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Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 1 - 16, 01.05.2010


Remediation studies were conducted to determine the effectiveness of electrokinetic method on the
treatment of natural soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, in laboratory scale reactors.
Electokinetic remediation of agricultural soil with an initial TPHs concentration of 10000 ppm was
investigated under 20 V or 40 V electrical potential by using distilled water as electrolyte solution,
treatment efficiencies between 55.2 and 95.6 % were observed according to the distance from the
anode chamber and the applied electrical potential. The effect level of electrokinetic remediation on
16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which were announced by EPA as in high toxicity
group and present in engine oil that was used as contaminant, was also included in the framework of
the study. Similar with the findings with TPHs, it was observed that PAHs treatment efficiencies were
between 73.9 and 87.8% according to the distance from the anode and the electrical potential applied
to the system


  • Acar, Y.B., Alshawabkeh, A.N., (1993) Principles of Electrokinetic Remediation, Environmental Sciences and Technology 27(13), 2638-2647.
  • Alcántara, M.T., Gómez, J., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A. (2008) Combined treatment of PAHs contaminated soils using the sequence extraction with surfactant electrochemical degradation. Chemosphere 70, 1438-1444.
  • Alcántara, M.T., Gómez, J., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A. (2009) PAHs soil decontamination in two steps: Desorption and electrochemical treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 166, 462-468.
  • Altin, A., Degirmenci, M., (2005) Lead (II) removal from natural soils by enhanced electrokinetic remediation. Science of the Total Environment 337, 1- 10.
  • Altınbaş Ü., Çengel M.,Uysal H., Okur B., Okur N., Kurucu Y., Delibacak S., “Toprak Bilimi” İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No:557 355s.
  • ASTM D422 - 63(2007) Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
  • Chang, J.H., Liao, Y.C., (2006) The effect of critical operational parameters on the circulation -enhanced electrokinetics. Journal of Hazardous Materials B 129, 186-193.
  • Chung, H.I., Kamon,M. (2005) Ultrasonically enhanced electrokinetic remediation for removal of Pb and phenanthrene in contaminated soils. Engineering Geology 77, 233-242.
  • Haapea, P., Tuhkanen, T., (2006) Integrated treatment of PAH contaminated soil by soil washing ozonation and biological treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials B136, 244–250.
  • Huang, J.W.W., Chen, J.J., Berti, W.R., Cunningham, S.D., (1997), "Phytoremediation of lead-contaminated soils: Role of synthetic chelates in lead phytoextraction" Environmental Science Technology, Vol 31, 800-805.
  • Huang, X.D., El-Alawi, Y., Gurska, J., Glick, B.R. Greenberg,B.M. (2005) A multi-process phytoremediation system for decontamination of persistent total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) from soils. Microchemical Journal 81, 139-147.
  • Johnson, D.L., Anderson, D.R., McGrath, S.P., (2005) Soil microbial response during the phytoremediation of a PAH contaminated soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37, 2334–2336.
  • Kim, D.H., Jeon, C.S., Baek, K., Ko, S.H., Yang, J.S. (2009) Electrokinetic remediation of fluorine-contaminated soil: Conditioning of anolyte. Journal of Hazardous Materials 161, 565- 569.
  • Kim, D.H., Ryu, B.G., Park, S.W., Seo, C.I., Baek, K., (2009) Electrokinetic remediation of Zn and Ni-contaminated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 165, 501-505.
  • Kos, B., Lestan, D., (2004) "Chelator induced phytoextraction and in situ soil washing of Cu." Environmental Pollution, Vol 132, 333-339.
  • Li, Z., Yu, J.W., Neretnieks, I., (1997) Removal of Pb( II), Cd( II) and Cr( III) from sand by electromigration. Journal of Hazardous Materials 55, 295-304.
  • Mulligan, C.N., Yong, R.N., Gibbs, B.F., (2001) "Surfactantenhanced remediation of contaminated soil: a review", Engineering Geololgy, Vol 60, 371-380.
  • Palmer,C.D., Fish,W., and Keely, J.F., (1988) Inorganic Contaminants: "Recognizing the problem." In: Proc.2nd Nat. OutdoorAction Conf. on Aquifer Restoration, Groundwater Monitoring and GeophysicalMethods, National Water Well Association, Dublin, OH,pp. 555- 579.
  • Pathak, H., Kantharia, D., Malpani, A., Madamwar,D., (2009) Naphthalene degradation by Pseudomonas sp. HOB1: In vitro studies and assessment of naphthalene degradation efficiency in simulated microcosms. Journal of Hazardous Materials 166 (2009) 1466–1473.
  • Rivas, J., Gimeno, O., Calle, R.G., Portela, J.R., Ossa, E.M., (2009) Remediation of PAH spiked soils: Concentrated H2O2 treatment/continuous hot water extraction–oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 168, 1359–1365.
  • Saichek, E.R., Reddy, K.R, (2003) Effect of pH control at the anode for the electrokinetic removal of phenanthrene from kaolin soil. Chemosphere 51, 273-287.
  • Salt, D.E., Blaylock, M., Kumar, N.P.B.A., Dushenkov, V.,Ensley, B.D., Chet, I., Raskin, I., (1995) "Phytoremediation-A novel strategy for the removal of toxic metals from the environment using plants". Bio-Technology, Vol 13, 468-474.
  • Saponaro, S., Bonomo, L., Petruzzellı, G., Romele, L., Barbafıerı, M., (2002) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) slurry phase bioremediation of a manufacturing gas plant (mgp) site aged soil. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 135, 219-236.
  • Shen, Z., Chen, X., Jia, J.,Qu, L., Wang, W., (2007) Comparison of electrokinetic soil remediation methods using one fixed anode and approaching anodes. Environmental Pollution 150, 193-199.
  • Şirin, G. (1998) The Removal of Tricholoroethylene From Soil By Supercritical Fluid Extraction, PhD Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Tran, L.H., Drogui, P., Mercier, G., Blais,J.F., (2009) Coupling extraction-flotation with surfactant and electrochemical degradation for the treatment of PAH contaminated hazardous wastes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 170, 1218-1226.
  • USEPA Method 3550 B (1996)Ultrasonic Extraction, Revision 2, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington.
  • USEPA Method 9045 C (1995) Soil and waste pH, Revision 3, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington.
  • Virkutyte, J., Sillanpaa, M., Latostenmaa,P., (2002) Electrokinetic soil remediation critical overview. The Science of the Total Environment 289, 97-121.
  • Yuan, S., Wu, C., Wan, J., Lu, X., (2009) In situ removal of copper from sediments by a galvanic cell. Journal of Environmental Management 90, 421-427.
  • Yuan C., Weng C.H., (2004) Remediation ethylbenzene contaminated clayey soil by a surfactant- aided electrokinetic (SAEK) process. Chemosphere 57, 225-232.
  • Zoeteman, B.C.J. (1985) Owerview of Contaminants in Groundwater, In:Groundwater Quality,C.H.Ward, W.Ginger, and P.L. McCarty,(eds), Wiley Interscience, New York, NY, pp.27-37.
  • Zytner, R.G., Salb, A.C., Stiver, W.H., (2006) Bioremediation of Diesel Fuel Contaminated Soil: Comparison of Individual Compounds to Complex Mixtures. Soil & Sediment Contamination 15, 277-297.


Year 2010, Volume: 12 Issue: 2, 1 - 16, 01.05.2010


treatment of natural soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, in laboratory scale reactors. Electokinetic remediation of agricultural soil with an initial TPHs concentration of 10000 ppm was investigated under 20 V or 40 V electrical potential by using distilled water as electrolyte solution, treatment efficiencies between 55.2 and 95.6 % were observed according to the distance from the anode chamber and the applied electrical potential. The effect level of electrokinetic remediation on 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which were announced by EPA as in high toxicity group and present in engine oil that was used as contaminant, was also included in the framework of the study. Similar with the findings with TPHs, it was observed that PAHs treatment efficiencies were between 73.9 and 87.8% according to the distance from the anode and the electrical potential applied to the system


  • Acar, Y.B., Alshawabkeh, A.N., (1993) Principles of Electrokinetic Remediation, Environmental Sciences and Technology 27(13), 2638-2647.
  • Alcántara, M.T., Gómez, J., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A. (2008) Combined treatment of PAHs contaminated soils using the sequence extraction with surfactant electrochemical degradation. Chemosphere 70, 1438-1444.
  • Alcántara, M.T., Gómez, J., Pazos, M., Sanromán, M.A. (2009) PAHs soil decontamination in two steps: Desorption and electrochemical treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 166, 462-468.
  • Altin, A., Degirmenci, M., (2005) Lead (II) removal from natural soils by enhanced electrokinetic remediation. Science of the Total Environment 337, 1- 10.
  • Altınbaş Ü., Çengel M.,Uysal H., Okur B., Okur N., Kurucu Y., Delibacak S., “Toprak Bilimi” İzmir, Ege Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No:557 355s.
  • ASTM D422 - 63(2007) Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
  • Chang, J.H., Liao, Y.C., (2006) The effect of critical operational parameters on the circulation -enhanced electrokinetics. Journal of Hazardous Materials B 129, 186-193.
  • Chung, H.I., Kamon,M. (2005) Ultrasonically enhanced electrokinetic remediation for removal of Pb and phenanthrene in contaminated soils. Engineering Geology 77, 233-242.
  • Haapea, P., Tuhkanen, T., (2006) Integrated treatment of PAH contaminated soil by soil washing ozonation and biological treatment. Journal of Hazardous Materials B136, 244–250.
  • Huang, J.W.W., Chen, J.J., Berti, W.R., Cunningham, S.D., (1997), "Phytoremediation of lead-contaminated soils: Role of synthetic chelates in lead phytoextraction" Environmental Science Technology, Vol 31, 800-805.
  • Huang, X.D., El-Alawi, Y., Gurska, J., Glick, B.R. Greenberg,B.M. (2005) A multi-process phytoremediation system for decontamination of persistent total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) from soils. Microchemical Journal 81, 139-147.
  • Johnson, D.L., Anderson, D.R., McGrath, S.P., (2005) Soil microbial response during the phytoremediation of a PAH contaminated soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 37, 2334–2336.
  • Kim, D.H., Jeon, C.S., Baek, K., Ko, S.H., Yang, J.S. (2009) Electrokinetic remediation of fluorine-contaminated soil: Conditioning of anolyte. Journal of Hazardous Materials 161, 565- 569.
  • Kim, D.H., Ryu, B.G., Park, S.W., Seo, C.I., Baek, K., (2009) Electrokinetic remediation of Zn and Ni-contaminated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 165, 501-505.
  • Kos, B., Lestan, D., (2004) "Chelator induced phytoextraction and in situ soil washing of Cu." Environmental Pollution, Vol 132, 333-339.
  • Li, Z., Yu, J.W., Neretnieks, I., (1997) Removal of Pb( II), Cd( II) and Cr( III) from sand by electromigration. Journal of Hazardous Materials 55, 295-304.
  • Mulligan, C.N., Yong, R.N., Gibbs, B.F., (2001) "Surfactantenhanced remediation of contaminated soil: a review", Engineering Geololgy, Vol 60, 371-380.
  • Palmer,C.D., Fish,W., and Keely, J.F., (1988) Inorganic Contaminants: "Recognizing the problem." In: Proc.2nd Nat. OutdoorAction Conf. on Aquifer Restoration, Groundwater Monitoring and GeophysicalMethods, National Water Well Association, Dublin, OH,pp. 555- 579.
  • Pathak, H., Kantharia, D., Malpani, A., Madamwar,D., (2009) Naphthalene degradation by Pseudomonas sp. HOB1: In vitro studies and assessment of naphthalene degradation efficiency in simulated microcosms. Journal of Hazardous Materials 166 (2009) 1466–1473.
  • Rivas, J., Gimeno, O., Calle, R.G., Portela, J.R., Ossa, E.M., (2009) Remediation of PAH spiked soils: Concentrated H2O2 treatment/continuous hot water extraction–oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 168, 1359–1365.
  • Saichek, E.R., Reddy, K.R, (2003) Effect of pH control at the anode for the electrokinetic removal of phenanthrene from kaolin soil. Chemosphere 51, 273-287.
  • Salt, D.E., Blaylock, M., Kumar, N.P.B.A., Dushenkov, V.,Ensley, B.D., Chet, I., Raskin, I., (1995) "Phytoremediation-A novel strategy for the removal of toxic metals from the environment using plants". Bio-Technology, Vol 13, 468-474.
  • Saponaro, S., Bonomo, L., Petruzzellı, G., Romele, L., Barbafıerı, M., (2002) Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) slurry phase bioremediation of a manufacturing gas plant (mgp) site aged soil. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 135, 219-236.
  • Shen, Z., Chen, X., Jia, J.,Qu, L., Wang, W., (2007) Comparison of electrokinetic soil remediation methods using one fixed anode and approaching anodes. Environmental Pollution 150, 193-199.
  • Şirin, G. (1998) The Removal of Tricholoroethylene From Soil By Supercritical Fluid Extraction, PhD Thesis, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir.
  • Tran, L.H., Drogui, P., Mercier, G., Blais,J.F., (2009) Coupling extraction-flotation with surfactant and electrochemical degradation for the treatment of PAH contaminated hazardous wastes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 170, 1218-1226.
  • USEPA Method 3550 B (1996)Ultrasonic Extraction, Revision 2, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington.
  • USEPA Method 9045 C (1995) Soil and waste pH, Revision 3, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington.
  • Virkutyte, J., Sillanpaa, M., Latostenmaa,P., (2002) Electrokinetic soil remediation critical overview. The Science of the Total Environment 289, 97-121.
  • Yuan, S., Wu, C., Wan, J., Lu, X., (2009) In situ removal of copper from sediments by a galvanic cell. Journal of Environmental Management 90, 421-427.
  • Yuan C., Weng C.H., (2004) Remediation ethylbenzene contaminated clayey soil by a surfactant- aided electrokinetic (SAEK) process. Chemosphere 57, 225-232.
  • Zoeteman, B.C.J. (1985) Owerview of Contaminants in Groundwater, In:Groundwater Quality,C.H.Ward, W.Ginger, and P.L. McCarty,(eds), Wiley Interscience, New York, NY, pp.27-37.
  • Zytner, R.G., Salb, A.C., Stiver, W.H., (2006) Bioremediation of Diesel Fuel Contaminated Soil: Comparison of Individual Compounds to Complex Mixtures. Soil & Sediment Contamination 15, 277-297.
There are 33 citations in total.


Other ID JA94RT53MP
Journal Section Research Article

Melayib Bilgin This is me

Görkem Akıncı This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 12 Issue: 2


APA Bilgin, M., & Akıncı, G. (2010). PETROL HİDROKARBONLARI İLE KİRLENMİŞ DOĞAL TOPRAĞIN ELEKTROKİNETİK YÖNTEMLE ARITIMI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 12(2), 1-16.
Chicago Bilgin, Melayib, and Görkem Akıncı. “PETROL HİDROKARBONLARI İLE KİRLENMİŞ DOĞAL TOPRAĞIN ELEKTROKİNETİK YÖNTEMLE ARITIMI”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 12, no. 2 (May 2010): 1-16.
EndNote Bilgin M, Akıncı G (May 1, 2010) PETROL HİDROKARBONLARI İLE KİRLENMİŞ DOĞAL TOPRAĞIN ELEKTROKİNETİK YÖNTEMLE ARITIMI. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 12 2 1–16.
ISNAD Bilgin, Melayib - Akıncı, Görkem. “PETROL HİDROKARBONLARI İLE KİRLENMİŞ DOĞAL TOPRAĞIN ELEKTROKİNETİK YÖNTEMLE ARITIMI”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 12/2 (May 2010), 1-16.
MLA Bilgin, Melayib and Görkem Akıncı. “PETROL HİDROKARBONLARI İLE KİRLENMİŞ DOĞAL TOPRAĞIN ELEKTROKİNETİK YÖNTEMLE ARITIMI”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, vol. 12, no. 2, 2010, pp. 1-16.

Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı Tınaztepe Yerleşkesi, Adatepe Mah. Doğuş Cad. No: 207-I / 35390 Buca-İZMİR.