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Year 2016, , 337 - 360, 15.04.2016


Bu makalede, Arapça
ve Farsça yazılmış çeşitli tarih ve seyahat metinlerinde yer alan bazı başlıca
yogi değerlendirmelerine yer verilmekte ve bu değerlendirmeler kısaca analiz


  • Abu al-Fazl `Allami. The A'in-i Akbari. H. S. Jarrett, trans., Jadunath Sarkar, revised 2nd ed., Calcutta, 1948; reprint ed., New Delhi, 1978.
  • Alam, Muzaffar & Sanjay Subrahmanyam. “Empiricism of the Heart: Close Encounters in an 18th-Century Indo-Persian Text.” Studies in History 15/2, n.s. (1999): 261-291.
  • Anomim (bilinmeyen yazar). Silsile-i Cugiyân. MS 2974 Ethé, India Office Library, London (McKenzie MS 3087).
  • Babur Padshah Ghazi, Zahiru'd-din Muhammad. Babur-nama (Memoirs of Babur). Annette Susannah Beveridge, trans. New Delhi, 1979 [1922].
  • Bada'uni, `Abd al-Qadir ibn Muluk Shah. Muntakhab ut-tawarikh. George S. A. Ranking, W. H. Lowe & Wolseley Haig, trans. 3 vols., Calcutta, 1898-1925.
  • Belhî, Mahmud Ibn Emir Veli. Bahru’l-Esrar fî Menâkibi’l-Ahyâr. Riazul Islam, ed., Karachi, 1980.
  • Bouillier, Véronique. Ascètes et rois: Un monastère de Kanphata Yogis au Népal. Paris, 1997.
  • Afsus, Shir `Ali Khan. Arayish-i Mahfil. Kalb `Ali Khan Fa'iq, ed., Urdu ka Klasiki Adab, 31. Lahore, 1963.
  • Chaturman, Ray. Chahar Gulshan. MS 542, H.L. 92, Khudabakhsh Library, Patna.
  • Cole, Juan. "Mirror of the World: Iranian 'Orientalism' and Early 19th-Century India." Critique: Journal of Critical Studies of Iran and the Middle East (Spring 1996): 41-60.
  • Crooke, William. Things Indian: Being Discursive Notes on Various Subjects Connected with India. London, 1906.
  • Digby, Simon. “Encounters with Jogis in Indian Sufi Hagiography.” Unpublished paper presented at the Seminar on Aspects of Religion in South Asia, University of London, January 1970.
  • Eliade, Mircea. Yoga: Immortality and Freedom. Willard R. Trask, trans., Bollingen Series, LVI. 2nd ed., Princeton, 1969.
  • Ernst, Carl W. “Situating Sufism and Yoga.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3, 15:1 (2005): 15-43.
  • Foltz, R. 1996. “Two Seventeenth-Century Central Asian Travellers to Mughal India.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 6 (1997): 367-77.
  • Goswamy, B. N. & J. S. Grewal. The Mughals and the Jogis of Jakhbar: Some Madad-i-Ma`ash and Other Documents. Simla, 1967.
  • Green, Nile. “A Persian Sufi in British India: The Travels of Mîrzâ Hasan Safî ‘Alî Shâh (1251/1835-1316/1899).” Iran: Journal of Persian Studies 42 (2004): 201-18.
  • Husain, Iqbal. 1999. “Hindu Shrines and Practices as Described by a Central Asian Traveller in the First Half of the 17th Century.” In Irfan Habib, ed., Medieval india 1: Researches in the History of India 1200-1750. Delhi, 1992, pp. 141-153.
  • Ibn Battutah. Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354. H. A. R. Gibb, trans., E. Denison Ross & Eileen Power, ed. London, 1929; reprint ed., Karachi, 1986.
  • Jahangir. The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri or Memoirs of Jahangir. Alexander Rogers, trans., Henry Beveridge, ed. 2 vols., Lahore, 1974 [1909].
  • M.Thackston, Jr., trans., Washington, D.C., 1999.
  • Jhavery, Mohanlal Bhagwandas. Comparative and Critical Study of Mantrasastra (With Special Treatment of Jain Mantravada). Sri Jain Kala Sahitya Samsodhak Series, no. 1. Ahmedabad, n.d.
  • Mobad Şah [Muhsin Fani, (isnat edilen yazar)]. Debistâni’l-Mezâhib. Bombay, 1262/1846.
  • Nath, R. & Faiyaz ‘Gwaliari’. India as Seen by Amir Khusrau (in 1318 A.D.). Jaipur, 1981.
  • Rází, Amín Ahmad. Haft Iqlím: The Geographical and Biographical Encyclopaedia. M. Ishaque, ed. Bibliotheca Indica, 287. Calcutta, 1963
  • Re’is, Seyyidi ‘Ali. Le miroir des pays: Une anabase ottomane a travers l'inde et l'asie centrale. Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, trans. Arles, 1999.
  • Re’is, Seyyidi ‘Ali. Le miroir des pays: Une anabase ottomane a travers l'inde et l'asie centrale. Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, trans. Arles, 1999.
  • Rizvi, Athar Abbas. A History of Sufism in India. Vol. 1, Early Sufism and its History in India to 1600 AD. New Delhi, 1975.
  • Schmidt, Richard. Fakire und Fakirtum im alten und modernen Indien; Yoga-lehre und Yoga-praxis. Berlin, 1907.
  • Şuşterî, Mir Abdüllatif Han. Tuhfetü’l-‘Alâm vea Zeylu’t-Tuhfe. Samed Muvahhid, ed. Tahran, 1363/1984.
  • Siddiqui, I. H. “Resurgence of Chishti Silsila in the Sultanate of Delhi.” In Christian W. Troll, ed. Islam in India: Studies and Commentaries. Vol. II, Religion and Religious Education. Delhi, 1985, pp. 58-72.
  • Storey, C. A. Persian Literature: A Bio-bibliographical Survey. London, 1970.
  • Strabo. Geography. Horace Leonard Jones & J. R. Sitlington Sterrett, ed. and trans. London, 1917.
  • Sulayman (eserin isnat edildiği yazar). 'Ahbar as-Sin wa l-Hind, Relation de la Chine et de l'Inde rédigé en [237]/851. Jean Sauvaget, ed., Paris, 1948.
  • al-Ulughkhani Hajji ad-Dabir, Abdullah Muhammad al-Makki al-Asafi. Zafar ul Walih bi Muzaffar wa Alih: An Arabic History of Gujarat. M. F. Lokhandwala, trans. 2 vols., Baroda, 1970-4.
  • Virolleaud, Ch. “Sur un épitomé de la science du souffle rédigé en persan.” Journal Asiatique 235 (1946-7): 113-21.
  • White, David Gordon. “The Wonders of Sri Mastnath.” In Donald S. Lopez, Jr., ed., The Religions of India in Practice. Princeton, 1995, pp. 399-411.
  • Yule, Henry & A.C. Burnell. Hobson-Jobson, A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases. William Crooke, ed., London, 1903; reprint ed., New Delhi, 1979.


Year 2016, , 337 - 360, 15.04.2016


In this article,
some major accounts of yogis that appeared in the various Arabic and Persian
historical and travel literature will be put forth and shortly evaluated.


  • Abu al-Fazl `Allami. The A'in-i Akbari. H. S. Jarrett, trans., Jadunath Sarkar, revised 2nd ed., Calcutta, 1948; reprint ed., New Delhi, 1978.
  • Alam, Muzaffar & Sanjay Subrahmanyam. “Empiricism of the Heart: Close Encounters in an 18th-Century Indo-Persian Text.” Studies in History 15/2, n.s. (1999): 261-291.
  • Anomim (bilinmeyen yazar). Silsile-i Cugiyân. MS 2974 Ethé, India Office Library, London (McKenzie MS 3087).
  • Babur Padshah Ghazi, Zahiru'd-din Muhammad. Babur-nama (Memoirs of Babur). Annette Susannah Beveridge, trans. New Delhi, 1979 [1922].
  • Bada'uni, `Abd al-Qadir ibn Muluk Shah. Muntakhab ut-tawarikh. George S. A. Ranking, W. H. Lowe & Wolseley Haig, trans. 3 vols., Calcutta, 1898-1925.
  • Belhî, Mahmud Ibn Emir Veli. Bahru’l-Esrar fî Menâkibi’l-Ahyâr. Riazul Islam, ed., Karachi, 1980.
  • Bouillier, Véronique. Ascètes et rois: Un monastère de Kanphata Yogis au Népal. Paris, 1997.
  • Afsus, Shir `Ali Khan. Arayish-i Mahfil. Kalb `Ali Khan Fa'iq, ed., Urdu ka Klasiki Adab, 31. Lahore, 1963.
  • Chaturman, Ray. Chahar Gulshan. MS 542, H.L. 92, Khudabakhsh Library, Patna.
  • Cole, Juan. "Mirror of the World: Iranian 'Orientalism' and Early 19th-Century India." Critique: Journal of Critical Studies of Iran and the Middle East (Spring 1996): 41-60.
  • Crooke, William. Things Indian: Being Discursive Notes on Various Subjects Connected with India. London, 1906.
  • Digby, Simon. “Encounters with Jogis in Indian Sufi Hagiography.” Unpublished paper presented at the Seminar on Aspects of Religion in South Asia, University of London, January 1970.
  • Eliade, Mircea. Yoga: Immortality and Freedom. Willard R. Trask, trans., Bollingen Series, LVI. 2nd ed., Princeton, 1969.
  • Ernst, Carl W. “Situating Sufism and Yoga.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3, 15:1 (2005): 15-43.
  • Foltz, R. 1996. “Two Seventeenth-Century Central Asian Travellers to Mughal India.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 6 (1997): 367-77.
  • Goswamy, B. N. & J. S. Grewal. The Mughals and the Jogis of Jakhbar: Some Madad-i-Ma`ash and Other Documents. Simla, 1967.
  • Green, Nile. “A Persian Sufi in British India: The Travels of Mîrzâ Hasan Safî ‘Alî Shâh (1251/1835-1316/1899).” Iran: Journal of Persian Studies 42 (2004): 201-18.
  • Husain, Iqbal. 1999. “Hindu Shrines and Practices as Described by a Central Asian Traveller in the First Half of the 17th Century.” In Irfan Habib, ed., Medieval india 1: Researches in the History of India 1200-1750. Delhi, 1992, pp. 141-153.
  • Ibn Battutah. Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354. H. A. R. Gibb, trans., E. Denison Ross & Eileen Power, ed. London, 1929; reprint ed., Karachi, 1986.
  • Jahangir. The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri or Memoirs of Jahangir. Alexander Rogers, trans., Henry Beveridge, ed. 2 vols., Lahore, 1974 [1909].
  • M.Thackston, Jr., trans., Washington, D.C., 1999.
  • Jhavery, Mohanlal Bhagwandas. Comparative and Critical Study of Mantrasastra (With Special Treatment of Jain Mantravada). Sri Jain Kala Sahitya Samsodhak Series, no. 1. Ahmedabad, n.d.
  • Mobad Şah [Muhsin Fani, (isnat edilen yazar)]. Debistâni’l-Mezâhib. Bombay, 1262/1846.
  • Nath, R. & Faiyaz ‘Gwaliari’. India as Seen by Amir Khusrau (in 1318 A.D.). Jaipur, 1981.
  • Rází, Amín Ahmad. Haft Iqlím: The Geographical and Biographical Encyclopaedia. M. Ishaque, ed. Bibliotheca Indica, 287. Calcutta, 1963
  • Re’is, Seyyidi ‘Ali. Le miroir des pays: Une anabase ottomane a travers l'inde et l'asie centrale. Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, trans. Arles, 1999.
  • Re’is, Seyyidi ‘Ali. Le miroir des pays: Une anabase ottomane a travers l'inde et l'asie centrale. Jean-Louis Bacqué-Grammont, trans. Arles, 1999.
  • Rizvi, Athar Abbas. A History of Sufism in India. Vol. 1, Early Sufism and its History in India to 1600 AD. New Delhi, 1975.
  • Schmidt, Richard. Fakire und Fakirtum im alten und modernen Indien; Yoga-lehre und Yoga-praxis. Berlin, 1907.
  • Şuşterî, Mir Abdüllatif Han. Tuhfetü’l-‘Alâm vea Zeylu’t-Tuhfe. Samed Muvahhid, ed. Tahran, 1363/1984.
  • Siddiqui, I. H. “Resurgence of Chishti Silsila in the Sultanate of Delhi.” In Christian W. Troll, ed. Islam in India: Studies and Commentaries. Vol. II, Religion and Religious Education. Delhi, 1985, pp. 58-72.
  • Storey, C. A. Persian Literature: A Bio-bibliographical Survey. London, 1970.
  • Strabo. Geography. Horace Leonard Jones & J. R. Sitlington Sterrett, ed. and trans. London, 1917.
  • Sulayman (eserin isnat edildiği yazar). 'Ahbar as-Sin wa l-Hind, Relation de la Chine et de l'Inde rédigé en [237]/851. Jean Sauvaget, ed., Paris, 1948.
  • al-Ulughkhani Hajji ad-Dabir, Abdullah Muhammad al-Makki al-Asafi. Zafar ul Walih bi Muzaffar wa Alih: An Arabic History of Gujarat. M. F. Lokhandwala, trans. 2 vols., Baroda, 1970-4.
  • Virolleaud, Ch. “Sur un épitomé de la science du souffle rédigé en persan.” Journal Asiatique 235 (1946-7): 113-21.
  • White, David Gordon. “The Wonders of Sri Mastnath.” In Donald S. Lopez, Jr., ed., The Religions of India in Practice. Princeton, 1995, pp. 399-411.
  • Yule, Henry & A.C. Burnell. Hobson-Jobson, A Glossary of Colloquial Anglo-Indian Words and Phrases. William Crooke, ed., London, 1903; reprint ed., New Delhi, 1979.
There are 38 citations in total.


Journal Section Book Reviews, Symposium Reviews and Scientific Translation

Carl W. Ernst This is me

Çeviren / Translated By: Mehmet Atalay

Publication Date April 15, 2016
Submission Date January 6, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2016


ISNAD Ernst, Carl W. - Atalay, Çeviren / Translated By: Mehmet. “ARAPÇA VE FARSÇA TARİH VE SEYAHAT METİNLERİNDE YOGİ DEĞERLENDİRMELERİ”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi. April 2016. 337-360.