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Year 2017, Volume: 19 Issue: 56, 484 - 499, 01.05.2017


In this work, doping with Al element (8% volume ratio) has been carried out to improve the physical properties of ZnO film used in photovoltaic solar cells. ZnO:Al films have been produced by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis technique and annealed in air to improve their physical characteristics. X-ray diffraction reveals that the films are polycrystalline having wurtzite hexagonal type crystal structure. Electrical resistivity values of the films have been increased after annealing process. Surface morphologies and roughness values of the films have been investigated by atomic force microscopy. Films are highly transparent in the visible region. Also, refractive index, n, and extinction coefficient, k, values for ZnO films have been reported. Optical band gap values have been determined using optical method. Finally, it has been concluded that annealing temperature has an important effect on the optical, structural, surface and electrical properties of the deposited films


  • Xu J., Wang H., Yang L., Jiang M., Wei S., Zhang T. 2010. Low temperature growth of highly crystallized ZnO:Al films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis from acetylacetone
  • Science and Engineering B, Cilt. , s. 182–186. DOI:10.1016/j.mseb.2010.02.012
  • Park T., Park N., Kim J., Lee W., Lee S. 2015. Cross plane temperature dependent thermal conductivity of
  • Al-doped zinc oxide thin films: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 638, s. 83-87. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.03.065
  • El Manouni A., Manjon F. J., Perales M., Mollar M., Mari B., Lopez M. C., Barrado J. R. R. 2007. Effect of thermal annealing on ZnO:Al thin films grown by spray pyrolysis:
  • Superlattices and Microstructures, Cilt. 42, s. 134-139. DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2007.04.005
  • El Manouni A., Manjón F. J., Mollar M., Marí B., Gómez R., López M.C., Barrado J. R. R. 2006. Effect of aluminium doping on zinc oxide thin films grown by spray pyrolysis: Superlattices and reactive magnetron
  • Liu C., He H., Sun L., Yang Q., Ye Z., Chen L. 2011. Acceptor-related emissions in indium-doped ZnO nanorods: Journal of Applied Physics, Cilt. 109, s. 053507- DOI:10.1063/1.3552981
  • Liu K. W., Sakurai M., Aono M. nanowires: Optical properties and room temperature ferromagnetism Journal of Applied Physics, Cilt. , DOI:10.1063/1.3464229 ZnO s. 043521.
  • Wu Z. F., Wu X. M., Zhung L. J., Hong B., Yang X. M., Chen X. M., Chen Q. Synthesis and magnetic properties of Mn-doped ZnO nanorods via radio frequency plasma Letters, Cilt. 64, s. 472- 474. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2009.11.053
  • Mohanta A., Thareja R. K. 2010.
  • Temperature-dependent S-shaped photoluminescence in ZnCdO alloy: Journal of Applied Physics, Cilt. : 084904, s. 1–4. DOI: 10.1063/1.3391067 Te-Hua F., Shao-Hui K. 2010.
  • Preparation and characterisation of Mg-doped ZnO nanorods: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 492, s. 536- 542. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.11.168
  • Narayan J., Sharma A. K., Kvit A., Jin C., Muth J., Holland O. 2001. Novel cubic ZnxMg1-xO epitaxial hetero structures on Si (1 0 0) substrates:
  • Solid State Communications, Cilt. , s. 9–13. DOI:10.1016/S0038- (01)00431-8
  • Kurtaran S., Aldag S., Ofofoglu G., Akyuz I., Atay F. 2016. Transparent conductive ZnO thin films grown by chemical spray pyrolysis: The effect of Mg: Journal of Materials
  • Science: Materials in Electronics, Cilt. 27 (8), s. 8478-8485. DOI: 10.1007/s10854-016-4862-1
  • Wang X., Xu J., Yu X., Xue K., Yu J., Zhao X. 2007. Structural evidence of secondary phase segregation from the Raman vibrational modes in Zn1−xCoxO (0<x<0.6): Applied
  • Physics Letters, Cilt. 91, s. 031908- DOI:10.1063/1.2759272
  • Vimalkumar T. V., Poornima N., Jinesh K. B., Sudha K. C., Vijayakumar K. P. 2011. On single doping and Co-doping of spray pyrolysed ZnO films: Structural, electrical characterization: Applied Surface Science, Cilt. 257, s. 8334-8340. DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2011.03.118
  • Yang J., Lee J., Im K., Lim S. 2009.
  • Influence of Sn doping in hydrothermal methods on the optical property of the ZnO nanorods: Physica E, Cilt. 42, s. 51- DOI:10.1016/j.physe.2009.08.018
  • Srinivasan G., Kumar R. T., Kumar J. Influence of Al dopant on microstructure properties of ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gel spin coating method: Optical Material, Cilt. 30, s. 317. DOI:10.1016/j.optmat.2006.11.075
  • Lee J. H., Chou C. Y., Bi Z., Tsai C. F., Wang H. 2009. Growth-controlled surface roughness in Al-doped ZnO as transparent conducting oxide: Nanotechnology, 395711. DOI: 10.1088/0957- /20/39/395704 , s.
  • Shan F. K., Yu Y. S. 2004. Band gap energy of pure and Al-doped ZnO thin films: Journal of the European
  • Ceramic Society, Cilt. 24, s. 1869- DOI:10.1016/S0955- (03)00490-4
  • Suwanboon S., Amornpitoksuk P., Haidoux A., Tedenac J. C. 2008.
  • Structural and optical properties of undoped and aluminium doped zinc oxide nanoparticle: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 462, s. 339. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.08.048 Sharma B. K., Khare N. 2010.
  • Stress-dependent band gap shift and quenching of defects in Al- doped ZnO films: Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, Cilt. 43, s. 465408. DOI:10.1088/0022- /43/46/465402
  • Kumar R. S., Sathyamoorthy R., Sudhagar P., Matheswaran P., Hrudhya C. P., Kang Y. S. 2011.
  • Effect of aluminum doping on the structural properties of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by wet chemical method: Physica E, Cilt. 43, s. 1166- DOI:10.1016/j.physe.2011.01.022
  • Venkatachalam S., Iida Y., Kanno Y. characterization of Al-doped ZnO thin films by PLD: Superlattices and Microstructures, Cilt. 44, s. 135. DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2008.03.006
  • Liu S. P., Wuu D. S., Ou S. L., Fu Y. C., Lin P. R., Hung M. T., Horng R. H. transparent ZnO:Al conducting layers by pulsed laser deposition: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Cilt. 158, s. K127-K130. DOI:10.1149/1.3567025
  • Singh A. V., Kumar M., Mehra R. M., Wakahara A., Yoshida A. 2001. Al- doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al) thin films by pulsed laser ablation:
  • Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Cilt. 81, s. 527-533. Kim K. H., Park K. C., Ma D. Y. 1997.
  • Structural, electrical and optical properties of aluminum doped zinc oxide films prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering: Journal of Applied Physics, Cilt. 81, s. 7764. DOI:10.1063/1.365556
  • Yuldashev S. U., Kang T. W., Pelenovich V. O., Uygun V. V. 2009.
  • Photoluminescence and Magneto- optical Properties of Zn1−xMnxO: Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Cilt. 55(3), s. 938-941. DOI: 3938/jkps.55.938
  • Kim H., Horwitz J. S., Qadri S. B., Chrisey D. B. 2002. Epitaxial growth of Al-doped ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition:
  • Thin Solid Films, Cilt. 420–421, s. 111. DOI:10.1016/S00406090(02)0065 2
  • Xue S. W., Zu X. T., Zheng W. G., Chen M. Y., Xiang X. 2006. Effects of annealing concentration on the optical characteristics of ZnO:Al thin films by sol–gel technique: Physica B:
  • Condensed Matter, Cilt. 382, s. 201- DOI:10.1016/j.physb.2006.02.032
  • Rao T. P., Kumar, M. C. S., Hussain N. S. 2012. Effects of thickness and atmospheric structural, electrical and optical properties of GZO thin films by spray pyrolysis: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 541, s. 495- DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.05.128
  • Guild C., Biswas S., Meng Y., Jafari T., Gaffney A. M., Suib S. L. 2014.
  • Perspectives of spray pyrolysis for facile synthesis of catalysts and thin films: An introduction and summary of recent directions: Catalysis Today, Cilt. 238, s. 87–94. DOI:10.1016/j.cattod.2014.03.056
  • Benzarouk H., Drici A., Mekhnache M., Amara A., Guerioune M., Bernède J. C., Bendjffal H. 2012.
  • Effect of different dopant elements (Al, Mg and Ni) on microstructural, optical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis (SP): Superlattices and Microstructures, Cilt. 52, s. 594-604. DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2012.06.007
  • Nambala F. J., Nel J. M., Augusto G. J. M., Bonex W. M., Eric G. N., Maabong K., Das A. G. M., Diale M. Role of substrate and annealing temperature on the structure of ZnO and AlxZn1-xO thin films for solar cell applications: Physica B, Cilt. 480, s. 72–79. DOI:10.1016/j.physb.2015.09.022
  • Shivaraj B. W., Murthy H. N., Krishna M., Satyanarayana B. S. Temperature on Structural and Optical properties of Dip and Spin coated ZnO Thin Films: Procedia Materials Science, Cilt. 10, s. 292 – DOI:10.1016/j.mspro.2015.06.053
  • Podobinski D., Zanin S., Pruna A., Pullini D. 2013. Effect of annealing and room temperature sputtering power properties of pure and Al-doped ZnO
  • International, Cilt. 39 (2), s. 1021– DOI:10.1016/j.ceramint.2012.07.0 Ceramics
  • Liu C., Xu Z., Zhang Y., Fu J., Zang S., Zuo Y. 2015. Effect of annealing temperature on properties of
  • ZnO:Al thin films prepared by pulsed DC reactive magnetron sputtering: Materials Letters, Cilt. , s. 279–283. DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2014.10.106
  • Wang F., Wu M. Z., Wang Y. Y., Yu Y. M., Wu X. M., Zhuge L. J., 2013. Influence annealing temperature on the electrical, optical and structural properties of AZO thin films: Vacuum, Cilt. 89, s.127-131. DOI: 1016/j.vacuum.2012.02.040
  • Surajit G., Chakraborty J. 2016.
  • Obviating the post annealing step for production of Al-doped zinc oxide films using sol–gel method: Use of rapid cooling and gas blanketing: Thin Solid Films, Cilt. , s. 173–179. DOI: 1016/j.tsf.2015.09.062
  • Flickyngerova S., Netrvalova M., Prusakova L., Novotny I., Sutta P., Tvarozek V. 2010. Modification of
  • AZO thin-film properties by annealing and ion etching: Vacuum, Cilt. 1016/j.vacuum.2009.04.006 DOI: Lee J. H., Park B. O. 2004.
  • Characteristics of Al-doped ZnO thin films obtained by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis: effects of Al doping treatment: Materials Science and Engineering: B, Cilt. 106, s. 242- DOI:10.1016/j.mseb.2003.09.040
  • Prepelita P., Craciun V., Garoi F., Staicu A. 2015. Effect of annealing treatment on the structural and optical properties of AZO samples:
  • Applied Surface Science, Cilt. 352, s. 23–27. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.02.089
  • Atay F., Kose S., Bilgin V., Akyuz I. CdS:Ni films obtained by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis: effect of the Ni concentration: Materials Letters, Cilt. 57, s. 3461-3472. DOI: 1016/S0167-577X(03)00100-9
  • Kaelble E. F. (Ed), 1967. Handbook of X-rays for diffraction, emission, absorption
  • McGraw-Hill, New York, 25s. microscopy, Zhao Z., Morel D. L., Ferekides C. S. properties of thin-doped CdO films deposited metalorganic chemical vapour deposition: Thin Solid Films, Cilt. , s. 203-211. PII: S0040-6090Ž0 00344-9 optical by atmospheric
  • Vigil O., Vaillant L., Cruz F., Santana G., Morales-Acevedo A., Contreras- Puente G. 2000. Spray pyrolysis deposition of cadmium-zinc oxide thin films: Thin Solid Films, Cilt. 362, s. 53-55. PII: S0040- (99)01061-5.
  • Thida W., Than T. W., Yin M. M., Ko K. K. S. 2013. Effect of Annealing Temperature
  • Parameters of Al doped ZnO Thin Film Solar Cell, PCO Proceding on AIP Guide, Vol:2008 ISBN: 978- 44483-63.
  • Khoshman, J. M., Kordesch M. E. Spectroscopic ellipsometry characterization of amorphous aluminum nitride and indium nitride thin films: Physica Status Solidi (C), Cilt. 2, s. 2821-2827. DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200461331
  • Babu B. J., Maldonado A., Velumani S., Asomoza R. 2010. Electrical and optical properties of ultrasonically sprayed Al-doped zinc oxide thin films: Materials Science and Engineering B, Cilt. 174, s. 31–37. DOI:10.1016/j.mseb.2010.03.010
  • Gençyılmaz O., Atay F., Akyüz I. Deposition and Ellipsometric Characterization of Transparent Conductive Al-doped ZnO for Solar Cell Application: Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, Cilt. 4 (2), s. 94. DOI: 10.7763/JOCET.2016.V4.259


Year 2017, Volume: 19 Issue: 56, 484 - 499, 01.05.2017


Bu çalışmada, fotovoltaik güneş pillerinde kullanılan ZnO filminin fiziksel özelliklerini geliştirmek amacı ile Al elementi (% 8 hacimsel oran) ile katkılama işlemi yapılmıştır. ZnO:Al filmleri Ultrasonik Kimyasal Püskürtme tekniği ile üretilmiş ve fiziksel özelliklerini iyileştirmek için hava ortamında tavlanmıştır. X-ışını kırınımı analizleri filmlerin polikristal formda ve wurtzite hekzagonal tipi kristal yapıya sahip olduklarını göstermiştir. Elektriksel özdirenç değerlerinin tavlama işlemi sonrasında arttığı belirlenmiştir. Atomik kuvvet mikroskobu ile filmlerin yüzey morfolojisi ve pürüzlülükleri incelenmiştir. Filmlerin görünür bölgede yüksek geçirgenliğe sahip oldukları saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, filmler için kırılma indisi (n) ve sönüm katsayısı (k) değerleri de rapor edilmiştir. Filmlerin optik bant aralığı değerleri optik metot yardımı ile belirlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, tavlama sıcaklığının elde edilen filmlerin optik, yapısal, elektriksel ve yüzeysel özellikleri üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olduğu saptanmıştır


  • Xu J., Wang H., Yang L., Jiang M., Wei S., Zhang T. 2010. Low temperature growth of highly crystallized ZnO:Al films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis from acetylacetone
  • Science and Engineering B, Cilt. , s. 182–186. DOI:10.1016/j.mseb.2010.02.012
  • Park T., Park N., Kim J., Lee W., Lee S. 2015. Cross plane temperature dependent thermal conductivity of
  • Al-doped zinc oxide thin films: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 638, s. 83-87. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.03.065
  • El Manouni A., Manjon F. J., Perales M., Mollar M., Mari B., Lopez M. C., Barrado J. R. R. 2007. Effect of thermal annealing on ZnO:Al thin films grown by spray pyrolysis:
  • Superlattices and Microstructures, Cilt. 42, s. 134-139. DOI: 10.1016/j.spmi.2007.04.005
  • El Manouni A., Manjón F. J., Mollar M., Marí B., Gómez R., López M.C., Barrado J. R. R. 2006. Effect of aluminium doping on zinc oxide thin films grown by spray pyrolysis: Superlattices and reactive magnetron
  • Liu C., He H., Sun L., Yang Q., Ye Z., Chen L. 2011. Acceptor-related emissions in indium-doped ZnO nanorods: Journal of Applied Physics, Cilt. 109, s. 053507- DOI:10.1063/1.3552981
  • Liu K. W., Sakurai M., Aono M. nanowires: Optical properties and room temperature ferromagnetism Journal of Applied Physics, Cilt. , DOI:10.1063/1.3464229 ZnO s. 043521.
  • Wu Z. F., Wu X. M., Zhung L. J., Hong B., Yang X. M., Chen X. M., Chen Q. Synthesis and magnetic properties of Mn-doped ZnO nanorods via radio frequency plasma Letters, Cilt. 64, s. 472- 474. DOI: 10.1016/j.matlet.2009.11.053
  • Mohanta A., Thareja R. K. 2010.
  • Temperature-dependent S-shaped photoluminescence in ZnCdO alloy: Journal of Applied Physics, Cilt. : 084904, s. 1–4. DOI: 10.1063/1.3391067 Te-Hua F., Shao-Hui K. 2010.
  • Preparation and characterisation of Mg-doped ZnO nanorods: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 492, s. 536- 542. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2009.11.168
  • Narayan J., Sharma A. K., Kvit A., Jin C., Muth J., Holland O. 2001. Novel cubic ZnxMg1-xO epitaxial hetero structures on Si (1 0 0) substrates:
  • Solid State Communications, Cilt. , s. 9–13. DOI:10.1016/S0038- (01)00431-8
  • Kurtaran S., Aldag S., Ofofoglu G., Akyuz I., Atay F. 2016. Transparent conductive ZnO thin films grown by chemical spray pyrolysis: The effect of Mg: Journal of Materials
  • Science: Materials in Electronics, Cilt. 27 (8), s. 8478-8485. DOI: 10.1007/s10854-016-4862-1
  • Wang X., Xu J., Yu X., Xue K., Yu J., Zhao X. 2007. Structural evidence of secondary phase segregation from the Raman vibrational modes in Zn1−xCoxO (0<x<0.6): Applied
  • Physics Letters, Cilt. 91, s. 031908- DOI:10.1063/1.2759272
  • Vimalkumar T. V., Poornima N., Jinesh K. B., Sudha K. C., Vijayakumar K. P. 2011. On single doping and Co-doping of spray pyrolysed ZnO films: Structural, electrical characterization: Applied Surface Science, Cilt. 257, s. 8334-8340. DOI:10.1016/j.apsusc.2011.03.118
  • Yang J., Lee J., Im K., Lim S. 2009.
  • Influence of Sn doping in hydrothermal methods on the optical property of the ZnO nanorods: Physica E, Cilt. 42, s. 51- DOI:10.1016/j.physe.2009.08.018
  • Srinivasan G., Kumar R. T., Kumar J. Influence of Al dopant on microstructure properties of ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gel spin coating method: Optical Material, Cilt. 30, s. 317. DOI:10.1016/j.optmat.2006.11.075
  • Lee J. H., Chou C. Y., Bi Z., Tsai C. F., Wang H. 2009. Growth-controlled surface roughness in Al-doped ZnO as transparent conducting oxide: Nanotechnology, 395711. DOI: 10.1088/0957- /20/39/395704 , s.
  • Shan F. K., Yu Y. S. 2004. Band gap energy of pure and Al-doped ZnO thin films: Journal of the European
  • Ceramic Society, Cilt. 24, s. 1869- DOI:10.1016/S0955- (03)00490-4
  • Suwanboon S., Amornpitoksuk P., Haidoux A., Tedenac J. C. 2008.
  • Structural and optical properties of undoped and aluminium doped zinc oxide nanoparticle: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 462, s. 339. DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.08.048 Sharma B. K., Khare N. 2010.
  • Stress-dependent band gap shift and quenching of defects in Al- doped ZnO films: Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, Cilt. 43, s. 465408. DOI:10.1088/0022- /43/46/465402
  • Kumar R. S., Sathyamoorthy R., Sudhagar P., Matheswaran P., Hrudhya C. P., Kang Y. S. 2011.
  • Effect of aluminum doping on the structural properties of ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by wet chemical method: Physica E, Cilt. 43, s. 1166- DOI:10.1016/j.physe.2011.01.022
  • Venkatachalam S., Iida Y., Kanno Y. characterization of Al-doped ZnO thin films by PLD: Superlattices and Microstructures, Cilt. 44, s. 135. DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2008.03.006
  • Liu S. P., Wuu D. S., Ou S. L., Fu Y. C., Lin P. R., Hung M. T., Horng R. H. transparent ZnO:Al conducting layers by pulsed laser deposition: Journal of The Electrochemical Society, Cilt. 158, s. K127-K130. DOI:10.1149/1.3567025
  • Singh A. V., Kumar M., Mehra R. M., Wakahara A., Yoshida A. 2001. Al- doped zinc oxide (ZnO:Al) thin films by pulsed laser ablation:
  • Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Cilt. 81, s. 527-533. Kim K. H., Park K. C., Ma D. Y. 1997.
  • Structural, electrical and optical properties of aluminum doped zinc oxide films prepared by radio frequency magnetron sputtering: Journal of Applied Physics, Cilt. 81, s. 7764. DOI:10.1063/1.365556
  • Yuldashev S. U., Kang T. W., Pelenovich V. O., Uygun V. V. 2009.
  • Photoluminescence and Magneto- optical Properties of Zn1−xMnxO: Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Cilt. 55(3), s. 938-941. DOI: 3938/jkps.55.938
  • Kim H., Horwitz J. S., Qadri S. B., Chrisey D. B. 2002. Epitaxial growth of Al-doped ZnO thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition:
  • Thin Solid Films, Cilt. 420–421, s. 111. DOI:10.1016/S00406090(02)0065 2
  • Xue S. W., Zu X. T., Zheng W. G., Chen M. Y., Xiang X. 2006. Effects of annealing concentration on the optical characteristics of ZnO:Al thin films by sol–gel technique: Physica B:
  • Condensed Matter, Cilt. 382, s. 201- DOI:10.1016/j.physb.2006.02.032
  • Rao T. P., Kumar, M. C. S., Hussain N. S. 2012. Effects of thickness and atmospheric structural, electrical and optical properties of GZO thin films by spray pyrolysis: Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 541, s. 495- DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2012.05.128
  • Guild C., Biswas S., Meng Y., Jafari T., Gaffney A. M., Suib S. L. 2014.
  • Perspectives of spray pyrolysis for facile synthesis of catalysts and thin films: An introduction and summary of recent directions: Catalysis Today, Cilt. 238, s. 87–94. DOI:10.1016/j.cattod.2014.03.056
  • Benzarouk H., Drici A., Mekhnache M., Amara A., Guerioune M., Bernède J. C., Bendjffal H. 2012.
  • Effect of different dopant elements (Al, Mg and Ni) on microstructural, optical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by spray pyrolysis (SP): Superlattices and Microstructures, Cilt. 52, s. 594-604. DOI:10.1016/j.spmi.2012.06.007
  • Nambala F. J., Nel J. M., Augusto G. J. M., Bonex W. M., Eric G. N., Maabong K., Das A. G. M., Diale M. Role of substrate and annealing temperature on the structure of ZnO and AlxZn1-xO thin films for solar cell applications: Physica B, Cilt. 480, s. 72–79. DOI:10.1016/j.physb.2015.09.022
  • Shivaraj B. W., Murthy H. N., Krishna M., Satyanarayana B. S. Temperature on Structural and Optical properties of Dip and Spin coated ZnO Thin Films: Procedia Materials Science, Cilt. 10, s. 292 – DOI:10.1016/j.mspro.2015.06.053
  • Podobinski D., Zanin S., Pruna A., Pullini D. 2013. Effect of annealing and room temperature sputtering power properties of pure and Al-doped ZnO
  • International, Cilt. 39 (2), s. 1021– DOI:10.1016/j.ceramint.2012.07.0 Ceramics
  • Liu C., Xu Z., Zhang Y., Fu J., Zang S., Zuo Y. 2015. Effect of annealing temperature on properties of
  • ZnO:Al thin films prepared by pulsed DC reactive magnetron sputtering: Materials Letters, Cilt. , s. 279–283. DOI:10.1016/j.matlet.2014.10.106
  • Wang F., Wu M. Z., Wang Y. Y., Yu Y. M., Wu X. M., Zhuge L. J., 2013. Influence annealing temperature on the electrical, optical and structural properties of AZO thin films: Vacuum, Cilt. 89, s.127-131. DOI: 1016/j.vacuum.2012.02.040
  • Surajit G., Chakraborty J. 2016.
  • Obviating the post annealing step for production of Al-doped zinc oxide films using sol–gel method: Use of rapid cooling and gas blanketing: Thin Solid Films, Cilt. , s. 173–179. DOI: 1016/j.tsf.2015.09.062
  • Flickyngerova S., Netrvalova M., Prusakova L., Novotny I., Sutta P., Tvarozek V. 2010. Modification of
  • AZO thin-film properties by annealing and ion etching: Vacuum, Cilt. 1016/j.vacuum.2009.04.006 DOI: Lee J. H., Park B. O. 2004.
  • Characteristics of Al-doped ZnO thin films obtained by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis: effects of Al doping treatment: Materials Science and Engineering: B, Cilt. 106, s. 242- DOI:10.1016/j.mseb.2003.09.040
  • Prepelita P., Craciun V., Garoi F., Staicu A. 2015. Effect of annealing treatment on the structural and optical properties of AZO samples:
  • Applied Surface Science, Cilt. 352, s. 23–27. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2015.02.089
  • Atay F., Kose S., Bilgin V., Akyuz I. CdS:Ni films obtained by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis: effect of the Ni concentration: Materials Letters, Cilt. 57, s. 3461-3472. DOI: 1016/S0167-577X(03)00100-9
  • Kaelble E. F. (Ed), 1967. Handbook of X-rays for diffraction, emission, absorption
  • McGraw-Hill, New York, 25s. microscopy, Zhao Z., Morel D. L., Ferekides C. S. properties of thin-doped CdO films deposited metalorganic chemical vapour deposition: Thin Solid Films, Cilt. , s. 203-211. PII: S0040-6090Ž0 00344-9 optical by atmospheric
  • Vigil O., Vaillant L., Cruz F., Santana G., Morales-Acevedo A., Contreras- Puente G. 2000. Spray pyrolysis deposition of cadmium-zinc oxide thin films: Thin Solid Films, Cilt. 362, s. 53-55. PII: S0040- (99)01061-5.
  • Thida W., Than T. W., Yin M. M., Ko K. K. S. 2013. Effect of Annealing Temperature
  • Parameters of Al doped ZnO Thin Film Solar Cell, PCO Proceding on AIP Guide, Vol:2008 ISBN: 978- 44483-63.
  • Khoshman, J. M., Kordesch M. E. Spectroscopic ellipsometry characterization of amorphous aluminum nitride and indium nitride thin films: Physica Status Solidi (C), Cilt. 2, s. 2821-2827. DOI: 10.1002/pssc.200461331
  • Babu B. J., Maldonado A., Velumani S., Asomoza R. 2010. Electrical and optical properties of ultrasonically sprayed Al-doped zinc oxide thin films: Materials Science and Engineering B, Cilt. 174, s. 31–37. DOI:10.1016/j.mseb.2010.03.010
  • Gençyılmaz O., Atay F., Akyüz I. Deposition and Ellipsometric Characterization of Transparent Conductive Al-doped ZnO for Solar Cell Application: Journal of Clean Energy Technologies, Cilt. 4 (2), s. 94. DOI: 10.7763/JOCET.2016.V4.259
There are 70 citations in total.


Other ID JA34UV48TF
Journal Section Research Article

Sema Kurtaran This is me

İdris Akyüz This is me

Ferhunde Atay This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 19 Issue: 56


APA Kurtaran, S., Akyüz, İ., & Atay, F. (2017). FOTOVOLTAİK GÜNEŞ PİLLERİNDE SAYDAM ÖN KONTAK OLARAK KULLANILABİLECEK ZNO:AL FİLMLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 19(56), 484-499.
Chicago Kurtaran, Sema, İdris Akyüz, and Ferhunde Atay. “FOTOVOLTAİK GÜNEŞ PİLLERİNDE SAYDAM ÖN KONTAK OLARAK KULLANILABİLECEK ZNO:AL FİLMLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 19, no. 56 (May 2017): 484-99.
EndNote Kurtaran S, Akyüz İ, Atay F (May 1, 2017) FOTOVOLTAİK GÜNEŞ PİLLERİNDE SAYDAM ÖN KONTAK OLARAK KULLANILABİLECEK ZNO:AL FİLMLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 19 56 484–499.
ISNAD Kurtaran, Sema et al. “FOTOVOLTAİK GÜNEŞ PİLLERİNDE SAYDAM ÖN KONTAK OLARAK KULLANILABİLECEK ZNO:AL FİLMLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 19/56 (May 2017), 484-499.
MLA Kurtaran, Sema et al. “FOTOVOLTAİK GÜNEŞ PİLLERİNDE SAYDAM ÖN KONTAK OLARAK KULLANILABİLECEK ZNO:AL FİLMLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, vol. 19, no. 56, 2017, pp. 484-99.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi, Adatepe Mah. Doğuş Cad. No: 207-I / 35390 Buca-İZMİR.