, Yıldız S. The relationship between work alienation and organizational cynicism. The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies. 2013;6(6):1253–1284.
19. Rehan M, Iqbal MZ, Fatima A, Nawab S. Organizational cynicism and its relationship with employee’s performance in teaching hospitals of Pakistan. International Journal of Economics & Management Science. 2017;6(3): 413.
20. Volpe RL, Mohammed S, Hopkins M, Shapiro D, Dellasega C. The negative impact of organizational cynicism on physicians and nurses. Health Care Manager. 2014;33(4):276–288.
21. Brandes P, Dharwadkar R, Dean JW. Does organizational cynicism matter? employee and supervisor perspectives on work outcomes. Eastern Academy of Management Electronic Proceedings; 1999 [online]. URL: 09 Nisan 2018.
22. Durmuş V, Şahin B. A study about the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational learning in hospitals. TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin. 2015;14(6):438-447.
23. Erdoğan P, Bedük A. Evaluation of cynicism in terms of organizational citizenship behavior in terms: a study in health sector. Selcuk University The Journal of Social and Technical Researches. 2013;3(6):17–36.
24. Topçu İ, Ünaldı N, Bacaksız FE, Şen HT, Karadal A, Yıldırım A. The relationships between general and organizational cynicism: a study among healthcare professionals. International Journal of Caring Sciences. 2017;10(1):216-224.
25. Öztürk Z, Kahraman N. A study of organizational cynicism level for the measurement of health workers. Electronic Journal of Vocational Colleges. 2015; 14:339–358.
26. Tayfun A, Çatır O. Organizational cynicism levels of the nurses. Journal of Business Research. 2014;6(1):347–365.
27. Taslak S, Dalgın T. The effects of attribution levels on organizational cynicism: study on health care workers. Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Researches. 2015; 34:139–158.
28. Tokgöz N. The relationship among organizational cynicism, organizational support and organizational justice: a case of electricity distribution company employees. Eskişehir Osmangazi University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences.2011;6(2):363–387.
Yavuzer Zan, S., & Altuntaş, S. (2019). The Effect of Nurses’ Perceptions of Organizational Support on Organizational Cynicism. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 12(2), 100-106.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi ULAKBİM Türk Tıp Dizini, Türk Medline, Türkiye Atıf Dizini, Şubat 2021 tarihinden beri EBSCO Host ve 26 Ekim 2021 tarihinden itibaren DOAJ ve 18 Ocak 2022 tarihinden beri Index Copernicus tarafından indekslenmektedir.