Press filter cake is a solid waste produced during sugar production process and includes carbonates and organic components. In this study, coal powder in different percentages (from 10 wt.% to 50 wt.%) was mixed with 35 wt.% press filter cake and 65 wt.% chamotte composition to produce porous anorthite ceramic products with different apparent porosity percentages. The anorthite phase was observed as the dominant crystalline phase in all fired samples. The firing shrinkage values sharply increased after adding higher than 40 wt.% coal powder to composition. In addition, apparent porosity values were changed from 49% to 70%. Compressive strength values reduced from 18 MPa to 1.73 MPa while percentages of ground coal were increasing. Microstructural analysis also showed that the porosity values of the sintered samples showed important changes depending on the amount of coal additive. The thermal conductivity values showed a reduction from 0.113 W/mK to 0.064 W/mK while increasing the percentage of ground coal. Micro-computed tomography (Micro CT) analysis was performed for 40wt. % coal powder added composition and the total porosity value was found as 60.2%.
[1] Li C, Han Y, Wu L, Chen K, An L. 2017. Fabrication and properties of porous anorthite ceramics with modelling pore structure, Materials Letters, Cilt. 190, s.95-98. DOI:
[2] Zenikheri F, Harabi A, Boudaira B, Bouzerara F, Guechi A, Barama SE, Foughali F, Karboua N. 2016. Elaboration of porous gehlenite and anorthite based ceramics using low price raw materials, Cerâmica, Cilt. 62, s. 242-248. DOI:
[3] Simão L, Caldato RF, Innocentini MDM, Montedo ORK. 2015. Permeability of porous ceramic based on calcium carbonate as pore generating agent, Ceramics International, Cilt. 4, s.4782–4788. DOI:
[4] Hossain SK S, Roy PK. 2019. Fabrication of sustainable insulation refractory: Utilization of different wastes, Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Cilt. 58(3), s. 115-125. DOI:
[5] Jiang F, Zhang L, Mukiza E, Qi Z, Cang D. 2018. Formation mechanism of high apparent porosity ceramics prepared from fly ash cenosphere, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 749, s. 750-757. DOI:
[6] Li Y, Cheng X, Gong L, Feng J, Cao W, Zhang R, Zhang H. 2015. Fabrication and characterization of anorthite foam ceramics having low thermal conductivity, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Cilt. 35, s.267–275. DOI:
[7] Xiang W, Ding Q, Zhang G. 2020. Preparation and characterization of porous anorthite ceramics from red mud and fly ash, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Cilt. 17(1), s. 113-121. DOI:
[8] Zong Y, Wan Q, Cang D. 2019. Preparation of anorthite-based porous ceramics using high-alumina fly ash microbeads and steel slag, Ceramics International, Cilt. 45, s. 22445–22451. DOI:
[9] Sutcu M, Akkurt S, Bayram A, Uluca U. 2012. Production of anorthite refractory insulating firebrick from mixtures of clay and recycled paper waste with sawdust addition, Ceramics International, Cilt. 38, s. 1033–1041. DOI:
[10] Sutcu M, Akkurt S. 2010. Utilization of recycled paper processing residues and clay of different sources for the production of porous anorthite ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Cilt. 30(8), S. 1785-1793. DOI:
[11] Gupta N, Tripathi S, Balomajumder C. 2011. Characterization of pressmud: A sugar industry waste, Fuel, Cilt. 90, s. 389–394. DOI:
[12] Chauhan MK, Varun, Chaudhary S, Kumar S, Samar. 2011. Life cycle assessment of sugar industry: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Cilt. 15(7), s. 3445-3453. DOI:
[13] Kaya VS, Sutcu M. 2020. Utilization of sugar processing filter cake instead of calcite in production of anorthite based ceramics, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Cilt. 21(4), s. 425-432. DOI:
[14] Hariharan V, Shanmugam M, Amutha K, Sivakumar G. 2014. Preparation and characterization of ceramic products using sugarcane bagasse ash waste, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, Cilt. 3 s. 67-70.
[15] Souza AE, Teixeira SR, Santos GTA, Costa FB, Longo E. 2011. Reuse of sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) to produce ceramic materials, Journal of Environmental Management, Cilt. 92, s. 2774-2780. DOI:
[16] El-Maghraby HF, Aly AA, Naga SM. 2013 Utilization of Sugar-beet industry by-products for the production of anorthite, Interceram, Cilt. 62, s. 426-428.
[17] Naga SM, Sayed M, Elmaghraby HF, Khalil MS, El-Sayed MA. 2017. Fabrication and properties of cordierite / anorthite composites, Ceramics International, Cilt. 43(8), s. 6024-6028. DOI:
[18] Naga SM, El-Maghraby HF, Aly AA. 2015. Preparation and Characterization of Anorthite-Alumina Composites, Interceram-International Ceramic Review, Cilt. 64(1-2), s. 34-37.
[19] Kaya VS, Sutcu M, Yalamac E. 2022. Preparation and characterization of anorthite ceramics from sugar production solid waste: a statistical analysis of grinding parameters., Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, Cilt. 58, s. 1025–1037. DOI:
[20] Wu L, Li C, Li H, Wang H, Yu W, Chen K, Zhang X. 2020. Preparation and characteristics of porous anorthite ceramics with high porosity and high‐temperature strength, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Cilt. 17(3), s. 963-973. DOI:
[21] Wu Q, W, Huang Z. 2021. Preparation and performance of lightweight porous ceramics using metallurgical steel slag, Ceramics International, Cilt. 47, s. 25169–25176. DOI:
[22] Torman Kayalar M, Erdoğan G, Yavaş A, Güler S, Sütçü M. 2022. Fabrication of porous anorthite ceramics using eggshell waste as a calcium source and expanded polystyrene granules. Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt. 25(3), s. 1235-1241. DOI: 10.2339/politeknik.911758
[23] Hoc Thang N. 2020. Novel Porous Refractory Synthesized from Diatomaceous Earth and Rice Husk Ash, Jounal of Polymer & Composites, Cilt. 8(2), s. 128-137.
Gözenekli Anortit Seramiklerin Şeker Proses Katı Atığı, Şamot ve Kömür Tozu Katkıları Kullanılarak Üretimi ve Karakterizasyonu
Year 2024,
Volume: 26 Issue: 78, 433 - 439, 27.09.2024
Pres filtre keki, şeker üretim sürecinde ortaya çıkan, karbonatlar ve organik bileşenler içeren katı bir atıktır. Bu çalışmada farklı görünür gözeneklilik yüzdelerine sahip, gözenekli anortit seramikler üretmek için, ağırlıkça %35 pres filtre keki ve ağırlıkça %65 şamot bileşimi ile farklı yüzdelerde kömür tozu (ağırlıkça %10’dan %50’ye kadar) karıştırılmıştır. Pişirilen tüm örneklerde anortit fazı baskın kristal faz olarak gözlenmiştir. Bileşime ağırlıkça %40’tan fazla kömür tozu ilave edilmesiyle, pişirme büzülme değerleri hızlı bir şekilde artmıştır. Ayrıca görünür gözeneklilik değerleri %49’dan %70’e çıkmıştır. Kömür tozu yüzdeleri artarken basma dayanım değerleri 18MPa’dan 1,73MPa’a düşmüştür. Mikroyapı analizleri de sinterlenmiş numunelerin gözeneklilik değerlerinin kömür katkı miktarına bağlı olarak önemli ölçüde değiştiğini göstermiştir. Bileşimdeki kömür tozu yüzdesi arttırılırken, termal iletkenlik değerleri, 0,113 W/mK’den 0,064 W/mK’e düşme göstermiştir. Ağırlıkça %40 kömür tozu katkılı bileşim için Mikro bilgisayarlı tomografi (Micro CT) analizi yapılmış ve toplam gözeneklilik değeri %60,2 olarak bulunmuştur.
[1] Li C, Han Y, Wu L, Chen K, An L. 2017. Fabrication and properties of porous anorthite ceramics with modelling pore structure, Materials Letters, Cilt. 190, s.95-98. DOI:
[2] Zenikheri F, Harabi A, Boudaira B, Bouzerara F, Guechi A, Barama SE, Foughali F, Karboua N. 2016. Elaboration of porous gehlenite and anorthite based ceramics using low price raw materials, Cerâmica, Cilt. 62, s. 242-248. DOI:
[3] Simão L, Caldato RF, Innocentini MDM, Montedo ORK. 2015. Permeability of porous ceramic based on calcium carbonate as pore generating agent, Ceramics International, Cilt. 4, s.4782–4788. DOI:
[4] Hossain SK S, Roy PK. 2019. Fabrication of sustainable insulation refractory: Utilization of different wastes, Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio, Cilt. 58(3), s. 115-125. DOI:
[5] Jiang F, Zhang L, Mukiza E, Qi Z, Cang D. 2018. Formation mechanism of high apparent porosity ceramics prepared from fly ash cenosphere, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Cilt. 749, s. 750-757. DOI:
[6] Li Y, Cheng X, Gong L, Feng J, Cao W, Zhang R, Zhang H. 2015. Fabrication and characterization of anorthite foam ceramics having low thermal conductivity, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Cilt. 35, s.267–275. DOI:
[7] Xiang W, Ding Q, Zhang G. 2020. Preparation and characterization of porous anorthite ceramics from red mud and fly ash, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Cilt. 17(1), s. 113-121. DOI:
[8] Zong Y, Wan Q, Cang D. 2019. Preparation of anorthite-based porous ceramics using high-alumina fly ash microbeads and steel slag, Ceramics International, Cilt. 45, s. 22445–22451. DOI:
[9] Sutcu M, Akkurt S, Bayram A, Uluca U. 2012. Production of anorthite refractory insulating firebrick from mixtures of clay and recycled paper waste with sawdust addition, Ceramics International, Cilt. 38, s. 1033–1041. DOI:
[10] Sutcu M, Akkurt S. 2010. Utilization of recycled paper processing residues and clay of different sources for the production of porous anorthite ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Cilt. 30(8), S. 1785-1793. DOI:
[11] Gupta N, Tripathi S, Balomajumder C. 2011. Characterization of pressmud: A sugar industry waste, Fuel, Cilt. 90, s. 389–394. DOI:
[12] Chauhan MK, Varun, Chaudhary S, Kumar S, Samar. 2011. Life cycle assessment of sugar industry: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Cilt. 15(7), s. 3445-3453. DOI:
[13] Kaya VS, Sutcu M. 2020. Utilization of sugar processing filter cake instead of calcite in production of anorthite based ceramics, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research, Cilt. 21(4), s. 425-432. DOI:
[14] Hariharan V, Shanmugam M, Amutha K, Sivakumar G. 2014. Preparation and characterization of ceramic products using sugarcane bagasse ash waste, Research Journal of Recent Sciences, Cilt. 3 s. 67-70.
[15] Souza AE, Teixeira SR, Santos GTA, Costa FB, Longo E. 2011. Reuse of sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) to produce ceramic materials, Journal of Environmental Management, Cilt. 92, s. 2774-2780. DOI:
[16] El-Maghraby HF, Aly AA, Naga SM. 2013 Utilization of Sugar-beet industry by-products for the production of anorthite, Interceram, Cilt. 62, s. 426-428.
[17] Naga SM, Sayed M, Elmaghraby HF, Khalil MS, El-Sayed MA. 2017. Fabrication and properties of cordierite / anorthite composites, Ceramics International, Cilt. 43(8), s. 6024-6028. DOI:
[18] Naga SM, El-Maghraby HF, Aly AA. 2015. Preparation and Characterization of Anorthite-Alumina Composites, Interceram-International Ceramic Review, Cilt. 64(1-2), s. 34-37.
[19] Kaya VS, Sutcu M, Yalamac E. 2022. Preparation and characterization of anorthite ceramics from sugar production solid waste: a statistical analysis of grinding parameters., Journal of the Australian Ceramic Society, Cilt. 58, s. 1025–1037. DOI:
[20] Wu L, Li C, Li H, Wang H, Yu W, Chen K, Zhang X. 2020. Preparation and characteristics of porous anorthite ceramics with high porosity and high‐temperature strength, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, Cilt. 17(3), s. 963-973. DOI:
[21] Wu Q, W, Huang Z. 2021. Preparation and performance of lightweight porous ceramics using metallurgical steel slag, Ceramics International, Cilt. 47, s. 25169–25176. DOI:
[22] Torman Kayalar M, Erdoğan G, Yavaş A, Güler S, Sütçü M. 2022. Fabrication of porous anorthite ceramics using eggshell waste as a calcium source and expanded polystyrene granules. Journal of Polytechnic, Cilt. 25(3), s. 1235-1241. DOI: 10.2339/politeknik.911758
[23] Hoc Thang N. 2020. Novel Porous Refractory Synthesized from Diatomaceous Earth and Rice Husk Ash, Jounal of Polymer & Composites, Cilt. 8(2), s. 128-137.
Kaya, V. S., Sütçü, M., Yalamaç, E., Ertuğrul, O. (2024). Production and Characterization of Porous Anorthite Ceramics Using Sugar Process Solid Waste, Chamotte and Coal Powder Additives. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, 26(78), 433-439.
Kaya VS, Sütçü M, Yalamaç E, Ertuğrul O. Production and Characterization of Porous Anorthite Ceramics Using Sugar Process Solid Waste, Chamotte and Coal Powder Additives. DEUFMD. September 2024;26(78):433-439. doi:10.21205/deufmd.2024267809
Kaya, Vacide Selin, Mücahit Sütçü, Emre Yalamaç, and Onur Ertuğrul. “Production and Characterization of Porous Anorthite Ceramics Using Sugar Process Solid Waste, Chamotte and Coal Powder Additives”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi 26, no. 78 (September 2024): 433-39.
Kaya VS, Sütçü M, Yalamaç E, Ertuğrul O (September 1, 2024) Production and Characterization of Porous Anorthite Ceramics Using Sugar Process Solid Waste, Chamotte and Coal Powder Additives. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 26 78 433–439.
V. S. Kaya, M. Sütçü, E. Yalamaç, and O. Ertuğrul, “Production and Characterization of Porous Anorthite Ceramics Using Sugar Process Solid Waste, Chamotte and Coal Powder Additives”, DEUFMD, vol. 26, no. 78, pp. 433–439, 2024, doi: 10.21205/deufmd.2024267809.
Kaya, Vacide Selin et al. “Production and Characterization of Porous Anorthite Ceramics Using Sugar Process Solid Waste, Chamotte and Coal Powder Additives”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen ve Mühendislik Dergisi 26/78 (September 2024), 433-439.
Kaya VS, Sütçü M, Yalamaç E, Ertuğrul O. Production and Characterization of Porous Anorthite Ceramics Using Sugar Process Solid Waste, Chamotte and Coal Powder Additives. DEUFMD. 2024;26:433–439.
Kaya, Vacide Selin et al. “Production and Characterization of Porous Anorthite Ceramics Using Sugar Process Solid Waste, Chamotte and Coal Powder Additives”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 78, 2024, pp. 433-9, doi:10.21205/deufmd.2024267809.
Kaya VS, Sütçü M, Yalamaç E, Ertuğrul O. Production and Characterization of Porous Anorthite Ceramics Using Sugar Process Solid Waste, Chamotte and Coal Powder Additives. DEUFMD. 2024;26(78):433-9.