Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 21 Issue: 4, 1355 - 1376, 19.12.2019


 Turkey’s security-oriented foreign
policy during the 1990s, which changed dramatically by the 2000s towards a more
liberal mode and which can also be considered as the “Europeanization of
Turkish foreign policy”, returned to its re-securitized phase in the 2010s by
resorting to hard power. This article aims at explaining this reversal by
analysing changes in the intensity of Turkey’s internal and external threats.
In this analysis, it will mainly concentrate on the ongoing civil war in Syria,
as an enabling factor for the revival of PKK terror in Turkey and terrorist
attacks from ISIS. Consequently, the unstable political and security environment
surrounding the South-eastern borderline of Turkey has led to the use of hard power
in national foreign policy. In contrast with the previous decade, the use of military
power has become inevitable in the pursuit of national security interests
against intra-country and cross-border terror threats.    


  • Al Jazeera. (2017). Timeline of attacks in Turkey. (19.02.2017). (Date of Access: 20.10.2017).
  • Al-Monitor. (2017). Abadi Erdoğan meet to form Kurdistan game plan. (25.10.2017) (Date of Access: 27.10.2017).
  • Aras, B. (2009). The Davutoğlu era in Turkish foreign policy. Insight Turkey, 10 (3), 127-142.
  • Aras, B. (2014). Davutoğlu era in Turkish foreign policy revisited. Journal of Balkan and Near East Studies, 16 (4), 404-418.
  • Ayata, B. (2014). Turkish foreign policy in a changing Arab world: Rise and fall of a regional actor. Journal of European Integration, 37 (1), 95-112.
  • Aydın, M. & Açıkmeşe, S. (2007). Europeanization through EU conditionality: Understanding the new era in Turkish foreign policy. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 9 (3), 263-274.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S. & Kaliber, A. (2016). Encounters with Europe in an era of domestic and international turmoil: Is Turkey a de-Europeanising candidate country? South European Society and Politics, 21 (1), 1-14.
  • Batalla, Laura. (2017). Turkey and EU at a crossroads: How to fix a wrecked relationship. Heinrich Böll Stiftung. (Date of Access: 07.08.2017).
  • Bechev, D. (2017). Turkey and Greece: Old habits die hard. Al-Jazeera. (08.12.2017). (Date of Access: 10.12.2017).
  • Berridge, G. R. & James, A. (2003). A dictionary of diplomacy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bishku, M. (2012). Turkish Syrian relations: A checkered history. Middle East Policy Council, XIX (3). (Date of Access: 10.06.2018)
  • Bora, B. (2017). What is behind the hostility between Iran and Turkey? Al-Jazeera. (26.02.2017). (Date of Access: 10.09.2017)
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2001). Stratejik derinlik: Türkiye’nin uluslararası konumu. İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2008). Turkey’s foreign policy vision: An assessment of 2007. Insight Turkey, 10 (1), 77-96. European Commission. (2005). Negotiating framework for Turkey, principles governing negotiations, article 6. framedoc_en.pdf. (Date of Access: 05.08.2017).
  • European Commission. (2016). Turkey 2016 report. Brussels. (Date of Access: 25.02.2018).
  • European Council. (2004). Brussels European council presidency conclusions, 16-17 December 2004, article 20. (Date of Access: 05.08.2017).
  • Fahim, K. & Arsu, S. (2013). Car bombings kill dozens in center of Turkish town near the Syrian border. (11.05.2013). The New York Times, (Date of Access: 25.08.2017).
  • Gürcan, M. (2017). Post-referendum Turkey: Renewed conflicts, new allies. (19.04.2017) Aljazeera. (Date of Access: 15.08.2017).
  • Heraclides, A. (2010). The Greek-Turkish conflict in the Aegean: Imagined enemies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hürriyet Daily News. (2012). 5 killed as Syrian shell hits Turkish town. (03.10.2012). (Date of Access: 25.08.2017).
  • İdiz, S. (2017). Will Turkey, Iraq open new chapter in ties? Al-Monitor. (Date of Access: 20.08.2017).
  • İşeri, E. & Bartan, A. Ç. (2019). Turkey’s geostrategic vision and energy concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean security architecture: A view from Ankara. In T. Zenonas (Ed.), The new geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean: Trilateral partnerships and regional security (pp. 111-124). Re-imagining the Eastern Mediterranean Series: PCC Report, 3. PRIO Cyprus Centre.
  • Jakobsen, P. V. (1998). Western use of coercive diplomacy after the cold war a challenge for theory and practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Jenkins, G. (2010). The PKK insurgency enters a new era. The Turkey Analyst. (Date of Access: 14.08.2017).
  • Jones, D. (2017). Iranian-Turkish relations deepen with shared regional goals. Voice of America. (Date of Access: 26.11.2017).
  • Jorgensen, K.E. (2016). Foreign and security policy: A case of the politics of alignment. In A. Tekin, & A. Güney (Eds.), The Europeanization of Turkish public policies a scorecard (pp. 116-129). Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Kaarbo, J., Lantis J. S. & Beasley R. K. (2013). The analysis of foreign policy in comparative perspective. In R. K. Beasley, J. Kaarbo, J. S. Lantis & M. T. Snarr (Eds.), Foreign policy in comparative perspective, domestic and international influences on state behaviour (pp. 1-26). Los Angeles: Sage, CQ Press.
  • Karacasulu, N. & Aşkar-Karakır, İ. (2011). Iran-Turkey relations in the 2000s: Pragmatic rapprochement. Ege Akademik Bakış, 11 (1), 111-119.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2009). Merkel and Sarkozy call for privileged partnership angers Turkey. Eurasia Daily Monitor, 6 (92). (Date of Access: 12.03.2018).
  • Kayhan, Pusane Ö. (2016). Turkey’s changing relations with the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government. Middle East Review of International Affairs, 20 (2), 20-28.
  • Keohane R. O. & Nye, J. S. (1989) Power and interdependence: World politics in transition. Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman and Co.
  • Ker-Lindsay, J. (2000). Greek-Turkish rapprochement: The impact of disaster diplomacy? Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 14 (1), 215-232.
  • Keyman, F. (2017). Turkey’s choice: Responding to security challenges through humanitarian norms with a revitalized EU anchor. International Politics, 54 (4), 453-467.
  • Kirişci, K. (2004). The Kurdish question and Turkish foreign policy. In L. D. Martin & D. Keridis (Eds.), The future of Turkish foreign policy (pp. 277-314). Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Kirişçi, K. (2006). Turkey’s foreign policy in turbulent times. EU-ISS Chaillot Paper, No. 92. (Date of Access: 18.08.2017).
  • Kuru, T. A. (2012) Turkey, Iran and Sunni-Shiite tension. Brookings Institute. (Date of Access: 16.08.2017).
  • Major, C. (2005). Europeanization and foreign and security policy: Undermining or rescuing the nation state? Politics, 25 (3), 175-190.
  • McCurdy, D. (2008). Turkish-Iranian Relations: When the opposites attract. Turkish Policy, 7 (2), 88-106.
  • Mufti, M. (2002). Turkish-Syrian rapprochement: Causes and consequences. The Washington Institute Policywatch No.630. (Date of Access: 15.08.2017).
  • Müftüler-Baç, M. & Gürsoy, Y. (2009). Is there a Europeanization of Turkish foreign policy? Turkish Studies, 11 (15), 405-427.
  • Nye, J. S. (2016). What is power in global affairs? In R. J. Art & R. Jervis (Eds.) International politics enduring concepts and contemporary issues (pp. 41-48). New York: Pearson.
  • Oğuzlu, T. (2016). Turkish foreign policy at the nexus of changing international and regional dynamics. Turkish Studies, 17 (1), 58-67.
  • Okur, Y. (2017). Around 44 civilians killed in PKK attacks across Turkey. Anadolu Ajansı. (Date of Access: 30.12.2017).
  • Ovalı, A. Ş. (2012). From Europeanization to re-nationalization: Contextual parameters of change in Turkish foreign policy. Studia Europaea, (3), 17-38.
  • Öniş, Z. & Kutlay M. (2019). Global shifts and the limits of the EU’s transformative power in the European periphery: Comparative perspectives from Hungary and Turkey. Government and Opposition, 54 (2), 226-253.
  • Özek, C. I. C. & Oğuzlu, T. (2013). Beyond the institutional logics: International level systemic analysis of EU-Turkish relations. Turkish Studies, 14 (4), 688-708.
  • Radaelli, M. C. (2000). Whither Europeanisation? Concept stretching and substantive change. European Integration Online Papers, 4. (Date of Access: 03.08.2017).
  • Renda, K. K. (2011). Turkey’s neighbourhood policy: An emerging complex interdependence? Insight Turkey, 13 (1), 89-108.
  • Russia Today. (2013). First NATO Patriot battery goes operational in Turkey. (26.01.2013). (Date of Access: 25.08.2017).
  • Sadık, G. (2008). Iran and Turkey move closer on counter-terrorism cooperation. Jamestown Foundation. (Date of Access: 17.08.2017).
  • Smith, H. (2004). Greeks vote down Cyprus unity plan. The Guardian. (25.04.2004). (Date of Access: 07.09.2017).
  • Smith, H. (2017). Erdoğan stuns Greek hosts on Athens visit. The Guardian. (07.12.2017). (Date of Access: 15.12.2017).
  • The Economist. (2017). Why Turkey and Greece cannot reconcile? (14.12.2017) (Date of Access: 15.12.2017).
  • The Guardian. (2017). Greek and Turkish warships in standoff in Aegean Sea. (30.01.2017) (Date of Access: 16.12.2017).
  • TRT World. (2019). One year since Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch in Syria. (Date of Access: 15.06.2019)
  • Wintour, P. (2017). Putin brings Iran and Turkey together in bold Syria Peace Plan. The Guardian. (22.11.2017). (Date of Access: 27.11.2017).


Year 2019, Volume: 21 Issue: 4, 1355 - 1376, 19.12.2019


Türkiye’nin 1990’lardaki güvenlik odaklı dış politikası 2000’li yıllarda Türk
dış politikasının Avrupalılaşması olarak da nitelendirilebilen daha liberal yönde
bir değişim geçirmiştir. Ancak bu dış politika, 2010’larda sert güce başvurulmasıyla
yeniden güvenlikleştirme sürecine yönelmiştir. Bu makale söz konusu yönelimi,
Türkiye’ye yönelik iç ve dış tehditlerin yoğunluğundaki değişimi analiz ederek
incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu analizde temel olarak, Suriye’de devam eden ve Türkiye’deki
PKK terörünün yeniden ortaya çıkışına olanak sağlayan iç savaş ve DAEŞ’in
terörist saldırıları üzerinde durulacaktır. Sonuç olarak, Türkiye’nin güney
doğu sınırını çevreleyen istikrarsız siyaset ve güvenlik ortamı, ulusal dış
politikada sert gücün kullanılmasına yol açmıştır. Önceki on yılın aksine, ülke
içi ve sınır ötesi terör tehditlerine karşı askeri güç kullanımı, ulusal
güvenlik çıkarları açısından kaçınılmaz hale gelmiştir.


  • Al Jazeera. (2017). Timeline of attacks in Turkey. (19.02.2017). (Date of Access: 20.10.2017).
  • Al-Monitor. (2017). Abadi Erdoğan meet to form Kurdistan game plan. (25.10.2017) (Date of Access: 27.10.2017).
  • Aras, B. (2009). The Davutoğlu era in Turkish foreign policy. Insight Turkey, 10 (3), 127-142.
  • Aras, B. (2014). Davutoğlu era in Turkish foreign policy revisited. Journal of Balkan and Near East Studies, 16 (4), 404-418.
  • Ayata, B. (2014). Turkish foreign policy in a changing Arab world: Rise and fall of a regional actor. Journal of European Integration, 37 (1), 95-112.
  • Aydın, M. & Açıkmeşe, S. (2007). Europeanization through EU conditionality: Understanding the new era in Turkish foreign policy. Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, 9 (3), 263-274.
  • Aydın-Düzgit, S. & Kaliber, A. (2016). Encounters with Europe in an era of domestic and international turmoil: Is Turkey a de-Europeanising candidate country? South European Society and Politics, 21 (1), 1-14.
  • Batalla, Laura. (2017). Turkey and EU at a crossroads: How to fix a wrecked relationship. Heinrich Böll Stiftung. (Date of Access: 07.08.2017).
  • Bechev, D. (2017). Turkey and Greece: Old habits die hard. Al-Jazeera. (08.12.2017). (Date of Access: 10.12.2017).
  • Berridge, G. R. & James, A. (2003). A dictionary of diplomacy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Bishku, M. (2012). Turkish Syrian relations: A checkered history. Middle East Policy Council, XIX (3). (Date of Access: 10.06.2018)
  • Bora, B. (2017). What is behind the hostility between Iran and Turkey? Al-Jazeera. (26.02.2017). (Date of Access: 10.09.2017)
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2001). Stratejik derinlik: Türkiye’nin uluslararası konumu. İstanbul: Küre Yayınları.
  • Davutoğlu, A. (2008). Turkey’s foreign policy vision: An assessment of 2007. Insight Turkey, 10 (1), 77-96. European Commission. (2005). Negotiating framework for Turkey, principles governing negotiations, article 6. framedoc_en.pdf. (Date of Access: 05.08.2017).
  • European Commission. (2016). Turkey 2016 report. Brussels. (Date of Access: 25.02.2018).
  • European Council. (2004). Brussels European council presidency conclusions, 16-17 December 2004, article 20. (Date of Access: 05.08.2017).
  • Fahim, K. & Arsu, S. (2013). Car bombings kill dozens in center of Turkish town near the Syrian border. (11.05.2013). The New York Times, (Date of Access: 25.08.2017).
  • Gürcan, M. (2017). Post-referendum Turkey: Renewed conflicts, new allies. (19.04.2017) Aljazeera. (Date of Access: 15.08.2017).
  • Heraclides, A. (2010). The Greek-Turkish conflict in the Aegean: Imagined enemies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Hürriyet Daily News. (2012). 5 killed as Syrian shell hits Turkish town. (03.10.2012). (Date of Access: 25.08.2017).
  • İdiz, S. (2017). Will Turkey, Iraq open new chapter in ties? Al-Monitor. (Date of Access: 20.08.2017).
  • İşeri, E. & Bartan, A. Ç. (2019). Turkey’s geostrategic vision and energy concerns in the Eastern Mediterranean security architecture: A view from Ankara. In T. Zenonas (Ed.), The new geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean: Trilateral partnerships and regional security (pp. 111-124). Re-imagining the Eastern Mediterranean Series: PCC Report, 3. PRIO Cyprus Centre.
  • Jakobsen, P. V. (1998). Western use of coercive diplomacy after the cold war a challenge for theory and practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Jenkins, G. (2010). The PKK insurgency enters a new era. The Turkey Analyst. (Date of Access: 14.08.2017).
  • Jones, D. (2017). Iranian-Turkish relations deepen with shared regional goals. Voice of America. (Date of Access: 26.11.2017).
  • Jorgensen, K.E. (2016). Foreign and security policy: A case of the politics of alignment. In A. Tekin, & A. Güney (Eds.), The Europeanization of Turkish public policies a scorecard (pp. 116-129). Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Kaarbo, J., Lantis J. S. & Beasley R. K. (2013). The analysis of foreign policy in comparative perspective. In R. K. Beasley, J. Kaarbo, J. S. Lantis & M. T. Snarr (Eds.), Foreign policy in comparative perspective, domestic and international influences on state behaviour (pp. 1-26). Los Angeles: Sage, CQ Press.
  • Karacasulu, N. & Aşkar-Karakır, İ. (2011). Iran-Turkey relations in the 2000s: Pragmatic rapprochement. Ege Akademik Bakış, 11 (1), 111-119.
  • Kardaş, Ş. (2009). Merkel and Sarkozy call for privileged partnership angers Turkey. Eurasia Daily Monitor, 6 (92). (Date of Access: 12.03.2018).
  • Kayhan, Pusane Ö. (2016). Turkey’s changing relations with the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Government. Middle East Review of International Affairs, 20 (2), 20-28.
  • Keohane R. O. & Nye, J. S. (1989) Power and interdependence: World politics in transition. Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman and Co.
  • Ker-Lindsay, J. (2000). Greek-Turkish rapprochement: The impact of disaster diplomacy? Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 14 (1), 215-232.
  • Keyman, F. (2017). Turkey’s choice: Responding to security challenges through humanitarian norms with a revitalized EU anchor. International Politics, 54 (4), 453-467.
  • Kirişci, K. (2004). The Kurdish question and Turkish foreign policy. In L. D. Martin & D. Keridis (Eds.), The future of Turkish foreign policy (pp. 277-314). Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Kirişçi, K. (2006). Turkey’s foreign policy in turbulent times. EU-ISS Chaillot Paper, No. 92. (Date of Access: 18.08.2017).
  • Kuru, T. A. (2012) Turkey, Iran and Sunni-Shiite tension. Brookings Institute. (Date of Access: 16.08.2017).
  • Major, C. (2005). Europeanization and foreign and security policy: Undermining or rescuing the nation state? Politics, 25 (3), 175-190.
  • McCurdy, D. (2008). Turkish-Iranian Relations: When the opposites attract. Turkish Policy, 7 (2), 88-106.
  • Mufti, M. (2002). Turkish-Syrian rapprochement: Causes and consequences. The Washington Institute Policywatch No.630. (Date of Access: 15.08.2017).
  • Müftüler-Baç, M. & Gürsoy, Y. (2009). Is there a Europeanization of Turkish foreign policy? Turkish Studies, 11 (15), 405-427.
  • Nye, J. S. (2016). What is power in global affairs? In R. J. Art & R. Jervis (Eds.) International politics enduring concepts and contemporary issues (pp. 41-48). New York: Pearson.
  • Oğuzlu, T. (2016). Turkish foreign policy at the nexus of changing international and regional dynamics. Turkish Studies, 17 (1), 58-67.
  • Okur, Y. (2017). Around 44 civilians killed in PKK attacks across Turkey. Anadolu Ajansı. (Date of Access: 30.12.2017).
  • Ovalı, A. Ş. (2012). From Europeanization to re-nationalization: Contextual parameters of change in Turkish foreign policy. Studia Europaea, (3), 17-38.
  • Öniş, Z. & Kutlay M. (2019). Global shifts and the limits of the EU’s transformative power in the European periphery: Comparative perspectives from Hungary and Turkey. Government and Opposition, 54 (2), 226-253.
  • Özek, C. I. C. & Oğuzlu, T. (2013). Beyond the institutional logics: International level systemic analysis of EU-Turkish relations. Turkish Studies, 14 (4), 688-708.
  • Radaelli, M. C. (2000). Whither Europeanisation? Concept stretching and substantive change. European Integration Online Papers, 4. (Date of Access: 03.08.2017).
  • Renda, K. K. (2011). Turkey’s neighbourhood policy: An emerging complex interdependence? Insight Turkey, 13 (1), 89-108.
  • Russia Today. (2013). First NATO Patriot battery goes operational in Turkey. (26.01.2013). (Date of Access: 25.08.2017).
  • Sadık, G. (2008). Iran and Turkey move closer on counter-terrorism cooperation. Jamestown Foundation. (Date of Access: 17.08.2017).
  • Smith, H. (2004). Greeks vote down Cyprus unity plan. The Guardian. (25.04.2004). (Date of Access: 07.09.2017).
  • Smith, H. (2017). Erdoğan stuns Greek hosts on Athens visit. The Guardian. (07.12.2017). (Date of Access: 15.12.2017).
  • The Economist. (2017). Why Turkey and Greece cannot reconcile? (14.12.2017) (Date of Access: 15.12.2017).
  • The Guardian. (2017). Greek and Turkish warships in standoff in Aegean Sea. (30.01.2017) (Date of Access: 16.12.2017).
  • TRT World. (2019). One year since Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch in Syria. (Date of Access: 15.06.2019)
  • Wintour, P. (2017). Putin brings Iran and Turkey together in bold Syria Peace Plan. The Guardian. (22.11.2017). (Date of Access: 27.11.2017).
There are 56 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Müge Aknur 0000-0002-1407-7047

Tuğcan Durmuşlar 0000-0003-2889-0247

Publication Date December 19, 2019
Submission Date May 20, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 21 Issue: 4


APA Aknur, M., & Durmuşlar, T. (2019). TURKEY’S CHANGING SECURITY ENVIRONMENT AND TRANSFORMATION OF TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 21(4), 1355-1376.