Zemin ve Deprem Parametrelerinden İvme Azalım İlişkisi
Year 2021,
, 575 - 593, 24.05.2021
Osman Uyanık
Nevbahar Ekin
Onur Çoşkun
Bu çalışmada, mühendislik yapıları için önemli bir parametre olan ve depremde meydana gelen pik yatay yer ivme değeri tahmin edilmiştir. Yatay yer ivme değeri konusunda çalışan araştırmacıların çoğunluğu sadece deprem parametrelerini, çok azı ise zemin parametrelerinden bazılarını deneysel ilişkilerinde kullanmışlardır. Bilindiği üzere pik yatay yer ivme değeri yerin özelliklerine bağlı değişkenlik göstermektedir. Bu nedenle yapılan çalışmada hem zeminin dinamik parametrelerini hem de deprem parametrelerini kullanarak çok parametreli yeni bir ivme azalım ilişkisi elde edilmiştir. Bu ilişkide deprem parametreleri olarak depremin büyüklüğü, periyodu ve kaynak mesafesi ve zeminin dinamik parametreleri olarak da zeminin büyütmesi, hakim titreşim periyodu, 30m derinlik için P ve S dalga hızlarının ağırlıklı ortalamaları (Vp30 ve Vs30) kullanılmıştır. Bu kapsamda, dünyadaki farklı istasyonlardan elde edilen Mw=5.3-7.1 aralığındaki büyüklüklerde 152 adet deprem kaydının sonuçları ve istasyon yerinin dinamik parametrelerinden elde edilen verilerle veri seti oluşturulmuştur. Çalışma kapsamında geliştirilen deneysel azalım ilişkisi, literatürdeki diğer araştırmacıların deneysel ilişkileri ile karşılaştırılmış ve daha düşük RMSE hata elde edilmiştir.
Supporting Institution
Bu çalışmada kullanılan verilerin birçoğu Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı, Deprem Dairesi’nden (AFAD) sağlanmıştır. Yazarlar; AFAD deprem dairesi yönetimine ve Yük. Jeofizik Müh. Erkan Ateş’e teşekkür ederler.
- [1] Kanai, K. 1961. An empirical formula for the spectrum of strong earthquake motions, Bulletin of Earthquake Research Institute, Cilt. 39, s. 85-95.
- [2] Denham, D., Small, G.R., Everingham, I.B. 1973. Some strong-motion results from Papua New Guinea 1967-1972, In Proceedings of Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 2, s. 2324-2327.
- [3] Ambraseys, N. 1975. Trends in engineering seismology in Europe, In Proceedings of Fifth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 3, s. 39-52.
- [4] Blume, A. 1977. The SAM procedure for site-acceleration-magnitude relationships, In Proceedings of Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 1, s. 416-422.
- [5] Cornell, C.A., Banon, H., Shakal, A.F. 1979. Seismic motion and response prediction alternatives, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Cilt. 7(4), s. 295-315.
- [6] Gaull, B.A. 1988. Attenuation of strong ground motion in space and time in southwest western Australia, In Proceedings of Ninth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 2, s. 361-366.
- [7] Marin, S., Avouac, J.P., Nicolas, M., Schlupp, A. 2004. A probabilistic approach to seismic hazard in metropolitan France, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Cilt. 94(6), s. 2137-2163.
- [8] Zuccolo, E., Bozzoni, F., Lai, C.G. 2017. Regional low-magnitude GMPE to estimate spectral accelerations for earthquake early warning applications in southern Italy, Seismological Research Letters, Cilt. 88(1), s. 61-71.
- [9] Idriss, I.M. 1978. Characteristics of earthquake ground motions, In Proceedings of the ASCE Geotechnical Engineering Division Speciality Conference: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Cilt. 3, s. 1151-1265.
- [10] Algermissen, T., Hansen, S.L., Thenhaus, P.C. 1988. Seismic hazard evaluation for El Salvador. Report for the US Agency for International Development, Technical report no: 2-17, 21.
- [11] Castillo, W.T., Lopez, P.S., Dahle, A., Bungum, H. 1992. Digitization of strong motion data and estimation of PGA attenuation. Technical report no: 2-4, NORSAR, Kjeller, Norway, Reduction of Natural Disasters in central America Earthquake Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Seismic Zonation and Earthquake Hazard Assessment.
- [12] Wang, B.Q., Wu, F.T., Bian, Y.J. 1999. Attenuation characteristics of peak acceleration in north China and comparison with those in the eastern part of North America, Acta Seismologica Sinica, Cilt. 12(1), s. 26-34.
- [13] Aydan, Ö. 2001. İstanbul Boğazı denizaltı geçişi için tüp tünel ile kalkan tünelin uygunluğunun karşılaştırılması, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, Cilt. 25(1), s. 1-17.
- [14] Sanchez, A.R., Jara, J.M. 2003. Estimación del peligro sísmico de Morelia, Ciencia Nicolaita, Cilt. 29, s. 63-76.
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- [16] Cui, J.W., Zhang, J.G., Gao, D., Duan, J.X., Wang, T. 2012. The ground motion attenuation relation for the mountainous area in Sichuan and Yunnan. In Proceedings of Fifteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 149, Lisbon, Portugal.
- [17] Youngs, R., Day, S.M., Stevens, J.L. 1988. Near-eld ground motions on rock for large subduction earthquakes. In Proceedings of Earthquake Engineering & Soil Dynamics II, Geotechnical Division, ASCE, 445-462, Park City, Utah.
- [18] Lungu, D., Demetriu, S., Radu, C., Coman, O. 1994. Uniform hazard response spectra for Vrancea earthquakes in Romania. In Proceedings of Tenth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1, 365-370, Vienna, Austria.
- [19] Iglesias, A., Singh, S.K., Pacheco, J.F., Ordaz, M. 2002. A source and wave propagation study of the Copalillo, Mexico, earthquake of 21 July 2000 (Mw=5.9): Implications for seismic hazard in Mexico City from inslab earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Cilt. 92(3), s. 1060-1071.
- [20] Popescu, E., Cioan, C.O., Radulian, M., Placinta, A.O., Moldovan, I. A. 2007. Attenuation relations for the seismic ground motion induced by Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes. In International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, 4-6 October 2007, Bucharest, Romania.
- [21] García-Soto, A.D., Jaimes, M.A. 2017. Ground-motion prediction model for vertical response spectra from Mexican interplate earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Cilt. 107(2), s. 887-900.
- [22] Konovalov, A.V., Manaychev, K.A., Stepnov, A.A., Gavrilov, A.V. 2019. Regional ground motion prediction equation for Sakhalin island, Seismic Instruments, Cilt. 55(1), s. 70-77.
- [23] Kumar, P., Chamoli, B.P., Kumar, A., Gairola, A. 2019. Attenuation relationship for peak horizontal acceleration of strong ground motion of Uttarakhand region of central Himalayas, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 23, 1634161.
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Attenuation Relationship for Peak Horizontal Acceleration from Ground and Earthquake Parameters
Year 2021,
, 575 - 593, 24.05.2021
Osman Uyanık
Nevbahar Ekin
Onur Çoşkun
In this study, the value of the peak horizontal ground acceleration occurred in the earthquake and which is an important parameter for the engineering structures was estimated. Most of the researchers working on the peak horizontal ground acceleration value subject used only earthquake parameters and few used ground parameters in their empirical relationships. As known, the value of the peak horizontal ground acceleration varies depending on the properties of the ground. Therefore, a new multi-parameters attenuation relationship for peak horizontal acceleration was obtained by using both the dynamic parameters of the soil and the earthquake parameters. In this relationship, magnitude, period and source distance of the earthquake are used as earthquake parameters, and soil magnification, soil predominant period, weighted averages of P and S wave velocities for 30m depth (Vp30 and Vs30) are used as dynamic parameters of the ground. In this context, the data obtained from dynamic parameters of station ground and from results of 152 earthquake records of Mw=5.3-7.1 magnitudes obtained from different stations in the world were formed as data set. The empirical attenuation relationship developed within the scope of the study was compared with that of other researchers in the literature and a lower RMSE error was obtained.
- [1] Kanai, K. 1961. An empirical formula for the spectrum of strong earthquake motions, Bulletin of Earthquake Research Institute, Cilt. 39, s. 85-95.
- [2] Denham, D., Small, G.R., Everingham, I.B. 1973. Some strong-motion results from Papua New Guinea 1967-1972, In Proceedings of Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 2, s. 2324-2327.
- [3] Ambraseys, N. 1975. Trends in engineering seismology in Europe, In Proceedings of Fifth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 3, s. 39-52.
- [4] Blume, A. 1977. The SAM procedure for site-acceleration-magnitude relationships, In Proceedings of Sixth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 1, s. 416-422.
- [5] Cornell, C.A., Banon, H., Shakal, A.F. 1979. Seismic motion and response prediction alternatives, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Cilt. 7(4), s. 295-315.
- [6] Gaull, B.A. 1988. Attenuation of strong ground motion in space and time in southwest western Australia, In Proceedings of Ninth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 2, s. 361-366.
- [7] Marin, S., Avouac, J.P., Nicolas, M., Schlupp, A. 2004. A probabilistic approach to seismic hazard in metropolitan France, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Cilt. 94(6), s. 2137-2163.
- [8] Zuccolo, E., Bozzoni, F., Lai, C.G. 2017. Regional low-magnitude GMPE to estimate spectral accelerations for earthquake early warning applications in southern Italy, Seismological Research Letters, Cilt. 88(1), s. 61-71.
- [9] Idriss, I.M. 1978. Characteristics of earthquake ground motions, In Proceedings of the ASCE Geotechnical Engineering Division Speciality Conference: Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Cilt. 3, s. 1151-1265.
- [10] Algermissen, T., Hansen, S.L., Thenhaus, P.C. 1988. Seismic hazard evaluation for El Salvador. Report for the US Agency for International Development, Technical report no: 2-17, 21.
- [11] Castillo, W.T., Lopez, P.S., Dahle, A., Bungum, H. 1992. Digitization of strong motion data and estimation of PGA attenuation. Technical report no: 2-4, NORSAR, Kjeller, Norway, Reduction of Natural Disasters in central America Earthquake Preparedness and Hazard Mitigation Seismic Zonation and Earthquake Hazard Assessment.
- [12] Wang, B.Q., Wu, F.T., Bian, Y.J. 1999. Attenuation characteristics of peak acceleration in north China and comparison with those in the eastern part of North America, Acta Seismologica Sinica, Cilt. 12(1), s. 26-34.
- [13] Aydan, Ö. 2001. İstanbul Boğazı denizaltı geçişi için tüp tünel ile kalkan tünelin uygunluğunun karşılaştırılması, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, Cilt. 25(1), s. 1-17.
- [14] Sanchez, A.R., Jara, J.M. 2003. Estimación del peligro sísmico de Morelia, Ciencia Nicolaita, Cilt. 29, s. 63-76.
- [15] Shi, S., Shen, J. 2003. A study on attenuation relations of strong earth movements in Shanghai and its adjacent area, Earthquake Research in China, Chinese, Cilt. 19, s. 315-323.
- [16] Cui, J.W., Zhang, J.G., Gao, D., Duan, J.X., Wang, T. 2012. The ground motion attenuation relation for the mountainous area in Sichuan and Yunnan. In Proceedings of Fifteenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 149, Lisbon, Portugal.
- [17] Youngs, R., Day, S.M., Stevens, J.L. 1988. Near-eld ground motions on rock for large subduction earthquakes. In Proceedings of Earthquake Engineering & Soil Dynamics II, Geotechnical Division, ASCE, 445-462, Park City, Utah.
- [18] Lungu, D., Demetriu, S., Radu, C., Coman, O. 1994. Uniform hazard response spectra for Vrancea earthquakes in Romania. In Proceedings of Tenth European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 1, 365-370, Vienna, Austria.
- [19] Iglesias, A., Singh, S.K., Pacheco, J.F., Ordaz, M. 2002. A source and wave propagation study of the Copalillo, Mexico, earthquake of 21 July 2000 (Mw=5.9): Implications for seismic hazard in Mexico City from inslab earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Cilt. 92(3), s. 1060-1071.
- [20] Popescu, E., Cioan, C.O., Radulian, M., Placinta, A.O., Moldovan, I. A. 2007. Attenuation relations for the seismic ground motion induced by Vrancea intermediate-depth earthquakes. In International Symposium on Strong Vrancea Earthquakes and Risk Mitigation, 4-6 October 2007, Bucharest, Romania.
- [21] García-Soto, A.D., Jaimes, M.A. 2017. Ground-motion prediction model for vertical response spectra from Mexican interplate earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Cilt. 107(2), s. 887-900.
- [22] Konovalov, A.V., Manaychev, K.A., Stepnov, A.A., Gavrilov, A.V. 2019. Regional ground motion prediction equation for Sakhalin island, Seismic Instruments, Cilt. 55(1), s. 70-77.
- [23] Kumar, P., Chamoli, B.P., Kumar, A., Gairola, A. 2019. Attenuation relationship for peak horizontal acceleration of strong ground motion of Uttarakhand region of central Himalayas, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, Cilt. 23, 1634161.
- [24] Dahle, A., Climent, A., Taylor, W., Bungum, H., Santos, P., Ciudad Real, M., Linholm, C., Strauch, W., Segura, F. 1995. New spectral strong motion attenuation models for Central America, In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Seismic Zonation, Cilt. 2, s. 1005-1012.
- [25] Iervolino, I., Giorgio, M., Galasso, C., Manfredi, G. 2010. Conditional hazard maps for secondary intensity measures, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Cilt. 100(6), s. 3312-3319.
- [26] Kanai, K. 1966. Improved empirical formula for characteristics of stray [sic] earthquake motions. In Proceedings of the Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium, 1-4, Tokyo-Japan.
- [27] Ambraseys, N., Simpson, K.A., Bommer, J.J. 1996. Prediction of horizontal response spectra in Europe, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Cilt. 25(4), s. 371-400.
- [28] Field, E.H. 2000. A modified ground-motion attenuation relationship for southern California that accounts for detailed site classification and a basin-depth effect, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Cilt. 90(6B), s. S209-S221.
- [29] Gençoğlu A, Sayıl N. 2019. Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonu’nun (KAFZ) Orta Kesim İçin Yeni Bir Kuvvetli Yer Hareketi Azalım İlişkisi, Turkish Journal of Earthquake Research, Cilt. 1(1), s. 1-14.
- [30] Boore, D.M., Joyner, W.B., Fumal, T.E. 1994. Estimation of response spectra and peak accelerations from western North American earthquakes: An interim report. Geological Survey, Part 2, Open-File Report 94-127.
- [31] Chapman, M.C. 1999. On the use of elastic input energy for seismic hazard analysis, Earthquake Spectra, Cilt. 15(4), s. 607-635.
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